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Details for log entry 7,620

20:28, 27 May 2021: Salmmanfred (talk | contribs) triggered filter 9, performing the action "edit" on Flkl. Actions taken: Warn; Filter description: require new users to introduce themselves (examine)

Changes made in edit

== Flkl programming language ==
Flkl is a language made by Salmmanfred in about 3 hours
=== The spec <br> ===
|a = nothing<br>
f = load a string/int into the data<br>
p = print the data in the data<br>
q = quit<br>
m = minus (m10a)<br>
e = if the data is equall to 1 it moves to a new row (e1a)<br>
l = move to line <br>
n = new line<br>
=== Example code <br> ===
this counts down from 100 to 1 and says bruh at 90:<br>
hello world: <br>
fhello world|ap
=== Interpreter ===
fn main() {
let x = lext(readFile("test.flkl"));
let p = parses(x);
exc(p.clone(), 0, "".to_string());
pub fn readFile(names: &str) -> String {
//reads the file from names
let s = "".to_string();
let fnm = s+&names;
let contents = std::fs::read_to_string(fnm).unwrap();
return contents;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub enum TT {
pub struct Coder {
pub lex: Vec<TT>,
impl Coder {
pub fn push(&mut self, tt: TT) {
pub fn new() -> Coder {
Coder { lex: Vec::new() }
// finds the closesest TT after the current_line
pub fn next(&self, chr: &str, current_line: usize) -> usize {
let mut _retur = 0;
//what the fuck did i make here?
let x = self.lex[current_line..self.lex.len()]
.position(|x| *x == TT::char(chr.to_string()));
let mut _pos = 0;
match x {
Some(x) => {
_pos = x + current_line;
_retur = _pos;
//println!("test {}", pos);
None => {
panic!("cannot find the stop for the if");
if _retur != 0 {
return _retur;
panic!("Next not found {},{}", chr, current_line)
//this is the lexer that makes everything into a long vector of garbage that the parser then makes into a parsed vector the inter can read
pub fn lext(code: String) -> Vec<Coder> {
let mut coders: Vec<Coder> = Vec::new();
let code: Vec<&str> = code.split("n").collect();
for code in code {
let code: Vec<String> = code.chars().map(|x| x.to_string()).collect();
let code: Vec<&str> = code.iter().map(|x| x.as_str()).collect();
let mut holder = Coder::new();
for char in code.into_iter() {
match char {
"\n" => {}
a => {
} //_=> holder.push(TT::Unknown)
return coders;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub enum Command {
pub struct Parse {
pub parsed_data: Vec<Command>,
impl Parse {
pub fn new() -> Parse {
Parse {
parsed_data: Vec::new(),
pub fn push(&mut self, ty: Command) {
fn parses(code: Vec<Coder>) -> Vec<Parse> {
let mut pr: Vec<Parse> = Vec::new();
for code in code {
let mut prs = Parse::new();
let mut mof = 0;
for x in 0..code.lex.len() {
let x = x + mof;
if x >= code.lex.len() {
let ln = code.lex[x].clone();
let mut s = "".to_string();
match ln {
TT::char(a) => s.push_str(a.as_str()),
match s.as_str().clone() {
"a" => {}
"f" => {
let op = code.next("|", x);
prs.push(Command::load(col([x + 1, op], code.clone())));
mof += op - x;
"l" => {
let op = code.next("a", x);
let line = col([x + 1, op], code.clone()).parse::<usize>().unwrap();
mof += op - x;
"p" => prs.push(Command::print),
"e" => {
let op1 = code.next("|", x);
let arg1 = col([x + 1, op1], code.clone());
let op = code.next("a", x);
let arg2 = col([op1+1, op], code.clone()).parse::<usize>().unwrap();
mof += op - x;
"m" => {
let op = code.next("a", x);
let min = col([x + 1, op], code.clone()).parse::<i64>().unwrap();
mof += op - x;
a => {
panic!("not implemented {},{},{}", a, mof, x)
fn col(x: [usize; 2], code: Coder) -> String {
let mut str = "".to_string();
for x in x[0]..x[1] {
