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SquidScript is an esoteric programming language, where each keyword is a sound or noise from the Nintendo game series Splatoon.


SquidScript was originally designed as a simplistic language with few keywords. However, the scope of the project kept increasing and it is now a fully featured programming language. Featuring loops, functions, variables, arrays, non-linear arrays, reading terminal input and arbitrary lua code execution. On systems with stty (predominantly Unix-based systems), it is even possible to read singe byte characters from the terminal. Allowing one to program small games in the terminal. The language was created in September 2023.


If the first non-whitespace character is a hash (#), it that line will be ignored in the interpreter. Effectively creating a comment.

Values in SquidScript are defined as follows:

Type Description
@CURRENT_LINE Returns the value of the program counter.
Any float convertable value Returns the number
'x Returns the byte of the character x (in this example, x, but any other single character is valid too)
A variable name The value the variable contains

The full instruction set available for SquidScript:

Cmd Description
woomy name value Creates a variable name with value.
woomy name operation value Applies the operation to name, where the first operand is the value of name, and the 2nd operand is value.
veemo array Creates an array named array.
veemo array from: string-sequence Creates an array named array, and fills it automatically with the string-sequence.
veemo# array name Returns the length of the array (assuming the array is linear, if it is not, it will return the longest linear sequence) and stores it in name.
veemo value -> array [index] Stores the value into the indexof array.
veemo name <- array [index] Retrieves the value in index of array and stores it in name.
booyah! value Outputs the value to the terminal as a number. Aka booyah! 'A would display 65.
booyah? value Outputs the value to the terminal as a character. Aka booyah? 66 would display B.
booyah!! array Outputs the content of array as a string to the terminal. If the array is non-linear, it will print out the longest linear sequence.
thisway@ value Sets the program counter to the value
thisway! operand-a operation operand-b Performs an calculation with operand-a and operand-b, using operation. If the return value is anything ""BUT"" 0, it will execute the code until the matching ngyes or help! is encountered.
help! Equal to else in any other language.
oomy operand-a operation operand-b Performs an calculation with operand-a and operand-b, using operation. If the return value is anything ""BUT"" 0, it will execute the code until the matching ngyes is encountered, at which point it will loop until the calculation be 0.
ngyes Ends the codeblock for oomy and thisway!.
ouch! name Defines a function with name. Functions may not be defined within eachother.
ouch@ name Invokes the function name.
ouch? Ends the function codeblock.
splat! name Reads an entire line of input and stores it into the variable name, this function is blocking.
splat? name Reads a single character of input and stores it into the variable name, this function is blocking and only works for systems with stty installed.
help!woomy name value Same as woomy, but runs before the rest of the code is interpreted. Can be used together with @CURRENT_LINE to effectively create labels one can jump too with thisway!.
grizzco array Executes lua code stored inside of array.
grizzco! input-array output-array Executes lua code stored inside of code-array, and stores the return value into a different output-array. If output-array does not exist, it will create it.


A basic example showing a fibonacci sequence calculator

ouch! fib
    thisway! n == 0
        woomy output 0
        thisway@ end_of_fib
    thisway! n == 1
        woomy output 1
        thisway@ end_of_fib
    woomy grandparent 1
    woomy parent 3

    woomy iterator 2
    oomy iterator < n
        woomy current 3
        woomy current * parent
        woomy current - grandparent
        woomy grandparent parent
        woomy parent current
        woomy iterator + 1
    woomy output current

    help!woomy end_of_fib @CURRENT_LINE

# Read input
splat! number
veemo# number input_length
booyah? 10

# Convert the character string into a value
woomy iterator 1
woomy sum 0
oomy iterator <= input_length
    veemo current <- number [iterator]
    woomy current - '0
    woomy sum * 10
    woomy sum + current
    woomy iterator + 1

# Iterate to sum times, printing each fibonacci number
woomy n 0
oomy n <= sum
    ouch@ fib
    booyah! n
    booyah? ':
    booyah? 32
    booyah! output
    booyah? 10
    woomy n + 1

Here is example code, where the user is able to play a game of singleplayer pong. This currently only works on systems with stty enabled.

woomy res_x 30
woomy res_y 10
woomy field_x res_x
woomy field_x - 1
woomy field_y res_y
woomy field_y - 1

woomy player_x 2
woomy player_y 5
woomy player_score 0

woomy ball_x 15
woomy ball_y 5
woomy ball_dir_x -1
woomy ball_dir_y 1

ouch! clear_screen
    veemo clear_screen_code from: [2J
    booyah? 27
    booyah!! clear_screen_code

