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'Hello world program in esoteric languages'
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'Hello world program in esoteric languages'
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'{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="clear:right; margin-bottom: .5em; float: right; padding: .5em 0 .8em 1.4em; background: none;" |__TOC__ |} This page is a list of [[Hello, world!]] programs in various [[esoteric programming language]]s. For other languages (esoteric and non-esoteric), see [http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Hello_world the Hello world page on Rosetta Code] and [http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/55422/6691 the Hello, World page on Code golf Stack Exchange] and [https://helloworldcollection.github.io/ the Hello World collection]. ==[[!@$%^&*()+|!@#$%^&*()_+]]== ^dlrow ,olleH(@) Note: the space at the beginning is ''mandatory'' An alternative version that does not use any letters at all: <pre> ^22+2:+99+78+;<+ ,78+66+!23+' ^+(@)</pre> Again, the leading space, as well as the two spaces in the middle, is mandatory. ==[[$_$]]== ________________________________________________________________________&_____________________________________________________________________________________________________&____________________________________________________________________________________________________________&____________________________________________________________________________________________________________&_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________&____________________________________________&________________________________&_______________________________________________________________________________________&_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________&__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________&____________________________________________________________________________________________________________&____________________________________________________________________________________________________&_________________________________$. ==[[Symbols|():;#?!]]== :H:e:l:l:o:,: :w:o:r:l:d:! ==[[(?!)]]== ???????(??????????)??!(!) ?????????????(?????)????!(!) ???????????????(?????)?!(!) ???????????????(?????)?!(!) ???????????????(?????)????!(!) ??????????(???)??!(!) ?????????????????(?????)??!(!) ???????????????(?????)????!(!) ??????????(????????)??!(!) ???????????????(?????)?!(!) ?????????????(?????)???!(!) ??????????(???)???!(!) ==[[--Unless]]== R: Helloworld.c Or, in a more fancy way: Hello_world: Hello_world_function: R: Helloworld.c R: Hello_world: Hello_world_function Or, to make it very long: Hello_world: Hello_world_function: R: Helloworld.c :R :Hello_world_function :Hello_world R: Hello_world: Hello_world_function :Hello_world :R ==[[:///]]== /foo/Hello, world!//bar/foo/bar ==[[0587]]== Unfancy version: 04(Hello World) Fancy version that shows off the language better: 01040291(Hello World) ==[[0815]]== <:48:x<:65:=<:6C:$=$=$$~<:03:+$~<:ffffffffffffffbd:+$<:ffffffffffffffb1:+$<:57:~$~<:18:x+$~<:03:+$~<:06:x-$x<:0e:x-$=x<:43:x-$ ==[[123]]== 222122221212112112112112112112112222122221212112112112112112122222211121121112112121122222221112112111211222222211121111211211222222211121111212222221112111121121122222221112111121222222111211111212112222222111211111222222111111222221111112222221111112222211111222222211211121111122222221121112111122222221112111112121122222221112111112222222111121121112112222222111121121122222211121111211211222222211121111212222221112112111211211222222211121121112122222112112112112111222222112112112112112 ==[[2B]]== +0+0+0+0+0+0+0+2)+0+0+9)+7))+3)-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-9)+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+7)-8)+3)-6)-8)-7-0-0-0-0-0-0) ==[[2L]]== *+ 2L "Hello, World!" program by poiuy_qwert + + + * +* * + *+ + ** + * +* + * + *+ + + * +******************************************* ************************* + + + *+ + *+* + *+ * * + *+ + + * + +******** * + + +* + * *+ + *+ * * + *+ + + * + +****** **+ +* + * *+ + + * + + ***+ * * +* + * *+ * + + * + + * *+ + ************************+ * + * + + * + * + + *+ + +* + * + * * + *******************************************************+* + * + + * + * + + +* + + * *+ + *+ * * + * + + + * * +************ * + + * + + * + * + + *+ +** +******************************************************************* * + + * + * + + + + +* ***+ * * *+ + * * + + * + * + * + + + + + *+ *******+ * * +* + * * + + * * + * + + + + *****************************+ * * + * * + * + + ************************************************************************+ * + * * + + ==[[,,,]]== "Hello, world! ==[[05AB1E]]== ”Ÿ™,‚ï! ==[[2DFuck]]== .!.!..!.!....!..!..!.!.!.!.!..!.!..!...!..!.!..!...!..!.!....!..!.!.!..!....!.!......!.!.!.!.!...!.!..!.!....!.!...!..!.!..!..!.!..!...!..!..!.!....!.!....!. ==[[33]]== "Hello, World!"p ==[[Fish|><>]]== !v"Hello, World!"r! >l?!;o This also works for [[Starfish|*><>]]. ==[[A:;]]== j:Hello World;p:j ==[[ACIDIC]]== Hello, world! wP ==[[ACL]]== 34344343444C3443443434343C34434344344C34434344344C34434344443C34344444C3434343434443C34434344443C34443443434C34434344344C34434434344C3434444343CC ==[[ACRONYM]]== <nowiki>{{>>{~~~~{-<}~~~~~~~~~{-<-<}}<<}</nowiki> <nowiki></(<<<){[<]}:>:{>>{~~~~~~~~{<}~{>}}<<}\</nowiki> <nowiki>~>{{~{v}}>>>v{~}^<<<}/(<<<){[<<]}:>:{>>{~~~~~~~~{<<}~{>>}}<<}\</nowiki> <nowiki>~{>>{vvvvvvvv~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}<<}~{>>{vvvv~~~~~~~~~~~~~}<<}~</nowiki> <nowiki>{>>{^^^^^^^^^^~}<<}~{>>{v~~~~~~~{{<<}~}v{~}vvvvvvv{~{>>}}^^^^^^~~~</nowiki> <nowiki>{{<<}~}vvvv{~{>>}}v~~~}<<}~<{{^^^}}~</nowiki> <nowiki>{>>{vvvvvv~{{<<}~{>>}}^^^^^^^~~~~~~~~~~~{{<<}~{v>}}^^^^^^}}</nowiki> <nowiki>/{{()}}{[<<<<]}:>:{{~v}}\}</nowiki> ==[[Aeolbonn]]== :Hello, world! : ==[[AEWNN]]== <code>[8+]cpar2[5+]cpa[7+]cpacpa+++cpa [8+]cpar2[15+]cpa+++cpar2[12+]cpar2++++cpa</code> ==[[Aheui]]== <pre>밫밚밙따따빠받나파빠밣다빠밝타뱷밢따맣맣빠빠맣맣빠밪다빠맣빠밪나밠다맣밖밣따맣빠밣다맣빠맣받다맣맣맣맣희</pre> This program has 52 cells within 1 line. The example given in the [[Aheui]] Article has 64 cells within 8 lines and prints an extra trailing new line. ==[[Airline food]]== You ever notice this? What's the deal with this thing? It's kinda like this. What's the deal with airline food? What's the deal with it? It's kinda like this thing. Just like it. Let's talk about this thing. It's kinda like this thing. It's kinda like this. Yeah, Just like this thing. Just like it. Not like this. What's the deal with pilots? Just like it. Not like this. Just like it. See? Let's talk about this thing. Not like this. What's the deal with baggage claim? Just like this thing. Just like it. It's kinda like pilots. What's the deal with luggage? Just like baggage claim. It's kinda like this. It's kinda like this. Not like it. See? Let's talk about baggage claim. See? See? It's kinda like this thing. Not like this. See? Let's talk about it. Um, See? It's kinda like this. Not like this thing. Not like it. See? Let's talk about baggage claim. It's kinda like it. Not like this. See? It's kinda like this. Not like it. See? It's kinda like this thing. Not like this. See? Not like this thing. Not like this. Not like this. See? Let's talk about luggage. Not like this. See? Let's talk about it. Um, It's kinda like this. See? == [[AIV]] == <pre>display« Hello, world! » stop«undisp»</pre> ==[[ALAGUF]]== "Hello World!"#! ==[[Alphaprint]]== abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstUvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwXyzabcdEfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzAbcDefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijKlmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstUvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwXyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuVwxYzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnOpqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabCdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghiJ ==[[AnyPL]]== HelloWor 0001 .2.. S1.. .3.. .3.. Tr.. .1.c ---- ........ [ Put the strings to the tape. ] ld...... 0010 .<.. 1.0. .<.. .... .... .... 121= ........ [ Output. ] ........ 0001 .... .... .... .... .... .... -11. ........ [ End execution. ] ==[[ArnoldC]]== IT'S SHOWTIME TALK TO THE HAND "hello world" YOU HAVE BEEN TERMINATED ==[[A.R.T.I.C.L.E.]]== This is the first ever "useful" program written in the ARTICLE. It's an esoteric programming language made by me, Soic. I don't know what else to write but i still to write code. Now, it's time to print the first character in the very cool debug console. Here i go again to write code to a dumb language. I don't really know what to. say, yes i swapped the position of a period and a comma just because i'm very, very, lazy. Now, it's time to print the first character in the very cool debug console. Here i go yet again writing code to a dumb language. Yes, i am very LAZY. Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy, laughing out loud, yes, i did this twice. Now, i will print the first character in the cool debug console yet again. Now, i will print the first character in the cool console yet again, again. Ngl, i'm out of ideas now and i'm just writing stuff. I need to write code. I need to write a lot of code. I'm tired, now i will just filler my way out f f f f. f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11. n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 n9. n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 n9 n10 n11 n12 n13 n14 n15 n16 n17 n18 n19 n20. f means filler f f f f f f f f f f f. f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11. n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 n9 n10. n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 n9 n10 n11 n12. f f f f f f f f f f f f f f. f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12. n1 n2 n3 n4 n5. n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 n9 n10 n11 n12 n13. f f f f f f f f f f f f f f. f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11. n1 n2 n3 n4 n5. n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8. F f f f f f f f f f f f f f. f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12. n1 n2 n3 n4 n5. n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 n9 n10 n11. F f f f f f f f f f f f f f. f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12. n1 n2 n3 n4 n5. n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 n9 n10 n11 n12 n13. F f f f f f f f f f f f f f. Note that the above program is missing the punctuation in the output. Here's an alternative version: (not sure if working because the author did not mention whether dots can be immediately followed by letters) <pre>MMMMMMM M M MMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMM MM M MMMMMMM. MMMMMMM M MMMMMMM M M MMM M M M. M M M M M M M M M MM M M M. M M M M M M M MMM M M M M MMM M. M MMM M M M MMM M M MMM M M.MM M MMM M M MMM.M M MMM M MMM M M MMM M MM M M MMM M M MMM M MMMM. M MMM M M MMM M MM M MMM M M MMM M M. M MMM M M MMM M M MM M MMM M. M MMM M M M.MMM M M MMM M M M M M MMM M M.MMM M MM M M MMM M M M M M M M M. M MM M M M M M MM M M M M M MMMM. M M MMMMMMM M M M MMMMMMM MMMMMMM M M M.MMMMMMM MMMMMMM M M M.MMMMMMM MMMMMMM M M M MMMMMMM M MMMM. MMM M M MMMMM.MMM MM M M M MM MMM M M M.MMMM M M M M M M M M MMMMM MMM MMMMM. M MM M MM M M MMM MMMMMM M.MM M MMMMMM MM MMM M M M. MM MM MM MM MMM M M M MM M MM M M MMM. M M MM M M MM M M M M M MM.MMMMMM M M MMM MMM. MMM MM MM MM MMM M MM M M MM M M M M M MM M.M MMMM M MM MM M M MMMM M M M MMMM M MM. M MMM MM MM M M MM MMMM M M MM. M M M MM MMM M MM MM M MM.MMM MM M MMMMM MMMMMMM M M MM M M MMMMMMM MM.MMMMM M MMMMMMM MM M MMM MMMMMMM MM MMMM MM M M M M.MMMM M M M MMMM M MM M M M MM M. M M M M MM.M MMM M MMM M M MMMM MM M M MMM M MMMMM. MM M MMM M M MMMM M M M MMM M MM MMMM M. MM M MMM M MMM M M MMM M MMM M. M MM MM MM M.MMM M MMMM MM MM M MMM M.M M MMM M MMM M MM M M M M MMM M M. MMMM M MMM M M MM M M M M MMM M.MMMMM MM M M M.M M MMMMM MM M M MM M M M M. MM M M M M M MM MMM MMMMMMM M MMMM MM MMMMMMM M. M M MM M MMMMMMM M MM M MM MMMMMMM MM M. M M M YOU MAY.COPY AND PASTE THIS CODE INTO YOUR A R T I C L.E INTERPRETER AND SEE THE RESULT OR YOU CAN SIMPLY USE YOUR CELL PHONE.TO SCAN THE CODE AS A QR CODE NOTE THAT THE CODE.PROVIDED BY SOIC DOES NOT PRINT THE COMMA AND.THE EXCLAMATION POINT BUT THESE QR CODES DOES. HAVE A GOOD DAY! C O L O R F U L G A.L.A X Y.</pre> ==[[asdf]]== asaasaasssasaasssasaaaasssasaasssasaaaaaaaasssasaaaasssasaaaasssasaasssasaasss asaasssasaasssasaaaasssasaasssasaaaasssasaaaaaasssasaaaasssasaasssasaaaasssasa aaaaasssasaaaasssasaasssasaaaaaaaasssasaaaasssasaasssasaasssasaaaasssasaaaaaaa asssasaasssasaaaaaaaaaaaasssasaaaaaasssasaasssasaaaaaasssasaasssasaaaasssasaas ssasaaaaaaaasssasaasssasaaaaaasssasaaaasssasaasssasaaaasssasaaaasssasaasssasaa aasssasaaaaaasssasaaaasssasaaaasssasaasssasaaaaaaaasssasaasssasaaaaaaaasssasaa ==[[asm2bf]]== Pure form: <pre> stk 2 org 0 txt "Hello World!" db_ 0 psh 1 psh 0 jmp 100 lbl 1 end lbl 100 pop r1 lbl 102 rcl r2,r1 jz_ r2,101 out r2 inc r1 jmp 102 lbl 101 out 10 ret </pre> Or, the asm2bf (batteries-included) version: <pre> stk 2 org 0 txt "Hello World!" db_ 0 @loop rcl r2, r1 jz_ r2, %quit out r2 inc r1 jmp %loop @quit out 10 </pre> ==[[Asparagus]]== === a1 === <pre>� Hello, World!���</pre> Hex: <pre>01 0D 48 65 6C 6C 6F 2C 20 57 6F 72 6C 64 03 01 01 00</pre> === a2 === ''(some characters could not be displayed exactly as they would normally appear.)'' <pre>\00 Hello, World!�\00\00\00\00</pre> Hex: <pre>00 0D 48 65 6C 6C 6F 2C 20 57 6F 72 6C 64 14 00 00 00</pre> === b1 === ''(some characters could not be displayed exactly as they would normally appear.)'' <pre>\00\00 Hello, World! \00\00\00</pre> Hex: <pre>00 00 0D 48 65 6C 6C 6F 2C 20 57 6F 72 6C 64 21 20 00 00 00</pre> === [https://github.com/all-other-usernames-were-taken/Asparagus/tree/assembler Asparagus Assembly (a1, using b1 set)] === ''Note that this program, when assembled, is much larger than the b1 version due to technical limitations with the assembler.'' <pre>set,0,Hello World! set,1,44 print,0,0,0 string,char,1,2,1 print,0,5,1</pre> ==[[Assembly language]]== This is not the actual program; this is the program in mnemonics. <pre> DAT 01 48 MOV 00 01 DAT 01 65 MOV 00 01 DAT 01 6C MOV 00 01 MOV 00 01 DAT 02 6F MOV 00 02 DAT 01 20 MOV 00 01 DAT 01 77 MOV 00 01 MOV 00 02 DAT 01 72 MOV 00 01 DAT 01 6C MOV 00 01 DAT 01 64 MOV 00 01 </pre> ==[[Aubergine]]== =aA-a1=oA=bi+b1-Ab-bb:bA+B1=iBGolf by Quintopia !dlroW ,olleH Also works in [[UberGenes]] ==[[Auo]]== i.o:['Hello World!'] ==[[Babalang]]== // Constants 1 is you and move 2 is 1 and 1 4 is 2 and 2 8 is 4 and 4 16 is 8 and 8 32 is 16 and 16 64 is 32 and 32 // Stack hello_world is group // Chars H is 64 and 8 e is 64 and 32 and 4 and 1 l is 64 and 32 and 8 and 4 o is 64 and 32 and 16 and not 1 comma is 32 and 8 and 4 sp is 32 w is 64 and 32 and 16 and 8 and not 1 r is 64 and 32 and 16 and 2 d is 64 and 32 and 4 excl is 32 and 1 newline is 8 and 2 // Push chars to stack hello_world has H and e and l and l and o and comma and sp and w and o and r and l and d and excl and newline // Print hello_world is text ==[[BackFlip]]== This uses the extension for output, and prints the ASCII codes of the characters of "Hello, world!", separated by newlines. \72N101N108N108N111N44N32N119N111N114N108N100N33N10N \/////////////////////////////////////////////////// ==[[Backshift]]== Although it is a sorting algorithm, it can easily be abused to do useful computation(the first space is totally neccecary): <pre> Hello, World </pre> ==[[BAM128]]== *6*3p*4*3*2*0p*2*1*0pp>0*1*0p*5*4*0p*5*4*2*1*0p*4*3p*1*0p/+0p+0*6*5*2p+0*5*0p ==[[Barely]]== ]xhhhhooooooooohhhhhhxooooooooxooooooxjjjxhoooohhhxhohhhhhhhxhhhhjjjhhhxhhhhooooooooohhhhhhxjjjxxjjjjjjjxjhhhhxjhhhhhhhhjjjhh~ ==[[Bauberqueue]]== =b1=bB\x11=a1=aA\x19+aB-b1iia=a1+a1=oA=a1=aA\x19+aB-b1iia Hello, World!\n ! ==[[BCDFuck]]== 4A E4 AE 7A 7A E7 A8 AE 1A E6 AE 5A 5A E6 AE 5A 5A E4 A5 AE 3A E0 EA 3A E2 AE 7A 8A E4 A5 AE 8A E5 A6 AE 4A E6 AE 5A 5A E7 A7 AE 7A 7A E7 A8 AE 0E A4 A5 AE ==[[Beatnik]]== Soars, larkspurs, rains. Indistinctness. Mario snarl (nurses, natures, rules...) sensuously retries goal. Agribusinesses' costs par lain ropes (mopes) autos' cores. Tuner ambitiousness. Flit. Dour entombment. Legals' saner kinking lapse. Nests glint. Dread, tied futures, dourer usual tumor grunts alter atonal garb tries shouldered coins. Taste a vast lustiness. Stile stuns gad subgroup gram lanes. Draftee insurer road: cuckold blunt, strut sunnier. Rely enure pantheism: arty gain groups (genies, pan) titters, tattles, nears. Bluffer tapes? Idle diatom stooge! Feted antes anklets ague? Remit goiter gout! Doubtless teared toed alohas will dull gangs' aerials' tails' sluices; Gusset ends! Gawkier halo! Enter abstruse rested loser beer guy louts. Curtain roams lasso weir lupus stunt. Truant bears animate talon. Entire torte originally timer. Redo stilt gobs. Utter centaurs; Urgent stars; Usurers (dilute); Noses; Bones; Brig sonar graders; Utensil silts; Lazies. Fret arson veterinary rows. Atlas grunted: "Pates, slues, sulfuric manor liaising tines, trailers, rep... unfair! Instant snots!" Sled rested until eatery fail. Ergs fortitude Indent spotter Euros enter egg. Curious tenures. Torus cutlasses. Sarong torso earns cruel lags it reeled. Engineer: "Erase handbag -- unite ratification!" oaring oaten donkeys unsold, surer rapid saltest tags BUTTERED TIBIA LUGS REWIRING TOILETS anion festers raring edit epilogues. DIRGE ROTOR. linnet oaring. GORE BOOTIES. Ironed goon lists tallest sublets -- Riots, Raucous onset. Ignobly, runners' diet anguishes sunrise loner. Erode mob, slier switcher! Loaners stilt drudge pearl atoll, risking hats' ends. Rebind sitters. Toga epistles -- crud lard. (Pager purse dons souls.) glob title a curio hired rites shed suds lade grease strut arctic revs toad unless idlers rind stilt region land GERMICIDES SULTANA GUTS gill siting leans nice spurs tests gloves roused asp Holes! Moles! (Sores!) Hygienists! Scars! (Asses!) Smells spell rares. Cubs instant sing in parse goodies. Rosin. Unhelpful sisal acres. Slope told. MALENESS PASTA LAB. "Infirmary vine," rang illiterates (beans). Rosin sours, insults truss abalones, nailed rules, helical atlases. Dear remodeling stings mar rents. Sunless shiner orb (silly idol.) Clarity disses senna. Vagabonds sauted; sloes performed gelds. Alter post radial lip sectioning gums. Saint Towellings. Larger aeons telephone stolid char, pal! Boats Dean forsook, rosters, tunas, terrariums -- united, traced. Nude pagoda careens. ==[[Befunge]]== 0"!dlroW ,olleH">:#,_@ Another version that does not use <code>&#34;</code> or any letters: <i>(the "w" in the output is lowercase)</i> <pre>0455**:3/\:8+:6+:3-:8+48*:66++:3*37*-:3-::7-89*>:#,_@</pre> ==[[Befunk]]== <i>Needs reduction or patching</i> This code is a [http://conwaylife.com/wiki/LifeViewer LifeViewer] display code. Please help convert it into a [[Hexdump]] code or a picture if possible. <pre>[code]x = 0, y = 0, rule = LifeColorful BQMDLROWFCO2LEHQJPNDIX! [[ COLOR 0 255 255 255 ]] [[ COLOR 2 0 0 0 ]] [[ COLOR 3 0 144 144 ]] [[ COLOR 4 171 0 0 ]] [[ COLOR 5 171 251 0 ]] [[ COLOR 6 0 192 243 ]] [[ COLOR 8 0 192 127 ]] [[ COLOR 9 0 144 255 ]] [[ COLOR 10 0 0 255 ]] [[ COLOR 12 171 128 0 ]] [[ COLOR 13 0 243 243 ]] [[ COLOR 14 192 0 0 ]] [[ COLOR 15 171 171 171 ]] [[ COLOR 16 171 255 127 ]] [[ COLOR 17 192 216 255 ]] [[ COLOR 18 171 144 171 ]] [[ COLOR 23 171 99 171 ]] [[ COLOR 24 249 99 249 ]][/code]</pre> ==[[BestFriends.js]]== var c = "+++++ [>+++++<-] > + }|" + "[<++++>-]<.[>+>+<<-]}{|" + ">++++<---.>..+++.@ {>"; alert(BF(c,"input") + " world"); ==[[Betterave]]== $"Hello, World!" ==[[BFI]]== ++}}??{?>++.>+.+++}?..+++.>++.<<+++???.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>.; >+++}?>++??{>+++>+<<<<-?; ++++ ==[[Binary lambda calculus]] (byte oriented)== *Hello, world! ==[[binodu]]== Automatic Node Hey Compare Action Output False Output True Fire TwoFalse Output True Output False Fire TwoFalse Fire Six Output False Output True Output False Output True Fire L Fire L Fire Six Fire TwoTrue Fire TwoTrue Fire Two Fire TwoTrue Fire TwoFalse Fire TwoFalse Fire TwoTrue Fire Two Fire Seven Fire Seven Fire Six Fire TwoTrue Fire TwoTrue Fire Seven Fire Two Fire L Fire Six Output False Output True Fire TwoFalse Fire Two Fire TwoFalse Fire False Fire True Stop Node Six Compare Action Output False Fire TwoTrue Output False Node L Compare Action Fire Six Fire TwoTrue Fire TwoFalse Node Two Compare Action Fire TwoFalse Output True Output False Node Seven Compare Action Output False Output True Fire TwoTrue Node TwoTrue Compare Action Output True Output True Node TwoFalse Compare Action Output False Output False ==[[BitBitJump]]== Z0:0 Z1:0 start: .deref p X .testH X print -1 print: .out X .add p (w+1) p 0 0 start p:H X:0 H:72 101 108 108 111 44 32 87 111 114 108 100 33 10 -1 .include lib ==[[bitch]]== #72/#101/#108/#108/#111/#44/#32/#119/#111/#114/#108/#100/#33/ ==[[BiTrax]]== [[Image:HelloWorldb.PNG]] Actual size: [[Image:HelloWorld.PNG]] ==[[Bitwise Cyclic Tag]]== Data <code>1</code> to trigger the program, <code>0</code> produces no output. Starting data other than <code>1</code> is undefined/unexpected behaviour. Output to be read using the following interpretation: after a <code>0</code> command, if there are 8 or more bits in current data, interpret the rightmost 8 bits as an output byte. <pre> 1011101011101010 # H 00000110000 1011111010111011 # e 0000000011 1011111011111010 # ll 000000011000 1011111011111111 # o 00000000 1010111011111010 # , 000000 111010101010 # _ 00011000000 1011101110111111 # W 00000000 1011111011111111 # o 00000000 1011111110101110 # r 0000000 11111011111010 # l 000 111010 # d 000 101011 # ! 000000000 </pre> ==[[Black]]== This prints out the ASCII codes of the characters of "Hello, world!" if extensions are used, separated by newlines. The first line is blank. # # # # # # # # # 7 2 N 1 0 1 N 1 0 8 N 1 0 8 N 1 1 1 N 4 4 N 3 2 N 1 1 9 N 1 1 1 N 1 1 4 N 1 0 8 N 1 0 0 N 3 3 N 1 0 N ## ==[[Blub]]== blub. blub? blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub! blub? blub? blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub? blub! blub! blub? blub! blub? blub. blub! blub. blub. blub? blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub! blub? blub? blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub? blub! blub! blub? blub! blub? blub. blub. blub. blub! blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub! blub. blub! blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub! blub. blub. blub? blub. blub? blub. blub? blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub! blub? blub? blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub? blub! blub! blub? blub! blub? blub. blub! blub. blub. blub? blub. blub? blub. blub? blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub! blub? blub? blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub? blub! blub! blub? blub! blub? blub. blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub. blub? blub. blub? blub. blub? blub. blub? blub. blub! blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub! blub. blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub. blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub. blub. blub? blub. blub? blub. blub. blub! blub. ==[[Boolfuck]]== ;;;+;+;;+;+; +;+;+;+;;+;;+; ;;+;;+;+;;+; ;;+;;+;+;;+; +;;;;+;+;;+; ;;+;;+;+;+;; ;;;;;+;+;; +;;;+;+;;;+; +;;;;+;+;;+; ;+;+;;+;;;+; ;;+;;+;+;;+; ;;+;+;;+;;+; +;+;;;;+;+;; ;+;+;+; ==[[Brain-Flak]]== (((((((((((()()()()){}){}){}()))){}{}())[][][][])[][])[[]]())[[][][][][]]())([([]([])[][]{})]()()()([[]](([()()()]([([][][])](((({}()){}))){}{}))))) ==[[Brainfuck]]== +[-[<<[+[--->]-[<<<]]]>>>-]>-.---.>..>.<<<<-.<+.>>>>>.>.<<.<-. Also works as a [[Brainfork]] program. Shortest one. Please undo it if that is incorrect. ==[[Brainloller]]== [[Image:Hello-large.png|Hello, world! in Brainloller]] Actual size : [[Image:Hello.png]] Actually, I have a shorter one: [[File:Shortbrainlollerhelloworld.png]] I enlarged it to make it more visible. ==[[Brian & Chuck]]== ?Hello, World! !>.>.>.>.>.>.>.>.>.>.>.>.>. ==[[BRZRK]]== $"Hello, World!" ==[[BSoD]]== [[Image:HelloWorldBSoD.png]] <br>Note : The size of the image has been multiplied by 10. You have to divide by 10 so that the program works and marks "Hello, World!". ==[[Bucket]]== This program is done in the derivative (1,119). <pre> fpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfp fpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpOfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpOfpfpfpfpfpfpfpOOfpfp fpOPePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePeP ePePePePePePePePePePePePeOPePePePePePePePePePePePeOfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpf pfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpf pOPePePePePePePePeOfpfpfpOPePePePePePeOPePePePePePePePeOPePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePe PePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePeO </pre> ==[[bugSophia]]== "+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` H e l l o , W o r l d ! ᛥ'<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-< ==[[Bur]]== Pushing all the characters before printing any of them: ~@,#33!#100!#108!#114!#111!#87!#32!#44!#111!#108!#108!#101!#72!!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!v.; Printing each character immediately after pushing it: ~@,#72!!.#101!!.#108!!.#108!!.#111!!.#44!!.#32!!.#87!!.#111!!.#114!!.#108!!.#100!!.#33!!v.; ==[[Burlesque]]== "Hello, World!"Q ==[[Byter]]== >>>>>>>>>V00V00V 0#00A00V<V00V0VV -+>>A00VV<<0$0V> V0AA<00V>V<<<<V0 >>V0V<<<-<000V<0 0AV0VV<<<0000V<0 0A>V+}>>>>>>}<V- 0A{>>>>-000000>V 00A0000>>>>>>>>A V0A<<<<<<<<<<<<> V000000000000000 V000000000000000 V000000000000000 V000000000000000 V000000000000000 >>>>>>>>>>>>V000 ==[[Byte Syze]]== (This is the hexadecimal code of the source code, not the program itself) 000000: c7 3c 2a 3c 2a 2b 2a 5c 3c 29 5c 2a 2b 2a 5c 3c .<*<*+*\<)\*+*\< 000010: 29 5c 2a 2b 2a 5c 3c 29 5c 2a 2b 2a 5c 3c 29 5c )\*+*\<)\*+*\<)\ 000020: 2a 2b 2a 5c 3c 29 5c 2a 2b 2a 5c 3c 29 5c 2a 2b *+*\<)\*+*\<)\*+ 000030: 2a 5c 3c 29 5c 2a 2b 2a 5c 3c 29 5c 2a 2b 2a 5c *\<)\*+*\<)\*+*\ 000040: 3c 29 5c 2a 2b 2a 5c 3c 29 5c 2a 2b 2a 5c 3c 29 <)\*+*\<)\*+*\<) 000050: 5c 2a 2b 2a 5c 3c 29 5c 2a 2b 2a 5c 3c 29 5c 2a \*+*\<)\*+*\<)\* 000060: 2b 2a 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 +*.............. 