match code.lex[x].clone() {
TT::char(a) => {
fn exc(ps: Vec<Parse>, i: usize, data: String) {
let p = ps[i].clone();
let mut data = data;
for x in p.parsed_data.clone() {
match x {
Command::load(s) => {
data = s;
Command::print => {
println!("{}", data);
Command::moveline(a) => {
exc(ps.clone(), a, data.clone());
Command::If(a,b) => {
if data == a {
exc(ps.clone(), b, data.clone());
Command::minus(s) => {
if data.parse::<i64>().is_ok() {
let d = data.parse::<i64>().unwrap();
let d = d - s;
data = d.to_string();
Command::quit =>{
_ => {

Action parameters

Edit count of the user (user_editcount)
Name of the user account (user_name)
Age of the user account (user_age)
Page ID (page_id)
Page namespace (page_namespace)
Page title (without namespace) (page_title)
Full page title (page_prefixedtitle)
Action (action)
Edit summary/reason (summary)
Old content model (old_content_model)
New content model (new_content_model)
Old page wikitext, before the edit (old_wikitext)
New page wikitext, after the edit (new_wikitext)
'== Flkl programming language == <br> Flkl is a language made by Salmmanfred in about 3 hours === The spec <br> === |a = nothing<br> f = load a string/int into the data<br> p = print the data in the data<br> q = quit<br> m = minus (m10a)<br> e = if the data is equall to 1 it moves to a new row (e1a)<br> l = move to line <br> n = new line<br> === Example code <br> === this counts down from 100 to 1 and says bruh at 90:<br> f100|al1a npm1ae0|2ae90|3al1a nq nfbruh|apf89|al1a hello world: <br> fhello world|ap === Interpreter === fn main() { let x = lext(readFile("test.flkl")); let p = parses(x); exc(p.clone(), 0, "".to_string()); } pub fn readFile(names: &str) -> String { //reads the file from names let s = "".to_string(); let fnm = s+&names; let contents = std::fs::read_to_string(fnm).unwrap(); return contents; } #[allow(dead_code)] #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)] pub enum TT { char(String), } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Coder { pub lex: Vec<TT>, } impl Coder { pub fn push(&mut self, tt: TT) { self.lex.push(tt); } pub fn new() -> Coder { Coder { lex: Vec::new() } } // finds the closesest TT after the current_line pub fn next(&self, chr: &str, current_line: usize) -> usize { let mut _retur = 0; //what the fuck did i make here? let x = self.lex[current_line..self.lex.len()] .iter() .position(|x| *x == TT::char(chr.to_string())); let mut _pos = 0; match x { Some(x) => { _pos = x + current_line; _retur = _pos; //println!("test {}", pos); } None => { panic!("cannot find the stop for the if"); } } if _retur != 0 { return _retur; } panic!("Next not found {},{}", chr, current_line) } } //this is the lexer that makes everything into a long vector of garbage that the parser then makes into a parsed vector the inter can read pub fn lext(code: String) -> Vec<Coder> { let mut coders: Vec<Coder> = Vec::new(); let code: Vec<&str> = code.split("n").collect(); for code in code { let code: Vec<String> = code.chars().map(|x| x.to_string()).collect(); let code: Vec<&str> = code.iter().map(|x| x.as_str()).collect(); let mut holder = Coder::new(); for char in code.into_iter() { match char { "\n" => {} a => { holder.push(TT::char(a.to_string())); } //_=> holder.push(TT::Unknown) } } coders.push(holder); } return coders; } #[allow(dead_code)] #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)] pub enum Command { print, minus(i64), moveline(usize), clear, quit, load(String), If(String,usize), } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Parse { pub parsed_data: Vec<Command>, } impl Parse { pub fn new() -> Parse { Parse { parsed_data: Vec::new(), } } pub