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The title of this article is not correct because of technical limitations. The correct title is actually ---|===>.


---|===> is an esolang created by User:AnotherUser05, which uses swords. The number of - corresponds to a command, and the number of = corresponds to an input.


Commands with * requires a sword with zero =.

Number of Hyphens Command Number of Equals Input
1 * Start a new value. 1-10 Numbers 0-9.
2 Add input to value. 11 Most recent value.
3 Output a value (ASCII character). 12 User's input.
4 Begin a fixed loop. 13-15 =, <, and >.
5 * Begin an infinite loop. 16 Random number between 0 and 255.
6 * Start of an operation declaration.
7 * End of an operation declaration, start of an if block.
8 * End of a code block.

Any other characters are ignored, you can use these as comments.


Truth Machine


Hello World

-|> H
-|> e
----|===> repeat 2 times
-|> l
--------|> end
-|> o
-|> ,
-|> space
-|> W
-|> o
-|> r
-|> l
-|> d
-|> !

Cat Program


Not Finite Loop


Fixed Repeating Output
