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Variables generated for this change

Edit count of the user (user_editcount)
Name of the user account (user_name)
'Jan jelo'
Age of the user account (user_age)
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Edit summary/reason (summary)
'/* Brainfuck interpreter */ '
Old content model (old_content_model)
New content model (new_content_model)
Old page wikitext, before the edit (old_wikitext)
''''Pyline''' is an esoteric subset of python, where the whole source file has to be a single expression. Python 3.10 or newer is recommended due to the addition of the walrus operator. ==Examples== ===Hello World=== print("hello world") ===Quine=== (lambda s:print(f'{s}({chr(34)}{s}{chr(34)})'))("(lambda s:print(f'{s}({chr(34)}{s}{chr(34)})'))") ===Truth machine=== ( count:=__import__("itertools").count, i:=input(":"), [ print('1',end="") for _ in count() ] if i == '1' else ( print('0') ) ) The walrus operator is only used here for readability; the entire expression can be given without it: [print("1", end="") for _ in __import__("itertools").count()] if input(":") == "1" else print("0") A version that doesn't use __import__ [print(1,end="")for _ in iter(lambda:0,1)]if input(":")=="1"else print(0) ===Rule 110 ([[Turing-complete]]ness proof)=== ( count:=__import__("itertools").count, grb:=__import__("random").getrandbits, SIZE:=150, board:=[[bool(grb(1)) for _ in range(SIZE)],], [ ( old_board:=board[0].copy(), print("".join('.#'[i] for i in board[0])), board.__setitem__(0,[ ( l:=old_board[(i-1)%SIZE], r:=old_board[(i+1)%SIZE], ( bool(110 & 2**(4*l+2*t+r)) ) )[-1] for i,t in enumerate(board[0]) ]) ) for _ in count() ] ) ===[[Brainfuck]] interpreter=== ( brainfuck_inpreter := lambda code: ( imports := __import__, whiler := (type("whiler", (object,), { "__init__": lambda s,f: setattr(s,"f",f) if callable(f) else \ (_ for _ in ()).throw(TypeError(f"{f.__class__.__name__} object is not callable")), "__iter__": lambda s: s, "__next__": lambda s: None if s.f() else next(iter(())), "__repr__": lambda s: f"<whiler object with {s.f}>" })), code_index := [0], tape := [0], tape_index := [0], input_store := [""], [( { "+":lambda: tape.insert(tape_index[0], (tape.pop(tape_index[0]) + 1) % 256), "-":lambda: tape.insert(tape_index[0], (tape.pop(tape_index[0]) - 1) % 256), ">":lambda: ( tape_index.append(tape_index.pop() + 1), None if tape_index[0] < len(tape) else tape.append(0) ), "<":lambda: tape_index.append(tape_index.pop() - 1) \ if tape_index[0] > 0 else tape.insert(0, 0), ".":lambda: print(chr(tape[tape_index[0]]), end="", flush=True), ",":(lambda: ( tape.pop(tape_index), tape.insert(tape_index, int.from_bytes(imports("msvcrt").getche())) )) if "-getch" in imports("sys").argv else (lambda: ( ( input_store.pop(), input_store.append(input()) ) if input_store == [""] else None, tape.pop(tape_index[0]), tape.insert(tape_index[0], ord(input_store[0][0]) % 256), input_store.append(input_store.pop()[1:]), )), "[":lambda: ( sml_index := code_index[0], brackets := 1, [( sml_index := sml_index + 1, brackets := brackets + {"[":1,"]":-1}.get(code[sml_index],0) ) for __ in whiler(lambda: brackets != 0)], code_index.pop(), code_index.append(sml_index) ) if not tape[tape_index[0]] else None, "]":lambda: ( sml_index := code_index[0], brackets := -1, [( sml_index := sml_index - 1, brackets := brackets + {"[":1,"]":-1}.get(code[sml_index],0) ) for __ in whiler(lambda: brackets != 0)], code_index.pop(), code_index.append(sml_index) ) if tape[tape_index[0]] else None }.get(code[code_index[0]], lambda: None)(), code_index.append(code_index.pop()+1), ) for _ in whiler(lambda: len(code) > code_index[0])] ), None ) Another written by [[User:DGCK81LNN]]; takes both the program and the input from standard input, with the start of the input indicated by a <code>!</code>. <pre> (lambda cod, _, inp: (lambda *, _cp = 0, _mp = 0, _ip = 0, _mem = {}, _inp = inp .encode(), _out = b"": next( __import__("sys").stdout.buffer.write(_out) and None or None for _ in __import__("itertools").count() if not ( _mem.__setitem__( _mp, ((_mem[_mp] if _mp in _mem else 0) + (1 if cod[_cp] == "+" else -1 if cod[_cp] == "-" else 0)) & 255 ) and 0 or (_mp := _mp + (1 if cod[_cp] == ">" else -1 if cod[ _cp] == "<" else 0)) and 0 or ( (_cp := (lambda si, *, _d = 0: next(i for i in (range(si, len(cod)) if cod[si] == "[" else range(si, -1, -1)) if cod[i] in "[]" and ((_d := _d + (1 if cod[i] == "[" else -1)) == 0) ) )(_cp)) if cod[_cp] in "[]" and bool(_mem[_mp] if _mp in _mem else 0) == bool(cod[_cp] == "]") else 0 ) and 0 or ( (_out := _out + bytes((_mem[_mp],))) if cod[_cp] == "." else _mem.__setitem__(_mp, _inp[_ip]) and 0 or (_ip := _ip + 1) if cod[_cp] == "," and _ip < len(_inp) else 0 ) and 0 or (_cp := _cp + 1) < len(cod) ) ))() )(*__import__("sys").stdin.read().partition("!")) </pre> Another written by [[User: Jan jelo]] <pre> ( program:=list(input())+['@'], ltape:=[0],rtape:=[0], pc:=0,i:=0,state:=0, INC:=lambda:ltape.append((ltape.pop()+1)%256), DEC:=lambda:ltape.append((ltape.pop()-1)%256), IN:=lambda:ltape.append(ord(input())%256), LS:=lambda:(a:=ltape[-1], ltape.pop() if len(ltape)>1 else ..., rtape.append(a) ), RS:=lambda:(a:=rtape[-1], rtape.pop() if len(rtape)>1 else ..., ltape.append(a) ), [( ( (LS(), state:=1) if program[pc]=='<' else (RS(), state:=1) if program[pc]=='>' else (INC(),state:=1) if program[pc]=='+' else (DEC(),state:=1) if program[pc]=='-' else (IN(),state:=1) if program[pc]==',' else (print(chr(ltape[-1]),end=''),state:=1) if program[pc]=='.' else ( (i:=0,state:=2) if ltape[-1]==0 else (state:=1) ) if program[pc]=='[' else ( (i:=0,state:=3) if ltape[-1]!=0 else (state:=1) ) if program[pc]==']' else (state:=4) if program[pc]=='@' else... ) if state==0 else ( state:=0, pc:=pc+1 ) if state==1 else ( ( i:=i-1, (state:=0) if i==0 else (pc:=pc+1) ) if program[pc]=='[' else ( i:=i+1, (state:=0) if i==0 else (pc:=pc+1) ) if program[pc]==']' else (pc:=pc+1) ) if state==2 else ( ( i:=i-1, (state:=0) if i==0 else (pc:=pc-1) ) if program[pc]=='[' else ( i:=i+1, (state:=0) if i==0 else (pc:=pc-1) ) if program[pc]==']' else (pc:=pc-1) ) if state==3 else ... ) for _ in iter(lambda:state!=4,0)] ) </pre> [[Category:Esoteric subset]] [[Category:Languages]] [[Category:High-level]] [[Category:Implemented]] [[Category:Turing complete]] [[Category:2022]]'
New page wikitext, after the edit (new_wikitext)