fn push(&mut self, ty: Command) { self.parsed_data.push(ty); } } fn parses(code: Vec<Coder>) -> Vec<Parse> { let mut pr: Vec<Parse> = Vec::new(); for code in code { let mut prs = Parse::new(); let mut mof = 0; for x in 0..code.lex.len() { let x = x + mof; if x >= code.lex.len() { break; } let ln = code.lex[x].clone(); let mut s = "".to_string(); match ln { TT::char(a) => s.push_str(a.as_str()), } match s.as_str().clone() { "a" => {} "f" => { let op = code.next("|", x); prs.push(Command::load(col([x + 1, op], code.clone()))); mof += op - x; } "l" => { let op = code.next("a", x); let line = col([x + 1, op], code.clone()).parse::<usize>().unwrap(); prs.push(Command::moveline(line)); mof += op - x; } "p" => prs.push(Command::print), "e" => { let op1 = code.next("|", x); let arg1 = col([x + 1, op1], code.clone()); let op = code.next("a", x); let arg2 = col([op1+1, op], code.clone()).parse::<usize>().unwrap(); //panic!("{}",arg2); prs.push(Command::If(arg1,arg2)); mof += op - x; } "m" => { let op = code.next("a", x); let min = col([x + 1, op], code.clone()).parse::<i64>().unwrap(); prs.push(Command::minus(min)); mof += op - x; } "q"=>prs.push(Command::quit), a => { panic!("not implemented {},{},{}", a, mof, x) } } } pr.push(prs); } pr } fn col(x: [usize; 2], code: Coder) -> String { let mut str = "".to_string(); for x in x[0]..x[1] { match code.lex[x].clone() { TT::char(a) => { str.push_str(a.as_str()); } } } str } fn exc(ps: Vec<Parse>, i: usize, data: String) { let p = ps[i].clone(); let mut data = data; for x in p.parsed_data.clone() { match x { Command::load(s) => { data = s; } Command::print => { println!("{}", data); } Command::moveline(a) => { exc(ps.clone(), a, data.clone()); break; } Command::If(a,b) => { if data == a { exc(ps.clone(), b, data.clone()); break; } } Command::minus(s) => { if data.parse::<i64>().is_ok() { let d = data.parse::<i64>().unwrap(); let d = d - s; data = d.to_string(); } } Command::quit =>{ panic!("quit"); } _ => { panic!("idiot"); } } } } <br> [[Category:Implemented]] [[Category:Interpreted]] [[Category:Languages]] [[Category:2021]]'
Unified diff of changes made by edit (edit_diff)
'@@ -1,0 +1,237 @@ +== Flkl programming language == +<br> +Flkl is a language made by Salmmanfred in about 3 hours + +=== The spec <br> === +|a = nothing<br> +f = load a string/int into the data<br> +p = print the data in the data<br> +q = quit<br> +m = minus (m10a)<br> +e = if the data is equall to 1 it moves to a new row (e1a)<br> +l = move to line <br> +n = new line<br> +=== Example code <br> === +this counts down from 100 to 1 and says bruh at 90:<br> + f100|al1a + npm1ae0|2ae90|3al1a + nq + nfbruh|apf89|al1a + +hello world: <br> + fhello world|ap + + +=== Interpreter === + fn main() { + let x = lext(readFile("test.flkl")); + let p = parses(x); + exc(p.clone(), 0, "".to_string()); + } + pub fn readFile(names: &str) -> String { + //reads the file from names + let s = "".to_string(); + let fnm = s+&names; + let contents = std::fs::read_to_string(fnm).unwrap(); + return contents; + + } + + #[allow(dead_code)] + #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)] + pub enum TT { + char(String), + } + #[derive(Clone)] + pub struct Coder { + pub lex: Vec<TT>, + } + impl Coder { + pub fn push(&mut self, tt: TT) { + self.lex.push(tt); + } + pub fn new() -> Coder { + Coder { lex: Vec::new() } + } + // finds the closesest TT after the current_line + pub fn next(&self, chr: &str, current_line: usize) -> usize { + let mut _retur = 0; + //what the fuck did i make here? + let x = self.lex[current_line..self.lex.len()] + .iter() + .position(|x| *x == TT::char(chr.to_string())); + let mut _pos = 0; + match x { + Some(x) => { + _pos = x + current_line; + _retur = _pos; + //println!