000070: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 000080: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 000090: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 0000a0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 0000b0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 0000c0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 64 48 65 6c 6c 6f 2c 20 57 .......dHello,.W 0000d0: 6f 72 6c 64 21 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 orld!........... ==[[Cardinal]]== %"Hello, world!";x ==[[Charcoal]]== Hello, world! ==[[Cell]]== j0 a72 . a101 . a108 . . a111 . a44 . a32 . a87 . a111 . a114 . a108 . a100 . a33 . ==[[Cells]]== (alpha)(8,=_)(5,=_)(12,=_)(12,=_)(15,=_) (ascii)(32,=_) (alpha)(23,=_)(15,=_)(18,=_)(12,=_)(4,=_) ==[[Chef]]== Hello World Cake with Chocolate sauce. This prints hello world, while being tastier than Hello World Souffle. The main chef makes a " world!" cake, which he puts in the baking dish. When he gets the sous chef to make the "Hello" chocolate sauce, it gets put into the baking dish and then the whole thing is printed when he refrigerates the sauce. When actually cooking, I'm interpreting the chocolate sauce baking dish to be separate from the cake one and Liquify to mean either melt or blend depending on context. Ingredients. 33 g chocolate chips 100 g butter 54 ml double cream 2 pinches baking powder 114 g sugar 111 ml beaten eggs 119 g flour 32 g cocoa powder 0 g cake mixture Cooking time: 25 minutes. Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Method. Put chocolate chips into the mixing bowl. Put butter into the mixing bowl. Put sugar into the mixing bowl. Put beaten eggs into the mixing bowl. Put flour into the mixing bowl. Put baking powder into the mixing bowl. Put cocoa powder into the mixing bowl. Stir the mixing bowl for 1 minute. Combine double cream into the mixing bowl. Stir the mixing bowl for 4 minutes. Liquify the contents of the mixing bowl. Pour contents of the mixing bowl into the baking dish. bake the cake mixture. Wait until baked. Serve with chocolate sauce. chocolate sauce. Ingredients. 111 g sugar 108 ml hot water 108 ml heated double cream 101 g dark chocolate 72 g milk chocolate Method. Clean the mixing bowl. Put sugar into the mixing bowl. Put hot water into the mixing bowl. Put heated double cream into the mixing bowl. dissolve the sugar. agitate the sugar until dissolved. Liquify the dark chocolate. Put dark chocolate into the mixing bowl. Liquify the milk chocolate. Put milk chocolate into the mixing bowl. Liquify contents of the mixing bowl. Pour contents of the mixing bowl into the baking dish. Refrigerate for 1 hour. ==[[Chicken]]== <pre> chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken </pre> ==[[Choon]]== AGb-A#A#+A+%A#DF-AC# This hello world program is not a very traditional one, as the author of Choon notes: "''...this implementation is rather unusual as Choon cannot speak the words as such. I have used note values for (upper case only) letters, where 'H' is zero. So the sequence is 0 (H), -3 (E), 4 (L), 4 (L), 7(O), rest, 15 (W), 7 (O), 10 (R), 4 (L), -4 (D). ...''" The program can be listened to here: http://www.stephensykes.com/choon/hello.wav ==[[C-INTERCAL]]== This program uses the Computed COME FROM and [[Threaded INTERCAL]] extensions. It relies on all the threads running at about the same speed (although note that this is now guaranteed by the C-INTERCAL documentation), and ''recognizes'' "HELLO, WORLD" rather than ''printing'' it; any other input gives an error. <pre><nowiki> PLEASE NOTE THIS PROGRAM RECOGNIZES "HELLO, WORLD" USING COME FROM DON'T TYPE IN ANYTHING ELSE, OR YOU'LL GET AN ERROR! PLEASE NOTE: COMPILE WITH ick -m FOR THIS TO WORK. DO ,1 <- #12 (1) DO WRITE IN ,1 DO GIVE UP PLEASE NOTE THIS CHECKS EACH CHARACTER IN TURN DO COME FROM '#255~'"?',1SUB#1'$#72"~"#0$#255"''~#1 PLEASE START WITH AN H NEXT TIME DO COME FROM '#255~'"?',1SUB#2'$#253"~"#0$#255"''~#1 DO (2) NEXT DO REMEMBER THAT E COMES SECOND DO COME FROM '#255~'"?',1SUB#3'$#7"~"#0$#255"''~#1 DO (4) NEXT PLEASE USE L THIRD NEXT TIME DO COME FROM '#255~'"?',1SUB#4'$#0"~"#0$#255"''~#1 PLEASE DO (2) NEXT DO (4) NEXT DO USE TWO LS, NOT A SINGLE L DO COME FROM '#255~'"?',1SUB#5'$#3"~"#0$#255"''~#1 DO (8) NEXT PLEASE END 'HELLO' WITH 'O' DO COME FROM '#255~'"?',1SUB#6'$#221"~"#0$#255"''~#1 DO (8) NEXT PLEASE DO (2) NEXT DO USE COMMAS TO SEPARATE WORDS DO COME FROM '#255~'"?',1SUB#7'$#244"~"#0$#255"''~#1 DO (8) NEXT PLEASE DO (4) NEXT PLEASE USE SPACES AFTER PUNCTUATION DO COME FROM '#255~'"?',1SUB#8'$#55"~"#0$#255"''~#1 DO (8) NEXT DO (4) NEXT PLEASE DO (2) NEXT DO START 'WORLD' WITH A 'W' DO COME FROM '#255~'"?',1SUB#9'$#248"~"#0$#255"''~#1 DO (16) NEXT PLEASE PLACE AN O IN THE NINTH POSITION DO COME FROM '#255~'"?',1SUB#10'$#3"~"#0$#255"''~#1 DO (16) NEXT DO (2) NEXT DO USE AN R IN THE MIDDLE OF WORLD DO COME FROM '#255~'"?',1SUB#11'$#250"~"#0$#255"''~#1 DO (16) NEXT DO (4) NEXT PLEASE LET AN L BE PENULTIMATE DO COME FROM '#255~'"?',1SUB#12'$#248"~"#0$#255"''~#1 DO (16) NEXT PLEASE DO (4) NEXT DO (2) NEXT DO END WITH A D (2) PLEASE RESUME #1 (4) DO (2) NEXT DO (2) NEXT DO RESUME #1 (8) DO (4) NEXT DO (4) NEXT PLEASE RESUME #1 (16) DO (8) NEXT DO (8) NEXT PLEASE RESUME #1 </nowiki></pre> ==[[CLC-INTERCAL]]== The original "Hello World" example from the CLC-INTERCAL distribution, now placed by the author in the public domain. You type a string. If it happens to be "Hello, World", the program terminates successfully. If not, a helpful error message tells you where you went wrong. The program requires CLC-INTERCAL 0.05 or newer. Note the use of computed COME FROMs and the heavy use of overload to prevent a "multiple COME FROM" splat. You may compare with the C-INTERCAL example, above, which relies on threading to prevent the same splat. <pre> PLEASE ;1 &lt;- #12 (1) PLEASE WRITE IN ;1 PLEASE GIVE UP PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE (PRETTY PLEASE) DO NOT ASK ME TO READ THE REST OF THIS PROGRAM DO COME FROM '".1/'"'¥#29¢"';1SUB#1'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"~ "'¥#29¢"';1SUB#1'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"'~#1"~#0'¢.1 ERROR: THE FIRST CHARACTER IS NOT "H" DO COME FROM '".2/'"'¥#1356¢"';1SUB#2'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"~ "'¥#1356¢"';1SUB#2'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"'~#1"~#0'¢ '.2~"'¥#1¢.1'~#1"' ERROR: THE SECOND CHARACTER IS NOT "E" DO COME FROM '".3/'"'¥#377¢"';1SUB#3'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"~ "'¥#377¢"';1SUB#3'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"'~#1"~#0'¢ '".22/'"V.1¢.2"~#1'"~#0'¢'.3~"'¥#1¢.22'~#1"' ERROR: THE THIRD CHARACTER IS NOT "L" DO COME FROM '".4/'"'¥#383¢"';1SUB#4'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"~ "'¥#383¢"';1SUB#4'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"'~#1"~#0'¢ '".23/'"V.22¢.3"~#1'"~#0'¢'.4~"'¥#1¢.23'~#1"' ERROR: THE FOURTH CHARACTER IS NOT "L" DO COME FROM '".5/'"'¥#378¢"';1SUB#5'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"~ "'¥#378¢"';1SUB#5'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"'~#1"~#0'¢ '".24/'"V.23¢.4"~#1'"~#0'¢'.5~"'¥#1¢.24'~#1"' ERROR: THE FIFTH CHARACTER IS NOT "O" DO COME FROM '".6/'"'¥#177¢"';1SUB#6'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"~ "'¥#177¢"';1SUB#6'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"'~#1"~#0'¢ '".25/'"V.24¢.5"~#1'"~#0'¢'.6~"'¥#1¢.25'~#1"' ERROR: THE SIXTH CHARACTER IS NOT COMMA DO COME FROM '".7/'"'¥#373¢"';1SUB#7'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"~ "'¥#373¢"';1SUB#7'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"'~#1"~#0'¢ '".26/'"V.25¢.6"~#1'"~#0'¢'.7~"'¥#1¢.26'~#1"' ERROR: THE SEVENTH CHARACTER IS NOT SPACE DO COME FROM '".8/'"'¥#4160¢"';1SUB#8'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"~ "'¥#4160¢"';1SUB#8'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"'~#1"~#0'¢ '".27/'"V.26¢.7"~#1'"~#0'¢'.8~"'¥#1¢.27'~#1"' ERROR: THE EIGHTH CHARACTER IS NOT "W" DO COME FROM '".9/'"'¥#574¢"';1SUB#9'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"~ "'¥#574¢"';1SUB#9'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"'~#1"~#0'¢ '".28/'"V.27¢.8"~#1'"~#0'¢'.9~"'¥#1¢.28'~#1"' ERROR: THE NINTH CHARACTER IS NOT "O" DO COME FROM '".10/'"'¥#540¢"';1SUB#10'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"~ "'¥#540¢"';1SUB#10'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"'~#1"~#0'¢ '".29/'"V.28¢.9"~#1'"~#0'¢'.10~"'¥#1¢.29'~#1"' ERROR: THE TENTH CHARACTER IS NOT "R" DO COME FROM '".11/'"'¥#353¢"';1SUB#11'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"~ "'¥#353¢"';1SUB#11'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"'~#1"~#0'¢ '".30/'"V.29¢.10"~#1'"~#0'¢'.11~"'¥#1¢.30'~#1"' ERROR: THE ELEVENTH CHARACTER IS NOT "L" DO COME FROM '".12/'"'¥#375¢"';1SUB#12'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"~ "'¥#375¢"';1SUB#12'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"'~#1"~#0'¢ '".31/'"V.30¢.11"~#1'"~#0'¢'.12~"'¥#1¢.31'~#1"' ERROR: THE TWELFTH AND LAST CHARACTER IS NOT "D" </pre> ==[[CLCLC-INTERCAL]]== This is a output-only hello world program, unlike the other INTERCAL hello world programs. This one uses Baudot numbers for the letters in the words, and therefore will output only in uppercase. PLEASE ;1 <- #2 DO ;1 SUB #1 <- #17947$#20775 DO ;1 SUB #2 <- #5204$#21386 DO READ OUT ;1 PLEASE GIVE UP == [[Codd]] == <pre> λrx.r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[x]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] λqw.q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[w]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] λvu.v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[u]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] λdf.d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[f]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] λeg.e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[g]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] λez.e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[z]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] λpo.p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[o]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] λmn.m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[n]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] λzx.z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[x]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] λjk.j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[k]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] `2`4`6`6`8`10`12`14`8`16`6`18`20 </pre> ==[[Commercial]]== "Hello, world!" - Satisfied Consumer of Hello Hello has been selling out worldwide! ==[[Compute]]== Hello World ==[[ContinuousEquation]]== 0 0 o'H'e'l'l'o',' 'w'o'r'l'd'! ==[[CopyPasta Language]]== Copy Hello, World! Pasta! ==[[COW]]== MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MOO moO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO moO MoO MoO MoO MoO moO MoO MoO MoO MoO moO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO moO MoO MoO MoO MoO mOo mOo mOo mOo mOo MOo moo moO moO moO moO Moo moO MOO mOo MoO moO MOo moo mOo MOo MOo MOo Moo MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO Moo Moo MoO MoO MoO Moo MMM mOo mOo mOo MoO MoO MoO MoO Moo moO Moo MOO moO moO MOo mOo mOo MOo moo moO moO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO Moo MMM MMM Moo MoO MoO MoO Moo MMM MOo MOo MOo Moo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo Moo mOo MoO Moo ==[[Crazy]]== kirmg(s + v + o + o + l + xln + yoz + d + l + i + o + w + vcx) ==[[Cufrab]]== :PRINT[-]~\.; "Hello, World!\n"PRINT ==[[Daoyu]]== <pre><nowiki> $$$ (([]!)/([])): ((/[])/([]!/[]!)): (/[]):: [/([]!/[])]!: [[[]]!]: [([]!)/[/[]!]!]: [/([]!/[])]!: [([]!)/(/[])]: ((/[])/[]): (/([]!)): ([[]]!/[[]!]!): [[[]/[]]]!: </nowiki></pre> or <pre><nowiki> ))))))))/:((((((S............... %(>#>[>[>;/.==>;=/>[>%/!.:...... </nowiki></pre> ==[[Dark]]== +hello hell hello$twist sign hws hello$twist stalker io io$stalk io$personal hws$scrawl " Hello, world! hws$read io$echo hello$empty hello$apocalypse ==[[DBFV!]]== Z<9Z+A<Z.YA:[A-*YZ].AB<7C<2~1A<1B<0C<1~1A<1B<0C<8~1A<1B<0C<8~1A<1B<1C<1~1.AB<4C<4~1.AB<3C<2~1A<1B<1C<9~1A<1B<1C<1~1A<1B<1C<4~1A<1B<0C<8~1A<1B<0C<0~1.AB<3C<3~1$0 D<CB:[B-*CZ]A:[A-*CY]C>^ ==[[dd/dd]]== <!Hello,\ World!\0A; ==[[Decimal]]== 13072069076076079044032087079082076068033010D 301 Version 2 (boring): Hello,11032D301World!11010D301 ==[[Defunc]]== 4a++++a Ba44444444a LBBB4440 .+4444444.BB440 ..L .+++L .+++44444BB.B0 .+++.+++L .L .BBB40 .+B0 ==[[DFA-er]]== With whitespace, for readability: .1001000. --1100101- .1100101. --1101100- .1101100. --1101100- -1-1101111- -10-1100100- .1101111. --101100- -1-1110010- .101100. --100000- .100000. --1110111- .1110111. --1101111- .1110010. --1101100- .1100100. --100001- ..100001. ! .......1..........1....10... Condensed: .1001000.--1100101-.1100101.--1101100-.1101100.--1101100--1-1101111--10-1100100-.1101111.--101100--1-1110010-.101100.--100000-.100000.--1110111-.1110111.--1101111-.1110010.--1101100-.1100100.--100001-..100001.!.......1..........1....10... ==[[Difficult]]== <pre> thing.console.print("Hello, world")? </pre> ==[[DigFill]]== @n _Clear a space to output 1 bits_ &s&n&s&s&n&s&s&s _H_ &s&n&n&s&s&n&s&n _e_ &s&n&n&s&n&n&s&s _l_ &s&n&n&s&n&n&s&s _l_ &s&n&n&s&n&n&n&n _o_ &s&s&n&s&n&n&s&s _,_ &s&s&n&s&s&s&s&s _ _ &s&n&s&n&s&n&n&n _W_ &s&n&n&s&n&n&n&n _o_ &s&n&n&n&s&s&n&s _r_ &s&n&n&s&n&n&s&s _l_ &s&n&n&s&s&n&s&s _d_ &s&s&n&s&s&s&s&n _!_ ==[[Dirst]]== dss_Hello, world-e.txt ==[[Dis]]== ^!|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||{!!!|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||*_>_*>|_*_>_*_>_*_>_*_>_*_>_*_>_*_>_*_>_*_>_*>__*|_>*__|*|||*__ >*>||*>_|*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*{_>*>_|*>||*__>*>||*>||*__>*__>*__>*>_|*> ||*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*{__*>||*>_|*__>*__>*>||*>||*__>*>_|*>||*__>*__>*__>* __>*__>*__>*__>*{{>*>||*>_|*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*{_>*>_|*>||*__> *>_|*>||*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*{_>*>||*>_|*>|>*>||*>_|*__>*__>*__ >*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*{_>*>|_*>||*>_|*__>*>||*>_|*__>*__>*>_|*>||*__>*__>*__>*_ _>*__>*__>*{__*>||*>_|*__>*>_|*>||*__>*>|_*>||*>_|*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>* __>*{_>*>|_*>||*>||*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*{_>*>|_*>||*>_|*__>*__> *__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*{_>*__|*>__|*>__|*__|*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>* __>*__>*>_|*>||*{_>*__|*>__|*>__|*{_|*__>*>||*>||*{! ==[[Divzeros]]== (?'H+?'e+?'l+?'l+?'o+?',+?' +?'W+?'o+?'r+?'l+?'d+?'!)/0 ==[[DL]]== DL Start say(Hello World) DL End ==[[DNA-Sharp|DNA#]]== AT T--A A----T T-----A T-----A G----C T--A GC CG C--G A----T A-----T T-----A A----T A--T GC AT C--G T----A C-----G T-----A G----C C--G CG AT A--T T----A A-----T A-----T G----C A--T GC TA G--C T----A G-----C C-----G C----G A--T GC TA G--C A----T G-----C A-----T C----G A--T CG GC A--T A----T C-----G A-----T C----G A--T CG GC A--T T----A G-----C A-----T G----C A--T CG GC A--T G----C A-----T A-----T T----A A--T TA AT T--A G----C A-----T A-----T A----T G--C AT AT G--C T----A G-----C A-----T G----C G--C AT TA T--A A----T G-----C G-----C A----T A--T TA AT T--A A----T T-----A G-----C A----T T--A TA AT G--C A----T T-----A A-----T T----A G--C AT TA T--A A----T G-----C G-----C A----T A--T AT AT T--A G----C A-----T ==[[DOGO]]== roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel heel heel heel heel heel sit roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel heel heel heel heel roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over stay roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel heel heel heel sit roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over stay roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over heel heel heel heel heel heel heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel roll-over heel heel heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel heel heel heel heel sit roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over stay roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel heel heel heel heel heel heel sit roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel heel heel heel heel heel roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over stay roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel roll-over roll-over heel roll-over heel heel heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel heel heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel heel heel heel heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel ==[[Drive-In Window]]== Hi, welcome to Hello_World_Buffet. Here is a menu. Rice Krispie Treat: $10 Ice Cream: $30 Cookies: $70 Here are your sides. Whipped Cream: $1 Chocolate: $2 Caramel: $3 May I take your order? Person 1 would like the Cookies with Chocolate. Person 1 will pay for his order! Person 2 would like the Ice Cream, hold the Whipped Cream. Person 2 would also like what Person 1 has. Person 2 will pay for his order! Person 2 needs 7 dollars more for his order! Person 2 will pay for his order! Person 2 will pay for his order! Person 2 needs 3 dollars more for his order! Person 2 will pay for his order! Person 3 would like the Ice Cream with Chocolate. Person 3 will pay for his order! Person 1 would also like the Rice Krispie Treat with Caramel. Person 1 needs 2 more dollars for his order! Person 1 will pay for his order! Person 2 will pay for his order! Person 2 needs 3 dollars more for his order! Person 2 will pay for his order! Person 2 needs 6 dollars less for his order! Person 2 will pay for his order! Person 2 needs 8 dollars less for his order! Person 2 will pay for his order! Person 3 needs 1 dollar more for his order! Person 3 will pay for his order! Just wait while we decide... OK, that will be $1.14. Thanks for coming! ==[[DStack]]== @0 Hello, world! @ ad ==[[DUP]]== 'H,'e,'l,'l,'o,',,' ,'w,'o,'r,'l,'d,'!,10, or [\[^^>][$;,1+]#%%]p: 0$"Hello, world!"p;!10, ==[[dupdog]]== Thanks to [[Nikita Ayzikovsky]] (a.k.a [[user:lament]]) for having the attention span to make this <pre class="rectwrap">H?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????e?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????l???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????w???o?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????l???d?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????r???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????X???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????o???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????l??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????</pre> ==[[ELANG]]== "" .H .e .l .l .o ., ._ .w .o .r .l .d .! () ==[[Emmental]]== ;#58#126#63#36!;#46#36#!;#0#1!;#0#2!;#0#3!;#0#4!;#0#5!;#0#6!;#0#7!#0#33#100#108#114#111#119#32#44#111#108#108#101#72$ ==[[Emoji]]== 💬Hello World💬➡ ==[[Emoji-gramming]]== 😊🕐💖 😇🕐🕐 😊🕑🕐 😇🕑🕑 😊🕒🕑 😇🕒🕒 😊♈💖 😇♈🕒 😊📢♈ 😊♈💜 😇♈💞 😇♈🕑 😇♈🕒 😊📢♈ 😊♉💞 😇♉💖 😇♉🕑 😇♉🕒 😊📢♉ 😊📢♉ 😊♊💜 😇♊💕 😇♊💞 😇♊💖 😇♊🕑 😇♊🕒 😊📢♊ 😊♈💞 😇♈💖 😇♈🕑 😊📢♈ 😊📢🕑 😊♈💜 😇♈💕 😇♈💞 😇♈🕐 😇♈🕒 😊📢♈ 😊📢♊ 😊♈💕 😇♈🕐 😇♈🕑 😇♈🕒 😊📢♈ 😊📢♉ 😊♈💞 😇♈🕑 😇♈🕒 😊📢♈ 😊♈💜 😇♈🕑 😊📢♈ 😊♈💖 😇♈💕 😊📢♈ ==[[Emoticon]]== hello world :-Q S:-P :-Q ==[[Enigma-2D]]== >+++++++++[<++++++++>-]<.>+++++++[<++++>-]<+.+++++++..+++.>>>++++++++[<++++>-]D .+>>.--------.------.+++.<<<<.---<]->+++++++++<[++++++++++>>>.<L ==[[EnScript]]== <pre> LDA A, 72 OUT A LDA A, 101 OUT A LDA A, 108 OUT A OUT A LDA A, 111 OUT A LDA A, 44 OUT A LDA A, 32 OUT A LDA A, 119 OUT A LDA A, 111 OUT A LDA A, 114 OUT A LDA A, 108 OUT A LDA A, 100 OUT A LDA A, 33 OUT A LDA A, 9 </pre> ==[[Eodermdrome]]== this (Hello, World!) says... hi! Bonus: append <code> lots</code> or <code>: lots</code> to the replacement sub-graph to make it loop. ==[[EOOOL]]== ,{,{89+(59+~1&(7~+1&2&2&((3~+1&(4~(32_((6~+((8+(38_(},} ==[[evil]]== zaeeeaeeew zaeeaeeaeaw zaeaeeaeeaew zaeaeeaeeaew zuueeueew zaeeeeew zuueueueeeew zuueeueew zaeeaeeaeaeew zaeaeeaeeaew zaeeaeeaew zaeeeeeaw zaeeeeeaeawuuuw ==[[Exp]]== {<|^^^^^^^^^| x |^^^^^^^^|>} {<|^^^^^^^^^^| x |^^^^^^^| - |^|>} {<|^^^^^^^^^| x |^^^^^^^^| + |^^^^|>} {<|^^^^^^^^^| x |^^^^^^^^| + |^^^^|>} {<|^^^^^^^^^^| x |^^^^^^^^| - |^|>} {<|^^^^^^^^| x |^^^^| - |^|>} {<|^^^^^^^^^^| x |^^^^^^^^^| - |^^^|>} {<|^^^^^^^^^^| x |^^^^^^^^| - |^|>} {<|^^^^^^^^^^| x |^^^^^^^^| + |^^|>} {<|^^^^^^^^^| x |^^^^^^^^| + |^^^^|>} {<|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| x |^^^^|>} ==[[Factor]]== <pre class="rectwrap">1655681263349701521084659680611551719864071403625859675993155360184979650875317924075071663014170796398214200089605837256575759246478855815981943506169969378179918285035832792782321874423879673381143676538661836790083866016752674868707301142092304365222517116382208838942082995905598124019955549</pre> ==[[FakeASM]]== ECHO "Hello, world!" STP ==[[FALSE]]== "Hello world! " ==[[FiM++]]== Dear Princess Celestia: Hello World! Today I learned something simple. I said “Hello, World!”! That's all about something simple! Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle. ==[[Fishing]]== v+CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC `Hello, World!`N ==[[Flip]]== >0> 5+ \ @'+ >0>4*+\ +, / / vXv/ / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 4@ 6@ 7@ 7@ 7@ 0@ 5@ 7@ 8@ 7@ 6@ 0@ 2@ *<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<~<< P++<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<~<< Q 0@ 9@ 6@ 6@ 9@ 0@ 5@ 9@ 2@ 6@ 8@ 1@ 2@ \ / / / / / / / / / / / / / ==[[Fob]]== $:#&$Hello, World!:#<>#= ==[[Foo]]== "Hello, World!" ==[[Foobar and Foobaz and Barbaz, oh my!]]== 72 and 27 and 27, oh my. 101 and 101 and 101, oh my. 108 and 108 and 108, oh my. 108 and 108 and 108, oh my. 111 and 111 and 111, oh my. 44 and 44 and 44, oh my. 32 and 32 and 32, oh my. 119 and 119 and 119, oh my. 111 and 111 and 111, oh my. 114 and 114 and 114, oh my. 108 and 108 and 108, oh my. 100 and 100 and 100, oh my. 33 and 33 and 33, oh my. 10 and 10 and 10, oh my. ==[[Forobj]]== "Hello world!\n"d ==[[Fortob]]== The shortest: "Hello world!".println; Longer, but features more language features: @print[$!.readcom.println;$\.push:'\;]\; print "Hello world!"\; ==[[Fourier]]== 72a101a108aa111a44a32a119a111a114a108a100a33a10a ==[[F-PULSE]]== <pre> PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS CBGN[ NXT PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS NXT PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS NXT PLS PLS PLS LST LST LST MNS ]CEND NXT PLS PLS OUT NXT PLS OUT PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS OUT OUT PLS PLS PLS OUT NXT PLS PLS OUT LST LST PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS OUT NXT OUT PLS PLS PLS OUT MNS MNS MNS MNS MNS MNS OUT MNS MNS MNS MNS MNS MNS MNS MNS OUT NXT PLS OUT NXT PTN OUT </pre> ==[[FRAK]]== LI 0,C'H' PUT 0 LI 0,C'e' PUT 0 LI 0,C'l' PUT 0 LI 0,C'l' PUT 0 LI 0,C'o' PUT 0 LI 0,32 PUT 0 LI 0,C'w' PUT 0 LI 0,C'o' PUT 0 LI 0,C'r' PUT 0 LI 0,C'l' PUT 0 LI 0,C'd' PUT 0 LI 0,C'!' PUT 0 Using FRAK/ASA macros: C'Hello World!' ADDRESS 0 '[.>]' == [[FrancePROG]] == <pre>Alors en gros, on va commencer un programme. Ce serait bien si on écrivait «Hello, world!». Après, on arrête le programme un instant! C'est bien ça.</pre> ==[[Fueue]]== 72 101 108 108 111 44 32 119 111 114 108 100 33 10 H ==[[Fugue]]== [[Image:Hworld.png]] [https://github.com/graue/esofiles/raw/master/fugue/src/hworld.mid This score in machine-readable form (MIDI format)] == [[Full 0]] == {6}[(a0)(?H)]{3}[a0]{2}[(a0)(?e)]{3}[a0] {2}[(a0)(?l)]{3}[a0]~{1}[a0]~{4}[(a0)(?o)] {3}[a0]{2}[(a0)(?,)]{3}[a0]{2}[(a0)(? )] {3}[a0]{2}[(a0)(?w)]{3}[a0]{2}[(a0)(?o)] {3}[a0]{2}[(a0)(?r)]{3}[a0]{2}[(a0)(?l)] {3}[a0]{2}[(a0)(?d)]{3}[a0]{2}[(a0)(?!)] {3}[a0] == [[Funciton]] == ╔═══════════════╗ ║ 2388215291394 ║ ║ 5970717094395 ║ ║ 9830070909071 ║ ║ 3359207734160 ║ ║ 6896177782105 ║ ║ 7169552834632 ║ ╚═══════╤═══════╝ │ ==[[Gammaplex]]== X"Hello World!"XXSXrRE ==[[GASOIL]]== main ("Hello World!"; WRITE) ==[[Gentzen]]== <- "stdlib"; <- "iolib"; main : () / ($1(iosys) |- $2(++)); main = [x,y] cut "Hello, World!" [z] outtext x z y; -> main; ==[[Gibberish (programming language)|Gibberish]]== [Hello, world! ]eo == [[Gibberish/JavaScript]] == ${echo:Hello, World!} ==[[Godencode]]== Too long to fit here, find on Godencode's page. ==[[Goldfish]]== 0 iisiiiisiiiiiiiioniiisisioiiiiiiiooiiioniisiisddddoniisiiiiisiiiiiioniiisiisddddddddddoiiioddddddoddddddddoniiisio ==[[golfuck]]== 'Hello, world! ==[[Grass]]== wv wwWWwWWWwv Wwwww WWw WWWw WWWWw WWWWWw WWWWWWw WWWWWWWw Wwwwwwwwwwwww WWWWw WWWWWWWw WWWWWWWWWWWWWWw WWWWWWWWWWWww WWWWWWWWWWww WWWWWWWWWWWWw WWWWWWWWWWww WWWWWWWWWWwwwwwww WWWWWWWWWWWWWWw WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWw WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWw WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWww WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWww WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWwwwww WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWww WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWw WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Wwwwwwwwwwww WWwwwwwww WWWwwwwwww WWWWw WWWWWwwwwwwww WWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww WWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww WWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww WWWWWWWWWwwww WWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwww WWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwww WWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww WWWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ==[[Gravity]]== (0,0) : 2 (1,1,1,1, 2) -> 3 : 72 (1,1,1,1, 3) -> 4 : 101 (1,1,1,1, 4) -> 5 : 108 (1,1,1,1, 5) -> 6 : 108 (1,1,1,1, 6) -> 7 : 111 (1,1,1,1, 7) -> 8 : 32 (1,1,1,1, 8) -> 9 : 119 (1,1,1,1, 9) -> 10 : 111 (1,1,1,1,10) -> 11 : 114 (1,1,1,1,11) -> 12 : 108 (1,1,1,1,12) -> # : 100 ==[[GridScript]]== <pre><nowiki> #HELLO WORLD. @width 3 @height 1 (1,1):START (3,1):PRINT 'Hello World' </nowiki></pre> ==[[Grin]]== (Hello, world!) ==[https://github.com/Areallycoolusername/Gulp-lang Gulp]== <pre> 'Hello, world! </pre> ==[[Hanoi Love]]== .'...,;';';;';';';'.,...;"'.'...,;;';;';';;'.,...;"';;;;;;;"'"';;; "'.'.,...'...,;';';';';'.,...;"'..'...,'...,;;';';';'.,...`"'.'..., ;;';';';'.,...;"';;;"'``````"'````````"'.'.,..;"'.'.,..;;;;;;;;;;"' ==[[Hello]]== h ==[[HEX]]== GBL; Bug("1", "Hello, World!"); Scuttle("1"); Write; ==The [[Hexadecimal Stacking Pseudo-Assembly Language]]== <pre> 200021 400000 200064 400000 20006C 400000 200072 400000 20006F 400000 200057 400000 200020 400000 20002C 400000 20006F 400000 20006C 400000 20006C 400000 200065 400000 200048 400000 140000 </pre> ==[[Hexagony]]== Compact form: H;e;l;d;*;r;o;Wl;;o;*433;@.>;23<\4;*/ Laid out as a hex grid: H ; e ; l ; d ; * ; r ; o ; W l ; ; o ; * 4 3 3 ; @ . > ; 2 3 < \ 4 ; * / ==[[Hexish]]== 0902160E48656C6C6F20776F726C6421001001161508 or 0B ==[[Higher Subleq]]== int printf(); int main() { printf("Hello, World!\n"); } ==[[HighFive]]== Note: This actually prints "HELLO" instead of "Hello World". -----------------------------------////++++++++//// /+++++++++/+++++++++++++/++++/-////*/ ./---.+++++++..+++././/////+++++++++++++++./.+++.------.