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Cat Program

Would this be a valid cat program in Nellephant?

    attract 0 0

# First, set up a counter
# :cnt_l is the left pointer and current value
# :cnt_r is the right pointer and next value

attract :cnt_r 1

# cnt_l starts at 0
# cnt_r starts at 1

handle :loop

:copy_query query :cnt_l # JMP if 0

# Didn't jump, bit is 1
output '1    
:copy_crash CRASH # JMP end

# Jumped, bit is 0
handle :copy_query
output '0

handle :copy_crash

repel :cnt_l :cnt_r # Increment :cnt_r by 1

:end_loop attract 3 :cnt_r # Crashes if cnt_r == 3 == End of input array
repel 3 :cnt_r # Revert last line if it didn't crash

attract :cnt_r :cnt_l # Increment :cnt_l by 1

:loop CRASH

handle :end_loop

-- Davipb (talk) 13:06, 5 August 2019 (UTC)

Regular expresion output

One idea I have of a variant is: Add a command to test if the output matches a regular expression; if it does not match then the thread is removed without possibility of being handled. Maybe also add a command that does if it does match instead of if it does not match. --Zzo38 (talk) 06:12, 6 June 2021 (UTC)