("test {}", pos); + } + None => { + panic!("cannot find the stop for the if"); + } + } + if _retur != 0 { + return _retur; + } + panic!("Next not found {},{}", chr, current_line) + } + } + //this is the lexer that makes everything into a long vector of garbage that the parser then makes into a parsed vector the inter can read + pub fn lext(code: String) -> Vec<Coder> { + let mut coders: Vec<Coder> = Vec::new(); + let code: Vec<&str> = code.split("n").collect(); + for code in code { + let code: Vec<String> = code.chars().map(|x| x.to_string()).collect(); + let code: Vec<&str> = code.iter().map(|x| x.as_str()).collect(); + let mut holder = Coder::new(); + for char in code.into_iter() { + match char { + "\n" => {} + a => { + holder.push(TT::char(a.to_string())); + } //_=> holder.push(TT::Unknown) + } + } + coders.push(holder); + } + return coders; + } + #[allow(dead_code)] + #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)] + pub enum Command { + print, + minus(i64), + moveline(usize), + clear, + quit, + load(String), + If(String,usize), + } + #[derive(Clone)] + pub struct Parse { + pub parsed_data: Vec<Command>, + } + impl Parse { + pub fn new() -> Parse { + Parse { + parsed_data: Vec::new(), + } + } + pub fn push(&mut self, ty: Command) { + self.parsed_data.push(ty); + } + } + + fn parses(code: Vec<Coder>) -> Vec<Parse> { + let mut pr: Vec<Parse> = Vec::new(); + for code in code { + let mut prs = Parse::new(); + let mut mof = 0; + for x in 0..code.lex.len() { + let x = x + mof; + if x >= code.lex.len() { + break; + } + let ln = code.lex[x].clone(); + let mut s = "".to_string(); + + match ln { + TT::char(a) => s.push_str(a.as_str()), + } + match s.as_str().clone() { + "a" => {} + "f" => { + let op = code.next("|", x); + prs.push(Command::load(col([x + 1, op], code.clone()))); + mof += op - x; + } + "l" => { + let op = code.next("a", x); + let line = col([x + 1, op], code.clone()).parse::<usize>().unwrap(); + prs.push(Command::moveline(line)); + mof += op - x; + } + "p" => prs.push(Command::print), + "e" => { + let op1 = code.next("|", x); + let arg1 = col([x + 1, op1], code.clone()); + let op = code.next("a", x); + let arg2 = col([op1+1, op], code.clone()).parse::<usize>().unwrap(); + //panic!("{}",arg2); + prs.push(Command::If(arg1,arg2)); + mof += op - x; + } + "m" => { + let op = code.next("a", x); + let min = col([x + 1, op], code.clone()).parse::<i64>().unwrap(); + prs.push(Command::minus(min)); + mof += op - x; + } + "q"=>prs.push(Command::quit), + + a => { + panic!("not implemented {},{},{}", a, mof, x) + } + } + } + pr.push(prs); + } + pr + } + fn col(x: [usize; 2], code: Coder) -> String { + let mut str = "".to_string(); + for x in x[0]..x[1] { + match code.lex[x].clone() { + TT::char(a) => { + str.push_str(a.as_str()); + } + } + } + str + } + fn exc(ps: Vec<Parse>, i: usize, data: String) { + let p = ps[i].clone(); + let mut data = data; + for x in p.parsed_data.clone() { + match x { + Command::load(s) => { + data = s; + } + Command::print => { + println!("{}", data); + } + Command::moveline(a) => { + exc(ps.clone(), a, data.clone()); + break; + } + Command::If(a,b) => { + + if data == a { + exc(ps.clone(), b, data.clone()); + break; + } + + } + Command::minus(s) => { + if data.parse::<i64>().is_ok() { + let d = data.parse::<i64>().unwrap(); + let d = d - s; + data = d.to_string(); + } + } + Command::quit =>{ + panic!("quit"); + } + + _ => { + panic!("idiot"); + } + } + } + } +<br> +[[Category:Implemented]] +[[Category:Interpreted]] +[[Category:Languages]] +[[Category:2021]] '