--------./+. ==[[Hollow]]== {Hello, world!.9}:? ==[[Homespring]]== Universe bear hatchery Hello. World!. Powers marshy marshy snowmelt Example from http://bunny.xeny.net/linked/Homespring-Proposed-Language-Standard.pdf ==[[HQ9 Plus|HQ9+]]== H ==[[H🌍]]== hw ==[[INCAL]]== send,66#111#102#<101#42#93#101#120#102#110#43# die == [[Incident]] == A1.A2.A3,A4.A5,A6,A7;A8;B1;B2,B3.B4,B5;B6.B7.B8;C1,C2.C3;C4.C5,C6;C7, C8.D1;D2,D3.D4,D5.D6;D7.D8,E1;E2;E3;E4,E5,E6.E7,E8.F1;F2.F3.F4,F5.F6; F7.F8;G1,G2;G3,G4;G5.G6.G7.G8;H1.H2;H3.H4.H5.H6,H7;H8;I1,I2.I3;I4,I5. I6,I7.I8,J1;J2,J3,J4,J5;J6;J7.J8;K1;K2;K3;K4,K5,K6;K7.K8,L1;L2,L3;L4, L5;L6;L7,L8,M1.M2.M3.M4,M5,M6,M7,M8,N1.N2;N3,N4.N5;N6,N7.N8,Z4;a1,a1. Z3.A1,a1;a2,a2,A1,A2.a2,a3.a3.A2,A3,a3.a5,a5,A3;A5.a5,a6,a6.A5;A6.a6. a8.a8.A6;A8.a8;b2,b2.A8;B2.b2,b4.b4,B2,B4;b4.b5;b5;B4;B5;b5.b8.b8,B5. B8.b8.c1;c1,B8,C1;c1,c2,c2;C1;C2,c2.c5,c5;C2,C5,c5.c8.c8,C5;C8;c8,d1; d1.C8,D1;d1.d2;d2.D1.D2.d2.d5,d5,D2.D5.d5.d8,d8;D5;D8.d8,e5.e5.D8;E5, e5,e8,e8,E5,E8;e8,f1.f1.E8.F1;f1;f2,f2;F1.F2.f2;f5.f5;F2;F5,f5;f7;f7. F5,F7,f7;f8.f8;F7.F8,f8,g1;g1.F8;G1.g1,g2;g2.G1,G2,g2,g3;g3;G2,G3;g3, g4,g4.G3;G4.g4.g5.g5,G4,G5.g5;g7;g7.G5;G7,g7,g8;g8.G7,G8;g8;h4.h4,G8; H4,h4;h8,h8,H4.H8,h8.i5.i5;H8;I5;i5.i8;i8.I5,I8,i8.j1;j1;I8,J1;j1.j3. j3;J1,J3;j3;j4,j4.J3,J4.j4,j8,j8.J4;J8,j8.k1.k1.J8.K1,k1,k2.k2;K1,K2; k2.k5;k5;K2,K5.k5,k8;k8,K5.K8,k8;l1,l1;K8;L1;l1,Z1;Z2;Z2,Z3.Z2;Z1.Z1, l2;l2;L1;L2,l2;l4.l4.L2.L4;l4.l5.l5.L4;L5;l5.l8.l8,L5.L8;l8;m2;m2.L8; M2.m2,m3,m3,M2,M3,m3;m4.m4.M3;M4.m4,m5.m5.M4,M5,m5;m7,m7.M5.M7;m7.m8. m8,M7,M8,m8,n1;n1.M8,N1;n1.n3,n3;N1;N3,n3.n5,n5;N3,N5;n5,n6.n6.N5.N6. n6,n7;n7;N6.N7;n7.n8,n8;N7,N8;n8,a4,a4;Z3;A4,a4;a7.a7.A4.A7;a7,b1.b1; A7;B1,b1;b3;b3,B1,B3.b3,b6.b6;B3;B6,b6;b7;b7,B6,B7,b7;c3,c3.B7,C3,c3. c4.c4,C3,C4.c4;c6.c6,C4,C6.c6;c7,c7;C6.C7,c7.d3;d3.C7,D3,d3;d4;d4.D3, D4,d4;d6,d6,D4,D6.d6;d7,d7,D6,D7.d7,e1,e1;D7,E1.e1,e2,e2;E1;E2,e2.e3; e3,E2,E3,e3.e4;e4.E3.E4;e4,e6;e6;E4,E6,e6.e7.e7;E6.E7.e7,f3,f3.E7,F3; f3.f4;f4,F3;F4,f4;f6;f6.F4.F6,f6,g6.g6;F6.G6.g6.h1;h1;G6;H1,h1.h2;h2. H1;H2,h2.h3,h3,H2,H3,h3.h5.h5;H3,H5;h5;h6;h6;H5.H6.h6,h7.h7.H6,H7.h7; i1,i1,H7.I1,i1.i2;i2;I1;I2,i2,i3.i3,I2,I3.i3;i4;i4;I3,I4,i4.i6,i6,I4. I6,i6.i7.i7,I6;I7;i7.j2;j2;I7.J2;j2,j5;j5.J2.J5;j5.j6,j6.J5,J6,j6;j7; j7;J6,J7.j7;k3,k3;J7.K3.k3.k4.k4,K3.K4;k4,k6;k6,K4.K6;k6,k7.k7;K6,K7. k7,l3.l3.K7;L3;l3.l6;l6,L3;L6,l6;l7,l7,L6;L7.l7,m1.m1,L7;M1;m1,m6;m6, M1;M6,m6;n2;n2;M6,N2,n2;n4.n4,N2;N4,n4.N8.N4,Z4,Z4 ==[[InDec]]== add2 @ N { N ++ ++ } add4 @ N { N add2 add2 } add8 @ N { N add4 add4 } add16 @ N { N add8 add8 } add32 @ N { N add16 add16 } add64 @ N { N add32 add32 } SPACE add32 H add64 add8 d,H add add16 add8 add4 e,d add ++ l,e add add4 add2 ++ o,l add add2 ++ W,H add add8 add4 add2 ++ r,o add add2 ++ H&,e&,l&,l&,o&,SPACE&,W&,o&,r&,l&,d& . ==[[Integ]]== ](104)](101)](108)](108)](111)](44)](32)](119)](111)](114)](108)](100)](10) ==[[ISCOM]]== "Hello, world!" @=10 ==[[Keg]]== Hello\, World\! Alternatively, using string compression «H%c¡|,!« ==[[KimL]]== io.out "Hello World!" ==[[Kipple]]== 33>o<100 108>o<114 111>o<87 32>o<111 108>o<108 101>o<72 ==[[Labyrinth]]== 72.101.108:.. or 33_100_108:}_114_111:}_87_32_44{{:_101_72....... @ ==[[Lazy K]]== <pre> `k``s``si`k``s`k```sii``s``s`kski``s``s`ksk``s``s`ksk```s``siii``s``s`kski`k``s``si`k``s``s`ksk```s``s`ksk i``s`k``s``s`kski``s``s`ksk```sii``s``s`kski`k``s``si`k``s`k```sii``s``s`kski```sii``s``s`ksk``s``s`kski`k ``s``si`k``s`k```sii``s``s`kski```sii``s``s`ksk``s``s`kski`k``s``si`k``s``s`ksk``s`k``s``s`kski``s``s`ksk` `s`k``s``s`kski```sii``s``s`ksk``s``s`kski`k``s``si`k````s``s`ksk```s``siii``s``s`kski`s``s`ksk```sii``s`` s`ksk``s``s`kski`k``s``si`k``s`k``s``s`kski```s``siii``s``s`kski`k``s``si`k``s`k``s``s`ksk``s`k``s``s`kski ``s``s`ksk``s``s`kski``s``s`ksk```s``siii``s``s`kski`k``s``si`k``s``s`ksk``s`k``s``s`kski``s``s`ksk``s`k`` s``s`kski```sii``s``s`ksk``s``s`kski`k``s``si`k``s`k``s``s`kski``s``s`ksk``s`k``s``s`kski``s``s`ksk```sii` `s``s`ksk``s``s`kski`k``s``si`k``s`k```sii``s``s`kski```sii``s``s`ksk``s``s`kski`k``s``si`k```s``s`kski``s `k``s``s`kski``s``s`ksk```sii``s``s`kski`k``s``si`k``s``s`ksk``s`k``s``s`kski```s``siii``s``s`kski`k``s``s i`k``s`k``s``s`kski``s``s`ksk```sii``s``s`kski`k``s``si`k```sii```sii``s``s`kski`k```sii```sii``s``s`kski </pre> ==[[Leszek]]== \O\C\.1.Hello World! == [[Licorne]] == <pre>hurler.$.aux licornes; $Hello, world! s'arrêter discrétos</pre> ==[[Linguine]]== 1[0=72,0$,0+29,0$,0+7,0$,0$,0+3,0$,1=32,1$,0-24,0$,0+24,0$,0+3,0$,0-6,0$,0-8,0$,1+1,1$,1-23,1$]0 ==[[LNUSP]]== --- Hello World! --- 000 .INPUT .OUTPUT .STOP 001 . . . 001 . . . 001 . . . 001 . !.! . . 001 . ! . . 001 ! . ! . . 001 . !! . . 001 * . . 072 + H . . 001 * . . 101 + e . . 001 * . . 108 + l . . 001 * . . 108 + l . . 001 * . . 111 + o . . 001 * . . 032 + (sp) . . 001 * . . 087 + W . . 001 * . . 111 + o . . 001 * . . 114 + r . . 001 * . . 108 + l . . 001 * . . 100 + d . . 001 * . . 033 + ! . . 001 * . . 013 + (cr) . -------------- . 001 * . . 001 ! . . 001 . . . 001 . !! . . 001 . !.! ! ! . !......! . 001 . ! . ! ?......!.....? ! . 001 ! . ! . @ ? . .?? ? . . 001 . !! ./. . . ? ? . . . 016 . . * --.-- . --. .---.-.-- . 001 . ! . ? . * ? . ! . 001 . !.....?..@.....?.....!....@ 001 . . ? ? . 001 ! ! .. . . 001 !......! ! ?..? . 001 !.......! ==[[Log]]== Since Log cannot outout chars, this is the binary version. That is tedious, so this only prints "Hello ". Note that the input must be 1. (A) ((A)) (A) (A) ((A)) (A) (A) (A) (A) ((A)) ((A)) (A) (A) ((A)) (A) ((A)) (A) ((A)) ((A)) (A) ((A)) ((A)) (A) (A) (A) ((A)) ((A)) (A) ((A)) ((A)) (A) (A) (A) ((A)) ((A)) (A) ((A)) ((A)) ((A)) ((A)) (A) (A) ((A)) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) ==[[Logical]]== COMET DEFN !DLROW_,OLLEH ==[[logOS]]== Editor write "Hello, world!" copy minimise Email paste send ==[[LOLA]]== :H,:e,2:l,,:o,:',:_,:w,:o,:r,:l,:d,:!,:%,:\\b,\\a,,,,,,,,,,,,,, +\\\cb,ba,, *\\ba+,,\\a, :\\\a\c,c, H*+8,,8, e+d, l8+,d, o3+,l, '_+,^, w8+,o, r+^,+,e, d2%, _52, !+_, 2\\bba,, 3+2, 5+22,, 832, %*2,5, ^2*2,,3, ==[[LOLCODE]]== HAI CAN HAS STDIO? VISIBLE "HAI WORLD!" 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LEFT 1 LEFT 2 LEFT 2 UP 2 RIGHT 2 LEFT 2 DOWN 2 UP 2 RIGHT 2 LEFT 2 DOWN 2 RIGHT 2 BOND 1 YELL 1 LEFT 1 LEFT 1 UP 1 UP 1 LEFT 1 LEFT 1 UP 1 UP 1 LEFT 1 DOWN 1 DOWN 1 LEFT 1 UP 1 UP 1 LEFT 1 DOWN 1 DOWN 1 RIGHT 1 DOWN 1 LEFT 1 TEACH 1 DOWN 1 RIGHT 1 UP 1 UP 1 UP 1 RIGHT 1 DOWN 1 DOWN 1 DOWN 1 DOWN 1 UP 1 RIGHT 1 RIGHT 1 DOWN 1 DOWN 1 TEACH 4 YELL 1 RIGHT 1 RIGHT 1 DOWN 1 DOWN 1 DOWN 1 LEFT 1 YELL 1 YELL 1 LEFT 1 LEFT 1 LEFT 2 LEFT 2 DOWN 2 RIGHT 2 UP 2 UP 2 LEFT 2 LEFT 2 LEFT 2 DOWN 2 DOWN 2 DOWN 2 RIGHT 2 RIGHT 2 RIGHT 2 RIGHT 2 UP 2 UP 2 UP 2 LEFT 2 LEFT 2 DOWN 2 RIGHT 2 YELL 3 YELL 1 YELL 1 RIGHT 1 RIGHT 1 RIGHT 1 YELL 4 DOWN 4 TEACH 4 DOWN 4 DOWN 4 DOWN 4 DOWN 4 DOWN 2 RIGHT 6 LEFT 6 DOWN 6 RIGHT 6 UP 6 UP 6 LEFT 6 DOWN 6 RIGHT 6 YELL 4 YELL 2 YELL ==[[MSG]]== main 'passon stdout 'Hello, world!' ' ==[[MSM]]== !dlrow ',olleH............ ==[[Muriel]]== ."Hello, World!"; ==[[Mycelium]]== {{EnlargeImage|Hello_mycelium.png|Hello, world! in Mycelium}} ==[[Myth]]== {"_":"Hello, world!"} ==[[naz]]== 9a8m1o 9a9a9a2a1o 7a2o 3a1o 3d7a1o 9s3s1o 8a2m7a1o 9a9a6a1o 3a1o 6s1o 8s1o 3d1o Without newlines: 9a8m1o9a9a9a2a1o7a2o3a1o3d7a1o9s3s1o8a2m7a1o9a9a6a1o3a1o6s1o8s1o3d1o ==[[NDBall]]== using only 83 instructions and 20 dimentions (0) >0 {0,1} >0 {0,2} + {0,3} Y[72,>1,>0] {0,3|1,1} <0 {0,1|1,1} <1 {0,4} >2 {0,4|2,1} <0 {0,3|2,1} p {2,1} >2 {2,2} + {2,3} Y[101,>3,>2] {2,3|3,1} <2 {2,1|3,1} <3 {2,4} >4 {2,4|4,1} <2 {2,3|4,1} p {4,1} >4 {4,2} + {4,3} Y[108,>5,>4] {4,3|5,1} <4 {4,1|5,1} <5 {4,4} >6 {4,4|6,1} <4 {4,3|6,1} p {4,2|6,1} p {6,1} >6 {6,2} + {6,3} Y[111,>7,>6] {6,3|7,1} <6 {6,1|7,1} <7 {6,4} >8 {6,4|8,1} <6 {6,3|8,1} p {8,1} >8 {8,2} - {8,3} Y[33,>8,>9] {8,3|9,1} <8 {8,1|9,1} <9 {8,4} >10 {8,4|10,1} <8 {8,3|10,1} p {10,1} >10 {10,2} + {10,3} Y[119,>11,>10] {10,3|11,1} <10 {10,1|11,1} <11 {10,4} >12 {10,4|12,1} <10 {10,3|12,1} p {12,1} >12 {12,2} - {12,3} Y[112,>12,>13] {12,3|13,1} <12 {12,1|13,1} <13 {12,4} >14 {12,4|14,1} <12 {12,3|14,1} p {14,1} >14 {14,2} + {14,3} Y[114,>15,>14] {14,3|15,1} <14 {14,1|15,1} <15 {14,4} >16 {14,4|16,1} <14 {14,3|16,1} p {16,1} >16 {16,2} - {16,3} Y[109,>16,>17] {16,3|17,1} <16 {16,1|17,1} <17 {16,4} >18 {16,4|18,1} <16 {16,3|18,1} p {18,1} >18 {18,2} - {18,3} Y[101,>18,>19] {18,3|19,1} <18 {18,1|19,1} <19 {18,4} >20 {18,4|20,1} <18 {18,3|20,1} p {18,2|20,1} E ==[[No Literals, Gotos Only, Final Destination!]]== <pre>\,1 1+1,2 2+1,3 3+1,4 4+1,5 5+1,6 6+2,8 8+1,9 9+1,A A+1,B B+2,D D+1,E E+1,F F+1,G G+10 0,0 0,0 5D 5D 15,b 55 5G 26 60 0:D9*0+4B 0:D9*0+18 3F 0:D9*0+1D 0:D9*0+56 0:D9*0+5G 0:D9*0+1E 0:D9*0+11,a 0:D9*0+a+1,a 0:D9*0+b+1,b 0:D9*0+5D</pre> ==[[NOR]]== Because of its tediousness, I only go to print "Hello" in ascii 1 0 REM store the H in line values 10 NOR 0, 1 20 NOR 0, 0 30 NOR 0, 1 40 NOR 0, 1 50 NOR 0, 0 60 NOR 0, 1 70 NOR 0, 1 80 NOR 0, 1 90 REM print it all out 100 OUT #10:0 110 OUT #20:0 120 OUT #30:0 130 OUT #40:0 140 OUT #50:0 150 OUT #60:0 160 OUT #70:0 170 OUT #80:0 175 OLN 180 REM Change to little e 190 NOR #30:0, 0 200 NOR #50:0, 0 210 NOR #60:0, 0 230 NOR #80:0, 0 240 REM Output with replaced values 250 OUT #10:0 260 OUT #20:0 270 OUT #190:0 280 OUT #40:0 290 OUT #200:0 300 OUT #210:0 310 OUT #70:0 320 OUT #230:0 325 OLN 330 REM Change to little l 340 NOR #200:0, 0 350 NOR #230:0, 0 360 REM Output little l twice 370 OUT #10:0 380 OUT #20:0 390 OUT #190:0 400 OUT #40:0 410 OUT #340:0 420 OUT #210:0 430 OUT #70:0 440 OUT #350:0 445 OLN 450 OUT #10:0 460 OUT #20:0 470 OUT #190:0 480 OUT #40:0 490 OUT #340:0 500 OUT #210:0 510 OUT #70:0 520 OUT #350:0 525 OLN 530 REM Change to little o 540 NOR #70:0, 0 550 NOR #350:0, 0 560 REM Output little o 570 OUT #10:0 580 OUT #20:0 590 OUT #190:0 600 OUT #40:0 610 OUT #340:0 620 OUT #210:0 630 OUT #540:0 640 OUT #550:0 645 OLN 650 REM Pause at end 660 INP in0 ==[[NOTE]]== .print/"Hello, world!"\ ==[[Novice]]== a a-Hello, world!_* Hello, world!_* ==[[Nqubl]]== "!dlrow ,olleH"ex ==[[Numberix]]== A0000159006CA9006C590057A9006F590064A90021000000000000000000000000000000000000 59004809006559006F09002059007209006CFF0000 ==[[NyaScript]]== NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NYa Nya NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA Nya NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA Nya NyA NyA NyA NyA Nya NyA NyA NyA Nya NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA Nya NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA nyA nyA nyA nyA nyA nyA nYa nYA Nya NyA NyA NYA Nya NyA NYA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NYA NYA nyan NyA NyA NyA NYA Nya NyA NyA NyA NyA NYA Nya NyA NyA NYA Nya nYa nYa nYa NYA NYAN NyA NyA NyA NYA NyA NyA NyA NYA NYAN NYA nYa nYa nYa nYa nYa nYa nYa nYa NYA nyA NyA NYA or UwU $h "Hello,\^^World!" #h NYA ==[[Omgrofl]]== lol iz 72 rofl lol lol iz 101 rofl lol lol iz 108 rofl lol rofl lol lool iz 111 rofl lool loool iz 44 rofl loool loool iz 32 rofl loool loool iz 87 rofl loool rofl lool lool iz 114 rofl lool rofl lol lol iz 100 rofl lol lol iz 33 rofl lol ==[[Ook!]]== Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook? Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook! Ook! Ook? Ook! Ook? Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook? Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook! Ook! Ook? Ook! Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook? Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook! Ook! Ook? Ook! Ook? Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook? Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook! Ook! Ook? Ook! Ook? Ook. Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook. Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook. ==[[OOLANG]]== <pre class="rectwrap"> Hello, World!.println; </pre> ==[[ORK]]== When this program starts: There is a scribe called Writer. Writer is to write "Hello, world!" ==[[Ouroboros]]== Straightforward version: "Hello, World!"ooooooooooooo1( Shorter version: S"Hello, World!"1( ewSoL!( ==[[Packlang]]== Package : IO { Integer main { charPut(72); charPut(101); charPut(108); charPut(108); charPut(111); charPut(44); charPut(32); charPut(87); charPut(111); charPut(114); charPut(108); charPut(100); charPut(33); charPut(13); charPut(10); 0; } } helloWorld; ==[[Paintfuck]]== *s*s*s*s*enn*enn*s*s*s*s*ee*n*n*n*n*e*e*ssw *ss*e*ee*e*e*wwn*n*n*n*eeee*s*s*s*s*e*e*een *n*n*en*es*s*s*sw*eee*sw*wwwwwn[ww]seess*s* s*s*se*e*n*n*n*n*ee*s*s*s*sw*eeee*wn*n*n*ne *es*s*s*ees*n*n*n*n*e*es*ws*es*s*ee*n*n*n*n *[s]ne*e*ee*n*n*n*n*e*es*s*s*sw*eee*nn*n*n* ''Look into the memory grid.'' ==[[PATH]]== \/\ /\ /\ /\ +++ ++ ++ ++ +++ ++ /++++\ ++ ++ /++++\ ++\++\++ + + ++ ++ + + ++ +++ +/+++/ ++ ++ + + ++ +++ ++ ++ ++ + + \/ \/\ /\+++ /\ /\ /++.+/ \ \ /++++.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ / \ /\ - -# ++ . -. + / \++++\ /++++\ ++ /---\- -+ + /\ + + + + + +. - .- -} + +. + + + + +- - +- . +} + + + + +- - +- -. \.+/\++/ \++++/ + +\ /-.+/- -- \ / \.{/ \ / \/ ''Note: change '{' and '}' to '<' and '>' to make this work in [[SNUSP]].'' ==[[PDA-er]]== .1001000. ----1100101- .1100101. ----1101100- .1101100. ----1101100- ----1101111- ----1100100- .1101111. ----101100- ----1110010- .101100. ----100000- .100000. ----1110111- .1110111. ----1101111- .1110010. ----1101100- .1100100. ----100001- ..100001. ! .100011. ==[[PHL 1.0]]== main[ println(Hello world!); ] ==[[Pi]]== 3.1415926535897932384226433232725028841271693992751358239749245923072164062 822089986780348053431120629821483865332223366470908446395535832317223594083 284831172502841037019385311052596446029489529303219642288009756259134461214 751482337817834652812009021456285664234613486134553226482133236073603491413 737242870066363155841744815239239622292545917053643278925902605113301301488 204625213821429519415316024320522703627595939530921261373219226137931021185 580744023794627495273518257527348912274384830113491298346743644406563430865 2133494633522473749030217386093370277033921317659317670238267581846066440 ==[[Pieces]]== <pre> # # # # + + # # + # ###+++# #+++# #+++# #+++# #+++####+++###+ +###+ +###+ +###+ +###+ +## #+ +## #++###+ +###+ +###+ +###++++###+++# #+++# #+++# #++ +# #+++## #+++###+ +###+ +###+ +## #++ +###+ +###++ +###++###+++# #+++# #+++# #+++# #++ +# #+++# #+++# #+ +## #+ +## #+++##+++###+ +###+ +###+ +###+ +###+++####+++###+ +###+ +###+ +###+ +## #++ +# #+ +## #++ +####+++# #+ +## #+ +## #++ +## #++ +## #++++## #++ +## #++ +## #++ +## #++ +## #+++##+++#### ####+++###+++###+++###+++###+++####+++###+++###+++###+++###+++##++++###+++####+++###+++###+++###+++###++++###+++###+++###++####+++###++++###++++###+++###+++###+++####++++###+++###++++##+++###+++###+++###+++###+++###++++##++####++####++####++++#####++###+++###+++###+++###+++###+++###+++####+++###+++###+++###+++###+++####+++###++++####++++####++###+++####++++####++++####++++####++++####++++####++++####++++####++++####++###+++#### ###++####++####++####++####++####++++##++++##++++##++++##++++##+++####+++####+++##++++##++++##++++##++++####++####++####++###++++###++++###++++##++++##++++##++++####++++##++++##+++++##+++###++####++####++####++####++++####+++###+++###+++###++++###++###+++##++++##++++##++++##++++##+++####++++##++++##++++##++++##++++###++++###+++####++++####+++###+++####+++####++++####++++####++++####++++####++++####++++####++++#####++###++#### ###+++###+++###+++###+++###+++# ##+++###+++###+++###+++###+++###+++# ##+++# ##++###+++###+++###+++###+ ++###+++###+++###+++###+ ++###+ +# ##+ +###+++###+++###+++# ##+ ++###+++###+ ++###++###+++###+++###+++###+++###+ ++###+++###+++###+++# ##+++# ##+++##+++###+++###+++###+++###+++###+++# ##+++###+++###+++###+++###+++####+ ++###+++####++++## #+++###+++# ##+++####++++####++++####+ ++####++++####++++####++++####++++# ##+++##+++# ## # # + + + # # + </pre> ==[[Pig]]== Hello, World!PIGHello, World! ==[[Pit]]== NOT 1 SND 1 SND 0 SND 0 SND 0 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 0 SND 1 SND 0 SND 0 SND 0 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 0 SND 1 SND 0 SND 0 SND 0 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 0 SND 1 SND 0 SND 0 SND 0 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 0 SND 1 SND 0 SND 0 SND 0 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 0 SND 1 SND 0 SND 0 SND 0 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 0 SND 1 SND 0 SND 0 SND 0 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 0 SND 1 SND 0 SND 0 SND 0 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 0 SND 1 SND 0 SND 0 SND 0 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 0 SND 1 SND 0 SND 0 SND 0 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 0 SND 1 SND 0 SND 0 SND 0 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 0 SND 1 SND 0 SND 0 SND 0 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 0 SND 1 SND 0 SND 0 SND 0 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 0 OFF 0 ==[[Pixiedust]]== ++.*+..+... ++.*++..+.+ ++.*++.++.. ++.*++.++.. ++.*++.++++ ++.*+.++.. ++.*+..... ++.*+.+.+++ ++.*++.++++ ++.*+++..+. ++.*++.++.. ++.*++..+.. ++.*+....+ Or, more excitingly, + + . *+ .. +. .. . . . . + + .* + +. . + .+ * ++. * + + . ++ . . * . . . . .* + +. * + + .+ + . .* . . . . .. ++ . * ++. + ++ + * . . .. . .* + + .* + . + +. . . . . . . . + + .*+ . .. . .* . . . .. . . .* + +. * +. + . ++ +* + +. *+ + . ++ ++ .. . .. + +. * + + + .. + .* . + + . * ++ . + + ..* . .. + + . * ++. .+.. . . . . ... .. + + . *+ .. . . +*. . . . . .* == [[Pizza Delivery]] == <pre> 21d64d72d57d20d2Cd6Fd6Cd65d48`a`a``a`a`a`a`ddd`aaaa`ddddd`aaaaaa`a`. </pre> ==[[Please Porige Hot]]== 1 Please porige hot or cold Hello, World! ==[[PlusOrMinus]]== <pre class="rectwrap">++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-++++++++-+-++++-++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-+++++++++++++++++++++++++-++++-+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-</pre> ==[[Poetic]]== the proverbial "unconsciousness" i was already aware i had understood fully i saw the devil i was perfectly still involuntarily i paused there said i: my sheer consciousness of certain given circumstances i noticed it's nothing nothing nothing any man wouldn't learn a way of finding these i know not nothing common or typical and yet (somehow) very little thought will normally resolve every contradiction a foolish heart -> an eternal misfortune ==[[Pok%C3%A9Battle|Pokébattle]]== ''Needs reduction or patching'' <pre>Trainer 1: Alice Togepi Emolga Talonflame Rhyperior Abra Pikachu Trainer 2: Bob Yveltal Raichu Oranguru Nidoqueen Incineroar Avalugg ‌ Battle Start! Turn 0: Alice: Rhyperior Go! Bob: Avalugg Go! Turn 1: Rhyperior uses Absorb! Avalugg uses Absorb! Turn 2: Rhyperior uses Absorb! Avalugg uses Absorb! Turn 3: Alice: That's enough! Go Pikachu! Avalugg uses Splash! Turn 4: Pikachu uses Absorb! Bob: That's enough! Go Raichu! Turn 5: Alice: That's enough! Go Rhyperior! Raichu uses Absorb! Turn 6: Rhyperior uses Splash! Bob: That's enough! Go Avalugg! Turn 7: Rhyperior uses Absorb! Avalugg uses Absorb! Turn 8: Alice uses Max Potion! Avalugg uses Tackle! It's not very effective. Turn 9: Rhyperior uses Flamethrower! Avalugg uses Splash! Turn 10: Rhyperior uses Swords Dance! Avalugg uses Swords Dance! Turn 11: Rhyperior uses Tackle! It's not very effective. Bob uses Max Potion! Turn 12: Rhyperior uses Skill Swap! Avalugg uses Swords Dance! Turn 13: Rhyperior uses Swords Dance! Avalugg uses Tackle! It's not very effective. Turn 14: Alice uses Hyper Potion! Bob: That's enough! Go Raichu! Turn 15: Rhyperior uses Swords Dance! Bob uses Super Potion! Turn 16: Alice: That's enough! Go Pikachu! Raichu uses Tackle! It's not very effective. Turn 17: Pikachu uses Swords Dance! Raichu uses Swords Dance! Turn 18: Alice: That's enough! Go Rhyperior! Bob uses Potion! Turn 19: Alice uses Max Potion! Bob: That's enough! Go Avalugg! Turn 20: Rhyperior uses Swords Dance! Avalugg uses Flamethrower! It's super effective! Turn 21: Rhyperior uses Swords Dance! Avalugg uses Tackle! It's not very effective. Turn 22: Alice uses Hyper Potion! Avalugg uses Splash! Turn 23: Rhyperior uses Swords Dance! Avalugg uses Swords Dance! Turn 24: Rhyperior uses Flamethrower! It's super effective! Avalugg uses Swords Dance! Turn 25: Alice: That's enough! Go Abra! Bob: That's enough! Go Raichu! Turn 26: Abra uses Splash! Raichu uses Swords Dance! Battle End! Winner: Alice</pre> <i>Note:</i> Some examples in pages like [[Argh!]] and [[Aheui]] has a trailing new line in the output. If you really want a trailing new line here in Pokebattle, you can insert this code before the "<code>Battle End!</code>" message: <pre> Turn 27: Abra uses Splash! Bob: That's enough! Go Yveltal! Turn 28: Abra uses Absorb! Yveltal uses Splash! Turn 29: Abra uses Swords Dance! Yveltal uses Splash! </pre> <i>Another note:</i> The Pokebattle page did not mention whether you can apply a move to an inactive Pokemon. If yes, the code might be further reduced. ==[[Polynomial]]== <pre class="rectwrap"> f(x)&nbsp;=&nbsp;x^50&nbsp;-&nbsp;752x^49&nbsp;+&nbsp;141960856x^48&nbsp;-&nbsp;97823530588x^47&nbsp;+&nbsp;6924620364389108x^46&nbsp;-&nbsp;4341495724143788540x^45&nbsp;+&nbsp;138060613405951923767380x^44&nbsp;-&nbsp;79197535132424777586735700x^43&nbsp;+&nbsp;979470645655071268126749786680x^42&nbsp;-&nbsp;513709357652108230631577128358860x^41&nbsp;+&nbsp;770486975689768419626951634418461748x^40&nbsp;-&nbsp;273098373735611746286126693707899401476x^39&nbsp;+&nbsp;72291664762156559225098986515946802509588x^38&nbsp;-&nbsp;14676371828550521943557197189472305446692764x^37&nbsp;+&nbsp;2471742454496740843240034728256092024085665124x^36&nbsp;-&nbsp;357063163931791512794128153482861289523023882820x^35&nbsp;+&nbsp;45115851521103966434436591937303467605719233317170x^34&nbsp;-&nbsp;5069635951879805027132623517548283799346981648434460x^33&nbsp;+&nbsp;511526544745104457693634223308476770566099272565371060x^32&nbsp;-&nbsp;46728094385862876640770832231671877988577394475660885100x^31&nbsp;+&nbsp;3886421195321910267418249490411801624852449948925639780700x^30&nbsp;-&nbsp;295635895529267179921164468879651662866454307976481821361700x^29&nbsp;+&nbsp;20633888636784455204085657939750648669099906931549131855360060x^28&nbsp;-&nbsp;1324758206148788859378449344375818925652874503976726821800318620x^27&nbsp;+&nbsp;78373487486427853675250519103675553581406450490324786426443578960x^26&nbsp;-&nbsp;4277231098063905708498485183459770277016249837260045512086373052580x^25&nbsp;+&nbsp;215527455786956603087839057660424758386928544182537723602033298390620x^24&nbsp;-&nbsp;10026110853984647107902422007895365708427081026500238164561801279215980x^23&nbsp;+&nbsp;430739270392505977394209904953365441102532225723377537121532050266775740x^22&nbsp;-&nbsp;17069848872478164030368242448759544641115144627455141327323776464849764020x^21&nbsp;+&nbsp;623936547617549209386439841779658427511784043378068133194757937607564613452x^20&nbsp;-&nbsp;20993646278144108287371096576875982712212020201505201591115504952836958294764x^19&nbsp;+&nbsp;649720717047168714688810604703691057371212844616863730695724642230626940206117x^18&nbsp;-&nbsp;18454026326119048562742802386720336605855036106533711987860949339189893357832516x^17&nbsp;+&nbsp;480018892566368384981391161715990091416104911769766606211141965273638983019962276x^16&nbsp;-&nbsp;11414153815128096188736407808171635605448552508496871507135456079041095632029582920x^15&nbsp;+&nbsp;247119850164804163572258046131475110258272489534699880387365447880963300945559555680x^14&nbsp;-&nbsp;4862888340475792547245763823711545181858124995375533140243229121347892936079946665360x^13&nbsp;+&nbsp;86558002997403388455068105800951021320526816961235127777233671733610160673351674179520x^12&nbsp;-&nbsp;1386482271878483438155022114100676424860940250972419166903097785395468148849738551671520x^11&nbsp;+&nbsp;19959534586392149266660053142048372043141602919486809273490667168324165973826526352280224x^10&nbsp;-&nbsp;253920856155736764038716331406024220136995093667781379719894495826380342450009767792895808x^9&nbsp;+&nbsp;2887129000992839385500945493765474545949855475497573514091738434731704727401676275341829504x^8&nbsp;-&nbsp;28042509855580438356130080622916737041825853230142162026166889394236138282841003530143152512x^7&nbsp;+&nbsp;243032092343346343074179476562493169914690027874421758235567822233002208656757155592889900032x^6&nbsp;-&nbsp;1676296630217806396090935946022990777465901542969002129717262721145539754562003915533804752640x^5&nbsp;+&nbsp;10587973167254746886025389198053813468704398306519586773922038052938514572005258639168462438400x^4&nbsp;-&nbsp;43524882144413253508544104946208809101516451661691038559426656724816915089318151748332891328000x^3&nbsp;+&nbsp;204551020411993140063611540392697605993557638942587387542307354260755646692402296279038165920000x^2&nbsp;-&nbsp;274800267060219615571000061411061421786428150600591471312149973459733252174021048995828038400000x&nbsp;+&nbsp;1142695050742106476607449533181123418012829436119125708025689288735734639370685118360020240000000 </pre> ==[[P0pCrn]]== <pre> _P _0 _p _! @o #o $o st p_ p_ p_ r_ Th ms P0 op is g_ pC is op rn wh P0 =_ at pC He co rn ll mm o_ en wo ts rl lo d! ok li ke in P0 pC rn ! Outputs "Hello, world!" </pre> ==[[Powder]]== Note that it performs no output. <pre> { "Output" : { "1" : 72, "2" : 101, "3" : 108, "4" : 108, "5" : 111, "6" : 44, "7" : 32, "8" : 119, "9" : 111, "10" : 114, "11" : 108, "12" : 100 "13" : 33 } } </pre> ==[[Prelude]]== ...8+.!v...4+.1+!..v!..vvv...4+.!vvv.....9+.3-!###!..v6-!..vv..v 9+(1-)^#7+(1-)..^7+!^3+!##8+(1-)^###9+1+(1-)..^^^^^3+!..^8-!#1+! ==[[Printscript]]== print "Hello, world!" ==[[ProgFk]]== The following is the hex dump of the program 14 11 14 11 11 14 14 11 14 11 41 14 14 11 41 41 11 14 14 11 41 41 11 14 14 11 41 41 41 41 11 41 14 14 11 11 14 11 11 11 14 14 14 11 41 41 41 14 14 11 41 41 41 41 14 14 14 11 14 11 14 14 11 41 41 11 14 14 11 14 11 11 14 11 11 14 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 27 11 11 11 11 71 11 11 11 17 11 11 11 11 71 11 11 11 17 11 11 11 11 71 11 11 11 17 11 11 11 11 71 11 11 11 17 11 11 11 11 71 11 11 11 17 11 11 11 11 71 11 11 11 17 11 11 11 11 F0 ==[[PUBERTY]]== It is June 12, 2018, 03:02:04 PM. Izu is in his bed, bored. His secret kinks are vore, fatfurs, inflation, growth and kitsunes. Then he spots fatfurs. Soon the following sounds become audible. fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap yes fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap yes yeah yeah yeah yes yes fap fap fap yes yEAH YeaH fAtfURs,hNNg yEAH fap fap inflation,hnng yeah fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap vore,hnng fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap yeah fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap vore,hnng fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap yeah ugh fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fatfurs,hnng yeah fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap vore,hnng yeah squirt ugh growth,hnng kitsunes,fuck yes sigh ==[[PureStack]]== "Hello, World!" !~ ==[[Purple]]== aA1aa1oA0bi0b0bb1bbbAiB0 Purple is the awesomest, so why haven't you tried it yet? !dlroW ,olleH == [[Pxem]] == ;Original Version : :;File name ::<code>Hello, world!.pxe</code> :;File content ::''(arbitrary, can be empty)'' ;Printing newline in end : :;File name ::<code>Hello, world!.pak.-.pxe</code> :;File content ::''(arbitrary, can be empty)'' ;Including no spaces nor symbols other than hyphen(-) and period(.) in file name : :;File name ::<code>Hello.pAa.-Am.-.pworld.pak.-Ab.-.pxe</code> :;File content ::''(arbitrary, can be empty)'' :;In [[Pxem#text2pxem.pl|text2pxem.pl]] notation, with some comments :: <pre class="rectwrap"> Hello.p Prints "Hello" Aa.