
Staq is an esoteric programming language by User:Madk in which operations are done using a stack. It is characterized by its fairly unique take on program flow, which allows intertwined loops and instruction overrides among other oddities. The language has robust access to two separate double-ended stacks, and can be shown to be Turing-complete when using just one.
& place a new zero value on the top of the stack x throw out the top stack value X throw out the second stack value i increment the top stack value d decrement the top stack value q square the top stack value , bit shift the top stack value left . bit shift the top stack value right < rotate top stack value bits left ~ binary not operation on top stack value @ swap the top and second stack values $ move the top stack value to the bottom s move the bottom stack value to the top + add the top and second stack values and place the result in a new value on top of the stack - subtract the second from the top stack value * multiply the top and second stack values / divide the top by the second stack value % modulo the top by the second stack value > boolean is the top value greater than the second, new value is put on top of the stack = boolean is the top value equal to the second, new value is put on top of the stack [ jump to corresponding ] if the top stack value is 0 (or if it does not exist) ] jump back to corresponding [ if the top stack value is greater than 0 ( jump to corresponding ) if the top stack value is greater then 0 ) jump back to corresponding ( if the top stack value is 0 (or if it does not exist) ? execute the following command if the top stack value is greater than 0 ! execute the following command if the top stack value is 0 : output the topmost stack value to the console as a number ; output the topmost stack value to the console as a character ' put an inputted number on top of the stack ` put an inputted character on top of the stack n put the total number of values currently in the stack into a new value on top of the stack " print the following characters to the console, until another " is encountered | swap the active and passive stacks t copy the topmost value of the active stack and place it on top of the passive stack
You can also define functions by using the {} characters. For example,
{u &+X}
would cause all following instances of the character "u" to be replaced with the code "&+X" when interpreting. Note: {} can be nested. To ignore a character's assigned function and instead perform the default, precede the character in question with a '_'
- Default commands can be overridden.
- Including a character itself inside its definition will result in recursion.
- If a character is assigned blank data (for example, {*}) it would return to its default purpose. (In this case, * would become the normal multiplication operation rather than whatever inanity you've had assigned to it.)
- Overriding { is generally a bad idea, though it is not illegal.
- Defining a character inside its own definition may or may not result in weirdness.
Do something like this to make a comment:
&[ this is a comment ]x
Hello, world!
"Hello, world!"
99 Bottles
{\&iiiqi;x}&iiiqiqdd [i:" bottles of beer on the wall, ":" bottles of beer."\"Take one down, pass it around. "d:" bottles of beer on the wall."\d] "1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer."\"Take it down, pass it around. No more bottles of beer on the wall."\
Collatz sequence
{\&iiiqi;x}&&ii"Input a number to determine its Collatz sequence: "' [d[si$i:\%($/Xs?)[$@i@*iX@d@s!]xd]i:\!] "Total numbers in sequence: "si:
Fibonacci sequence
{\&iiiqi;x}"Calculating the first 24 numbers of the Fibonacci sequence."\ &i&i:\&iiqiqdd[d$:\+$Xss]
Deadfish implementation with Hello, world! example
&iiqqq&{o:&iiiqi;@X}{T-!@_x}{i_iT}{D_d}{d?DT}{sqT}{ks}{xi}{co}{>id} iisiiiisiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiooiiio dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddo dddddddddddddddddddddsddoddddddddoiiioddddddoddddddddo
Temperature conversion
&("Convert C -> F (input 0) or F -> C (input 1)? "' (&iiqi&iiiq"How many degrees Centigrade? "'*XX/&iiqiiqdddd+"Result: ":" degrees Fahrenheit"xxxxx?) [&iiiq&iiqi"How many degrees Fahrenheit? "'*XX/&iiqiiqdddd-"Result: ":" degrees Centigrade"xxxxx!] &iiiqi;;xx)
Computational class
Staq can be proven to be Turing-complete through a skewed form of reduction; a brainfuck program with finite length but unbounded values (which is enough for Turing completeness) can be reproduced in Staq by placing
at the beginning of the program. This allows an arbitrary memory tape size when moving to the right, but won't move left of the origin.
For a bounded tape that wraps, the code
has a tape size of 256 which adjustable by altering the &iiqqq portion to generate a different number.
Hello, world! brainfuck example
{>|n?xtx|}{<n?xtx}{+i}{-d}{,`}{.;}&|& >+++++++++[<++++++++>-]<.>+++++++[<++++>-]<+.+++++++..+++.>>>++++++++[<++++>-]<.>>>++++++++++[<+++++++++>-]<---.<<<<.+++.------.--------.>>+.