New page size (new_size)
Old page size (old_size)
Lines added in edit (added_lines)
[ 0 => '== Flkl programming language ==', 1 => '<br>', 2 => 'Flkl is a language made by Salmmanfred in about 3 hours ', 3 => '', 4 => '=== The spec <br> ===', 5 => '|a = nothing<br>', 6 => 'f = load a string/int into the data<br>', 7 => 'p = print the data in the data<br>', 8 => 'q = quit<br>', 9 => 'm = minus (m10a)<br>', 10 => 'e = if the data is equall to 1 it moves to a new row (e1a)<br>', 11 => 'l = move to line <br>', 12 => 'n = new line<br>', 13 => '=== Example code <br> ===', 14 => 'this counts down from 100 to 1 and says bruh at 90:<br>', 15 => ' f100|al1a', 16 => ' npm1ae0|2ae90|3al1a', 17 => ' nq', 18 => ' nfbruh|apf89|al1a', 19 => '', 20 => 'hello world: <br>', 21 => ' fhello world|ap', 22 => '', 23 => ' ', 24 => '=== Interpreter ===', 25 => ' fn main() {', 26 => ' let x = lext(readFile("test.flkl"));', 27 => ' let p = parses(x);', 28 => ' exc(p.clone(), 0, "".to_string());', 29 => ' }', 30 => ' pub fn readFile(names: &str) -> String {', 31 => ' //reads the file from names', 32 => ' let s = "".to_string();', 33 => ' let fnm = s+&names;', 34 => ' let contents = std::fs::read_to_string(fnm).unwrap();', 35 => ' return contents;', 36 => ' ', 37 => ' }', 38 => ' ', 39 => ' #[allow(dead_code)]', 40 => ' #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]', 41 => ' pub enum TT {', 42 => ' char(String),', 43 => ' }', 44 => ' #[derive(Clone)]', 45 => ' pub struct Coder {', 46 => ' pub lex: Vec<TT>,', 47 => ' }', 48 => ' impl Coder {', 49 => ' pub fn push(&mut self, tt: TT) {', 50 => ' self.lex.push(tt);', 51 => ' }', 52 => ' pub fn new() -> Coder {', 53 => ' Coder { lex: Vec::new() }', 54 => ' }', 55 => ' // finds the closesest TT after the current_line', 56 => ' pub fn next(&self, chr: &str, current_line: usize) -> usize {', 57 => ' let mut _retur = 0;', 58 => ' //what the fuck did i make here? ', 59 => ' let x = self.lex[current_line..self.lex.len()]', 60 => ' .iter()', 61 => ' .position(|x| *x == TT::char(chr.to_string()));', 62 => ' let mut _pos = 0;', 63 => ' match x {', 64 => ' Some(x) => {', 65 => ' _pos = x + current_line;', 66 => ' _retur = _pos;', 67 => ' //println!("test {}", pos);', 68 => ' }', 69 => ' None => {', 70 => ' panic!("cannot find the stop for the if");', 71 => ' }', 72 => ' }', 73 => ' if _retur != 0 {', 74 => ' return _retur;', 75 => ' }', 76 => ' panic!("Next not found {},{}", chr, current_line)', 77 => ' }', 78 => ' }', 79 => ' //this is the lexer that makes everything into a long vector of garbage that the parser then makes into a parsed vector the inter can read', 80 => ' pub fn lext(code: String) -> Vec<Coder> {', 81 => ' let mut coders: Vec<Coder> = Vec::new();', 82 => ' let code: Vec<&str> = code.split("n").collect();', 83 => ' for code in code {', 84 => ' let code: Vec<String> = code.chars().map(|x| x.to_string()).collect();', 85 => ' let code: Vec<&str> = code.iter().map(|x| x.as_str()).collect();', 86 => ' let mut holder = Coder::new();', 87 => ' for char in code.into_iter() {', 88 => ' match char {', 89 => ' "\n" => {}', 90 => ' a => {', 91 => ' holder.push(TT::char(a.to_string()));', 92 => ' } //_=> holder.push(TT::Unknown)', 93 => ' }', 94 => ' }', 95 => ' coders.push(holder);', 96 => ' }', 97 => ' return coders;', 98 => ' }', 99 => ' #[allow(dead_code)]', 100 => ' #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]', 101 => ' pub enum Command {', 102 => ' print,', 103 => ' minus(i64),', 104 => ' moveline(usize),', 105 => ' clear,', 106 => ' quit,', 107 => ' load(String),', 108 => ' If(String,usize),', 109 => ' }', 110 => ' #[derive(Clone)]', 