''''Pyline''' is an esoteric subset of python, where the whole source file has to be a single expression. Python 3.10 or newer is recommended due to the addition of the walrus operator. ==Examples== ===Hello World=== print("hello world") ===Quine=== (lambda s:print(f'{s}({chr(34)}{s}{chr(34)})'))("(lambda s:print(f'{s}({chr(34)}{s}{chr(34)})'))") ===Truth machine=== ( count:=__import__("itertools").count, i:=input(":"), [ print('1',end="") for _ in count() ] if i == '1' else ( print('0') ) ) The walrus operator is only used here for readability; the entire expression can be given without it: [print("1", end="") for _ in __import__("itertools").count()] if input(":") == "1" else print("0") A version that doesn't use __import__ [print(1,end="")for _ in iter(lambda:0,1)]if input(":")=="1"else print(0) ===Rule 110 ([[Turing-complete]]ness proof)=== ( count:=__import__("itertools").count, grb:=__import__("random").getrandbits, SIZE:=150, board:=[[bool(grb(1)) for _ in range(SIZE)],], [ ( old_board:=board[0].copy(), print("".join('.#'[i] for i in board[0])), board.__setitem__(0,[ ( l:=old_board[(i-1)%SIZE], r:=old_board[(i+1)%SIZE], ( bool(110 & 2**(4*l+2*t+r)) ) )[-1] for i,t in enumerate(board[0]) ]) ) for _ in count() ] ) ===[[Brainfuck]] interpreter=== ( brainfuck_inpreter := lambda code: ( imports := __import__, whiler := (type("whiler", (object,), { "__init__": lambda s,f: setattr(s,"f",f) if callable(f) else \ (_ for _ in ()).throw(TypeError(f"{f.__class__.__name__} object is not callable")), "__iter__": lambda s: s, "__next__": lambda s: None if s.f() else next(iter(())), "__repr__": lambda s: f"<whiler object with {s.f}>" })), code_index := [0], tape := [0], tape_index := [0], input_store := [""], [( { "+":lambda: tape.insert(tape_index[0], (tape.pop(tape_index[0]) + 1) % 256), "-":lambda: tape.insert(tape_index[0], (tape.pop(tape_index[0]) - 1) % 256), ">":lambda: ( tape_index.append(tape_index.pop() + 1), None if tape_index[0] < len(tape) else tape.append(0) ), "<":lambda: tape_index.append(tape_index.pop() - 1) \ if tape_index[0] > 0 else tape.insert(0, 0), ".":lambda: print(chr(tape[tape_index[0]]), end="", flush=True), ",":(lambda: ( tape.pop(tape_index), tape.insert(tape_index, int.from_bytes(imports("msvcrt").getche())) )) if "-getch" in imports("sys").argv else (lambda: ( ( input_store.pop(), input_store.append(input()) ) if input_store == [""] else None, tape.pop(tape_index[0]), tape.insert(tape_index[0], ord(input_store[0][0]) % 256), input_store.append(input_store.pop()[1:]), )), "[":lambda: ( sml_index := code_index[0], brackets := 1, [( sml_index := sml_index + 1, brackets := brackets + {"[":1,"]":-1}.get(code[sml_index],0) ) for __ in whiler(lambda: brackets != 0)], code_index.pop(), code_index.append(sml_index) ) if not tape[tape_index[0]] else None, "]":lambda: ( sml_index := code_index[0], brackets := -1, [( sml_index := sml_index - 1, brackets := brackets + {"[":1,"]":-1}.get(code[sml_index],0) ) for __ in whiler(lambda: brackets != 0)], code_index.pop(), code_index.append(sml_index) ) if tape[tape_index[0]] else None }.get(code[code_index[0]], lambda: None)(), code_index.append(code_index.pop()+1), ) for _ in whiler(lambda: len(code) > code_index[0])] ), None ) Another written by [[User:DGCK81LNN|DGCK8LNN]]; takes both the program and the input from standard input, with the start of the input indicated by a <code>!</code>. <pre> (lambda cod, _, inp: (lambda *, _cp = 0, _mp = 0, _ip = 0, _mem = {}, _inp = inp .encode(), _out = b"": next( __import__("sys").stdout.buffer.write(_out) and None or None for _ in __import__("itertools").count() if not ( _mem.