- Makes ' ' Am.- Makes ',' .p Prints ", " world.p Prints "world" ak.- Makes '\n' Ab.- Makes '!' .p Prints "!\n" xe </pre> ==[[Pyhton (sic)|pyhton [sic]]]== The following program prints "Hello World" in the standard implementation. <pre class="rectwrap">6&gt;^5165_~h1'&gt;&gt;6(I()5&lt;11'h?~|8</pre> The following program prints "Hello World!" in the standard implementation. <pre class="rectwrap">_$^5165_~h1'&gt;&gt;6((8' h?~)9&lt;&gt;@.h l];0=</pre> ==[[Pyth]]== "Hello, World! ==[[Qdeql]]== ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- h ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --* ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- e ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----* -\=/- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- l ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- l ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----** ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- o ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----* ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- space ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----* ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- w ---------- ---------- ---------- -------* ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- o ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----* ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- r ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --* ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- l ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------* ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- d ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------* ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- newline ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------* ==[[Qugord]]== ~group hello from %2 to %14 also affect hello into "Hello, world!" also each hello into 0 task give 0 to 1 also at 1 join 1 and %1 ~publish also split hello ==[[Quipu]]== 'H 'e 'l 'l 'o ' 'W 'o 'r 'l 'd '! \n /\ ==[[Radixal!!!!]]== This prints HELL0 W0RLD!\n. O and o are impossible to print, as is small e. 1 3 2 44 15 27 15 4 2 34 15 34 15 4 4 121 15 4 2 8 15 4 4 45 15 121 15 3 4 56 15 1102 15 46 15 3 2 15 15 3 4 5 15 ==[[RANDo]]== In this case, the code is <pre>rrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrrrrrrndo rrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrrrrrrnrrrnrnanananrnando rrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnaaaaaanaaaaaando rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrnrrnrndo rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrnrrnrndo ond rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrnrrrrnrnaananando rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrnrnrnaanananrnaanananando rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrrrrrrnrnananrnrnando rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnaaaaanaaaaanrnrnando rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrrrnrnrnanananando</pre> ==[[RASEL]]== A"!dlroW ,olleH">:?@,Hj ==[[Recurse]]== Main function $###########v###################################### >..9n_3n{5Av# 'H' = 9*8 # 'w' = (2*8-1)*8-1 # #vA3_[_A7_A<# 'e' = 'H'+3*8+5 # 'o' = 'W'-8 # #>_[5n{4A_[v# 'l' = 'e'+7 # 'r' = 'o'+3 # #vS1{n2[_n4<# 'l' # 'l' = 'r'-6 # #>n{1S_8S_3v# 'o' = 'l'+3 # 'd' = 'l'-8 # #v[_S8_S6_A<# ',' = 5*8+ 4 # '!' = 4*8+1 # #>4n{1A_[..!# ' ' = 4*8 # < $###########^###################################### Multiply by 8 (Bidirectional) n####v##### >{8}m#m}8{< n####^##### Push on left stack and print (Bidirectional) _##v### >{!#!{< _##^### Add (Bidirectional) A##v### >}a#a}< A##^### Subtract (Bidirectional) S##v### >}s#s}< S##^### ==[[Reversible-2D]]== R2D1: >PHOPeOPlOPlOPoOP,OP OPWOPoOPrOPlOPdOP!O¤ ==[[Rhotor]]== x/%"Hello, world!\n" ==[[RinGy]]== 'H.'e.'l..'o.',.'!-.'w.'o.'r.'l.'d.'!._++++++++++.q ==[[Roco]]== co H{cout 72 yi ro} co e{cout 101 yi ro} co l{cout 108 yi ro} co o{cout 111 yi ro} co spc{cout 32 yi ro} co w{cout 119 yi ro} co r{cout 114 yi ro} co d{cout 100 yi ro} co excl{cout 33 yi ro} yi H yi e yi l yi l yi o yi spc yi w yi o yi r yi l yi d yi excl ac ==[[ROOP]]== "Hello, World!" h ==[[RTFM]] (F^3)== 070 08C ==[[Rubic]]== .ww ( +ww ) ! +ww +ww +ww +ww r -wg ! +oo b -og ! ! +wo' ! b' .wg *oo +oo ! *wg -oo b -og ! b' +oo +oo +oo ! +wg ! l' -wg ! -oo ! .wg *wg r -wg ! .oo +ww ! ==[[Sabdt]]== pr "hello world"; or a more fancy version that demonstrates what the lang can do 0:"dlrow olleh"; wh(0!=""){ pr 0.r(".$"); 0:0.rdel(".$"); } this code takes the "dlrow olleh" string and prints it out in reverse ==[[Sacred]]== () () () () () () () () () () ( )) () () () () () () () )) () () () () () () () () () () )) () () () )) () (( (( (( (( )( ) )) () () ((( )) () ((( () () () () () () () ((( ((( () () () ((( )) () () ((( (( (( () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () ((( )) ((( () () () ((( )( )( )( )( )( )( ((( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( ((( )) () ((( )) ((( Shorter version: )( )( (( )( (( (( () ( () ( (( () )) )( )( )( )) )( )) )( )) )( (( (( (( ) )) ) (( (( )( )( ((( (( () () () () () () ((( (( (( )( ((( ((( (( (( ((( (( () ((( )) )) ((( )) )) ((( (( (( (( ((( () () () ((( )) )) ((( )) )) )( ((( (( (( (( () ((( ==[[SADOL]]== !",212Hello world! ==[[Salt]]== 'Hello, world' ==[[Sansism]]== G GGG >++++++++++>!+++++++!++++++++++!+++!+##!!!!##-G+G G.+++++++++++++++##!!##.++!.+++..+++++++.+!.++! G G!.+++.------.--------.!+.!.G GG ==[[Sashleyfuck]]== <pre class="rectwrap">shhhhhhhh[ahhhhhhhhsl]ahhhhhhhheshhhhh[ahhhhhsl]ahhhhehhhhhhheehhheshhhhhhhhh[alllllllllsl]ahheshhhhhhh[ahhhhhhhsl]ahhhhhheshhhhh[ahhhhhsl]alehhhellllllelllllllleshhhhhhhh[allllllllsl]alllele</pre> ==[[Sclipting]]== 丟낆녬닆묬긅덯댦롤긐뤊 ==[[Seeker]]== !chr.@chr:72.$chr.@chr:101.$chr.@chr:108.$chr.@chr:111.$chr.@chr:32.$chr.@chr:119.$chr.@chr:114.$chr.@chr:100.$chr.@chr:33.$chr._ ==[[SendStuff]]== >(Add 72 >(Output) >(Add 29 >(Output) >(Add 7 >(Output) >(Output) >(Add 3 >(Output) >(Subtract 67 >(Output) >(Subtract 12 >(Output) >(Add 55 >(Output) >(Add 24 >(Output) >(Add 3 >(Output) >(Subtract 6 >(Output) >(Subtract 8 >(Output) >(Subtract 67 >(Output) ==[[Ser2]]== !print--:#out:--:#c:#n:/wrote--:'@output--:#out: #c:#n: !print--:#out:eol: /wrote- :'@output--:#out:&0a: !wrote--:'@iopair--:#out:#c:#n:/print--:#out:#n: !wrote- :'@iopair--:#out:#c: /#out: !'@run-:#: / print--:#: --:'H:--:'e:--:'l:--:'l:--:'o:--:',:--:' : --:'w:--:'o:--:'r:--:'l:--:'d:--:'!:eol: ==[[SICKBAY]]== 20 PRINT "WORLD!" 10 PRINT "HELLO, "; 20 PRINT "SAILOR" ==[[Slim]]== 0^@^@^^@^@^^^ ^@^^@^^@^@^@^ @^@^^@^@^^@^^ ^@^^@^@^^@^^ ^@^^@^@^^^^ @^^@^@^^^^^ ^@^@^@^@^@^^^ @^@^^@^@^^^^ @^@^^^@^^@^@^ ^@^^@^@^^@^^ ^@^^@^^@^@^^ ^^@^@^^^^@^ @^^^^@^@^@^@^ ==[[small s.c.r.i.p.t.]]== Hello\, world ==[[SMATINY]]== 1. Swap 1 with 71. 10. Output this block's position. 11. Swap 11 with 150. 32. Output this block's position. 34. Swap 33 with 32. 35. Swap 35 with 118. 36. Swap 36 with 9. 72. Output this block's position. 101. Output this block's position. 102. Swap 101 with 100. 103. Swap 103 with 107. 104. Swap 104 with 32. 108. Output this block's position. 109. Swap 109 with 107. 111. Output this block's position. 112. Swap 112 with 31. 114. Output this block's position. 115. Swap 110 with 117. 116. Swap 116 with 107. 117. Swap 110 with 99. 119. Output this block's position. 120. Swap 120 with 110. ==[[SMITH_sharp|SMITH#]]== ; SMITH# Hello World! program written by zzo38 ; This code uses 33 cells. The number 8 command takes the cell ; number as the parameter and output it. Number 0 command stops ; the program. The first cell is cell zero. Even since cell 32 is ; referenced in the data section, I can reference the reference to cell ; 32 for space rather than adding the space into the data section. 8 25 8 26 8 27 8 27 8 28 8 23 8 29 8 28 8 30 8 27 8 31 8 32 0 72 101 108 111 87 114 100 33 ==[[SMITHb]]== 12(0 *) * * "!" "d" "l" "r" "o" "W" 32 "o" "l" "l" "e" "H" ==[[Smurf]]== "Hello, world!"o ==[[Snowman]]== ("Hello World!"sPvG ==[[SNUSP]]== /e+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.\ ./\/\/\ /+++\!>.+++o.l.+++++++l/ #/?\ $H!\++++++\ + \comma.------------ .<w++++++++.\ /?\<!\-/ /++++++/ +/\ /.--------o/ \-/!.++++++++++/?\n /=\++++++\ +\\!=++++++\ \r+++.l------.d--------.>+.!\-/ \!\/\/\/\/ \++++++++++/ Modular SNUSP: /@@@@++++# #+++@@\ #-----@@@\n $@\H.@/e.+++++++l.l.+++o.>>++++.< .<@/w.@\o.+++r.++@\l.@\d.>+.@/.# \@@@@=>++++>+++++<<@+++++# #---@@/!=========/!==/ ==[[Sortle]]== hello := "hello, " ".!" "" ? ~ world := "(.....),.!" "" ? ", world" ~ ==[[Spaghetti]]== 10[?100]11 9[?108]10 13[?101]2 12[?10]0 4[?111]5 8[?114]9 2[?108]3 11[?33]12 6[?87]7 3[?108]4 1[?48]13 5[?32]6 7[?111]8 ==[[SpaghettiScript]]== <pre> [1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:OA ⇢~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:OA ⇢~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:OA ⇢~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:OA ⇢~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:OA ⇢~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:OA ⇢~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:OA ⇢~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:OA ⇢~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:OA ⇢~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:OA ⇢~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:OA ⇢~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:OA] ---≡1 </pre> ==[[Spin]]== START TO SPIN! SPIN THIS ALL! High end lock likes offering. With old red lamps dodged. STOP SPINNING! ==[[Spiral]]== e0v *** *eXlv** *lX *2X **oXi v * * * * * * 2 * o ** v* * * * * * ***** * v * v * *iX * * * * * * * * ^ v * * * w * * *** * * ***** * v * * * * v * * * * ^ * ^ * * * * * * * *** * * ****v * v * * v * * * * * * * * * * * * * ^ * * * * * * * * ***** * ***** * ***** * *** * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** *** *** ******* *****v^ ******* ***** *wX *** **3Xp *rX4.. d5* qd** * 3 * * ** v^ * .. * * * *** * v * ^ * #pX v * .. . * * * ** * *** v * # r # * .. . * * * !q* * * * * * * # v # * 54 .. * * * * * * * * * * * # * # * @X * * * * * * * * * * * # * # * v * * * * * * * * * * * # * # * * ** * * * * * * * * * * # * # * ** ** * * * *** * * * * * #v* ^ * *** * * ***** * ** ** * ** ** *v * * * * * * * *** ***** *v^** *** *** ******* **** ==[[Spleenmap]]== .++ ...+...+... +++ +* . + ++ ++ +. . + + .+ + +..+ ++ ++ +++ .+ + + + +.. + . + .+ .++ . ...+ + + ++. +. ++. + . . .+ ++ ++ +++ + +++ ?++. + + + . . + ++. ++ ++ ++. + +++ + + . +... ++ + .+ ++. . +.. +++ + +++ ++. ==[[Splinter]]== \H\e\l\l\o\,\ \w\o\r\l\d\!\ ==[[Spoon]]== 0101111111110010001111111111010000001101100101001011111110010001111110 1000000110111001010111111100101000101011100101001011111111111001000110 0000000000000000001000000110110000010100000000000000000000000000000000 0000000101001011111111111001000111111101000000110110010100101111110010 0011111101000000110110010101110010100000000000000000000010100000000000 0000000000000000101001011111111111001000110000000000000000000100000011 011000001010 ==[[Stackint]]== Outputs an array of the ASCII values for "Hello World", as that's the only form of output in Stackint. 98*99*54*+99*93*+99*93*+99*65*+84*99*6+99*65*+99*93*+6+99*93*+91+91+* == [[Stackstack]] == "Hello, world!" print 72 char print 101 char print 108 char dup print print 111 char print "," print " " print 119 char print 111 char print 114 char print 108 char print 100 char print 33 char print ==[[STBF]]== phrase Hello, World! ==[[Stlisp]]== "Hello, World!" (print) "Hello, World!" print () print ("Hello, World!") print "Hello, World!"() (print "Hello, World!") ("Hello, World!" print) ==[[Strelnokoff]]== REM HELLO WORLD IN STRELNOKOFF REM CHRIS PRESSEY MARCH 24 2001 X = (X / X) * X + (X = 0) * (T = 0) * (PRINT CHAR 'H' - 'H' + 1) X = (X / X) * X + (X = 0) * (T = 1) * (PRINT CHAR 'e' - 'e' + 2) X = (X / X) * X + (X = 0) * (T = 2) * (PRINT CHAR 'l' - 'l' + 3) X = (X / X) * X + (X = 0) * (T = 3) * (PRINT CHAR 'l' - 'l' + 4) X = (X / X) * X + (X = 0) * (T = 4) * (PRINT CHAR 'o' - 'o' + 5) X = (X / X) * X + (X = 0) * (T = 5) * (PRINT CHAR ',' - ',' + 6) X = (X / X) * X + (X = 0) * (T = 6) * (PRINT CHAR ' ' - ' ' + 7) X = (X / X) * X + (X = 0) * (T = 7) * (PRINT CHAR 'w' - 'w' + 8) X = (X / X) * X + (X = 0) * (T = 8) * (PRINT CHAR 'o' - 'o' + 9) X = (X / X) * X + (X = 0) * (T = 9) * (PRINT CHAR 'r' - 'r' + 10) X = (X / X) * X + (X = 0) * (T = 10) * (PRINT CHAR 'l' - 'l' + 11) X = (X / X) * X + (X = 0) * (T = 11) * (PRINT CHAR 'd' - 'd' + 12) X = (X / X) * X + (X = 0) * (T = 12) * (PRINT CHAR '!' - '!' + 13) X = (T = X) * 0 + (X > T) * X REM RESET FLAG T = (X / X) * X + (X = 0) * T REM INCREMENT TICK ==[[Stuck]]== <pre>"Hello, world!"</pre> or <pre></pre> ==[[stupidBASIC]]== <pre> program say Hello, world! end program </pre> ==[[stupidc]]== ===BE6502=== ''Notice: This version requires lcd.sc and via.sc.'' <pre> system(&BE6502); include(#"lcd.sc"); reset({ $lcd.init(:lcd.init.8x10); $lcd.print(:hworld); }); mem(:hworld,#"Hello, world!"); </pre> ===Interpreted=== <pre> system(&runnow); reset({ debug.print(#"Hello, world!"); }); </pre> ==[[StupidStackLanguage]]== <pre class="rectwrap">avdqvdmavvqmiqiiifvdlfbffiiiflblblfbqviiifbfiiifwdfwwiif</pre> ==[[STXTRM]]== [Hello, world!] ==[[Subleq]]== ############################################ # FileName: helloworld.sq # Author: Lawrence Woodman # Date: 26th March 2009 #=========================================== # Outputs 'hello, world' ############################################ loop: hello (-1) # Outputs character pointed to by hello minusOne loop # Increments character output pointer to next character minusOne checkEnd+1 # Increments end of string pointer to next character checkEnd: Z hello (-1) # Halts program if character at pointer is zero Z Z loop # Jumps to loop # Data Storage . minusOne: -1 # Used to increment pointer . hello: "hello, world\n" Z: 0 # Zero terminated string to print ==[[Subskin]]== 2 48 18 a 1 2 4 2 a 6 0 100 a 21 64 6c 72 6f 77 20 2c 6f 6c 6c 65 ==[[Suicide|suicid<sup>e</sup>]]== <*vAA:"Hello, world!" ==[[Super Stack!]]== 0 33 100 108 114 111 87 32 44 111 108 108 101 72 if outputascii fi ==[[Surtic]]== c0++++++++fc0[c1++++fc1[c1&#8209;c2++c3+++c4+++c5+]c0&#8209;c2+c3+c4&#8209;c6+]oc2c3---oc3c3+++++++oc3oc3c3+++oc3oc5c4&#8209;oc4oc3c3+++oc3c3------oc3fc6[c3-]oc3c5+oc5c6++oc6 ==[[SVM]]== ## The hello world program in SVM code AM =0000000C CM $Hello World!,=0000000C,*00000000 DD *00000000,=0000000C IC *00000000 EP ==[[Swordfish]]== Hello:, \ ,,/#;,,,W ,,\!dlro/ ==[[SYCPOL]]== {| class="wikitable plainpres" |- | <pre> COMMENT CARD STANDARD SYSTEM CARD I THESE CARDS PROVIDED IN THIS FILE ARE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FAMOUS "HELLO WORLD" PROGRAM IN SYCPOL. THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE "PRINT TO STREAM" PROCEDURE FROM THE STANDARD LIBRARY IS INCLUDED FOR THOSE WHO DON'T HAVE IT ALREADY. THESE CARDS ARE RELEASED IN SO CALLED "PUBLIC DOMAIN". </pre> | <pre>COMMENT CARD STANDARD SYSTEM CARD I A SHORT NOTE ABOUT THE FORMAT OF THE PROGRAM. ALL SPACES INCLUDED ARE MANDATORY. THIS PROGRAM DOESN'T CONTAIN THE WHOLE STANDARD LIBRARY, ONLY THE "PRINT TO STREAM" PROCEDURE. THIS PROGRAM USES ONLY DATATYPES "INTEGER 8", "STRING 8" AND "STRING 16". </pre> | <pre>PROGRAM CARD STANDARD SYSTEM CARD I DOCUMENTATION DIVISION IDENTIFIER STRING 16 "HELLO WORLD" AUTHOR NAME STRING 16 "GERMANYBOY" IMPORTS DIVISION !PS EXTERNAL PROCEDURE MODULE NAME STRING 8 "STDIO" IDENTIFIER STRING 16 "PRINT TO STREAM" INPUT OUTPUT DIVISION </pre> | <pre>PROGRAM CARD STANDARD SYSTEM CARD I OPEN STANDARD OUTPUT CLOSE STANDARD INPUT .STDOUT OUTPUT STREAM OUTS STANDARD OUTPUT STORAGE DIVISION .TEXT STRING 16 "HELLO WORLD!" PROGRAM CODE DIVISION </pre> |- | <pre>PROGRAM CARD STANDARD SYSTEM CARD I MAIN PROCEDURE (1) PROCEED TO !PS WITH ARGUMENTS .TEXT .OUTPUT (2) RETURN WITH SUCCESS </pre> | <pre>PROGRAM CARD STANDARD SYSTEM CARD I DOCUMENTATION DIVISION IDENTIFIER STRING 8 "STDIO" AUTHOR NAME STRING 16 "GERMANYBOY" STORAGE DIVISION .ZERO INTEGER 8 0 PROGRAM CODE DIVISION </pre> | <pre>PROGRAM CARD STANDARD SYSTEM CARD I !PRINTTS PROCEDURE IDENTIFIER STRING 16 "PRINT TO STREAM" PARAMETER SECTION $TEXT STRING 32 $STREAM OUTPUT STREAM VARIABLE SECTION $I INTEGER 8 0 $L INTEGER 8 UNDEFINED </pre> | <pre>PROGRAM CARD STANDARD SYSTEM CARD I PROCEDURE CODE SECTION (1) CHANGE $L TO THE LENGTH OF $TEXT (2) IF $I=$L (6) (3) SEND THE CHARACTER AT $I IN $TEXT TO $STREAM (4) INCREMENT $I (5) JUMP (2) (6) RETURN WITH SUCCESS </pre> |} ==[[Takeover]]== <pre> [>+>->[>]><>>>,>.[Hello, world!]]>++ </pre> ==[[Taktentus]]== <pre> %% Write "Hello, World!" h:=72 @wy := h h+=29 @wy := h h+=7 @wy := h @wy := h h:=111 @wy := h h:=44 @wy := h @wy := @spacja h:=87 @wy := h h+=24 @wy := h h+=3 @wy := h h+=-6 @wy := h h-=8 @wy := h h:=33 @wy := h </pre> ==[[TapeBagel]]== %% %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ @* ## %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ @* ## %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ @* @* ## %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ @* ## @* %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ @* ## %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ @* ## %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ @* ## %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ @* ## %++ %++ %++ %++ @* ## == [[The Amnesiac From Minsk]] == This program uses level 1 of the language. L1 + = - 0: -0; -1; +58; @1 1: -0; -2; +59; @2 2: -0; -3; +58; @3 3: -0; -4; +59; @2 4: -0; -5; +58; @5 5: -0; -6; +59; @3 6: -0; -7; +58; @3 7: -0; -8; +59; @2 8: -0; -9; +58; @2 9: -0; -10; +59; @2 10: -0; -11; +58; @2 11: -0; -12; +59; @3 12: -0; -13; +58; @2 13: -0; -14; +59; @3 14: -0; -15; +58; @4 15: -0; -16; +59; @3 16: -0; -17; +58; @2 17: -0; -18; +59; @3 18: -0; -19; +58; @4 19: -0; -20; +59; @3 20: -0; -21; +58; @2 21: -0; -22; +59; @5 22: -0; -23; +58; @3 23: -0; -24; +59; @2 24: -0; -25; +58; @2 25: -0; -26; +59; @3 26: -0; -27; +58; @5 27: -0; -28; +59; @2 28: -0; -29; +58; @7 29: -0; -30; +59; @4 30: -0; -31; +58; @2 31: -0; -32; +59; @4 32: -0; -33; +58; @2 33: -0; -34; +59; @3 34: -0; -35; +58; @2 35: -0; -36; +59; @5 36: -0; -37; +58; @2 37: -0; -38; +59; @4 38: -0; -39; +58; @3 39: -0; -40; +59; @2 40: -0; -41; +58; @3 41: -0; -42; +59; @3 42: -0; -43; +58; @2 43: -0; -44; +59; @3 44: -0; -45; +58; @4 45: -0; -46; +59; @3 46: -0; -47; +58; @3 47: -0; -48; +59; @2 48: -0; -49; +58; @5 49: -0; -50; +59; @2 50: -0; -51; +58; @5 51: -0; -52; +59; @2 52: -0; -53; +58; @5 53: -0; -54; +59; @2 54: -0; -55; +58; @2 55: -0; -56; +59; @2 56: -0; -57; +58; @2 57: +57; +57; +57; @2 58: -0; -0; -0; @2 59: -0; -0; -0; @2 ==[[TheSquare]]== <pre> v#############@ +:DDDDDDDDDDD:[ +#;;;;;;;;;;;# + + ;; + >v ; + JJ+ >v +>^-+ J- +/--+ -- v{>[<;; -- /- + >v; -- +\ +;JJ+>v -- ++ +>^++J- -- ++ +J++++-;-- ++ >^>^++->^- ++ ++-Jv< >^ >^-+ ; # v-<+>[ ^ # - ;+ # >-[^ </pre> == [[The Waterfall Model]] == [[27425257720895005854917070679642, 17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17], [ 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2], [ 3, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 0, 4, 2, 2], [ 3, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 2], [ 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 4, 0, 2, 2], [ 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2], [ 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 0, 2, 0, 4, 2, 0, 2, 2], [ 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 4, 7], [ 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 0, 2], [ 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2], [ 31, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [27425257720895005854917070679641, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [ 3, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9], [ 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 1], [239, 2, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1], [ 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1], [ 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1], [ 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3]] ==[[Thue]]== a::=~Hello World! ::= a ==[[Thutu]]== /^=1$/Hello, world!=n=x=9/ ==[[Tier]]== 0.tier "hello, world!"{# ==[[Tiny]]== 1 "Hello, world!\n" 2 . ==[[Toadskin]]== :V+++++;:XVV;:v-----;:xvv;XXXXXXX++.<XXXXXXXXXX+.V ++..+++.<XXX++.>>XV.XX++++.+++.v-.x++.<XXX+++.<X.> ==[[TOGA computer]] (Toga Enhanced)== .include lib.te start: .deref p X .testH X print -1 print: .out X .add p BASE p .goto start p:H X:0 H:72 101; 108 108; 111 44 32 87; 111 114; 108 100 33 EOL:10; -1 ==[[Tree]]== ^ ^^|^^ ^^\|/^^ H^ |/^^^ \| e |/ ol~| \| , 32| W \/ | / \ |/ l \| \ d | o \/ !|r / \/ |\/ \ |/ \| ==[[Tri]]== // Prints "Hello, world!" to the console. // inc inc psh psh psh mul sto nxt sto psh mul lst psh add sto prn nxt zro clr inc inc inc psh psh add inc nxt pop inc psh lst psh mul one psh add sto nxt sto lst lst psh nxt nxt nxt add sto prn zro inc inc inc psh inc psh add sto prn prn inc inc inc prn clr lst lst lst psh nxt psh sub nxt sto inc prn lst one clr inc psh psh inc psh mul nxt psh sub neg pop prn inc nxt psh nxt sto inc inc inc inc inc inc inc inc prn lst prn nxt dec dec dec dec dec prn dec dec dec dec dec dec prn lst dec dec dec dec dec dec dec dec dec dec dec prn lst prn lin // Also prints "Hello, world!" to the console. // (Hello, world!) ==[[Trigger]]== HHHeeelll lllooo wwwooorrrlllddd!!! ==[[Troll Online]]== hello world!!¨ç]a ↓ùp👌a ==[[Turth-machine]]== Output "Hello World" ==[[UClang*]]== <pre> A0 48 A1 A0 65 A1 A0 6C A1 A0 6C A1 A0 6F A1 A0 20 A1 A0 77 A1 A0 6F A1 A0 72 A1 A0 6C A1 A0 64 A1 AA </pre> ==[[Underload]]== (Hello, world!)S ==[[Unicat]]== <pre class="rectwrap">😻😹😸🙀🙀😹😹😸🙀🙀😽😼😸🙀🙀😻😹😸🙀🙀😹😼😽🙀🙀😽😼😸🙀🙀😻😹😸🙀🙀😹😽😼🙀🙀😽😼😸🙀🙀😻😹😸🙀🙀😹😽😼🙀🙀😽😼😸🙀🙀😻😹😸🙀🙀😹😽😿🙀🙀😽😼😸🙀🙀😻😹😸🙀🙀😽😼🙀🙀😽😼😸🙀🙀😻😹😸🙀🙀😼😸🙀🙀😽😼😸🙀🙀😻😹😸🙀🙀😹😺😿🙀🙀😽😼😸🙀🙀😻😹😸🙀🙀😹😽😿🙀🙀😽😼😸🙀🙀😻😹😸🙀🙀😹😾😺🙀🙀😽😼😸🙀🙀😻😹😸🙀🙀😹😽😼🙀🙀😽😼😸🙀🙀😻😹😸🙀🙀😹😼😼🙀🙀😽😼😸🙀🙀😻😹😸🙀🙀😼😹🙀🙀😽😼😸🙀🙀😻😹😸🙀🙀😹😺🙀🙀😽😼😸🙀🙀🙀🙀</pre> ==[[Unlambda]]== `r```````````.H.e.l.l.o. .w.o.r.l.di ==[[URSL]]== v072-w0v0101-w0v0108-w0w0v0111-w0v044-w0v032-w0v0119-w0v0111-w0v0114-w0v0108-w0v0100-w0v033-w0 ==[[V--]]== = Hello,World! ==[[var'aq]]== "Hello, world!" cha' ==[[Varsig]]== !72)!101)!108:))!111)!44)!32)!87)!111)!114)!108)!100)!33)# ==[[Velato]]== [[Image:Velato_HelloWorld.gif]] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fhni-6Q5z80 audio of the Hello World MIDI file] ==[[Verbose]]== <pre> PUT THE NUMBER LXXII ONTO THE TOP OF THE PROGRAM STACK GET THE TOP ELEMENT OF THE STACK AND CONVERT IT TO AN ASCII CHARACTER AND OUTPUT IT FOR THE CURRENT PERSON USING THIS PROGRAM TO SEE PUT THE NUMBER CI ONTO THE TOP OF THE PROGRAM STACK GET THE TOP ELEMENT OF THE STACK AND CONVERT IT TO AN ASCII CHARACTER AND OUTPUT IT FOR THE CURRENT PERSON USING THIS PROGRAM TO SEE PUT THE NUMBER CVIII ONTO THE TOP OF THE PROGRAM STACK GET THE TOP ELEMENT OF THE STACK AND CONVERT IT TO AN ASCII CHARACTER AND OUTPUT IT FOR THE CURRENT PERSON USING THIS PROGRAM TO SEE GET THE TOP ELEMENT OF THE STACK AND CONVERT IT TO AN ASCII CHARACTER AND OUTPUT IT FOR THE CURRENT PERSON USING THIS PROGRAM TO SEE PUT THE NUMBER CXI ONTO THE TOP OF THE PROGRAM STACK GET THE TOP ELEMENT OF THE STACK AND CONVERT IT TO AN ASCII CHARACTER AND OUTPUT IT FOR THE CURRENT PERSON USING THIS PROGRAM TO SEE PUT THE NUMBER XLIV ONTO THE TOP OF THE PROGRAM STACK GET THE TOP ELEMENT OF THE STACK AND CONVERT IT TO AN ASCII CHARACTER AND OUTPUT IT FOR THE CURRENT PERSON USING THIS PROGRAM TO SEE PUT THE NUMBER XXXII ONTO THE TOP OF THE PROGRAM STACK GET THE TOP ELEMENT OF THE STACK AND CONVERT IT TO AN ASCII CHARACTER AND OUTPUT IT FOR THE CURRENT PERSON USING THIS PROGRAM TO SEE PUT THE NUMBER CXIX ONTO THE TOP OF THE PROGRAM STACK GET THE TOP ELEMENT OF THE STACK AND CONVERT IT TO AN ASCII CHARACTER AND OUTPUT IT FOR THE CURRENT PERSON USING THIS PROGRAM TO SEE PUT THE NUMBER CXI ONTO THE TOP OF THE PROGRAM STACK GET THE TOP ELEMENT OF THE STACK AND CONVERT IT TO AN ASCII CHARACTER AND OUTPUT IT FOR THE CURRENT PERSON USING THIS PROGRAM TO SEE PUT THE NUMBER CXIV ONTO THE TOP OF THE PROGRAM STACK GET THE TOP ELEMENT OF THE STACK AND CONVERT IT TO AN ASCII CHARACTER AND OUTPUT IT FOR THE CURRENT PERSON USING THIS PROGRAM TO SEE PUT THE NUMBER CVIII ONTO THE TOP OF THE PROGRAM STACK GET THE TOP ELEMENT OF THE STACK AND CONVERT IT TO AN ASCII CHARACTER AND OUTPUT IT FOR THE CURRENT PERSON USING THIS PROGRAM TO SEE PUT THE NUMBER C ONTO THE TOP OF THE PROGRAM STACK GET THE TOP ELEMENT OF THE STACK AND CONVERT IT TO AN ASCII CHARACTER AND OUTPUT IT FOR THE CURRENT PERSON USING THIS PROGRAM TO SEE PUT THE NUMBER XXXIII ONTO THE TOP OF THE PROGRAM STACK GET THE TOP ELEMENT OF THE STACK AND CONVERT IT TO AN ASCII CHARACTER AND OUTPUT IT FOR THE CURRENT PERSON USING THIS PROGRAM TO SEE </pre> ==[[VerboseFuck]]== ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ program.initialize(); math.equation(program.errors.handler.activated = boolean(false)); program.console.standardinput.openstream(); program.console.standardoutput.openstream(); define(defines.variable, variable(pointer)); implanttype(pointer, types.pointer(to:types.byte)); math.equation(pointer = void(0)); program.memory.allocate(pointer, void(math.infinity), program.memory.memorytype.bidirectional); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(pointer = pointer + void(1)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); define(defines.label, defines.label.createnew()); conditional(block.if, boolean.inequality(deref(pointer), byte(0))) { math.equation(pointer = pointer - void(1)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(pointer = pointer + void(1)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); }; conditional(block.if, boolean.inequality(deref(pointer), byte(0))) { program.flow.labeledjump(defines.label.last()); }; undefine(defines.label, defines.label.last()); math.equation(pointer = pointer - void(1)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ program.console.standardoutput.stream.writeunbufferedchars(array.create(1, conversion.changedatatype(deref(pointer), types.character, conversion.method.binary)), 0, 1); math.equation(pointer = pointer + void(1)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); define(defines.label, defines.label.createnew()); conditional(block.if, boolean.inequality(deref(pointer), byte(0))) { math.equation(pointer = pointer - void(1)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(pointer = pointer + void(1)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); }; conditional(block.if, boolean.inequality(deref(pointer), byte(0))) { program.flow.labeledjump(defines.label.last()); }; undefine(defines.label, defines.label.last()); math.equation(pointer = pointer - void(1)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ program.console.standardoutput.stream.writeunbufferedchars(array.create(1, conversion.changedatatype(deref(pointer), types.character, conversion.method.binary)), 0, 1); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ program.console.standardoutput.stream.writeunbufferedchars(array.create(1, conversion.changedatatype(deref(pointer), types.character, conversion.method.binary)), 