# This assumes variables CURSER_X and CURSER_Y are set
ouch! set_cursor_position
    booyah? 27
    booyah? '[
    booyah! CURSER_Y
    booyah? ';
    booyah! CURSER_X
    booyah? 'H

ouch! reset_effects
    veemo reset_effects_str
    veemo 27 -> reset_effects_str [1]
    veemo '[ -> reset_effects_str [2]
    veemo '0 -> reset_effects_str [3]
    veemo 'm -> reset_effects_str [4]
    booyah!! reset_effects_str
    veemo '4 -> reset_effects_str [3]
    veemo '0 -> reset_effects_str [4]
    veemo 'm -> reset_effects_str [5]
    booyah!! reset_effects_str

ouch! draw_ball
    woomy CURSER_X ball_x
    woomy CURSER_Y ball_y
    ouch@ set_cursor_position
    booyah? 'o

ouch! draw_outline
    veemo outline
    veemo 27 -> outline [1]
    veemo '[ -> outline [2]
    veemo '4 -> outline [3]
    veemo '7 -> outline [4]
    veemo 'm -> outline [5]
    veemo 32 -> outline [6]

    woomy CURSER_X 1
    woomy CURSER_Y 1
    oomy CURSER_X <= res_x
        ouch@ set_cursor_position
        booyah!! outline
        woomy CURSER_X + 1

    woomy CURSER_X 1
    woomy CURSER_Y 1
    oomy CURSER_Y <= res_y
        ouch@ set_cursor_position
        booyah!! outline
        woomy CURSER_Y + 1

    woomy CURSER_X 1
    woomy CURSER_Y res_y
    oomy CURSER_X <= res_x
        ouch@ set_cursor_position
        booyah!! outline
        woomy CURSER_X + 1

    woomy CURSER_X res_x
    woomy CURSER_Y 1
    oomy CURSER_Y <= res_y
        ouch@ set_cursor_position
        booyah!! outline
        woomy CURSER_Y + 1

    ouch@ reset_effects

ouch! draw_player
    veemo player_cell_color
    veemo 27 -> player_cell_color [1]
    veemo '[ -> player_cell_color [2]
    veemo '1 -> player_cell_color [3]
    veemo '0 -> player_cell_color [4]
    veemo '7 -> player_cell_color [5]
    veemo 'm -> player_cell_color [6]
    veemo 32 -> player_cell_color [7]

    woomy CURSER_X player_x
    woomy CURSER_Y player_y
    ouch@ set_cursor_position
    booyah!! player_cell_color

    woomy CURSER_Y + 1
    ouch@ set_cursor_position
    booyah!! player_cell_color

    ouch@ reset_effects

ouch! draw_score
    woomy CURSER_X 1
    woomy CURSER_Y res_y
    woomy CURSER_Y + 1
    ouch@ set_cursor_position

    veemo label from: Player Score:
    booyah!! label

    booyah? 32
    booyah! player_score

ouch! simulate_ball
    woomy ball_x + ball_dir_x
    woomy ball_y + ball_dir_y

    thisway! ball_y = 1
        woomy ball_dir_y * -1
        woomy ball_y + ball_dir_y
        woomy ball_y + ball_dir_y
    thisway! ball_y = res_y
        woomy ball_dir_y * -1
        woomy ball_y + ball_dir_y
        woomy ball_y + ball_dir_y

    thisway! ball_x = 2
        thisway! ball_y >= player_y
            woomy expr player_y
            woomy expr + 1
            thisway! ball_y <= expr
                woomy ball_dir_x * -1
                woomy ball_x + ball_dir_x
                woomy ball_x + ball_dir_x
                woomy player_score + 1

    thisway! ball_x = 1
        woomy ball_dir_x -1
        woomy ball_x 15
        woomy ball_y 5
        woomy player_score 0
    thisway! ball_x = field_x
        woomy ball_dir_x * -1
        woomy ball_x + ball_dir_x
        woomy ball_x + ball_dir_x


ouch! get_player_input
    ouch@ reset_effects
    splat? input
    thisway! input = 's
        woomy player_y + 1
        thisway! player_y = 9
            woomy player_y - 1
    thisway! input = 'w
        woomy player_y - 1
        thisway! player_y = 1
            woomy player_y + 1

oomy 1 = 1
    ouch@ clear_screen
    ouch@ draw_outline
    ouch@ draw_player
    ouch@ draw_ball
    ouch@ draw_score

    woomy CURSER_X 1
    woomy CURSER_Y 1
    ouch@ set_cursor_position

    ouch@ get_player_input

    ouch@ simulate_ball


Currently, one interpreter exists, it is written in Lua. The link to it can be found here.