__setitem__( _mp, ((_mem[_mp] if _mp in _mem else 0) + (1 if cod[_cp] == "+" else -1 if cod[_cp] == "-" else 0)) & 255 ) and 0 or (_mp := _mp + (1 if cod[_cp] == ">" else -1 if cod[ _cp] == "<" else 0)) and 0 or ( (_cp := (lambda si, *, _d = 0: next(i for i in (range(si, len(cod)) if cod[si] == "[" else range(si, -1, -1)) if cod[i] in "[]" and ((_d := _d + (1 if cod[i] == "[" else -1)) == 0) ) )(_cp)) if cod[_cp] in "[]" and bool(_mem[_mp] if _mp in _mem else 0) == bool(cod[_cp] == "]") else 0 ) and 0 or ( (_out := _out + bytes((_mem[_mp],))) if cod[_cp] == "." else _mem.__setitem__(_mp, _inp[_ip]) and 0 or (_ip := _ip + 1) if cod[_cp] == "," and _ip < len(_inp) else 0 ) and 0 or (_cp := _cp + 1) < len(cod) ) ))() )(*__import__("sys").stdin.read().partition("!")) </pre> Another written by [[User: Jan jelo|Jan jelo]] <pre> ( program:=list(input())+['@'], ltape:=[0],rtape:=[0], pc:=0,i:=0,state:=0, INC:=lambda:ltape.append((ltape.pop()+1)%256), DEC:=lambda:ltape.append((ltape.pop()-1)%256), IN:=lambda:ltape.append(ord(input())%256), LS:=lambda:(a:=ltape[-1], ltape.pop() if len(ltape)>1 else ..., rtape.append(a) ), RS:=lambda:(a:=rtape[-1], rtape.pop() if len(rtape)>1 else ..., ltape.append(a) ), [( ( (LS(), state:=1) if program[pc]=='<' else (RS(), state:=1) if program[pc]=='>' else (INC(),state:=1) if program[pc]=='+' else (DEC(),state:=1) if program[pc]=='-' else (IN(),state:=1) if program[pc]==',' else (print(chr(ltape[-1]),end=''),state:=1) if program[pc]=='.' else ( (i:=0,state:=2) if ltape[-1]==0 else (state:=1) ) if program[pc]=='[' else ( (i:=0,state:=3) if ltape[-1]!=0 else (state:=1) ) if program[pc]==']' else (state:=4) if program[pc]=='@' else... ) if state==0 else ( state:=0, pc:=pc+1 ) if state==1 else ( ( i:=i-1, (state:=0) if i==0 else (pc:=pc+1) ) if program[pc]=='[' else ( i:=i+1, (state:=0) if i==0 else (pc:=pc+1) ) if program[pc]==']' else (pc:=pc+1) ) if state==2 else ( ( i:=i-1, (state:=0) if i==0 else (pc:=pc-1) ) if program[pc]=='[' else ( i:=i+1, (state:=0) if i==0 else (pc:=pc-1) ) if program[pc]==']' else (pc:=pc-1) ) if state==3 else ... ) for _ in iter(lambda:state!=4,0)] ) </pre> [[Category:Esoteric subset]] [[Category:Languages]] [[Category:High-level]] [[Category:Implemented]] [[Category:Turing complete]] [[Category:2022]]'
Unified diff of changes made by edit (edit_diff)
'@@ -122,5 +122,5 @@ ) -Another written by [[User:DGCK81LNN]]; takes both the program and the input from standard input, with the start of the input indicated by a <code>!</code>. +Another written by [[User:DGCK81LNN|DGCK8LNN]]; takes both the program and the input from standard input, with the start of the input indicated by a <code>!</code>. <pre> @@ -155,5 +155,5 @@ )(*__import__("sys").stdin.read().partition("!")) </pre> -Another written by [[User: Jan jelo]] +Another written by [[User: Jan jelo|Jan jelo]] <pre> ( '
New page size (new_size)
Old page size (old_size)
Lines added in edit (added_lines)
[ 0 => 'Another written by [[User:DGCK81LNN|DGCK8LNN]]; takes both the program and the input from standard input, with the start of the input indicated by a <code>!</code>.', 1 => 'Another written by [[User: Jan jelo|Jan jelo]]' ]
Unix timestamp of change (timestamp)