0, 1); program.console.standardoutput.stream.writeunbufferedchars(array.create(1, conversion.changedatatype(deref(pointer), types.character, conversion.method.binary)), 0, 1); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); program.console.standardoutput.stream.writeunbufferedchars(array.create(1, conversion.changedatatype(deref(pointer), types.character, conversion.method.binary)), 0, 1); math.equation(pointer = pointer + void(1)); math.equation(pointer = pointer + void(1)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(pointer = pointer + void(1)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); define(defines.label, defines.label.createnew()); conditional(block.if, boolean.inequality(deref(pointer), byte(0))) { math.equation(pointer = pointer - void(1)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(pointer = pointer + void(1)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); }; conditional(block.if, boolean.inequality(deref(pointer), byte(0))) { program.flow.labeledjump(defines.label.last()); }; undefine(defines.label, defines.label.last()); math.equation(pointer = pointer - void(1)); program.console.standardoutput.stream.writeunbufferedchars(array.create(1, conversion.changedatatype(deref(pointer), types.character, conversion.method.binary)), 0, 1); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(pointer = pointer + void(1)); math.equation(pointer = pointer + void(1)); math.equation(pointer = pointer + void(1)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); define(defines.label, defines.label.createnew()); conditional(block.if, boolean.inequality(deref(pointer), byte(0))) { math.equation(pointer = pointer - void(1)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(pointer = pointer + void(1)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); }; conditional(block.if, boolean.inequality(deref(pointer), byte(0))) { program.flow.labeledjump(defines.label.last()); }; undefine(defines.label, defines.label.last()); math.equation(pointer = pointer - void(1)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); program.console.standardoutput.stream.writeunbufferedchars(array.create(1, conversion.changedatatype(deref(pointer), types.character, conversion.method.binary)), 0, 1); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(pointer = pointer - void(1)); math.equation(pointer = pointer - void(1)); math.equation(pointer = pointer - void(1)); math.equation(pointer = pointer - void(1)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ program.console.standardoutput.stream.writeunbufferedchars(array.create(1, conversion.changedatatype(deref(pointer), types.character, conversion.method.binary)), 0, 1); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ program.console.standardoutput.stream.writeunbufferedchars(array.create(1, conversion.changedatatype(deref(pointer), types.character, conversion.method.binary)), 0, 1); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); program.console.standardoutput.stream.writeunbufferedchars(array.create(1, conversion.changedatatype(deref(pointer), types.character, conversion.method.binary)), 0, 1); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ program.console.standardoutput.stream.writeunbufferedchars(array.create(1, conversion.changedatatype(deref(pointer), types.character, conversion.method.binary)), 0, 1); math.equation(pointer = pointer + void(1)); math.equation(pointer = pointer + void(1)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ program.console.standardoutput.stream.writeunbufferedchars(array.create(1, conversion.changedatatype(deref(pointer), types.character, conversion.method.binary)), 0, 1); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ program.memory.deallocate(pointer, void(math.infinity), program.memory.memorytype.bidirectional); undefine(defines.variable, variable(pointer)); program.console.standardoutput.closestream(); program.console.standardinput.closestream(); program.terminate(); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ ==[[Volatile]]== :<i>This example may randomly fail due to Volatile being non-deterministic. </i> <pre class="rectwrap"> ~:/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.~:/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.~:/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.~:/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.~:/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.~:/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.~:/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.~:/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.~:/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.~:/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.~:/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.~:/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.~:/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.~:/::::::::::++++++++++. </pre> ==[[VTL]]== The following is a hex dump of the program 1D C4 01 C4 01 C4 01 C4 01 C4 01 C4 01 C4 01 C4 01 C4 01 C4 01 C4 01 C4 01 C4 01 C4 E0 48 65 6C 6C 6F 2C 20 77 6F 72 6C 64 21 ==[[WARP]]== )"Hello, world!" ==[[Wheat]]== input h if h "H": output " world!" output N terminate output "Hello," (A simpler one is easy to make, but this showcases the language better.) ==[[Whirl]]== 110011100111000001111100000001000011111000011111100000000010000011001111100001 100010000010011111000100000000000001001111100000111110001000000000000000001000 111110010000001100001111100011000000000100111110011100111000111000001000111000 001111100000111110010000011111000110011111100001111000001111000001110011111100 001111000110011100000111000100011111000001111100100000110000000111000001110001 111100011111000111000001000001000011000111110001000001000000011100000111001000 111110001111000001111000011111100001111110000011110000000000000000011110000011 100111000011110011111000111110001111100000100000000000000000000000111110001110 000001110000011100011100111110001000100000000011100001111100110000000010011111 000111100000111100111100010011100000111110000011111001100111100010001111000000 000001000111110010000010011110011001110001000111110001100000100011111000011110 011100111111000111100000111100011111000000011110000011100100001111000100011111 001100011111000111100000111001110001100111100100000000000000011111000001111100 010010000011100001111100100000100011100000111000110011110001001111110001100000 111100011111000111100000111001000011110001001111100000111110000000011110000011 110000000000000000111000001110000011000001100000111000111000001100111110000111 111001001110000011111000001100011000001001111110000011100110011111000000000111 000001110000111100001100 ==[[Wierd]]== H ************************ ****************** ********** e * * * * * * * l * *** * ** * * * * * ! o * *** * * * * * * * * * , * * * ** * * * * * * * * W * * * * * * * * * * * ** * r * * * * * * ************ * * * * * * * d * * * * * * * * ****** * * * * * * * * * * ** ** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * ** ** * ** * * * * ******************** * * * ** * ** **** *** * * ** * * ** * ** * * ** * * * ** * ** * * ** * ** * ** ** * ** * ***** * ** * * ** ** ** * ** * * ** * * * * ************************************************************* * ***************************** * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** ****** * ********************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * ***** ** * * * * * * ** * ** ** * * * * * * ** * ** ** ***** * * * * * ** * * ** * * * * * ** ** * * ** * ** * * * * ** ***** ** ** * ** * * * * ** ** * * * * * ** ** * * * ** * ** * ** * * * * * * * * ************************************************************* * * * ** * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * ************************* ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * ************** * * * * * ** * * * * * ** ** * * * * * * * * *** * * * * ** ** ******* * ** * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * ** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ***** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * ***************************** * * * * *********************************************************************************************** * * * * * * ** * * ** ** * * ** * * * ** * * * ** * * * ** * * * ** * ****** * * **** ** * * * ****************** * * * ** ** ** * * * * * ** ** * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ***** * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * ******* * * ** ** * ** ** * * ** ** * ** ************************ ** ** * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * ** * * * * ** * * * ** * ** ** * * ** ****************************** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** ** ** *************** ** ** ==[[Word!CPU]]== The program is a binary file, this is the hexadecimal representation. 40 0A 88 02 40 01 68 02 E0 00 48 65 6C 6C 6F 2C 20 77 6F 72 6C 64 21 0A 00 ==[[x-D]]== <nowiki>;-~~~~~> ;P ;~~> ;P ;------> ;-P ;--> ;P ;D ;~~---> ;P ;| ;~~< ;----> ;P</nowiki> <nowiki>;~---------> ;P ;--> ;P ;-----< ;P ;-------< ;P ;D ;> ;P ;~< ;-------< ;P</nowiki> ==[[xEec]]== h#10 h$! h$d h$l h$r h$o h$W h#32 h$, h$o h$l h$l h$e h$H >o o$ p jno ==[[XENBLN]]== š ==[[XRF]]== 53374 54374 54374 545F4 54374 54374 54374 41345 546F4 54374 54374 54374 54374 54554 54554 545F4 54314 54554 54554 54554 545F4 54314 54314 54554 545F4 54314 33745 54664 54664 54664 54664 54314 54664 54664 54664 54664 54664 54664 54314 54934 54554 5454F 54374 5451F 54314 54554 545F4 54314 54664 54664 54664 54314 54664 54664 54664 54664 9151B ==[[X.so]]== Using the [[HELP (Preprocessor)|HELP]]. /** * Hello world in X.so. */ $HelloWorld ( $Main( !Include("X") !X.Show("Hello, world!\n") ) ) ==[[Zetaplex]]== "Hello, World!"SrOsDrFe or <eFrDoS"Hello, World" or \ / #111#87\ # # ###### 3 4 # # # # # 3 1 # # # # # # 1 # # # # # 1####### /44#23#/ # # # # 0 8 # # # # # 0 0 1 # # # # # 1 1 # # # # \ / \1#108sy 101#72Os DrFe#### ###### or "Hell"\ /d!"S\o "/rFer, l\DsO/" \"roW / ==[[Ziim]]== ↘↓ ↘ ↘ ← ↙ ⤢↘ ↘← ↑ ↘← ↑⤡↙ → ↙ ↓↙↙ ↙ → ↗ ↙ ↘ ← ↙↙↘ ↙↘ ↙ ↑ ↘← ↘ ↑↕ ← ↓↓↑ ↙ ← ↘ ← ↙ ↕← ↗ ↔↙ ↗↓ ↑↑ →↖ ↙← ↓ ↘ → ↘ ↘ ↓↘← ↗ ↙↙ ↙ ↖ ↘ ←↓↙← ↑ ↑↑ ↑ → ↘ → ↙ ↘ ↙ ←↙ ↘ ↕ ↔ ↙↙ ← ↙ ⤡ ↑ ↘ ←↓↓↓ ↓↓↓ ↙↘ ↘→ ↘ ↙ ← ↑ ↓ ↘ → ↘ ↙ ← →↘ ↓ ↓ ↙← ↕← ↗ →↘ ↙← →↗ ↓ ↖← ↖ ↕ ↔ ↙ ↗↔ ↖ ↑↓ ↙↑ ↖← ↑↘ ↙ ↓ →↗→↖↑ ↑ ↑ ↗↖ ↑→ ↙↓ ↙ ↑ ↗ ↔ ↖↙←↙↓↖ ↗↔ ↕ ↑ → ↙ ↘ ←↗ →↖ ↘ ↕ ← ↖ ⤡ ↗ ← ↙ ↑ ↙ ↖ ↓↖← ↖ ↑ ↓ ↓↑↙ → ↘↑↓↖ ↗ ↙← ↑ ↙→ ↕ → ↖ ⤡ ↖ →↗ ↓ ↖ ↑ ↑ ↗↖ == [[Zucchini]] == <pre class="rectwrap">=0,1.2./.0,1./.3.17. ` /.4.17.`../.5.17.`: /.6.17.`: /.7.17.`::/.8.17`: /.9.17` /.10.17.:.:/.11.17.`::/.12.17.: `/.13.17.`: /.14.17.`. /.15.17` ./.16.17``/.19.</pre> ==[[`]]== 1`+72 2`+101 3`+108 4`+108 5`+44 6`+70 7`+119 8`+111 9`+114 10`+108 11`+100 0`1 0`2 0`3 0`4 0`5 0`6 0`7 0`8 0`9 0`10 0`11 ==[[~-~!]]== @|H|:@|e|:@|l|:@|l|:@|o|:@|,|@| |:@|w|:@|o|:@|r|:@|l|:@|d|:@|!|: [[Category:Examples]]'
New page wikitext, after the edit (new_wikitext)
'{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="clear:right; margin-bottom: .5em; float: right; padding: .5em 0 .8em 1.4em; background: none;" |__TOC__ |} This page is a list of [[Hello, world!]] programs in various [[esoteric programming language]]s. For other languages (esoteric and non-esoteric), see [http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Hello_world the Hello world page on Rosetta Code] and [http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/55422/6691 the Hello, World page on Code golf Stack Exchange] and [https://helloworldcollection.github.io/ the Hello World collection]. ==[[!@$%^&*()+|!@#$%^&*()_+]]== ^dlrow ,olleH(@) Note: the space at the beginning is ''mandatory'' An alternative version that does not use any letters at all: <pre> ^22+2:+99+78+;<+ ,78+66+!23+' ^+(@)</pre> Again, the leading space, as well as the two spaces in the middle, is mandatory. ==[[$_$]]== ________________________________________________________________________&_____________________________________________________________________________________________________&____________________________________________________________________________________________________________&____________________________________________________________________________________________________________&_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________&____________________________________________&________________________________&_______________________________________________________________________________________&_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________&__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________&____________________________________________________________________________________________________________&____________________________________________________________________________________________________&_________________________________$. ==[[Symbols|():;#?!]]== :H:e:l:l:o:,: :w:o:r:l:d:! ==[[(?!)]]== ???????(??????????)??!(!) ?????????????(?????)????!(!) ???????????????(?????)?!(!) ???????????????(?????)?!(!) ???????????????(?????)????!(!) ??????????(???)??!(!) ?????????????????(?????)??!(!) ???????????????(?????)????!(!) ??????????(????????)??!(!) ???????????????(?????)?!(!) ?????????????(?????)???!(!) ??????????(???)???!(!) ==[[--Unless]]== R: Helloworld.c Or, in a more fancy way: Hello_world: Hello_world_function: R: Helloworld.c R: Hello_world: Hello_world_function Or, to make it very long: Hello_world: Hello_world_function: R: Helloworld.c :R :Hello_world_function :Hello_world R: Hello_world: Hello_world_function :Hello_world :R ==[[:///]]== /foo/Hello, world!//bar/foo/bar ==[[0587]]== Unfancy version: 04(Hello World) Fancy version that shows off the language better: 01040291(Hello World) ==[[0815]]== <:48:x<:65:=<:6C:$=$=$$~<:03:+$~<:ffffffffffffffbd:+$<:ffffffffffffffb1:+$<:57:~$~<:18:x+$~<:03:+$~<:06:x-$x<:0e:x-$=x<:43:x-$ ==[[123]]== 222122221212112112112112112112112222122221212112112112112112122222211121121112112121122222221112112111211222222211121111211211222222211121111212222221112111121121122222221112111121222222111211111212112222222111211111222222111111222221111112222221111112222211111222222211211121111122222221121112111122222221112111112121122222221112111112222222111121121112112222222111121121122222211121111211211222222211121111212222221112112111211211222222211121121112122222112112112112111222222112112112112112 ==[[2B]]== +0+0+0+0+0+0+0+2)+0+0+9)+7))+3)-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-9)+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+7)-8)+3)-6)-8)-7-0-0-0-0-0-0) ==[[2L]]== *+ 2L "Hello, World!" program by poiuy_qwert + + + * +* * + *+ + ** + * +* + * + *+ + + * +******************************************* ************************* + + + *+ + *+* + *+ * * + *+ + + * + +******** * + + +* + * *+ + *+ * * + *+ + + * + +****** **+ +* + * *+ + + * + + ***+ * * +* + * *+ * + + * + + * *+ + ************************+ * + * + + * + * + + *+ + +* + * + * * + *******************************************************+* + * + + * + * + + +* + + * *+ + *+ * * + * + + + * * +************ * + + * + + * + * + + *+ +** +******************************************************************* * + + * + * + + + + +* ***+ * * *+ + * * + + * + * + * + + + + + *+ *******+ * * +* + * * + + * * + * + + + + *****************************+ * * + * * + * + + ************************************************************************+ * + * * + + ==[[,,,]]== "Hello, world! ==[[05AB1E]]== ”Ÿ™,‚ï! ==[[2DFuck]]== .!.!..!.!....!..!..!.!.!.!.!..!.!..!...!..!.!..!...!..!.!....!..!.!.!..!....!.!......!.!.!.!.!...!.!..!.!....!.!...!..!.!..!..!.!..!...!..!..!.!....!.!....!. ==[[33]]== "Hello, World!"p ==[[Fish|><>]]== !v"Hello, World!"r! >l?!;o This also works for [[Starfish|*><>]]. ==[[A:;]]== j:Hello World;p:j ==[[ACIDIC]]== Hello, world! wP ==[[ACL]]== 34344343444C3443443434343C34434344344C34434344344C34434344443C34344444C3434343434443C34434344443C34443443434C34434344344C34434434344C3434444343CC ==[[ACRONYM]]== <nowiki>{{>>{~~~~{-<}~~~~~~~~~{-<-<}}<<}</nowiki> <nowiki></(<<<){[<]}:>:{>>{~~~~~~~~{<}~{>}}<<}\</nowiki> <nowiki>~>{{~{v}}>>>v{~}^<<<}/(<<<){[<<]}:>:{>>{~~~~~~~~{<<}~{>>}}<<}\</nowiki> <nowiki>~{>>{vvvvvvvv~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}<<}~{>>{vvvv~~~~~~~~~~~~~}<<}~</nowiki> <nowiki>{>>{^^^^^^^^^^~}<<}~{>>{v~~~~~~~{{<<}~}v{~}vvvvvvv{~{>>}}^^^^^^~~~</nowiki> <nowiki>{{<<}~}vvvv{~{>>}}v~~~}<<}~<{{^^^}}~</nowiki> <nowiki>{>>{vvvvvv~{{<<}~{>>}}^^^^^^^~~~~~~~~~~~{{<<}~{v>}}^^^^^^}}</nowiki> <nowiki>/{{()}}{[<<<<]}:>:{{~v}}\}</nowiki> ==[[Aeolbonn]]== :Hello, world! : ==[[AEWNN]]== <code>[8+]cpar2[5+]cpa[7+]cpacpa+++cpa [8+]cpar2[15+]cpa+++cpar2[12+]cpar2++++cpa</code> ==[[Aheui]]== <pre>밫밚밙따따빠받나파빠밣다빠밝타뱷밢따맣맣빠빠맣맣빠밪다빠맣빠밪나밠다맣밖밣따맣빠밣다맣빠맣받다맣맣맣맣희</pre> This program has 52 cells within 1 line. The example given in the [[Aheui]] Article has 64 cells within 8 lines and prints an extra trailing new line. ==[[Airline food]]== You ever notice this? What's the deal with this thing? It's kinda like this. What's the deal with airline food? What's the deal with it? It's kinda like this thing. Just like it. Let's talk about this thing. It's kinda like this thing. It's kinda like this. Yeah, Just like this thing. Just like it. Not like this. What's the deal with pilots? Just like it. Not like this. Just like it. See? Let's talk about this thing. Not like this. What's the deal with baggage claim? Just like this thing. Just like it. It's kinda like pilots. What's the deal with luggage? Just like baggage claim. It's kinda like this. It's kinda like this. Not like it. See? Let's talk about baggage claim. See? See? It's kinda like this thing. Not like this. See? Let's talk about it. Um, See? It's kinda like this. Not like this thing. Not like it. See? Let's talk about baggage claim. It's kinda like it. Not like this. See? It's kinda like this. Not like it. See? It's kinda like this thing. Not like this. See? Not like this thing. Not like this. Not like this. See? Let's talk about luggage. Not like this. See? Let's talk about it. Um, It's kinda like this. See? == [[AIV]] == <pre>display« Hello, world! » stop«undisp»</pre> ==[[ALAGUF]]== "Hello World!"#! ==[[Alphaprint]]== abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstUvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwXyzabcdEfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzAbcDefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijKlmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstUvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwXyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuVwxYzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnOpqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabCdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghiJ ==[[AnyPL]]== HelloWor 0001 .2.. S1.. .3.. .3.. Tr.. .1.c ---- ........ [ Put the strings to the tape. ] ld...... 0010 .<.. 1.0. .<.. .... .... .... 121= ........ [ Output. ] ........ 0001 .... .... .... .... .... .... -11. ........ [ End execution. ] ==[[ArnoldC]]== IT'S SHOWTIME TALK TO THE HAND "hello world" YOU HAVE BEEN TERMINATED ==[[A.R.T.I.C.L.E.]]== This is the first ever "useful" program written in the ARTICLE. It's an esoteric programming language made by me, Soic. I don't know what else to write but i still to write code. Now, it's time to print the first character in the very cool debug console. Here i go again to write code to a dumb language. I don't really know what to. say, yes i swapped the position of a period and a comma just because i'm very, very, lazy. Now, it's time to print the first character in the very cool debug console. Here i go yet again writing code to a dumb language. Yes, i am very LAZY. Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy, laughing out loud, yes, i did this twice. Now, i will print the first character in the cool debug console yet again. Now, i will print the first character in the cool console yet again, again. Ngl, i'm out of ideas now and i'm just writing stuff. I need to write code. I need to write a lot of code. I'm tired, now i will just filler my way out f f f f. f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11. n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 n9. n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 n9 n10 n11 n12 n13 n14 n15 n16 n17 n18 n19 n20. f means filler f f f f f f f f f f f. f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11. n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 n9 n10. n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 n9 n10 n11 n12. f f f f f f f f f f f f f f. f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12. n1 n2 n3 n4 n5. n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 n9 n10 n11 n12 n13. f f f f f f f f f f f f f f. f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11. n1 n2 n3 n4 n5. n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8. F f f f f f f f f f f f f f. f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12. n1 n2 n3 n4 n5. n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 n9 n10 n11. F f f f f f f f f f f f f f. f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12. n1 n2 n3 n4 n5. n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 n9 n10 n11 n12 n13. F f f f f f f f f f f f f f. Note that the above program is missing the punctuation in the output. Here's an alternative version: (not sure if working because the author did not mention whether dots can be immediately followed by letters) <pre>MMMMMMM M M MMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMM MM M MMMMMMM. MMMMMMM M MMMMMMM M M MMM M M M. M M M M M M M M M MM M M M. M M M M M M M MMM M M M M MMM M. M MMM M M M MMM M M MMM M M.MM M MMM M M MMM.M M MMM M MMM M M MMM M MM M M MMM M M MMM M MMMM. M MMM M M MMM M MM M MMM M M MMM M M. M MMM M M MMM M M MM M MMM M. M MMM M M M.MMM M M MMM M M M M M MMM M M.MMM M MM M M MMM M M M M M M M M. M MM M M M M M MM M M M M M MMMM. M M MMMMMMM M M M MMMMMMM MMMMMMM M M M.MMMMMMM MMMMMMM M M M.MMMMMMM MMMMMMM M M M MMMMMMM M MMMM. MMM M M MMMMM.MMM MM M M M MM MMM M M M.MMMM M M M M M M M M MMMMM MMM MMMMM. M MM M MM M M MMM MMMMMM M.MM M MMMMMM MM MMM M M M. MM MM MM MM MMM M M M MM M MM M M MMM. M M MM M M MM M M M M M MM.MMMMMM M M MMM MMM. MMM MM MM MM MMM M MM M M MM M M M M M MM M.M MMMM M MM MM M M MMMM M M M MMMM M MM. M MMM MM MM M M MM MMMM M M MM. M M M MM MMM M MM MM M MM.MMM MM M MMMMM MMMMMMM M M MM M M MMMMMMM MM.MMMMM M MMMMMMM MM M MMM MMMMMMM MM MMMM MM M M M M.MMMM M M M MMMM M MM M M M MM M. M M M M MM.M MMM M MMM M M MMMM MM M M MMM M MMMMM. MM M MMM M M MMMM M M M MMM M MM MMMM M. MM M MMM M MMM M M MMM M MMM M. M MM MM MM M.MMM M MMMM MM MM M MMM M.M M MMM M MMM M MM M M M M MMM M M. MMMM M MMM M M MM M M M M MMM M.MMMMM MM M M M.M M MMMMM MM M M MM M M M M. MM M M M M M MM MMM MMMMMMM M MMMM MM MMMMMMM M. M M MM M MMMMMMM M MM M MM MMMMMMM MM M. M M M YOU MAY.COPY AND PASTE THIS CODE INTO YOUR A R T I C L.E INTERPRETER AND SEE THE RESULT OR YOU CAN SIMPLY USE YOUR CELL PHONE.TO SCAN THE CODE AS A QR CODE NOTE THAT THE CODE.PROVIDED BY SOIC DOES NOT PRINT THE COMMA AND.THE EXCLAMATION POINT BUT THESE QR CODES DOES. HAVE A GOOD DAY! C O L O R F U L G A.L.A X Y.</pre> ==[[asdf]]== asaasaasssasaasssasaaaasssasaasssasaaaaaaaasssasaaaasssasaaaasssasaasssasaasss asaasssasaasssasaaaasssasaasssasaaaasssasaaaaaasssasaaaasssasaasssasaaaasssasa aaaaasssasaaaasssasaasssasaaaaaaaasssasaaaasssasaasssasaasssasaaaasssasaaaaaaa asssasaasssasaaaaaaaaaaaasssasaaaaaasssasaasssasaaaaaasssasaasssasaaaasssasaas ssasaaaaaaaasssasaasssasaaaaaasssasaaaasssasaasssasaaaasssasaaaasssasaasssasaa aasssasaaaaaasssasaaaasssasaaaasssasaasssasaaaaaaaasssasaasssasaaaaaaaasssasaa ==[[asm2bf]]== Pure form: <pre> stk 2 org 0 txt "Hello World!" db_ 0 psh 1 psh 0 jmp 100 lbl 1 end lbl 100 pop r1 lbl 102 rcl r2,r1 jz_ r2,101 out r2 inc r1 jmp 102 lbl 101 out 10 ret </pre> Or, the asm2bf (batteries-included) version: <pre> stk 2 org 0 txt "Hello World!" db_ 0 @loop rcl r2, r1 jz_ r2, %quit out r2 inc r1 jmp %loop @quit out 10 </pre> ==[[Asparagus]]== === a1 === <pre>� Hello, World!���</pre> Hex: <pre>01 0D 48 65 6C 6C 6F 2C 20 57 6F 72 6C 64 03 01 01 00</pre> === a2 === ''(some characters could not be displayed exactly as they would normally appear.)'' <pre>\00 Hello, World!�\00\00\00\00</pre> Hex: <pre>00 0D 48 65 6C 6C 6F 2C 20 57 6F 72 6C 64 14 00 00 00</pre> === b1 === ''(some characters could not be displayed exactly as they would normally appear.)'' <pre>\00\00 Hello, World! \00\00\00</pre> Hex: <pre>00 00 0D 48 65 6C 6C 6F 2C 20 57 6F 72 6C 64 21 20 00 00 00</pre> === [https://github.com/all-other-usernames-were-taken/Asparagus/tree/assembler Asparagus Assembly (a1, using b1 set)] === ''Note that this program, when assembled, is much larger than the b1 version due to technical limitations with the assembler.'' <pre>set,0,Hello World! set,1,44 print,0,0,0 string,char,1,2,1 print,0,5,1</pre> ==[[Assembly language]]== This is not the actual program; this is the program in mnemonics. <pre> DAT 01 48 MOV 00 01 DAT 01 65 MOV 00 01 DAT 01 6C MOV 00 01 MOV 00 01 DAT 02 6F MOV 00 02 DAT 01 20 MOV 00 01 DAT 01 77 MOV 00 01 MOV 00 02 DAT 01 72 MOV 00 01 DAT 01 6C MOV 00 01 DAT 01 64 MOV 00 01 </pre> ==[[Aubergine]]== =aA-a1=oA=bi+b1-Ab-bb:bA+B1=iBGolf by Quintopia !dlroW ,olleH Also works in [[UberGenes]] ==[[Auo]]== i.o:['Hello World!'] ==[[Babalang]]== // Constants 1 is you and move 2 is 1 and 1 4 is 2 and 2 8 is 4 and 4 16 is 8 and 8 32 is 16 and 16 64 is 32 and 32 // Stack hello_world is group // Chars H is 64 and 8 e is 64 and 32 and 4 and 1 l is 64 and 32 and 8 and 4 o is 64 and 32 and 16 and not 1 comma is 32 and 8 and 4 sp is 32 w is 64 and 32 and 16 and 8 and not 1 r is 64 and 32 and 16 and 2 d is 64 and 32 and 4 excl is 32 and 1 newline is 8 and 2 // Push chars to stack hello_world has H and e and l and l and o and comma and sp and w and o and r and l and d and excl and newline // Print hello_world is text ==[[BackFlip]]== This uses the extension for output, and prints the ASCII codes of the characters of "Hello, world!", separated by newlines. \72N101N108N108N111N44N32N119N111N114N108N100N33N10N \/////////////////////////////////////////////////// ==[[Backshift]]== Although it is a sorting algorithm, it can easily be abused to do useful computation(the first space is totally neccecary): <pre> Hello, World </pre> ==[[BAM128]]== *6*3p*4*3*2*0p*2*1*0pp>0*1*0p*5*4*0p*5*4*2*1*0p*4*3p*1*0p/+0p+0*6*5*2p+0*5*0p ==[[Barely]]== ]xhhhhooooooooohhhhhhxooooooooxooooooxjjjxhoooohhhxhohhhhhhhxhhhhjjjhhhxhhhhooooooooohhhhhhxjjjxxjjjjjjjxjhhhhxjhhhhhhhhjjjhh~ ==[[Bauberqueue]]== =b1=bB\x11=a1=aA\x19+aB-b1iia=a1+a1=oA=a1=aA\x19+aB-b1iia Hello, World!