111 => ' pub struct Parse {', 112 => ' pub parsed_data: Vec<Command>,', 113 => ' }', 114 => ' impl Parse {', 115 => ' pub fn new() -> Parse {', 116 => ' Parse {', 117 => ' parsed_data: Vec::new(),', 118 => ' }', 119 => ' }', 120 => ' pub fn push(&mut self, ty: Command) {', 121 => ' self.parsed_data.push(ty);', 122 => ' }', 123 => ' }', 124 => ' ', 125 => ' fn parses(code: Vec<Coder>) -> Vec<Parse> {', 126 => ' let mut pr: Vec<Parse> = Vec::new();', 127 => ' for code in code {', 128 => ' let mut prs = Parse::new();', 129 => ' let mut mof = 0;', 130 => ' for x in 0..code.lex.len() {', 131 => ' let x = x + mof;', 132 => ' if x >= code.lex.len() {', 133 => ' break;', 134 => ' }', 135 => ' let ln = code.lex[x].clone();', 136 => ' let mut s = "".to_string();', 137 => ' ', 138 => ' match ln {', 139 => ' TT::char(a) => s.push_str(a.as_str()),', 140 => ' }', 141 => ' match s.as_str().clone() {', 142 => ' "a" => {}', 143 => ' "f" => {', 144 => ' let op = code.next("|", x);', 145 => ' prs.push(Command::load(col([x + 1, op], code.clone())));', 146 => ' mof += op - x;', 147 => ' }', 148 => ' "l" => {', 149 => ' let op = code.next("a", x);', 150 => ' let line = col([x + 1, op], code.clone()).parse::<usize>().unwrap();', 151 => ' prs.push(Command::moveline(line));', 152 => ' mof += op - x;', 153 => ' }', 154 => ' "p" => prs.push(Command::print),', 155 => ' "e" => {', 156 => ' let op1 = code.next("|", x);', 157 => ' let arg1 = col([x + 1, op1], code.clone());', 158 => ' let op = code.next("a", x);', 159 => ' let arg2 = col([op1+1, op], code.clone()).parse::<usize>().unwrap();', 160 => ' //panic!("{}",arg2);', 161 => ' prs.push(Command::If(arg1,arg2));', 162 => ' mof += op - x;', 163 => ' }', 164 => ' "m" => {', 165 => ' let op = code.next("a", x);', 166 => ' let min = col([x + 1, op], code.clone()).parse::<i64>().unwrap();', 167 => ' prs.push(Command::minus(min));', 168 => ' mof += op - x;', 169 => ' }', 170 => ' "q"=>prs.push(Command::quit),', 171 => ' ', 172 => ' a => {', 173 => ' panic!("not implemented {},{},{}", a, mof, x)', 174 => ' }', 175 => ' }', 176 => ' }', 177 => ' pr.push(prs);', 178 => ' }', 179 => ' pr', 180 => ' }', 181 => ' fn col(x: [usize; 2], code: Coder) -> String {', 182 => ' let mut str = "".to_string();', 183 => ' for x in x[0]..x[1] {', 184 => ' match code.lex[x].clone() {', 185 => ' TT::char(a) => {', 186 => ' str.push_str(a.as_str());', 187 => ' }', 188 => ' }', 189 => ' }', 190 => ' str', 191 => ' }', 192 => ' fn exc(ps: Vec<Parse>, i: usize, data: String) {', 193 => ' let p = ps[i].clone();', 194 => ' let mut data = data;', 195 => ' for x in p.parsed_data.clone() {', 196 => ' match x {', 197 => ' Command::load(s) => {', 198 => ' data = s;', 199 => ' }', 200 => ' Command::print => {', 201 => ' println!("{}", data);', 202 => ' }', 203 => ' Command::moveline(a) => {', 204 => ' exc(ps.clone(), a, data.clone());', 205 => ' break;', 206 => ' }', 207 => ' Command::If(a,b) => {', 208 => ' ', 209 => ' if data == a {', 210 => ' exc(ps.clone(), b, data.clone());', 211 => ' break;', 212 => ' }', 213 => ' ', 214 => ' }', 215 => ' Command::minus(s) => {', 216 => ' if data.parse::<i64>().is_ok() {', 217 => ' let d = data.parse::<i64>().unwrap();', 218 => ' let d = d - s;', 219 => ' data = d.to_string();', 220 => ' }', 221 => ' }', 222 => ' Command::quit =>{', 223 => ' panic!("quit");', 224 => ' }', 225 => ' ', 226 => ' _ => {', 227 => ' panic!("idiot");', 228 => ' }', 229 => ' }', 230 => ' }', 231 => ' }', 232 => '<br>', 233 => '[[Category:Implemented]]', 234 => '[[Category:Interpreted]]', 235 => '[[Category:Languages]]', 236 => '[[Category:2021]]' ]
Unix timestamp of change (timestamp)