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stupidBASIC is an interpreted stupid programming language that is part of the stupid programming language family. It is syntactically similar to BASIC dialects, but operates similar to Asparagus assembly.


stupidBASIC has a very basic syntax structure;

command [argument]

...where command is the first non-space character up until the next space character, and argument is the rest of the line. Unlike any other programming language in the stupid family, stupidBASIC does not remove whitespace characters, so this means that store this is a variable is actually different from store thisisavariable.[1] When a variable or a number is needed, anything starting with a number will be treated as so, anything else will be treated as a variable.

Like Asparagus, variables in stupidBASIC are all treated as strings, and converted to numbers when needed. Unlike Asparagus, however, variables are not bound to a specific range; you can have as many variables as you want, each with unique names. They are automatically defined the first time they are used.

There is one "special" variable, the accumulator. This operates in the same way as practically any other language/bytecode with an accumulator; operations are done to it, then stored to a variable.

  • Important note: Don't trust the accumulator to stay the same for long periods of time; certain commands can change it without you knowing!


Memory and I/O

  • load loads a variable into the accumulator.
  • store stores the accumulator to a variable.
  • set sets the accumulator to a certain value.
  • get gets a "special" variable and puts the result in the accumulator. See Special Variables for more information.
  • print prints the accumulator to the screen, or if newline is specified, then it prints a new line.
  • say prints text to the screen.
  • ask prompts the user with a string to input a value/string. The output is stored in the accumulator.
  • newline appends the accumulator with a new line, since there is no other way to do so.
  • append appends the accumulator.

Control and branching

  • if executes the code inside the block, ending with end if, if the accumulator is equal to the argument.
    • ifeq is an alias for this.
    • ifne runs the block if the two are not equal.
    • iflt runs the block if the accumulator is less than the argument.
    • ifgt runs the block if the accumulator is more than the argument.
    • ifle runs the block if the accumulator is less than or equal to the argument.
    • ifge runs the block if the accumulator is more than or equal to the argument.
    • ifidk runs the block if the interpreter feels like it.
  • loop executes the code inside the block, ending with end loop, continuously until an exit loop is called.
  • program defines a routine with the code inside the block, ending with end program, that can be called with do [subroutine name].
    • If no value is specified, the code block is the default code block to run, much like onreset in stupidc or main() in C/C++.
  • end defines the end of the block specified by the argument.
    • Possible values are if, loop, program, or blank. Note that using no argument can screw up the interpreter badly when exit is used with a specific block name.
  • exit exits out of a specified code block.
    • Possible values are if, loop, program, or blank. Leaving it blank just exits out of the current block. Note that using end with no argument can screw up the interpreter badly when exit is used with a specific block name.
  • do runs the corresponding code defined by program, then returns.


  • add adds to the accumulator.
  • subtract subtracts from the accumulator.
  • multiply multiplies the accumulator. [2]
  • divide divides the accumulator. [2]
  • modulo does a modulo operation on the accumulator. [2]


  • rem is a comment.

Special Variables

Special variables are variables that can be accessed via the get command. So far, there are five special variables:

  • random generates a random floating-point number between 0-1.
  • key is the last key press since the last time it was called or the program started. If there are no keys in the buffer, it returns a blank string.
  • key and wait waits for a key press and then puts it in the accumulator.
  • timer is the time since the program started in seconds.
  • time is the time since midnight according to the computer's clock, in seconds.

Error catching

There are errors, and they occur more than I'd like to admit.

Moving on.

Sample programs

Hello, world!

 say Hello, world!
end program


 get key and wait
end program

99 bottles of beer on the wall

rem Initialize "count"
  set 99
  store count
rem Initialize "bottles" because it saves time
rem Notice the two spaces in between "set" and "bottles." This ensures that the string starts with a leading space.
  set  bottles of beer
  store bottles

rem Main loop
rem Print it once (with the little bit at the end too)
   load count
   load bottles
   say  on the wall,
   print newline

rem Print it twice,
   load count
   load bottles
   say .
   print newline

   say Take one down, pass it around,

rem Decrement count
   load count
   subtract 1

rem When we're at the end...
   if 0
    say There are no more bottles of beer on the wall!
    print newline
    exit program
   end if

rem Otherwise...
   store count
   load bottles
   say .
   print newline
  end loop
 end program


The interpreter can be found at


  1. In both stupidc and stupidexpr, these variables will be treated as the same variable.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Note: this command is planned to be removed from the interpreter, for extra stupidity.