\n ! ==[[BCDFuck]]== 4A E4 AE 7A 7A E7 A8 AE 1A E6 AE 5A 5A E6 AE 5A 5A E4 A5 AE 3A E0 EA 3A E2 AE 7A 8A E4 A5 AE 8A E5 A6 AE 4A E6 AE 5A 5A E7 A7 AE 7A 7A E7 A8 AE 0E A4 A5 AE ==[[Beatnik]]== Soars, larkspurs, rains. Indistinctness. Mario snarl (nurses, natures, rules...) sensuously retries goal. Agribusinesses' costs par lain ropes (mopes) autos' cores. Tuner ambitiousness. Flit. Dour entombment. Legals' saner kinking lapse. Nests glint. Dread, tied futures, dourer usual tumor grunts alter atonal garb tries shouldered coins. Taste a vast lustiness. Stile stuns gad subgroup gram lanes. Draftee insurer road: cuckold blunt, strut sunnier. Rely enure pantheism: arty gain groups (genies, pan) titters, tattles, nears. Bluffer tapes? Idle diatom stooge! Feted antes anklets ague? Remit goiter gout! Doubtless teared toed alohas will dull gangs' aerials' tails' sluices; Gusset ends! Gawkier halo! Enter abstruse rested loser beer guy louts. Curtain roams lasso weir lupus stunt. Truant bears animate talon. Entire torte originally timer. Redo stilt gobs. Utter centaurs; Urgent stars; Usurers (dilute); Noses; Bones; Brig sonar graders; Utensil silts; Lazies. Fret arson veterinary rows. Atlas grunted: "Pates, slues, sulfuric manor liaising tines, trailers, rep... unfair! Instant snots!" Sled rested until eatery fail. Ergs fortitude Indent spotter Euros enter egg. Curious tenures. Torus cutlasses. Sarong torso earns cruel lags it reeled. Engineer: "Erase handbag -- unite ratification!" oaring oaten donkeys unsold, surer rapid saltest tags BUTTERED TIBIA LUGS REWIRING TOILETS anion festers raring edit epilogues. DIRGE ROTOR. linnet oaring. GORE BOOTIES. Ironed goon lists tallest sublets -- Riots, Raucous onset. Ignobly, runners' diet anguishes sunrise loner. Erode mob, slier switcher! Loaners stilt drudge pearl atoll, risking hats' ends. Rebind sitters. Toga epistles -- crud lard. (Pager purse dons souls.) glob title a curio hired rites shed suds lade grease strut arctic revs toad unless idlers rind stilt region land GERMICIDES SULTANA GUTS gill siting leans nice spurs tests gloves roused asp Holes! Moles! (Sores!) Hygienists! Scars! (Asses!) Smells spell rares. Cubs instant sing in parse goodies. Rosin. Unhelpful sisal acres. Slope told. MALENESS PASTA LAB. "Infirmary vine," rang illiterates (beans). Rosin sours, insults truss abalones, nailed rules, helical atlases. Dear remodeling stings mar rents. Sunless shiner orb (silly idol.) Clarity disses senna. Vagabonds sauted; sloes performed gelds. Alter post radial lip sectioning gums. Saint Towellings. Larger aeons telephone stolid char, pal! Boats Dean forsook, rosters, tunas, terrariums -- united, traced. Nude pagoda careens. ==[[Befunge]]== 0"!dlroW ,olleH">:#,_@ Another version that does not use <code>&#34;</code> or any letters: <i>(the "w" in the output is lowercase)</i> <pre>0455**:3/\:8+:6+:3-:8+48*:66++:3*37*-:3-::7-89*>:#,_@</pre> ==[[Befunk]]== <i>Needs reduction or patching</i> This code is a [http://conwaylife.com/wiki/LifeViewer LifeViewer] display code. Please help convert it into a [[Hexdump]] code or a picture if possible. Click [http://conwaylife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2589&p=132234#p132234 here] for a LifeViewer display <pre>[code]x = 0, y = 0, rule = LifeColorful BQMDLROWFCO2LEHQJPNDIX! [[ COLOR 0 255 255 255 ]] [[ COLOR 2 0 0 0 ]] [[ COLOR 3 0 144 144 ]] [[ COLOR 4 171 0 0 ]] [[ COLOR 5 171 251 0 ]] [[ COLOR 6 0 192 243 ]] [[ COLOR 8 0 192 127 ]] [[ COLOR 9 0 144 255 ]] [[ COLOR 10 0 0 255 ]] [[ COLOR 12 171 128 0 ]] [[ COLOR 13 0 243 243 ]] [[ COLOR 14 192 0 0 ]] [[ COLOR 15 171 171 171 ]] [[ COLOR 16 171 255 127 ]] [[ COLOR 17 192 216 255 ]] [[ COLOR 18 171 144 171 ]] [[ COLOR 23 171 99 171 ]] [[ COLOR 24 249 99 249 ]][/code]</pre> ==[[BestFriends.js]]== var c = "+++++ [>+++++<-] > + }|" + "[<++++>-]<.[>+>+<<-]}{|" + ">++++<---.>..+++.@ {>"; alert(BF(c,"input") + " world"); ==[[Betterave]]== $"Hello, World!" ==[[BFI]]== ++}}??{?>++.>+.+++}?..+++.>++.<<+++???.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>.; >+++}?>++??{>+++>+<<<<-?; ++++ ==[[Binary lambda calculus]] (byte oriented)== *Hello, world! ==[[binodu]]== Automatic Node Hey Compare Action Output False Output True Fire TwoFalse Output True Output False Fire TwoFalse Fire Six Output False Output True Output False Output True Fire L Fire L Fire Six Fire TwoTrue Fire TwoTrue Fire Two Fire TwoTrue Fire TwoFalse Fire TwoFalse Fire TwoTrue Fire Two Fire Seven Fire Seven Fire Six Fire TwoTrue Fire TwoTrue Fire Seven Fire Two Fire L Fire Six Output False Output True Fire TwoFalse Fire Two Fire TwoFalse Fire False Fire True Stop Node Six Compare Action Output False Fire TwoTrue Output False Node L Compare Action Fire Six Fire TwoTrue Fire TwoFalse Node Two Compare Action Fire TwoFalse Output True Output False Node Seven Compare Action Output False Output True Fire TwoTrue Node TwoTrue Compare Action Output True Output True Node TwoFalse Compare Action Output False Output False ==[[BitBitJump]]== Z0:0 Z1:0 start: .deref p X .testH X print -1 print: .out X .add p (w+1) p 0 0 start p:H X:0 H:72 101 108 108 111 44 32 87 111 114 108 100 33 10 -1 .include lib ==[[bitch]]== #72/#101/#108/#108/#111/#44/#32/#119/#111/#114/#108/#100/#33/ ==[[BiTrax]]== [[Image:HelloWorldb.PNG]] Actual size: [[Image:HelloWorld.PNG]] ==[[Bitwise Cyclic Tag]]== Data <code>1</code> to trigger the program, <code>0</code> produces no output. Starting data other than <code>1</code> is undefined/unexpected behaviour. Output to be read using the following interpretation: after a <code>0</code> command, if there are 8 or more bits in current data, interpret the rightmost 8 bits as an output byte. <pre> 1011101011101010 # H 00000110000 1011111010111011 # e 0000000011 1011111011111010 # ll 000000011000 1011111011111111 # o 00000000 1010111011111010 # , 000000 111010101010 # _ 00011000000 1011101110111111 # W 00000000 1011111011111111 # o 00000000 1011111110101110 # r 0000000 11111011111010 # l 000 111010 # d 000 101011 # ! 000000000 </pre> ==[[Black]]== This prints out the ASCII codes of the characters of "Hello, world!" if extensions are used, separated by newlines. The first line is blank. # # # # # # # # # 7 2 N 1 0 1 N 1 0 8 N 1 0 8 N 1 1 1 N 4 4 N 3 2 N 1 1 9 N 1 1 1 N 1 1 4 N 1 0 8 N 1 0 0 N 3 3 N 1 0 N ## ==[[Blub]]== blub. blub? blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub! blub? blub? blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub? blub! blub! blub? blub! blub? blub. blub! blub. blub. blub? blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub! blub? blub? blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub? blub! blub! blub? blub! blub? blub. blub. blub. blub! blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub! blub. blub! blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub! blub. blub. blub? blub. blub? blub. blub? blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub! blub? blub? blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub? blub! blub! blub? blub! blub? blub. blub! blub. blub. blub? blub. blub? blub. blub? blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub! blub? blub? blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub? blub! blub! blub? blub! blub? blub. blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub. blub? blub. blub? blub. blub? blub. blub? blub. blub! blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub. blub! blub. blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub. blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub! blub. blub. blub? blub. blub? blub. blub. blub! blub. ==[[Boolfuck]]== ;;;+;+;;+;+; +;+;+;+;;+;;+; ;;+;;+;+;;+; ;;+;;+;+;;+; +;;;;+;+;;+; ;;+;;+;+;+;; ;;;;;+;+;; +;;;+;+;;;+; +;;;;+;+;;+; ;+;+;;+;;;+; ;;+;;+;+;;+; ;;+;+;;+;;+; +;+;;;;+;+;; ;+;+;+; ==[[Brain-Flak]]== (((((((((((()()()()){}){}){}()))){}{}())[][][][])[][])[[]]())[[][][][][]]())([([]([])[][]{})]()()()([[]](([()()()]([([][][])](((({}()){}))){}{}))))) ==[[Brainfuck]]== +[-[<<[+[--->]-[<<<]]]>>>-]>-.---.>..>.<<<<-.<+.>>>>>.>.<<.<-. Also works as a [[Brainfork]] program. Shortest one. Please undo it if that is incorrect. ==[[Brainloller]]== [[Image:Hello-large.png|Hello, world! in Brainloller]] Actual size : [[Image:Hello.png]] Actually, I have a shorter one: [[File:Shortbrainlollerhelloworld.png]] I enlarged it to make it more visible. ==[[Brian & Chuck]]== ?Hello, World! !>.>.>.>.>.>.>.>.>.>.>.>.>. ==[[BRZRK]]== $"Hello, World!" ==[[BSoD]]== [[Image:HelloWorldBSoD.png]] <br>Note : The size of the image has been multiplied by 10. You have to divide by 10 so that the program works and marks "Hello, World!". ==[[Bucket]]== This program is done in the derivative (1,119). <pre> fpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfp fpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpOfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpOfpfpfpfpfpfpfpOOfpfp fpOPePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePeP ePePePePePePePePePePePePeOPePePePePePePePePePePePeOfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpf pfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpf pOPePePePePePePePeOfpfpfpOPePePePePePeOPePePePePePePePeOPePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePe PePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePePeO </pre> ==[[bugSophia]]== "+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` H e l l o , W o r l d ! ᛥ'<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-< ==[[Bur]]== Pushing all the characters before printing any of them: ~@,#33!#100!#108!#114!#111!#87!#32!#44!#111!#108!#108!#101!#72!!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!v.; Printing each character immediately after pushing it: ~@,#72!!.#101!!.#108!!.#108!!.#111!!.#44!!.#32!!.#87!!.#111!!.#114!!.#108!!.#100!!.#33!!v.; ==[[Burlesque]]== "Hello, World!"Q ==[[Byter]]== >>>>>>>>>V00V00V 0#00A00V<V00V0VV -+>>A00VV<<0$0V> V0AA<00V>V<<<<V0 >>V0V<<<-<000V<0 0AV0VV<<<0000V<0 0A>V+}>>>>>>}<V- 0A{>>>>-000000>V 00A0000>>>>>>>>A V0A<<<<<<<<<<<<> V000000000000000 V000000000000000 V000000000000000 V000000000000000 V000000000000000 >>>>>>>>>>>>V000 ==[[Byte Syze]]== (This is the hexadecimal code of the source code, not the program itself) 000000: c7 3c 2a 3c 2a 2b 2a 5c 3c 29 5c 2a 2b 2a 5c 3c .<*<*+*\<)\*+*\< 000010: 29 5c 2a 2b 2a 5c 3c 29 5c 2a 2b 2a 5c 3c 29 5c )\*+*\<)\*+*\<)\ 000020: 2a 2b 2a 5c 3c 29 5c 2a 2b 2a 5c 3c 29 5c 2a 2b *+*\<)\*+*\<)\*+ 000030: 2a 5c 3c 29 5c 2a 2b 2a 5c 3c 29 5c 2a 2b 2a 5c *\<)\*+*\<)\*+*\ 000040: 3c 29 5c 2a 2b 2a 5c 3c 29 5c 2a 2b 2a 5c 3c 29 <)\*+*\<)\*+*\<) 000050: 5c 2a 2b 2a 5c 3c 29 5c 2a 2b 2a 5c 3c 29 5c 2a \*+*\<)\*+*\<)\* 000060: 2b 2a 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 +*.............. 000070: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 000080: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 000090: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 0000a0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 0000b0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 0000c0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 64 48 65 6c 6c 6f 2c 20 57 .......dHello,.W 0000d0: 6f 72 6c 64 21 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 orld!........... ==[[Cardinal]]== %"Hello, world!";x ==[[Charcoal]]== Hello, world! ==[[Cell]]== j0 a72 . a101 . a108 . . a111 . a44 . a32 . a87 . a111 . a114 . a108 . a100 . a33 . ==[[Cells]]== (alpha)(8,=_)(5,=_)(12,=_)(12,=_)(15,=_) (ascii)(32,=_) (alpha)(23,=_)(15,=_)(18,=_)(12,=_)(4,=_) ==[[Chef]]== Hello World Cake with Chocolate sauce. This prints hello world, while being tastier than Hello World Souffle. The main chef makes a " world!" cake, which he puts in the baking dish. When he gets the sous chef to make the "Hello" chocolate sauce, it gets put into the baking dish and then the whole thing is printed when he refrigerates the sauce. When actually cooking, I'm interpreting the chocolate sauce baking dish to be separate from the cake one and Liquify to mean either melt or blend depending on context. Ingredients. 33 g chocolate chips 100 g butter 54 ml double cream 2 pinches baking powder 114 g sugar 111 ml beaten eggs 119 g flour 32 g cocoa powder 0 g cake mixture Cooking time: 25 minutes. Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Method. Put chocolate chips into the mixing bowl. Put butter into the mixing bowl. Put sugar into the mixing bowl. Put beaten eggs into the mixing bowl. Put flour into the mixing bowl. Put baking powder into the mixing bowl. Put cocoa powder into the mixing bowl. Stir the mixing bowl for 1 minute. Combine double cream into the mixing bowl. Stir the mixing bowl for 4 minutes. Liquify the contents of the mixing bowl. Pour contents of the mixing bowl into the baking dish. bake the cake mixture. Wait until baked. Serve with chocolate sauce. chocolate sauce. Ingredients. 111 g sugar 108 ml hot water 108 ml heated double cream 101 g dark chocolate 72 g milk chocolate Method. Clean the mixing bowl. Put sugar into the mixing bowl. Put hot water into the mixing bowl. Put heated double cream into the mixing bowl. dissolve the sugar. agitate the sugar until dissolved. Liquify the dark chocolate. Put dark chocolate into the mixing bowl. Liquify the milk chocolate. Put milk chocolate into the mixing bowl. Liquify contents of the mixing bowl. Pour contents of the mixing bowl into the baking dish. Refrigerate for 1 hour. ==[[Chicken]]== <pre> chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken </pre> ==[[Choon]]== AGb-A#A#+A+%A#DF-AC# This hello world program is not a very traditional one, as the author of Choon notes: "''...this implementation is rather unusual as Choon cannot speak the words as such. I have used note values for (upper case only) letters, where 'H' is zero. So the sequence is 0 (H), -3 (E), 4 (L), 4 (L), 7(O), rest, 15 (W), 7 (O), 10 (R), 4 (L), -4 (D). ...''" The program can be listened to here: http://www.stephensykes.com/choon/hello.wav ==[[C-INTERCAL]]== This program uses the Computed COME FROM and [[Threaded INTERCAL]] extensions. It relies on all the threads running at about the same speed (although note that this is now guaranteed by the C-INTERCAL documentation), and ''recognizes'' "HELLO, WORLD" rather than ''printing'' it; any other input gives an error. <pre><nowiki> PLEASE NOTE THIS PROGRAM RECOGNIZES "HELLO, WORLD" USING COME FROM DON'T TYPE IN ANYTHING ELSE, OR YOU'LL GET AN ERROR! PLEASE NOTE: COMPILE WITH ick -m FOR THIS TO WORK. DO ,1 <- #12 (1) DO WRITE IN ,1 DO GIVE UP PLEASE NOTE THIS CHECKS EACH CHARACTER IN TURN DO COME FROM '#255~'"?',1SUB#1'$#72"~"#0$#255"''~#1 PLEASE START WITH AN H NEXT TIME DO COME FROM '#255~'"?',1SUB#2'$#253"~"#0$#255"''~#1 DO (2) NEXT DO REMEMBER THAT E COMES SECOND DO COME FROM '#255~'"?',1SUB#3'$#7"~"#0$#255"''~#1 DO (4) NEXT PLEASE USE L THIRD NEXT TIME DO COME FROM '#255~'"?',1SUB#4'$#0"~"#0$#255"''~#1 PLEASE DO (2) NEXT DO (4) NEXT DO USE TWO LS, NOT A SINGLE L DO COME FROM '#255~'"?',1SUB#5'$#3"~"#0$#255"''~#1 DO (8) NEXT PLEASE END 'HELLO' WITH 'O' DO COME FROM '#255~'"?',1SUB#6'$#221"~"#0$#255"''~#1 DO (8) NEXT PLEASE DO (2) NEXT DO USE COMMAS TO SEPARATE WORDS DO COME FROM '#255~'"?',1SUB#7'$#244"~"#0$#255"''~#1 DO (8) NEXT PLEASE DO (4) NEXT PLEASE USE SPACES AFTER PUNCTUATION DO COME FROM '#255~'"?',1SUB#8'$#55"~"#0$#255"''~#1 DO (8) NEXT DO (4) NEXT PLEASE DO (2) NEXT DO START 'WORLD' WITH A 'W' DO COME FROM '#255~'"?',1SUB#9'$#248"~"#0$#255"''~#1 DO (16) NEXT PLEASE PLACE AN O IN THE NINTH POSITION DO COME FROM '#255~'"?',1SUB#10'$#3"~"#0$#255"''~#1 DO (16) NEXT DO (2) NEXT DO USE AN R IN THE MIDDLE OF WORLD DO COME FROM '#255~'"?',1SUB#11'$#250"~"#0$#255"''~#1 DO (16) NEXT DO (4) NEXT PLEASE LET AN L BE PENULTIMATE DO COME FROM '#255~'"?',1SUB#12'$#248"~"#0$#255"''~#1 DO (16) NEXT PLEASE DO (4) NEXT DO (2) NEXT DO END WITH A D (2) PLEASE RESUME #1 (4) DO (2) NEXT DO (2) NEXT DO RESUME #1 (8) DO (4) NEXT DO (4) NEXT PLEASE RESUME #1 (16) DO (8) NEXT DO (8) NEXT PLEASE RESUME #1 </nowiki></pre> ==[[CLC-INTERCAL]]== The original "Hello World" example from the CLC-INTERCAL distribution, now placed by the author in the public domain. You type a string. If it happens to be "Hello, World", the program terminates successfully. If not, a helpful error message tells you where you went wrong. The program requires CLC-INTERCAL 0.05 or newer. Note the use of computed COME FROMs and the heavy use of overload to prevent a "multiple COME FROM" splat. You may compare with the C-INTERCAL example, above, which relies on threading to prevent the same splat. <pre> PLEASE ;1 &lt;- #12 (1) PLEASE WRITE IN ;1 PLEASE GIVE UP PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE (PRETTY PLEASE) DO NOT ASK ME TO READ THE REST OF THIS PROGRAM DO COME FROM '".1/'"'¥#29¢"';1SUB#1'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"~ "'¥#29¢"';1SUB#1'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"'~#1"~#0'¢.1 ERROR: THE FIRST CHARACTER IS NOT "H" DO COME FROM '".2/'"'¥#1356¢"';1SUB#2'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"~ "'¥#1356¢"';1SUB#2'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"'~#1"~#0'¢ '.2~"'¥#1¢.1'~#1"' ERROR: THE SECOND CHARACTER IS NOT "E" DO COME FROM '".3/'"'¥#377¢"';1SUB#3'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"~ "'¥#377¢"';1SUB#3'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"'~#1"~#0'¢ '".22/'"V.1¢.2"~#1'"~#0'¢'.3~"'¥#1¢.22'~#1"' ERROR: THE THIRD CHARACTER IS NOT "L" DO COME FROM '".4/'"'¥#383¢"';1SUB#4'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"~ "'¥#383¢"';1SUB#4'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"'~#1"~#0'¢ '".23/'"V.22¢.3"~#1'"~#0'¢'.4~"'¥#1¢.23'~#1"' ERROR: THE FOURTH CHARACTER IS NOT "L" DO COME FROM '".5/'"'¥#378¢"';1SUB#5'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"~ "'¥#378¢"';1SUB#5'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"'~#1"~#0'¢ '".24/'"V.23¢.4"~#1'"~#0'¢'.5~"'¥#1¢.24'~#1"' ERROR: THE FIFTH CHARACTER IS NOT "O" DO COME FROM '".6/'"'¥#177¢"';1SUB#6'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"~ "'¥#177¢"';1SUB#6'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"'~#1"~#0'¢ '".25/'"V.24¢.5"~#1'"~#0'¢'.6~"'¥#1¢.25'~#1"' ERROR: THE SIXTH CHARACTER IS NOT COMMA DO COME FROM '".7/'"'¥#373¢"';1SUB#7'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"~ "'¥#373¢"';1SUB#7'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"'~#1"~#0'¢ '".26/'"V.25¢.6"~#1'"~#0'¢'.7~"'¥#1¢.26'~#1"' ERROR: THE SEVENTH CHARACTER IS NOT SPACE DO COME FROM '".8/'"'¥#4160¢"';1SUB#8'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"~ "'¥#4160¢"';1SUB#8'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"'~#1"~#0'¢ '".27/'"V.26¢.7"~#1'"~#0'¢'.8~"'¥#1¢.27'~#1"' ERROR: THE EIGHTH CHARACTER IS NOT "W" DO COME FROM '".9/'"'¥#574¢"';1SUB#9'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"~ "'¥#574¢"';1SUB#9'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"'~#1"~#0'¢ '".28/'"V.27¢.8"~#1'"~#0'¢'.9~"'¥#1¢.28'~#1"' ERROR: THE NINTH CHARACTER IS NOT "O" DO COME FROM '".10/'"'¥#540¢"';1SUB#10'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"~ "'¥#540¢"';1SUB#10'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"'~#1"~#0'¢ '".29/'"V.28¢.9"~#1'"~#0'¢'.10~"'¥#1¢.29'~#1"' ERROR: THE TENTH CHARACTER IS NOT "R" DO COME FROM '".11/'"'¥#353¢"';1SUB#11'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"~ "'¥#353¢"';1SUB#11'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"'~#1"~#0'¢ '".30/'"V.29¢.10"~#1'"~#0'¢'.11~"'¥#1¢.30'~#1"' ERROR: THE ELEVENTH CHARACTER IS NOT "L" DO COME FROM '".12/'"'¥#375¢"';1SUB#12'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"~ "'¥#375¢"';1SUB#12'~#65535"'~'#0¢#65535'"'~#1"~#0'¢ '".31/'"V.30¢.11"~#1'"~#0'¢'.12~"'¥#1¢.31'~#1"' ERROR: THE TWELFTH AND LAST CHARACTER IS NOT "D" </pre> ==[[CLCLC-INTERCAL]]== This is a output-only hello world program, unlike the other INTERCAL hello world programs. This one uses Baudot numbers for the letters in the words, and therefore will output only in uppercase. PLEASE ;1 <- #2 DO ;1 SUB #1 <- #17947$#20775 DO ;1 SUB #2 <- #5204$#21386 DO READ OUT ;1 PLEASE GIVE UP == [[Codd]] == <pre> λrx.r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[r[x]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] λqw.q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[q[w]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] λvu.v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[v[u]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] λdf.d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[d[f]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] λeg.e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[g]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] λez.e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[e[z]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] λpo.p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[p[o]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] λmn.m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[m[n]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] λzx.z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[z[x]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] λjk.j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[j[k]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] `2`4`6`6`8`10`12`14`8`16`6`18`20 </pre> ==[[Commercial]]== "Hello, world!" - Satisfied Consumer of Hello Hello has been selling out worldwide! ==[[Compute]]== Hello World ==[[ContinuousEquation]]== 0 0 o'H'e'l'l'o',' 'w'o'r'l'd'! ==[[CopyPasta Language]]== Copy Hello, World! Pasta! ==[[COW]]== MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MOO moO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO moO MoO MoO MoO MoO moO MoO MoO MoO MoO moO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO moO MoO MoO MoO MoO mOo mOo mOo mOo mOo MOo moo moO moO moO moO Moo moO MOO mOo MoO moO MOo moo mOo MOo MOo MOo Moo MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO Moo Moo MoO MoO MoO Moo MMM mOo mOo mOo MoO MoO MoO MoO Moo moO Moo MOO moO moO MOo mOo mOo MOo moo moO moO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO Moo MMM MMM Moo MoO MoO MoO Moo MMM MOo MOo MOo Moo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo Moo mOo MoO Moo ==[[Crazy]]== kirmg(s + v + o + o + l + xln + yoz + d + l + i + o + w + vcx) ==[[Cufrab]]== :PRINT[-]~\.; "Hello, World!\n"PRINT ==[[Daoyu]]== <pre><nowiki> $$$ (([]!)/([])): ((/[])/([]!/[]!)): (/[]):: [/([]!/[])]!: [[[]]!]: [([]!)/[/[]!]!]: [/([]!/[])]!: [([]!)/(/[])]: ((/[])/[]): (/([]!)): ([[]]!/[[]!]!): [[[]/[]]]!: </nowiki></pre> or <pre><nowiki> ))))))))/:((((((S............... %(>#>[>[>;/.==>;=/>[>%/!.:...... </nowiki></pre> ==[[Dark]]== +hello hell hello$twist sign hws hello$twist stalker io io$stalk io$personal hws$scrawl " Hello, world! hws$read io$echo hello$empty hello$apocalypse ==[[DBFV!]]== Z<9Z+A<Z.YA:[A-*YZ].AB<7C<2~1A<1B<0C<1~1A<1B<0C<8~1A<1B<0C<8~1A<1B<1C<1~1.AB<4C<4~1.AB<3C<2~1A<1B<1C<9~1A<1B<1C<1~1A<1B<1C<4~1A<1B<0C<8~1A<1B<0C<0~1.AB<3C<3~1$0 D<CB:[B-*CZ]A:[A-*CY]C>^ ==[[dd/dd]]== <!Hello,\ World!\0A; ==[[Decimal]]== 13072069076076079044032087079082076068033010D 301 Version 2 (boring): Hello,11032D301World!11010D301 ==[[Defunc]]== 4a++++a Ba44444444a LBBB4440 .+4444444.BB440 ..L .+++L .+++44444BB.B0 .+++.+++L .L .BBB40 .+B0 ==[[DFA-er]]== With whitespace, for readability: .1001000. --1100101- .1100101. --1101100- .1101100. --1101100- -1-1101111- -10-1100100- .1101111. --101100- -1-1110010- .101100. --100000- .100000. --1110111- .1110111. --1101111- .1110010. --1101100- .1100100. --100001- ..100001. ! .......1..........1....10... Condensed: .1001000.--1100101-.1100101.--1101100-.1101100.--1101100--1-1101111--10-1100100-.1101111.--101100--1-1110010-.101100.--100000-.100000.--1110111-.1110111.--1101111-.1110010.--1101100-.1100100.--100001-..100001.!.......1..........1....10... ==[[Difficult]]== <pre> thing.console.print("Hello, world")? </pre> ==[[DigFill]]== @n _Clear a space to output 1 bits_ &s&n&s&s&n&s&s&s _H_ &s&n&n&s&s&n&s&n _e_ &s&n&n&s&n&n&s&s _l_ &s&n&n&s&n&n&s&s _l_ &s&n&n&s&n&n&n&n _o_ &s&s&n&s&n&n&s&s _,_ &s&s&n&s&s&s&s&s _ _ &s&n&s&n&s&n&n&n _W_ &s&n&n&s&n&n&n&n _o_ &s&n&n&n&s&s&n&s _r_ &s&n&n&s&n&n&s&s _l_ &s&n&n&s&s&n&s&s _d_ &s&s&n&s&s&s&s&n _!_ ==[[Dirst]]== dss_Hello, world-e.txt ==[[Dis]]== ^!|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||{!!!|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||*_>_*>|_*_>_*_>_*_>_*_>_*_>_*_>_*_>_*_>_*_>_*>__*|_>*__|*|||*__ >*>||*>_|*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*{_>*>_|*>||*__>*>||*>||*__>*__>*__>*>_|*> ||*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*{__*>||*>_|*__>*__>*>||*>||*__>*>_|*>||*__>*__>*__>* __>*__>*__>*__>*{{>*>||*>_|*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*{_>*>_|*>||*__> *>_|*>||*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*{_>*>||*>_|*>|>*>||*>_|*__>*__>*__ >*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*{_>*>|_*>||*>_|*__>*>||*>_|*__>*__>*>_|*>||*__>*__>*__>*_ _>*__>*__>*{__*>||*>_|*__>*>_|*>||*__>*>|_*>||*>_|*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>* __>*{_>*>|_*>||*>||*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*{_>*>|_*>||*>_|*__>*__> *__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*{_>*__|*>__|*>__|*__|*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>*__>* __>*__>*>_|*>||*{_>*__|*>__|*>__|*{_|*__>*>||*>||*{! ==[[Divzeros]]== (?'H+?'e+?'l+?'l+?'o+?',+?' +?'W+?'o+?'r+?'l+?'d+?'!)/0 ==[[DL]]== DL Start say(Hello World) DL End ==[[DNA-Sharp|DNA#]]== AT T--A A----T T-----A T-----A G----C T--A GC CG C--G A----T A-----T T-----A A----T A--T GC AT C--G T----A C-----G T-----A G----C C--G CG AT A--T T----A A-----T A-----T G----C A--T GC TA G--C T----A G-----C C-----G C----G A--T GC TA G--C A----T G-----C A-----T C----G A--T CG GC A--T A----T C-----G A-----T C----G A--T CG GC A--T T----A G-----C A-----T G----C A--T CG GC A--T G----C A-----T A-----T T----A A--T TA AT T--A G----C A-----T A-----T A----T G--C AT AT G--C T----A G-----C A-----T G----C G--C AT TA T--A A----T G-----C G-----C A----T A--T TA AT T--A A----T T-----A G-----C A----T T--A TA AT G--C A----T T-----A A-----T T----A G--C AT TA T--A A----T G-----C G-----C A----T A--T AT AT T--A G----C A-----T ==[[DOGO]]== roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel heel heel heel heel heel sit roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel heel heel heel heel roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over stay roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel heel heel heel sit roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over stay roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over heel heel heel heel heel heel heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel roll-over heel heel heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel heel heel heel heel sit roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over stay roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel heel heel heel heel heel heel sit roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel heel heel heel heel heel roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over stay roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel roll-over roll-over heel roll-over heel heel heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel heel heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel heel heel heel heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel ==[[Drive-In Window]]== Hi, welcome to Hello_World_Buffet. Here is a menu. Rice Krispie Treat: $10 Ice Cream: $30 Cookies: $70 Here are your sides. Whipped Cream: $1 Chocolate: $2 Caramel: $3 May I take your order? Person 1 would like the Cookies with Chocolate. Person 1 will pay for his order! Person 2 would like the Ice Cream, hold the Whipped Cream. Person 2 would also like what Person 1 has. Person 2 will pay for his order! Person 2 needs 7 dollars more for his order! Person 2 will pay for his order! Person 2 will pay for his order! Person 2 needs 3 dollars more for his order! Person 2 will pay for his order! Person 3 would like the Ice Cream with Chocolate. Person 3 will pay for his order! Person 1 would also like the Rice Krispie Treat with Caramel. Person 1 needs 2 more dollars for his order! Person 1 will pay for his order! Person 2 will pay for his order! Person 2 needs 3 dollars more for his order! Person 2 will pay for his order! Person 2 needs 6 dollars less for his order! Person 2 will pay for his order! Person 2 needs 8 dollars less for his order! Person 2 will pay for his order! Person 3 needs 1 dollar more for his order! Person 3 will pay for his order! Just wait while we decide... OK, that will be $1.14. Thanks for coming! ==[[DStack]]== @0 Hello, world! @ ad ==[[DUP]]== 'H,'e,'l,'l,'o,',,' ,'w,'o,'r,'l,'d,'!,10, or [\[^^>][$;,1+]#%%]p: 0$"Hello, world!"p;!10, ==[[dupdog]]== Thanks to [[Nikita Ayzikovsky]] (a.k.a [[user:lament]]) for having the attention span to make this <pre class="rectwrap">H?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????e?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????l???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????w???o?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????l???d?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????r???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????X???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????o???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????l??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????</pre> ==[[ELANG]]== "" .H .e .l .l .o ., ._ .w .o .r .l .d .! () ==[[Emmental]]== ;#58#126#63#36!;#46#36#!;#0#1!;#0#2!;#0#3!;#0#4!;#0#5!;#0#6!;#0#7!#0#33#100#108#114#111#119#32#44#111#108#108#101#72$ ==[[Emoji]]== 💬Hello World💬➡ ==[[Emoji-gramming]]== 😊🕐💖 😇🕐🕐 😊🕑🕐 😇🕑🕑 😊🕒🕑 😇🕒🕒 😊♈💖 😇♈🕒 😊📢♈ 😊♈💜 😇♈💞 😇♈🕑 😇♈🕒 😊📢♈ 😊♉💞 😇♉💖 😇♉🕑 😇♉🕒 😊📢♉ 😊📢♉ 😊♊💜 😇♊💕 😇♊💞 😇♊💖 😇♊🕑 😇♊🕒 😊📢♊ 😊♈💞 😇♈💖 😇♈🕑 😊📢♈ 😊📢🕑 😊♈💜 😇♈💕 😇♈💞 😇♈🕐 😇♈🕒 😊📢♈ 😊📢♊ 😊♈💕 😇♈🕐 😇♈🕑 😇♈🕒 😊📢♈ 😊📢♉ 😊♈💞 😇♈🕑 😇♈🕒 😊📢♈ 😊♈💜 😇♈🕑 😊📢♈ 😊♈💖 😇♈💕 😊📢♈ ==[[Emoticon]]== hello world :-Q S:-P :-Q ==[[Enigma-2D]]== >+++++++++[<++++++++>-]<.>+++++++[<++++>-]<+.+++++++..+++.>>>++++++++[<++++>-]D .+>>.--------.------.+++.<<<<.---<]->+++++++++<[++++++++++>>>.<L ==[[EnScript]]== <pre> LDA A, 72 OUT A LDA A, 101 OUT A LDA A, 108 OUT A OUT A LDA A, 111 OUT A LDA A, 44 OUT A LDA A, 32 OUT A LDA A, 119 OUT A LDA A, 111 OUT A LDA A, 114 OUT A LDA A, 108 OUT A LDA A, 100 OUT A LDA A, 33 OUT A LDA A, 9 </pre> ==[[Eodermdrome]]== this (Hello, World!) says... hi! Bonus: append <code> lots</code> or <code>: lots</code> to the replacement sub-graph to make it loop. ==[[EOOOL]]== ,{,{89+(59+~1&(7~+1&2&2&((3~+1&(4~(32_((6~+((8+(38_(},} ==[[evil]]== zaeeeaeeew zaeeaeeaeaw zaeaeeaeeaew zaeaeeaeeaew zuueeueew zaeeeeew zuueueueeeew zuueeueew zaeeaeeaeaeew zaeaeeaeeaew zaeeaeeaew zaeeeeeaw zaeeeeeaeawuuuw ==[[Exp]]== {<|^^^^^^^^^| x |^^^^^^^^|>} {<|^^^^^^^^^^| x |^^^^^^^| - |^|>} {<|^^^^^^^^^| x |^^^^^^^^| + |^^^^|>} {<|^^^^^^^^^| x |^^^^^^^^| + |^^^^|>} {<|^^^^^^^^^^| x |^^^^^^^^| - |^|>} {<|^^^^^^^^| x |^^^^| - |^|>} {<|^^^^^^^^^^| x |^^^^^^^^^| - |^^^|>} {<|^^^^^^^^^^| x |^^^^^^^^| - |^|>} {<|^^^^^^^^^^| x |^^^^^^^^| + |^^|>} {<|^^^^^^^^^| x |^^^^^^^^| + |^^^^|>} {<|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| x |^^^^|>} ==[[Factor]]== <pre class="rectwrap">1655681263349701521084659680611551719864071403625859675993155360184979650875317924075071663014170796398214200089605837256575759246478855815981943506169969378179918285035832792782321874423879673381143676538661836790083866016752674868707301142092304365222517116382208838942082995905598124019955549</pre> ==[[FakeASM]]== ECHO "Hello, world!" STP ==[[FALSE]]== "Hello world! " ==[[FiM++]]== Dear Princess Celestia: Hello World! Today I learned something simple. I said “Hello, World!”! That's all about something simple! Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle. ==[[Fishing]]== v+CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC `Hello, World!`N ==[[Flip]]== >0> 5+ \ @'+ >0>4*+\ +, / / vXv/ / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 4@ 6@ 7@ 7@ 7@ 0@ 5@ 7@ 8@ 7@ 6@ 0@ 2@ *<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<~<< P++<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<~<< Q 0@ 9@ 6@ 6@ 9@ 0@ 5@ 9@ 2@ 6@ 8@ 1@ 2@ \ / / / / / / / / / / / / / ==[[Fob]]== $:#&$Hello, World!:#<>#= ==[[Foo]]== "Hello, World!" ==[[Foobar and Foobaz and Barbaz, oh my!]]== 72 and 27 and 27, oh my. 101 and 101 and 101, oh my. 108 and 108 and 108, oh my. 108 and 108 and 108, oh my. 111 and 111 and 111, oh my. 44 and 44 and 44, oh my. 32 and 32 and 32, oh my. 119 and 119 and 119, oh my. 111 and 111 and 111, oh my. 114 and 114 and 114, oh my. 108 and 108 and 108, oh my. 100 and 100 and 100, oh my. 33 and 33 and 33, oh my. 10 and 10 and 10, oh my. ==[[Forobj]]== "Hello world!\n"d ==[[Fortob]]== The shortest: "Hello world!".println; Longer, but features more language features: @print[$!.readcom.println;$\.push:'\;]\; print "Hello world!"\; ==[[Fourier]]== 72a101a108aa111a44a32a119a111a114a108a100a33a10a ==[[F-PULSE]]== <pre> PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS CBGN[ NXT PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS NXT PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS NXT PLS PLS PLS LST LST LST MNS ]CEND NXT PLS PLS OUT NXT PLS OUT PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS OUT OUT PLS PLS PLS OUT NXT PLS PLS OUT LST LST PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS OUT NXT OUT PLS PLS PLS OUT MNS MNS MNS MNS MNS MNS OUT MNS MNS MNS MNS MNS MNS MNS MNS OUT NXT PLS OUT NXT PTN OUT </pre> ==[[FRAK]]== LI 0,C'H' PUT 0 LI 0,C'e' PUT 0 LI 0,C'l' PUT 0 LI 0,C'l' PUT 0 LI 0,C'o' PUT 0 LI 0,32 PUT 0 LI 0,C'w' PUT 0 LI 0,C'o' PUT 0 LI 0,C'r' PUT 0 LI 0,C'l' PUT 0 LI 0,C'd' PUT 0 LI 0,C'!' PUT 0 Using FRAK/ASA macros: C'Hello World!' ADDRESS 0 '[.>]' == [[FrancePROG]] == <pre>Alors en gros, on va commencer un programme. Ce serait bien si on écrivait «Hello, world!». Après, on arrête le programme un instant! C'est bien ça.</pre> ==[[Fueue]]== 72 101 108 108 111 44 32 119 111 114 108 100 33 10 H ==[[Fugue]]== [[Image:Hworld.png]] [https://github.com/graue/esofiles/raw/master/fugue/src/hworld.mid This score in machine-readable form (MIDI format)] == [[Full 0]] == {6}[(a0)(?H)]{3}[a0]{2}[(a0)(?e)]{3}[a0] {2}[(a0)(?l)]{3}[a0]~{1}[a0]~{4}[(a0)(?o)] {3}[a0]{2}[(a0)(?,)]{3}[a0]{2}[(a0)(? )] {3}[a0]{2}[(a0)(?w)]{3}[a0]{2}[(a0)(?o)] {3}[a0]{2}[(a0)(?r)]{3}[a0]{2}[(a0)(?l)] {3}[a0]{2}[(a0)(?d)]{3}[a0]{2}[(a0)(?!)] {3}[a0] == [[Funciton]] == ╔═══════════════╗ ║ 2388215291394 ║ ║ 5970717094395 ║ ║ 9830070909071 ║ ║ 3359207734160 ║ ║ 6896177782105 ║ ║ 7169552834632 ║ ╚═══════╤═══════╝ │ ==[[Gammaplex]]== X"Hello World!"XXSXrRE ==[[GASOIL]]== main ("Hello World!"; WRITE) ==[[Gentzen]]== <- "stdlib"; <- "iolib"; main : () / ($1(iosys) |- $2(++)); main = [x,y] cut "Hello, World!" [z] outtext x z y; -> main; ==[[Gibberish (programming language)|Gibberish]]== [Hello, world! ]eo == [[Gibberish/JavaScript]] == ${echo:Hello, World!} ==[[Godencode]]== Too long to fit here, find on Godencode's page. ==[[Goldfish]]== 0 iisiiiisiiiiiiiioniiisisioiiiiiiiooiiioniisiisddddoniisiiiiisiiiiiioniiisiisddddddddddoiiioddddddoddddddddoniiisio ==[[golfuck]]== 'Hello, world! ==[[Grass]]== wv wwWWwWWWwv Wwwww WWw WWWw WWWWw WWWWWw WWWWWWw WWWWWWWw Wwwwwwwwwwwww WWWWw WWWWWWWw WWWWWWWWWWWWWWw WWWWWWWWWWWww WWWWWWWWWWww WWWWWWWWWWWWw WWWWWWWWWWww WWWWWWWWWWwwwwwww WWWWWWWWWWWWWWw WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWw WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWw WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWww WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWww WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWwwwww WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWww WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWw WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Wwwwwwwwwwww WWwwwwwww WWWwwwwwww WWWWw WWWWWwwwwwwww WWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww WWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww WWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww WWWWWWWWWwwww WWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwww WWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwww WWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww WWWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ==[[Gravity]]== (0,0) : 2 (1,1,1,1, 2) -> 3 : 72 (1,1,1,1, 3) -> 4 : 101 (1,1,1,1, 4) -> 5 : 108 (1,1,1,1, 5) -> 6 : 108 (1,1,1,1, 6) -> 7 : 111 (1,1,1,1, 7) -> 8 : 32 (1,1,1,1, 8) -> 9 : 119 (1,1,1,1, 9) -> 10 : 111 (1,1,1,1,10) -> 11 : 114 (1,1,1,1,11) -> 12 : 108 (1,1,1,1,12) -> # : 100 ==[[GridScript]]== <pre><nowiki> #HELLO WORLD. @width 3 @height 1 (1,1):START (3,1):PRINT 'Hello World' </nowiki></pre> ==[[Grin]]== (Hello, world!) ==[https://github.com/Areallycoolusername/Gulp-lang Gulp]== <pre> 'Hello, world! </pre> ==[[Hanoi Love]]== .'...,;';';;';';';'.,...;"'.'...,;;';;';';;'.,...;"';;;;;;;"'"';;; "'.'.,...'...,;';';';';'.,...;"'..'...,'...,;;';';';'.,...`"'.'..., ;;';';';'.,...;"';;;"'``````"'````````"'.'.,..;"'.'.,..;;;;;;;;;;"' ==[[Hello]]== h ==[[HEX]]== GBL; Bug("1", "Hello, World!"); Scuttle("1"); Write; ==The [[Hexadecimal Stacking Pseudo-Assembly Language]]== <pre> 200021 400000 200064 400000 20006C 400000 200072 400000 20006F 400000 200057 400000 200020 400000 20002C 400000 20006F 400000 20006C 400000 20006C 400000 200065 400000 200048 400000 140000 </pre> ==[[Hexagony]]== Compact form: H;e;l;d;*;r;o;Wl;;o;*433;@.>;23<\4;*/ Laid out as a hex grid: H ; e ; l ; d ; * ; r ; o ; W l ; ; o ; * 4 3 3 ; @ . > ; 2 3 < \ 4 ; * / ==[[Hexish]]== 0902160E48656C6C6F20776F726C6421001001161508 or 0B ==[[Higher Subleq]]== int printf(); int main() { printf("Hello, World!\n"); } ==[[HighFive]]== Note: This actually prints "HELLO" instead of "Hello World". -----------------------------------////++++++++//// /+++++++++/+++++++++++++/++++/-////*/ ./---.+++++++..+++././/////+++++++++++++++./.+++.------.--------./+. ==[[Hollow]]== {Hello, world!.9}:? ==[[Homespring]]== Universe bear hatchery Hello. World!. Powers marshy marshy snowmelt Example from http://bunny.xeny.net/linked/Homespring-Proposed-Language-Standard.pdf ==[[HQ9 Plus|HQ9+]]== H ==[[H🌍]]== hw ==[[INCAL]]== send,66#111#102#<101#42#93#101#120#102#110#43# die == [[Incident]] == A1.A2.A3,A4.A5,A6,A7;A8;B1;B2,B3.B4,B5;B6.B7.B8;C1,C2.C3;C4.C5,C6;C7, C8.D1;D2,D3.D4,D5.D6;D7.D8,E1;E2;E3;E4,E5,E6.E7,E8.F1;F2.F3.F4,F5.F6; F7.F8;G1,G2;G3,G4;G5.G6.G7.G8;H1.H2;H3.H4.H5.H6,H7;H8;I1,I2.I3;I4,I5. I6,I7.I8,J1;J2,J3,J4,J5;J6;J7.J8;K1;K2;K3;K4,K5,K6;K7.K8,L1;L2,L3;L4, L5;L6;L7,L8,M1.M2.M3.M4,M5,M6,M7,M8,N1.N2;N3,N4.N5;N6,N7.N8,Z4;a1,a1. Z3.A1,a1;a2,a2,A1,A2.a2,a3.a3.A2,A3,a3.a5,a5,A3;A5.a5,a6,a6.A5;A6.a6. a8.a8.A6;A8.a8;b2,b2.A8;B2.b2,b4.b4,B2,B4;b4.b5;b5;B4;B5;b5.b8.b8,B5. B8.b8.c1;c1,B8,C1;c1,c2,c2;C1;C2,c2.c5,c5;C2,C5,c5.c8.c8,C5;C8;c8,d1; d1.C8,D1;d1.d2;d2.D1.D2.d2.d5,d5,D2.D5.d5.d8,d8;D5;D8.d8,e5.e5.D8;E5, e5,e8,e8,E5,E8;e8,f1.f1.E8.F1;f1;f2,f2;F1.F2.f2;f5.f5;F2;F5,f5;f7;f7. F5,F7,f7;f8.f8;F7.F8,f8,g1;g1.F8;G1.g1,g2;g2.G1,G2,g2,g3;g3;G2,G3;g3, g4,g4.G3;G4.g4.g5.g5,G4,G5.g5;g7;g7.G5;G7,g7,g8;g8.G7,G8;g8;h4.h4,G8; H4,h4;h8,h8,H4.H8,h8.i5.i5;H8;I5;i5.i8;i8.I5,I8,i8.j1;j1;I8,J1;j1.j3. j3;J1,J3;j3;j4,j4.J3,J4.j4,j8,j8.J4;J8,j8.k1.k1.J8.K1,k1,k2.k2;K1,K2; k2.k5;k5;K2,K5.k5,k8;k8,K5.K8,k8;l1,l1;K8;L1;l1,Z1;Z2;Z2,Z3.Z2;Z1.Z1, l2;l2;L1;L2,l2;l4.l4.L2.L4;l4.l5.l5.L4;L5;l5.l8.l8,L5.L8;l8;m2;m2.L8; M2.m2,m3,m3,M2,M3,m3;m4.m4.M3;M4.m4,m5.m5.M4,M5,m5;m7,m7.M5.M7;m7.m8. m8,M7,M8,m8,n1;n1.M8,N1;n1.n3,n3;N1;N3,n3.n5,n5;N3,N5;n5,n6.n6.N5.N6. n6,n7;n7;N6.N7;n7.n8,n8;N7,N8;n8,a4,a4;Z3;A4,a4;a7.a7.A4.A7;a7,b1.b1; A7;B1,b1;b3;b3,B1,B3.b3,b6.b6;B3;B6,b6;b7;b7,B6,B7,b7;c3,c3.B7,C3,c3. c4.c4,C3,C4.c4;c6.c6,C4,C6.c6;c7,c7;C6.C7,c7.d3;d3.C7,D3,d3;d4;d4.D3, D4,d4;d6,d6,D4,D6.d6;d7,d7,D6,D7.d7,e1,e1;D7,E1.e1,e2,e2;E1;E2,e2.e3; e3,E2,E3,e3.e4;e4.E3.E4;e4,e6;e6;E4,E6,e6.e7.e7;E6.E7.e7,f3,f3.E7,F3; f3.f4;f4,F3;F4,f4;f6;f6.F4.F6,f6,g6.g6;F6.G6.g6.h1;h1;G6;H1,h1.h2;h2. H1;H2,h2.h3,h3,H2,H3,h3.h5.h5;H3,H5;h5;h6;h6;H5.H6.h6,h7.h7.H6,H7.h7; i1,i1,H7.I1,i1.i2;i2;I1;I2,i2,i3.i3,I2,I3.i3;i4;i4;I3,I4,i4.i6,i6,I4. I6,i6.i7.i7,I6;I7;i7.j2;j2;I7.J2;j2,j5;j5.J2.J5;j5.j6,j6.J5,J6,j6;j7; j7;J6,J7.j7;k3,k3;J7.K3.k3.k4.k4,K3.K4;k4,k6;k6,K4.K6;k6,k7.k7;K6,K7. k7,l3.l3.K7;L3;l3.l6;l6,L3;L6,l6;l7,l7,L6;L7.l7,m1.m1,L7;M1;m1,m6;m6, M1;M6,m6;n2;n2;M6,N2,n2;n4.n4,N2;N4,n4.N8.N4,Z4,Z4 ==[[InDec]]== add2 @ N { N ++ ++ } add4 @ N { N add2 add2 } add8 @ N { N add4 add4 } add16 @ N { N add8 add8 } add32 @ N { N add16 add16 } add64 @ N { N add32 add32 } SPACE add32 H add64 add8 d,H add add16 add8 add4 e,d add ++ l,e add add4 add2 ++ o,l add add2 ++ W,H add add8 add4 add2 ++ r,o add add2 ++ H&,e&,l&,l&,o&,SPACE&,W&,o&,r&,l&,d& . ==[[Integ]]== ](104)](101)](108)](108)](111)](44)](32)](119)](111)](114)](108)](100)](10) ==[[ISCOM]]== "Hello, world!" @=10 ==[[Keg]]== Hello\, World\! Alternatively, using string compression «H%c¡|,!« ==[[KimL]]== io.out "Hello World!" ==[[Kipple]]== 33>o<100 108>o<114 111>o<87 32>o<111 108>o<108 101>o<72 ==[[Labyrinth]]== 72.101.108:.. or 33_100_108:}_114_111:}_87_32_44{{:_101_72....... @ ==[[Lazy K]]== <pre> `k``s``si`k``s`k```sii``s``s`kski``s``s`ksk``s``s`ksk```s``siii``s``s`kski`k``s``si`k``s``s`ksk```s``s`ksk i``s`k``s``s`kski``s``s`ksk```sii``s``s`kski`k``s``si`k``s`k```sii``s``s`kski```sii``s``s`ksk``s``s`kski`k ``s``si`k``s`k```sii``s``s`kski```sii``s``s`ksk``s``s`kski`k``s``si`k``s``s`ksk``s`k``s``s`kski``s``s`ksk` `s`k``s``s`kski```sii``s``s`ksk``s``s`kski`k``s``si`k````s``s`ksk```s``siii``s``s`kski`s``s`ksk```sii``s`` s`ksk``s``s`kski`k``s``si`k``s`k``s``s`kski```s``siii``s``s`kski`k``s``si`k``s`k``s``s`ksk``s`k``s``s`kski ``s``s`ksk``s``s`kski``s``s`ksk```s``siii``s``s`kski`k``s``si`k``s``s`ksk``s`k``s``s`kski``s``s`ksk``s`k`` s``s`kski```sii``s``s`ksk``s``s`kski`k``s``si`k``s`k``s``s`kski``s``s`ksk``s`k``s``s`kski``s``s`ksk```sii` `s``s`ksk``s``s`kski`k``s``si`k``s`k```sii``s``s`kski```sii``s``s`ksk``s``s`kski`k``s``si`k```s``s`kski``s `k``s``s`kski``s``s`ksk```sii``s``s`kski`k``s``si`k``s``s`ksk``s`k``s``s`kski```s``siii``s``s`kski`k``s``s i`k``s`k``s``s`kski``s``s`ksk```sii``s``s`kski`k``s``si`k```sii```sii``s``s`kski`k```sii```sii``s``s`kski </pre> ==[[Leszek]]== \O\C\.1.Hello World! == [[Licorne]] == <pre>hurler.$.aux licornes; $Hello, world! s'arrêter discrétos</pre> ==[[Linguine]]== 1[0=72,0$,0+29,0$,0+7,0$,0$,0+3,0$,1=32,1$,0-24,0$,0+24,0$,0+3,0$,0-6,0$,0-8,0$,1+1,1$,1-23,1$]0 ==[[LNUSP]]== --- Hello World! --- 000 .INPUT .OUTPUT .STOP 001 . . . 001 . . . 001 . . . 001 . !.! . . 001 . ! . . 001 ! . ! . . 001 . !! . . 001 * . . 072 + H . . 001 * . . 101 + e . . 001 * . . 108 + l . . 001 * . . 108 + l . . 001 * . . 111 + o . . 001 * . . 032 + (sp) . . 001 * . . 087 + W . . 001 * . . 111 + o . . 001 * . . 114 + r . . 001 * . . 108 + l . . 001 * . . 100 + d . . 001 * . . 033 + ! . . 001 * . . 013 + (cr) . -------------- . 001 * . . 001 ! . . 001 . . . 001 . !! . . 001 . !.! ! ! . !......! . 001 . ! . ! ?......!.....? ! . 001 ! . ! . @ ? . .?? ? . . 001 . !! ./. . . ? ? . . . 016 . . * --.-- . --. .---.-.-- . 001 . ! . ? . * ? . ! . 001 . !.....?..@.....?.....!....@ 001 . . ? ? . 001 ! ! .. . . 001 !......! ! ?..? . 001 !.......! ==[[Log]]== Since Log cannot outout chars, this is the binary version. That is tedious, so this only prints "Hello ". Note that the input must be 1. (A) ((A)) (A) (A) ((A)) (A) (A) (A) (A) ((A)) ((A)) (A) (A) ((A)) (A) ((A)) (A) ((A)) ((A)) (A) ((A)) ((A)) (A) (A) (A) ((A)) ((A)) (A) ((A)) ((A)) (A) (A) (A) ((A)) ((A)) (A) ((A)) ((A)) ((A)) ((A)) (A) (A) ((A)) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) ==[[Logical]]== COMET DEFN !DLROW_,OLLEH ==[[logOS]]== Editor write "Hello, world!" copy minimise Email paste send ==[[LOLA]]== :H,:e,2:l,,:o,:',:_,:w,:o,:r,:l,:d,:!,:%,:\\b,\\a,,,,,,,,,,,,,, +\\\cb,ba,, *\\ba+,,\\a, :\\\a\c,c, H*+8,,8, e+d, l8+,d, o3+,l, '_+,^, w8+,o, r+^,+,e, d2%, _52, !+_, 2\\bba,, 3+2, 5+22,, 832, %*2,5, ^2*2,,3, ==[[LOLCODE]]== HAI CAN HAS STDIO? VISIBLE "HAI WORLD!" 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LEFT 1 LEFT 2 LEFT 2 UP 2 RIGHT 2 LEFT 2 DOWN 2 UP 2 RIGHT 2 LEFT 2 DOWN 2 RIGHT 2 BOND 1 YELL 1 LEFT 1 LEFT 1 UP 1 UP 1 LEFT 1 LEFT 1 UP 1 UP 1 LEFT 1 DOWN 1 DOWN 1 LEFT 1 UP 1 UP 1 LEFT 1 DOWN 1 DOWN 1 RIGHT 1 DOWN 1 LEFT 1 TEACH 1 DOWN 1 RIGHT 1 UP 1 UP 1 UP 1 RIGHT 1 DOWN 1 DOWN 1 DOWN 1 DOWN 1 UP 1 RIGHT 1 RIGHT 1 DOWN 1 DOWN 1 TEACH 4 YELL 1 RIGHT 1 RIGHT 1 DOWN 1 DOWN 1 DOWN 1 LEFT 1 YELL 1 YELL 1 LEFT 1 LEFT 1 LEFT 2 LEFT 2 DOWN 2 RIGHT 2 UP 2 UP 2 LEFT 2 LEFT 2 LEFT 2 DOWN 2 DOWN 2 DOWN 2 RIGHT 2 RIGHT 2 RIGHT 2 RIGHT 2 UP 2 UP 2 UP 2 LEFT 2 LEFT 2 DOWN 2 RIGHT 2 YELL 3 YELL 1 YELL 1 RIGHT 1 RIGHT 1 RIGHT 1 YELL 4 DOWN 4 TEACH 4 DOWN 4 DOWN 4 DOWN 4 DOWN 4 DOWN 2 RIGHT 6 LEFT 6 DOWN 6 RIGHT 6 UP 6 UP 6 LEFT 6 DOWN 6 RIGHT 6 YELL 4 YELL 2 YELL ==[[MSG]]== main 'passon stdout 'Hello, world!' ' ==[[MSM]]== !dlrow ',olleH............ ==[[Muriel]]== ."Hello, World!"; ==[[Mycelium]]== {{EnlargeImage|Hello_mycelium.png|Hello, world! in Mycelium}} ==[[Myth]]== {"_":"Hello, world!"} ==[[naz]]== 9a8m1o 9a9a9a2a1o 7a2o 3a1o 3d7a1o 9s3s1o 8a2m7a1o 9a9a6a1o 3a1o 6s1o 8s1o 3d1o Without newlines: 9a8m1o9a9a9a2a1o7a2o3a1o3d7a1o9s3s1o8a2m7a1o9a9a6a1o3a1o6s1o8s1o3d1o ==[[NDBall]]== using only 83 instructions and 20 dimentions (0) >0 {0,1} >0 {0,2} + {0,3} Y[72,>1,>0] {0,3|1,1} <0 {0,1|1,1} <1 {0,4} >2 {0,4|2,1} <0 {0,3|2,1} p {2,1} >2 {2,2} + {2,3} Y[101,>3,>2] {2,3|3,1} <2 {2,1|3,1} <3 {2,4} >4 {2,4|4,1} <2 {2,3|4,1} p {4,1} >4 {4,2} + {4,3} Y[108,>5,>4] {4,3|5,1} <4 {4,1|5,1} <5 {4,4} >6 {4,4|6,1} <4 {4,3|6,1} p {4,2|6,1} p {6,1} >6 {6,2} + {6,3} Y[111,>7,>6] {6,3|7,1} <6 {6,1|7,1} <7 {6,4} >8 {6,4|8,1} <6 {6,3|8,1} p {8,1} >8 {8,2} - {8,3} Y[33,>8,>9] {8,3|9,1} <8 {8,1|9,1} <9 {8,4} >10 {8,4|10,1} <8 {8,3|10,1} p {10,1} >10 {10,2} + {10,3} Y[119,>11,>10] {10,3|11,1} <10 {10,1|11,1} <11 {10,4} >12 {10,4|12,1} <10 {10,3|12,1} p {12,1} >12 {12,2} - {12,3} Y[112,>12,>13] {12,3|13,1} <12 {12,1|13,1} <13 {12,4} >14 {12,4|14,1} <12 {12,3|14,1} p {14,1} >14 {14,2} + {14,3} Y[114,>15,>14] {14,3|15,1} <14 {14,1|15,1} <15 {14,4} >16 {14,4|16,1} <14 {14,3|16,1} p {16,1} >16 {16,2} - {16,3} Y[109,>16,>17] {16,3|17,1} <16 {16,1|17,1} <17 {16,4} >18 {16,4|18,1} <16 {16,3|18,1} p {18,1} >18 {18,2} - {18,3} Y[101,>18,>19] {18,3|19,1} <18 {18,1|19,1} <19 {18,4} >20 {18,4|20,1} <18 {18,3|20,1} p {18,2|20,1} E ==[[No Literals, Gotos Only, Final Destination!]]== <pre>\,1 1+1,2 2+1,3 3+1,4 4+1,5 5+1,6 6+2,8 8+1,9 9+1,A A+1,B B+2,D D+1,E E+1,F F+1,G G+10 0,0 0,0 5D 5D 15,b 55 5G 26 60 0:D9*0+4B 0:D9*0+18 3F 0:D9*0+1D 0:D9*0+56 0:D9*0+5G 0:D9*0+1E 0:D9*0+11,a 0:D9*0+a+1,a 0:D9*0+b+1,b 0:D9*0+5D</pre> ==[[NOR]]== Because of its tediousness, I only go to print "Hello" in ascii 1 0 REM store the H in line values 10 NOR 0, 1 20 NOR 0, 0 30 NOR 0, 1 40 NOR 0, 1 50 NOR 0, 0 60 NOR 0, 1 70 NOR 0, 1 80 NOR 0, 1 90 REM print it all out 100 OUT #10:0 110 OUT #20:0 120 OUT #30:0 130 OUT #40:0 140 OUT #50:0 150 OUT #60:0 160 OUT #70:0 170 OUT #80:0 175 OLN 180 REM Change to little e 190 NOR #30:0, 0 200 NOR #50:0, 0 210 NOR #60:0, 0 230 NOR #80:0, 0 240 REM Output with replaced values 250 OUT #10:0 260 OUT #20:0 270 OUT #190:0 280 OUT #40:0 290 OUT #200:0 300 OUT #210:0 310 OUT #70:0 320 OUT #230:0 325 OLN 330 REM Change to little l 340 NOR #200:0, 0 350 NOR #230:0, 0 360 REM Output little l twice 370 OUT #10:0 380 OUT #20:0 390 OUT #190:0 400 OUT #40:0 410 OUT #340:0 420 OUT #210:0 430 OUT #70:0 440 OUT #350:0 445 OLN 450 OUT #10:0 460 OUT #20:0 470 OUT #190:0 480 OUT #40:0 490 OUT #340:0 500 OUT #210:0 510 OUT #70:0 520 OUT #350:0 525 OLN 530 REM Change to little o 540 NOR #70:0, 0 550 NOR #350:0, 0 560 REM Output little o 570 OUT #10:0 580 OUT #20:0 590 OUT #190:0 600 OUT #40:0 610 OUT #340:0 620 OUT #210:0 630 OUT #540:0 640 OUT #550:0 645 OLN 650 REM Pause at end 660 INP in0 ==[[NOTE]]== .print/"Hello, world!"\ ==[[Novice]]== a a-Hello, world!_* Hello, world!_* ==[[Nqubl]]== "!dlrow ,olleH"ex ==[[Numberix]]== A0000159006CA9006C590057A9006F590064A90021000000000000000000000000000000000000 59004809006559006F09002059007209006CFF0000 ==[[NyaScript]]== NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NYa Nya NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA Nya NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA Nya NyA NyA NyA NyA Nya NyA NyA NyA Nya NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA Nya NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA nyA nyA nyA nyA nyA nyA nYa nYA Nya NyA NyA NYA Nya NyA NYA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NyA NYA NYA nyan NyA NyA NyA NYA Nya NyA NyA NyA NyA NYA Nya NyA NyA NYA Nya nYa nYa nYa NYA NYAN NyA NyA NyA NYA NyA NyA NyA NYA NYAN NYA nYa nYa nYa nYa nYa nYa nYa nYa NYA nyA NyA NYA or UwU $h "Hello,\^^World!" #h NYA ==[[Omgrofl]]== lol iz 72 rofl lol lol iz 101 rofl lol lol iz 108 rofl lol rofl lol lool iz 111 rofl lool loool iz 44 rofl loool loool iz 32 rofl loool loool iz 87 rofl loool rofl lool lool iz 114 rofl lool rofl lol lol iz 100 rofl lol lol iz 33 rofl lol ==[[Ook!]]== Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook? Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook! Ook! Ook? Ook! Ook? Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook? Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook! Ook! Ook? Ook! Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook? Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook! Ook! Ook? Ook! Ook? Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook? Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook! Ook! Ook? Ook! Ook? Ook. Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook. Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook. ==[[OOLANG]]== <pre class="rectwrap"> Hello, World!.println; </pre> ==[[ORK]]== When this program starts: There is a scribe called Writer. Writer is to write "Hello, world!" ==[[Ouroboros]]== Straightforward version: "Hello, World!"ooooooooooooo1( Shorter version: S"Hello, World!"1( ewSoL!( ==[[Packlang]]== Package : IO { Integer main { charPut(72); charPut(101); charPut(108); charPut(108); charPut(111); charPut(44); charPut(32); charPut(87); charPut(111); charPut(114); charPut(108); charPut(100); charPut(33); charPut(13); charPut(10); 0; } } helloWorld; ==[[Paintfuck]]== *s*s*s*s*enn*enn*s*s*s*s*ee*n*n*n*n*e*e*ssw *ss*e*ee*e*e*wwn*n*n*n*eeee*s*s*s*s*e*e*een *n*n*en*es*s*s*sw*eee*sw*wwwwwn[ww]seess*s* s*s*se*e*n*n*n*n*ee*s*s*s*sw*eeee*wn*n*n*ne *es*s*s*ees*n*n*n*n*e*es*ws*es*s*ee*n*n*n*n *[s]ne*e*ee*n*n*n*n*e*es*s*s*sw*eee*nn*n*n* ''Look into the memory grid.'' ==[[PATH]]== \/\ /\ /\ /\ +++ ++ ++ ++ +++ ++ /++++\ ++ ++ /++++\ ++\++\++ + + ++ ++ + + ++ +++ +/+++/ ++ ++ + + ++ +++ ++ ++ ++ + + \/ \/\ /\+++ /\ /\ /++.+/ \ \ /++++.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ / \ /\ - -# ++ . -. + / \++++\ /++++\ ++ /---\- -+ + /\ + + + + + +. - .- -} + +. + + + + +- - +- . +} + + + + +- - +- -. \.+/\++/ \++++/ + +\ /-.+/- -- \ / \.{/ \ / \/ ''Note: change '{' and '}' to '<' and '>' to make this work in [[SNUSP]].'' ==[[PDA-er]]== .1001000. ----1100101- .1100101. ----1101100- .1101100. ----1101100- ----1101111- ----1100100- .1101111. ----101100- ----1110010- .101100. ----100000- .100000. ----1110111- .1110111. ----1101111- .1110010. ----1101100- .1100100. ----100001- ..100001. ! .100011. ==[[PHL 1.0]]== main[ println(Hello world!); ] ==[[Pi]]== 3.1415926535897932384226433232725028841271693992751358239749245923072164062 822089986780348053431120629821483865332223366470908446395535832317223594083 284831172502841037019385311052596446029489529303219642288009756259134461214 751482337817834652812009021456285664234613486134553226482133236073603491413 737242870066363155841744815239239622292545917053643278925902605113301301488 204625213821429519415316024320522703627595939530921261373219226137931021185 580744023794627495273518257527348912274384830113491298346743644406563430865 2133494633522473749030217386093370277033921317659317670238267581846066440 ==[[Pieces]]== <pre> # # # # + + # # + # ###+++# #+++# #+++# #+++# #+++####+++###+ +###+ +###+ +###+ +###+ +## #+ +## #++###+ +###+ +###+ +###++++###+++# #+++# #+++# #++ +# #+++## #+++###+ +###+ +###+ +## #++ +###+ +###++ +###++###+++# #+++# #+++# #+++# #++ +# #+++# #+++# #+ +## #+ +## #+++##+++###+ +###+ +###+ +###+ +###+++####+++###+ +###+ +###+ +###+ +## #++ +# #+ +## #++ +####+++# #+ +## #+ +## #++ +## #++ +## #++++## #++ +## #++ +## #++ +## #++ +## #+++##+++#### ####+++###+++###+++###+++###+++####+++###+++###+++###+++###+++##++++###+++####+++###+++###+++###+++###++++###+++###+++###++####+++###++++###++++###+++###+++###+++####++++###+++###++++##+++###+++###+++###+++###+++###++++##++####++####++####++++#####++###+++###+++###+++###+++###+++###+++####+++###+++###+++###+++###+++####+++###++++####++++####++###+++####++++####++++####++++####++++####++++####++++####++++####++++####++###+++#### ###++####++####++####++####++####++++##++++##++++##++++##++++##+++####+++####+++##++++##++++##++++##++++####++####++####++###++++###++++###++++##++++##++++##++++####++++##++++##+++++##+++###++####++####++####++####++++####+++###+++###+++###++++###++###+++##++++##++++##++++##++++##+++####++++##++++##++++##++++##++++###++++###+++####++++####+++###+++####+++####++++####++++####++++####++++####++++####++++####++++#####++###++#### ###+++###+++###+++###+++###+++# ##+++###+++###+++###+++###+++###+++# ##+++# ##++###+++###+++###+++###+ ++###+++###+++###+++###+ ++###+ +# ##+ +###+++###+++###+++# ##+ ++###+++###+ ++###++###+++###+++###+++###+++###+ ++###+++###+++###+++# ##+++# ##+++##+++###+++###+++###+++###+++###+++# ##+++###+++###+++###+++###+++####+ ++###+++####++++## #+++###+++# ##+++####++++####++++####+ ++####++++####++++####++++####++++# ##+++##+++# ## # # + + + # # + </pre> ==[[Pig]]== Hello, World!PIGHello, World! ==[[Pit]]== NOT 1 SND 1 SND 0 SND 0 SND 0 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 0 SND 1 SND 0 SND 0 SND 0 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 0 SND 1 SND 0 SND 0 SND 0 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 0 SND 1 SND 0 SND 0 SND 0 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 0 SND 1 SND 0 SND 0 SND 0 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 0 SND 1 SND 0 SND 0 SND 0 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 0 SND 1 SND 0 SND 0 SND 0 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 0 SND 1 SND 0 SND 0 SND 0 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 0 SND 1 SND 0 SND 0 SND 0 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 0 SND 1 SND 0 SND 0 SND 0 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 0 SND 1 SND 0 SND 0 SND 0 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 0 SND 1 SND 0 SND 0 SND 0 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 0 SND 1 SND 0 SND 0 SND 0 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 SND 2 SND 1 NOT 2 SND 2 SND 0 OFF 0 ==[[Pixiedust]]== ++.*+..+... ++.*++..+.+ ++.*++.++.. ++.*++.++.. ++.*++.++++ ++.*+.++.. ++.*+..... ++.*+.+.+++ ++.*++.++++ ++.*+++..+. ++.*++.++.. ++.*++..+.. ++.*+....+ Or, more excitingly, + + . *+ .. +. .. . . . . + + .* + +. . + .+ * ++. * + + . ++ . . * . . . . .* + +. * + + .+ + . .* . . . . .. ++ . * ++. + ++ + * . . .. . .* + + .* + . + +. . . . . . . . + + .*+ . .. . .* . . . .. . . .* + +. * +. + . ++ +* + +. *+ + . ++ ++ .. . .. + +. * + + + .. + .* . + + . * ++ . + + ..* . .. + + . * ++. .+.. . . . . ... .. + + . *+ .. . . +*. . . . . .* == [[Pizza Delivery]] == <pre> 21d64d72d57d20d2Cd6Fd6Cd65d48`a`a``a`a`a`a`ddd`aaaa`ddddd`aaaaaa`a`. </pre> ==[[Please Porige Hot]]== 1 Please porige hot or cold Hello, World! ==[[PlusOrMinus]]== <pre class="rectwrap">++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-++++++++-+-++++-++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-+++++++++++++++++++++++++-++++-+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-</pre> ==[[Poetic]]== the proverbial "unconsciousness" i was already aware i had understood fully i saw the devil i was perfectly still involuntarily i paused there said i: my sheer consciousness of certain given circumstances i noticed it's nothing nothing nothing any man wouldn't learn a way of finding these i know not nothing common or typical and yet (somehow) very little thought will normally resolve every contradiction a foolish heart -> an eternal misfortune ==[[Pok%C3%A9Battle|Pokébattle]]== ''Needs reduction or patching'' <pre>Trainer 1: Alice Togepi Emolga Talonflame Rhyperior Abra Pikachu Trainer 2: Bob Yveltal Raichu Oranguru Nidoqueen Incineroar Avalugg ‌ Battle Start! Turn 0: Alice: Rhyperior Go! Bob: Avalugg Go! Turn 1: Rhyperior uses Absorb! Avalugg uses Absorb! Turn 2: Rhyperior uses Absorb! Avalugg uses Absorb! Turn 3: Alice: That's enough! Go Pikachu! Avalugg uses Splash! Turn 4: Pikachu uses Absorb! Bob: That's enough! Go Raichu! Turn 5: Alice: That's enough! Go Rhyperior! Raichu uses Absorb! Turn 6: Rhyperior uses Splash! Bob: That's enough! Go Avalugg! Turn 7: Rhyperior uses Absorb! Avalugg uses Absorb! Turn 8: Alice uses Max Potion! Avalugg uses Tackle! It's not very effective. Turn 9: Rhyperior uses Flamethrower! Avalugg uses Splash! Turn 10: Rhyperior uses Swords Dance! Avalugg uses Swords Dance! Turn 11: Rhyperior uses Tackle! It's not very effective. Bob uses Max Potion! Turn 12: Rhyperior uses Skill Swap! Avalugg uses Swords Dance! Turn 13: Rhyperior uses Swords Dance! Avalugg uses Tackle! It's not very effective. Turn 14: Alice uses Hyper Potion! Bob: That's enough! Go Raichu! Turn 15: Rhyperior uses Swords Dance! Bob uses Super Potion! Turn 16: Alice: That's enough! Go Pikachu! Raichu uses Tackle! It's not very effective. Turn 17: Pikachu uses Swords Dance! Raichu uses Swords Dance! Turn 18: Alice: That's enough! Go Rhyperior! Bob uses Potion! Turn 19: Alice uses Max Potion! Bob: That's enough! Go Avalugg! Turn 20: Rhyperior uses Swords Dance! Avalugg uses Flamethrower! It's super effective! Turn 21: Rhyperior uses Swords Dance! Avalugg uses Tackle! It's not very effective. Turn 22: Alice uses Hyper Potion! Avalugg uses Splash! Turn 23: Rhyperior uses Swords Dance! Avalugg uses Swords Dance! Turn 24: Rhyperior uses Flamethrower! It's super effective! Avalugg uses Swords Dance! Turn 25: Alice: That's enough! Go Abra! Bob: That's enough! Go Raichu! Turn 26: Abra uses Splash! Raichu uses Swords Dance! Battle End! Winner: Alice</pre> <i>Note:</i> Some examples in pages like [[Argh!]] and [[Aheui]] has a trailing new line in the output. If you really want a trailing new line here in Pokebattle, you can insert this code before the "<code>Battle End!</code>" message: <pre> Turn 27: Abra uses Splash! Bob: That's enough! Go Yveltal! Turn 28: Abra uses Absorb! Yveltal uses Splash! Turn 29: Abra uses Swords Dance! Yveltal uses Splash! </pre> <i>Another note:</i> The Pokebattle page did not mention whether you can apply a move to an inactive Pokemon. If yes, the code might be further reduced. ==[[Polynomial]]== <pre class="rectwrap"> f(x)&nbsp;=&nbsp;x^50&nbsp;-&nbsp;752x^49&nbsp;+&nbsp;141960856x^48&nbsp;-&nbsp;97823530588x^47&nbsp;+&nbsp;6924620364389108x^46&nbsp;-&nbsp;4341495724143788540x^45&nbsp;+&nbsp;138060613405951923767380x^44&nbsp;-&nbsp;79197535132424777586735700x^43&nbsp;+&nbsp;979470645655071268126749786680x^42&nbsp;-&nbsp;513709357652108230631577128358860x^41&nbsp;+&nbsp;770486975689768419626951634418461748x^40&nbsp;-&nbsp;273098373735611746286126693707899401476x^39&nbsp;+&nbsp;72291664762156559225098986515946802509588x^38&nbsp;-&nbsp;14676371828550521943557197189472305446692764x^37&nbsp;+&nbsp;2471742454496740843240034728256092024085665124x^36&nbsp;-&nbsp;357063163931791512794128153482861289523023882820x^35&nbsp;+&nbsp;45115851521103966434436591937303467605719233317170x^34&nbsp;-&nbsp;5069635951879805027132623517548283799346981648434460x^33&nbsp;+&nbsp;511526544745104457693634223308476770566099272565371060x^32&nbsp;-&nbsp;46728094385862876640770832231671877988577394475660885100x^31&nbsp;+&nbsp;3886421195321910267418249490411801624852449948925639780700x^30&nbsp;-&nbsp;295635895529267179921164468879651662866454307976481821361700x^29&nbsp;+&nbsp;20633888636784455204085657939750648669099906931549131855360060x^28&nbsp;-&nbsp;1324758206148788859378449344375818925652874503976726821800318620x^27&nbsp;+&nbsp;78373487486427853675250519103675553581406450490324786426443578960x^26&nbsp;-&nbsp;4277231098063905708498485183459770277016249837260045512086373052580x^25&nbsp;+&nbsp;215527455786956603087839057660424758386928544182537723602033298390620x^24&nbsp;-&nbsp;10026110853984647107902422007895365708427081026500238164561801279215980x^23&nbsp;+&nbsp;430739270392505977394209904953365441102532225723377537121532050266775740x^22&nbsp;-&nbsp;17069848872478164030368242448759544641115144627455141327323776464849764020x^21&nbsp;+&nbsp;623936547617549209386439841779658427511784043378068133194757937607564613452x^20&nbsp;-&nbsp;20993646278144108287371096576875982712212020201505201591115504952836958294764x^19&nbsp;+&nbsp;649720717047168714688810604703691057371212844616863730695724642230626940206117x^18&nbsp;-&nbsp;18454026326119048562742802386720336605855036106533711987860949339189893357832516x^17&nbsp;+&nbsp;480018892566368384981391161715990091416104911769766606211141965273638983019962276x^16&nbsp;-&nbsp;11414153815128096188736407808171635605448552508496871507135456079041095632029582920x^15&nbsp;+&nbsp;247119850164804163572258046131475110258272489534699880387365447880963300945559555680x^14&nbsp;-&nbsp;4862888340475792547245763823711545181858124995375533140243229121347892936079946665360x^13&nbsp;+&nbsp;86558002997403388455068105800951021320526816961235127777233671733610160673351674179520x^12&nbsp;-&nbsp;1386482271878483438155022114100676424860940250972419166903097785395468148849738551671520x^11&nbsp;+&nbsp;19959534586392149266660053142048372043141602919486809273490667168324165973826526352280224x^10&nbsp;-&nbsp;253920856155736764038716331406024220136995093667781379719894495826380342450009767792895808x^9&nbsp;+&nbsp;2887129000992839385500945493765474545949855475497573514091738434731704727401676275341829504x^8&nbsp;-&nbsp;28042509855580438356130080622916737041825853230142162026166889394236138282841003530143152512x^7&nbsp;+&nbsp;243032092343346343074179476562493169914690027874421758235567822233002208656757155592889900032x^6&nbsp;-&nbsp;1676296630217806396090935946022990777465901542969002129717262721145539754562003915533804752640x^5&nbsp;+&nbsp;10587973167254746886025389198053813468704398306519586773922038052938514572005258639168462438400x^4&nbsp;-&nbsp;43524882144413253508544104946208809101516451661691038559426656724816915089318151748332891328000x^3&nbsp;+&nbsp;204551020411993140063611540392697605993557638942587387542307354260755646692402296279038165920000x^2&nbsp;-&nbsp;274800267060219615571000061411061421786428150600591471312149973459733252174021048995828038400000x&nbsp;+&nbsp;1142695050742106476607449533181123418012829436119125708025689288735734639370685118360020240000000 </pre> ==[[P0pCrn]]== <pre> _P _0 _p _! @o #o $o st p_ p_ p_ r_ Th ms P0 op is g_ pC is op rn wh P0 =_ at pC He co rn ll mm o_ en wo ts rl lo d! ok li ke in P0 pC rn ! Outputs "Hello, world!" </pre> ==[[Powder]]== Note that it performs no output. <pre> { "Output" : { "1" : 72, "2" : 101, "3" : 108, "4" : 108, "5" : 111, "6" : 44, "7" : 32, "8" : 119, "9" : 111, "10" : 114, "11" : 108, "12" : 100 "13" : 33 } } </pre> ==[[Prelude]]== ...8+.!v...4+.1+!..v!..vvv...4+.!vvv.....9+.3-!###!..v6-!..vv..v 9+(1-)^#7+(1-)..^7+!^3+!##8+(1-)^###9+1+(1-)..^^^^^3+!..^8-!#1+! ==[[Printscript]]== print "Hello, world!" ==[[ProgFk]]== The following is the hex dump of the program 14 11 14 11 11 14 14 11 14 11 41 14 14 11 41 41 11 14 14 11 41 41 11 14 14 11 41 41 41 41 11 41 14 14 11 11 14 11 11 11 14 14 14 11 41 41 41 14 14 11 41 41 41 41 14 14 14 11 14 11 14 14 11 41 41 11 14 14 11 14 11 11 14 11 11 14 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 27 11 11 11 11 71 11 11 11 17 11 11 11 11 71 11 11 11 17 11 11 11 11 71 11 11 11 17 11 11 11 11 71 11 11 11 17 11 11 11 11 71 11 11 11 17 11 11 11 11 71 11 11 11 17 11 11 11 11 F0 ==[[PUBERTY]]== It is June 12, 2018, 03:02:04 PM. Izu is in his bed, bored. His secret kinks are vore, fatfurs, inflation, growth and kitsunes. Then he spots fatfurs. Soon the following sounds become audible. fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap yes fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap yes yeah yeah yeah yes yes fap fap fap yes yEAH YeaH fAtfURs,hNNg yEAH fap fap inflation,hnng yeah fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap vore,hnng fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap yeah fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap vore,hnng fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap yeah ugh fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fatfurs,hnng yeah fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap vore,hnng yeah squirt ugh growth,hnng kitsunes,fuck yes sigh ==[[PureStack]]== "Hello, World!" !~ ==[[Purple]]== aA1aa1oA0bi0b0bb1bbbAiB0 Purple is the awesomest, so why haven't you tried it yet? !dlroW ,olleH == [[Pxem]] == ;Original Version : :;File name ::<code>Hello, world!.pxe</code> :;File content ::''(arbitrary, can be empty)'' ;Printing newline in end : :;File name ::<code>Hello, world!.pak.-.pxe</code> :;File content ::''(arbitrary, can be empty)'' ;Including no spaces nor symbols other than hyphen(-) and period(.) in file name : :;File name ::<code>Hello.pAa.-Am.-.pworld.pak.-Ab.-.pxe</code> :;File content ::''(arbitrary, can be empty)'' :;In [[Pxem#text2pxem.pl|text2pxem.pl]] notation, with some comments :: <pre class="rectwrap"> Hello.p Prints "Hello" Aa.- Makes ' ' Am.- Makes ',' .p Prints ", " world.p Prints "world" ak.- Makes '\n' Ab.- Makes '!' .p Prints "!\n" xe </pre> ==[[Pyhton (sic)|pyhton [sic]]]== The following program prints "Hello World" in the standard implementation. <pre class="rectwrap">6&gt;^5165_~h1'&gt;&gt;6(I()5&lt;11'h?~|8</pre> The following program prints "Hello World!" in the standard implementation. <pre class="rectwrap">_$^5165_~h1'&gt;&gt;6((8' h?~)9&lt;&gt;@.h l];0=</pre> ==[[Pyth]]== "Hello, World! ==[[Qdeql]]== ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- h ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --* ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- e ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----* -\=/- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- l ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- l ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----** ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- o ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----* ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- space ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----* ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- w ---------- ---------- ---------- -------* ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- o ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----* ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- r ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --* ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- l ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------* ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- d ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------* ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- newline ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------* ==[[Qugord]]== ~group hello from %2 to %14 also affect hello into "Hello, world!" also each hello into 0 task give 0 to 1 also at 1 join 1 and %1 ~publish also split hello ==[[Quipu]]== 'H 'e 'l 'l 'o ' 'W 'o 'r 'l 'd '! \n /\ ==[[Radixal!!!!]]== This prints HELL0 W0RLD!\n. O and o are impossible to print, as is small e. 1 3 2 44 15 27 15 4 2 34 15 34 15 4 4 121 15 4 2 8 15 4 4 45 15 121 15 3 4 56 15 1102 15 46 15 3 2 15 15 3 4 5 15 ==[[RANDo]]== In this case, the code is <pre>rrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrrrrrrndo rrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrrrrrrnrrrnrnanananrnando rrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnaaaaaanaaaaaando rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrnrrnrndo rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrnrrnrndo ond rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrnrrrrnrnaananando rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrnrnrnaanananrnaanananando rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrrrrrrnrnananrnrnando rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnaaaaanaaaaanrnrnando rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrrrnrnrnanananando</pre> ==[[RASEL]]== A"!dlroW ,olleH">:?@,Hj ==[[Recurse]]== Main function $###########v###################################### >..9n_3n{5Av# 'H' = 9*8 # 'w' = (2*8-1)*8-1 # #vA3_[_A7_A<# 'e' = 'H'+3*8+5 # 'o' = 'W'-8 # #>_[5n{4A_[v# 'l' = 'e'+7 # 'r' = 'o'+3 # #vS1{n2[_n4<# 'l' # 'l' = 'r'-6 # #>n{1S_8S_3v# 'o' = 'l'+3 # 'd' = 'l'-8 # #v[_S8_S6_A<# ',' = 5*8+ 4 # '!' = 4*8+1 # #>4n{1A_[..!# ' ' = 4*8 # < $###########^###################################### Multiply by 8 (Bidirectional) n####v##### >{8}m#m}8{< n####^##### Push on left stack and print (Bidirectional) _##v### >{!#!{< _##^### Add (Bidirectional) A##v### >}a#a}< A##^### Subtract (Bidirectional) S##v### >}s#s}< S##^### ==[[Reversible-2D]]== R2D1: >PHOPeOPlOPlOPoOP,OP OPWOPoOPrOPlOPdOP!O¤ ==[[Rhotor]]== x/%"Hello, world!\n" ==[[RinGy]]== 'H.'e.'l..'o.',.'!-.'w.'o.'r.'l.'d.'!._++++++++++.q ==[[Roco]]== co H{cout 72 yi ro} co e{cout 101 yi ro} co l{cout 108 yi ro} co o{cout 111 yi ro} co spc{cout 32 yi ro} co w{cout 119 yi ro} co r{cout 114 yi ro} co d{cout 100 yi ro} co excl{cout 33 yi ro} yi H yi e yi l yi l yi o yi spc yi w yi o yi r yi l yi d yi excl ac ==[[ROOP]]== "Hello, World!" h ==[[RTFM]] (F^3)== 070 08C ==[[Rubic]]== .ww ( +ww ) ! +ww +ww +ww +ww r -wg ! +oo b -og ! ! +wo' ! b' .wg *oo +oo ! *wg -oo b -og ! b' +oo +oo +oo ! +wg ! l' -wg ! -oo ! .wg *wg r -wg ! .oo +ww ! ==[[Sabdt]]== pr "hello world"; or a more fancy version that demonstrates what the lang can do 0:"dlrow olleh"; wh(0!=""){ pr 0.r(".$"); 0:0.rdel(".$"); } this code takes the "dlrow olleh" string and prints it out in reverse ==[[Sacred]]== () () () () () () () () () () ( )) () () () () () () () )) () () () () () () () () () () )) () () () )) () (( (( (( (( )( ) )) () () ((( )) () ((( () () () () () () () ((( ((( () () () ((( )) () () ((( (( (( () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () ((( )) ((( () () () ((( )( )( )( )( )( )( ((( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( ((( )) () ((( )) ((( Shorter version: )( )( (( )( (( (( () ( () ( (( () )) )( )( )( )) )( )) )( )) )( (( (( (( ) )) ) (( (( )( )( ((( (( () () () () () () ((( (( (( )( ((( ((( (( (( ((( (( () ((( )) )) ((( )) )) ((( (( (( (( ((( () () () ((( )) )) ((( )) )) )( ((( (( (( (( () ((( ==[[SADOL]]== !",212Hello world! ==[[Salt]]== 'Hello, world' ==[[Sansism]]== G GGG >++++++++++>!+++++++!++++++++++!+++!+##!!!!##-G+G G.+++++++++++++++##!!##.++!.+++..+++++++.+!.++! G G!.+++.------.--------.!+.!.G GG ==[[Sashleyfuck]]== <pre class="rectwrap">shhhhhhhh[ahhhhhhhhsl]ahhhhhhhheshhhhh[ahhhhhsl]ahhhhehhhhhhheehhheshhhhhhhhh[alllllllllsl]ahheshhhhhhh[ahhhhhhhsl]ahhhhhheshhhhh[ahhhhhsl]alehhhellllllelllllllleshhhhhhhh[allllllllsl]alllele</pre> ==[[Sclipting]]== 丟낆녬닆묬긅덯댦롤긐뤊 ==[[Seeker]]== !chr.@chr:72.$chr.@chr:101.$chr.@chr:108.$chr.@chr:111.$chr.@chr:32.$chr.@chr:119.$chr.@chr:114.$chr.@chr:100.$chr.@chr:33.$chr._ ==[[SendStuff]]== >(Add 72 >(Output) >(Add 29 >(Output) >(Add 7 >(Output) >(Output) >(Add 3 >(Output) >(Subtract 67 >(Output) >(Subtract 12 >(Output) >(Add 55 >(Output) >(Add 24 >(Output) >(Add 3 >(Output) >(Subtract 6 >(Output) >(Subtract 8 >(Output) >(Subtract 67 >(Output) ==[[Ser2]]== !print--:#out:--:#c:#n:/wrote--:'@output--:#out: #c:#n: !print--:#out:eol: /wrote- :'@output--:#out:&0a: !wrote--:'@iopair--:#out:#c:#n:/print--:#out:#n: !wrote- :'@iopair--:#out:#c: /#out: !'@run-:#: / print--:#: --:'H:--:'e:--:'l:--:'l:--:'o:--:',:--:' : --:'w:--:'o:--:'r:--:'l:--:'d:--:'!:eol: ==[[SICKBAY]]== 20 PRINT "WORLD!" 10 PRINT "HELLO, "; 20 PRINT "SAILOR" ==[[Slim]]== 0^@^@^^@^@^^^ ^@^^@^^@^@^@^ @^@^^@^@^^@^^ ^@^^@^@^^@^^ ^@^^@^@^^^^ @^^@^@^^^^^ ^@^@^@^@^@^^^ @^@^^@^@^^^^ @^@^^^@^^@^@^ ^@^^@^@^^@^^ ^@^^@^^@^@^^ ^^@^@^^^^@^ @^^^^@^@^@^@^ ==[[small s.c.r.i.p.t.]]== Hello\, world ==[[SMATINY]]== 1. Swap 1 with 71. 10. Output this block's position. 11. Swap 11 with 150. 32. Output this block's position. 34. Swap 33 with 32. 35. Swap 35 with 118. 36. Swap 36 with 9. 72. Output this block's position. 101. Output this block's position. 102. Swap 101 with 100. 103. Swap 103 with 107. 104. Swap 104 with 32. 108. Output this block's position. 109. Swap 109 with 107. 111. Output this block's position. 112. Swap 112 with 31. 114. Output this block's position. 115. Swap 110 with 117. 116. Swap 116 with 107. 117. Swap 110 with 99. 119. Output this block's position. 120. Swap 120 with 110. ==[[SMITH_sharp|SMITH#]]== ; SMITH# Hello World! program written by zzo38 ; This code uses 33 cells. The number 8 command takes the cell ; number as the parameter and output it. Number 0 command stops ; the program. The first cell is cell zero. Even since cell 32 is ; referenced in the data section, I can reference the reference to cell ; 32 for space rather than adding the space into the data section. 8 25 8 26 8 27 8 27 8 28 8 23 8 29 8 28 8 30 8 27 8 31 8 32 0 72 101 108 111 87 114 100 33 ==[[SMITHb]]== 12(0 *) * * "!" "d" "l" "r" "o" "W" 32 "o" "l" "l" "e" "H" ==[[Smurf]]== "Hello, world!"o ==[[Snowman]]== ("Hello World!"sPvG ==[[SNUSP]]== /e+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.\ ./\/\/\ /+++\!>.+++o.l.+++++++l/ #/?\ $H!\++++++\ + \comma.------------ .<w++++++++.\ /?\<!\-/ /++++++/ +/\ /.--------o/ \-/!.++++++++++/?\n /=\++++++\ +\\!=++++++\ \r+++.l------.d--------.>+.!\-/ \!\/\/\/\/ \++++++++++/ Modular SNUSP: /@@@@++++# #+++@@\ #-----@@@\n $@\H.@/e.+++++++l.l.+++o.>>++++.< .<@/w.@\o.+++r.++@\l.@\d.>+.@/.# \@@@@=>++++>+++++<<@+++++# #---@@/!=========/!==/ ==[[Sortle]]== hello := "hello, " ".!" "" ? ~ world := "(.....),.!" "" ? ", world" ~ ==[[Spaghetti]]== 10[?100]11 9[?108]10 13[?101]2 12[?10]0 4[?111]5 8[?114]9 2[?108]3 11[?33]12 6[?87]7 3[?108]4 1[?48]13 5[?32]6 7[?111]8 ==[[SpaghettiScript]]== <pre> [1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:OA ⇢~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:OA ⇢~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:OA ⇢~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:OA ⇢~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:OA ⇢~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:OA ⇢~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:OA ⇢~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:OA ⇢~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:OA ⇢~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:OA ⇢~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:OA ⇢~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:OA] ---≡1 </pre> ==[[Spin]]== START TO SPIN! SPIN THIS ALL! High end lock likes offering. With old red lamps dodged. STOP SPINNING! ==[[Spiral]]== e0v *** *eXlv** *lX *2X **oXi v * * * * * * 2 * o ** v* * * * * * ***** * v * v * *iX * * * * * * * * ^ v * * * w * * *** * * ***** * v * * * * v * * * * ^ * ^ * * * * * * * *** * * ****v * v * * v * * * * * * * * * * * * * ^ * * * * * * * * ***** * ***** * ***** * *** * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** *** *** ******* *****v^ ******* ***** *wX *** **3Xp *rX4.. d5* qd** * 3 * * ** v^ * .. * * * *** * v * ^ * #pX v * .. . * * * ** * *** v * # r # * .. . * * * !q* * * * * * * # v # * 54 .. * * * * * * * * * * * # * # * @X * * * * * * * * * * * # * # * v * * * * * * * * * * * # * # * * ** * * * * * * * * * * # * # * ** ** * * * *** * * * * * #v* ^ * *** * * ***** * ** ** * ** ** *v * * * * * * * *** ***** *v^** *** *** ******* **** ==[[Spleenmap]]== .++ ...+...+... +++ +* . + ++ ++ +. . + + .+ + +..+ ++ ++ +++ .+ + + + +.. + . + .+ .++ . ...+ + + ++. +. ++. + . . .+ ++ ++ +++ + +++ ?++. + + + . . + ++. ++ ++ ++. + +++ + + . +... ++ + .+ ++. . +.. +++ + +++ ++. ==[[Splinter]]== \H\e\l\l\o\,\ \w\o\r\l\d\!\ ==[[Spoon]]== 0101111111110010001111111111010000001101100101001011111110010001111110 1000000110111001010111111100101000101011100101001011111111111001000110 0000000000000000001000000110110000010100000000000000000000000000000000 0000000101001011111111111001000111111101000000110110010100101111110010 0011111101000000110110010101110010100000000000000000000010100000000000 0000000000000000101001011111111111001000110000000000000000000100000011 011000001010 ==[[Stackint]]== Outputs an array of the ASCII values for "Hello World", as that's the only form of output in Stackint. 98*99*54*+99*93*+99*93*+99*65*+84*99*6+99*65*+99*93*+6+99*93*+91+91+* == [[Stackstack]] == "Hello, world!" print 72 char print 101 char print 108 char dup print print 111 char print "," print " " print 119 char print 111 char print 114 char print 108 char print 100 char print 33 char print ==[[STBF]]== phrase Hello, World! ==[[Stlisp]]== "Hello, World!" (print) "Hello, World!" print () print ("Hello, World!") print "Hello, World!"() (print "Hello, World!") ("Hello, World!" print) ==[[Strelnokoff]]== REM HELLO WORLD IN STRELNOKOFF REM CHRIS PRESSEY MARCH 24 2001 X = (X / X) * X + (X = 0) * (T = 0) * (PRINT CHAR 'H' - 'H' + 1) X = (X / X) * X + (X = 0) * (T = 1) * (PRINT CHAR 'e' - 'e' + 2) X = (X / X) * X + (X = 0) * (T = 2) * (PRINT CHAR 'l' - 'l' + 3) X = (X / X) * X + (X = 0) * (T = 3) * (PRINT CHAR 'l' - 'l' + 4) X = (X / X) * X + (X = 0) * (T = 4) * (PRINT CHAR 'o' - 'o' + 5) X = (X / X) * X + (X = 0) * (T = 5) * (PRINT CHAR ',' - ',' + 6) X = (X / X) * X + (X = 0) * (T = 6) * (PRINT CHAR ' ' - ' ' + 7) X = (X / X) * X + (X = 0) * (T = 7) * (PRINT CHAR 'w' - 'w' + 8) X = (X / X) * X + (X = 0) * (T = 8) * (PRINT CHAR 'o' - 'o' + 9) X = (X / X) * X + (X = 0) * (T = 9) * (PRINT CHAR 'r' - 'r' + 10) X = (X / X) * X + (X = 0) * (T = 10) * (PRINT CHAR 'l' - 'l' + 11) X = (X / X) * X + (X = 0) * (T = 11) * (PRINT CHAR 'd' - 'd' + 12) X = (X / X) * X + (X = 0) * (T = 12) * (PRINT CHAR '!' - '!' + 13) X = (T = X) * 0 + (X > T) * X REM RESET FLAG T = (X / X) * X + (X = 0) * T REM INCREMENT TICK ==[[Stuck]]== <pre>"Hello, world!"</pre> or <pre></pre> ==[[stupidBASIC]]== <pre> program say Hello, world! end program </pre> ==[[stupidc]]== ===BE6502=== ''Notice: This version requires lcd.sc and via.sc.'' <pre> system(&BE6502); include(#"lcd.sc"); reset({ $lcd.init(:lcd.init.8x10); $lcd.print(:hworld); }); mem(:hworld,#"Hello, world!"); </pre> ===Interpreted=== <pre> system(&runnow); reset({ debug.print(#"Hello, world!"); }); </pre> ==[[StupidStackLanguage]]== <pre class="rectwrap">avdqvdmavvqmiqiiifvdlfbffiiiflblblfbqviiifbfiiifwdfwwiif</pre> ==[[STXTRM]]== [Hello, world!] ==[[Subleq]]== ############################################ # FileName: helloworld.sq # Author: Lawrence Woodman # Date: 26th March 2009 #=========================================== # Outputs 'hello, world' ############################################ loop: hello (-1) # Outputs character pointed to by hello minusOne loop # Increments character output pointer to next character minusOne checkEnd+1 # Increments end of string pointer to next character checkEnd: Z hello (-1) # Halts program if character at pointer is zero Z Z loop # Jumps to loop # Data Storage . minusOne: -1 # Used to increment pointer . hello: "hello, world\n" Z: 0 # Zero terminated string to print ==[[Subskin]]== 2 48 18 a 1 2 4 2 a 6 0 100 a 21 64 6c 72 6f 77 20 2c 6f 6c 6c 65 ==[[Suicide|suicid<sup>e</sup>]]== <*vAA:"Hello, world!" ==[[Super Stack!]]== 0 33 100 108 114 111 87 32 44 111 108 108 101 72 if outputascii fi ==[[Surtic]]== c0++++++++fc0[c1++++fc1[c1&#8209;c2++c3+++c4+++c5+]c0&#8209;c2+c3+c4&#8209;c6+]oc2c3---oc3c3+++++++oc3oc3c3+++oc3oc5c4&#8209;oc4oc3c3+++oc3c3------oc3fc6[c3-]oc3c5+oc5c6++oc6 ==[[SVM]]== ## The hello world program in SVM code AM =0000000C CM $Hello World!,=0000000C,*00000000 DD *00000000,=0000000C IC *00000000 EP ==[[Swordfish]]== Hello:, \ ,,/#;,,,W ,,\!dlro/ ==[[SYCPOL]]== {| class="wikitable plainpres" |- | <pre> COMMENT CARD STANDARD SYSTEM CARD I THESE CARDS PROVIDED IN THIS FILE ARE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FAMOUS "HELLO WORLD" PROGRAM IN SYCPOL. THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE "PRINT TO STREAM" PROCEDURE FROM THE STANDARD LIBRARY IS INCLUDED FOR THOSE WHO DON'T HAVE IT ALREADY. THESE CARDS ARE RELEASED IN SO CALLED "PUBLIC DOMAIN". </pre> | <pre>COMMENT CARD STANDARD SYSTEM CARD I A SHORT NOTE ABOUT THE FORMAT OF THE PROGRAM. ALL SPACES INCLUDED ARE MANDATORY. THIS PROGRAM DOESN'T CONTAIN THE WHOLE STANDARD LIBRARY, ONLY THE "PRINT TO STREAM" PROCEDURE. THIS PROGRAM USES ONLY DATATYPES "INTEGER 8", "STRING 8" AND "STRING 16". </pre> | <pre>PROGRAM CARD STANDARD SYSTEM CARD I DOCUMENTATION DIVISION IDENTIFIER STRING 16 "HELLO WORLD" AUTHOR NAME STRING 16 "GERMANYBOY" IMPORTS DIVISION !PS EXTERNAL PROCEDURE MODULE NAME STRING 8 "STDIO" IDENTIFIER STRING 16 "PRINT TO STREAM" INPUT OUTPUT DIVISION </pre> | <pre>PROGRAM CARD STANDARD SYSTEM CARD I OPEN STANDARD OUTPUT CLOSE STANDARD INPUT .STDOUT OUTPUT STREAM OUTS STANDARD OUTPUT STORAGE DIVISION .TEXT STRING 16 "HELLO WORLD!" PROGRAM CODE DIVISION </pre> |- | <pre>PROGRAM CARD STANDARD SYSTEM CARD I MAIN PROCEDURE (1) PROCEED TO !PS WITH ARGUMENTS .TEXT .OUTPUT (2) RETURN WITH SUCCESS </pre> | <pre>PROGRAM CARD STANDARD SYSTEM CARD I DOCUMENTATION DIVISION IDENTIFIER STRING 8 "STDIO" AUTHOR NAME STRING 16 "GERMANYBOY" STORAGE DIVISION .ZERO INTEGER 8 0 PROGRAM CODE DIVISION </pre> | <pre>PROGRAM CARD STANDARD SYSTEM CARD I !PRINTTS PROCEDURE IDENTIFIER STRING 16 "PRINT TO STREAM" PARAMETER SECTION $TEXT STRING 32 $STREAM OUTPUT STREAM VARIABLE SECTION $I INTEGER 8 0 $L INTEGER 8 UNDEFINED </pre> | <pre>PROGRAM CARD STANDARD SYSTEM CARD I PROCEDURE CODE SECTION (1) CHANGE $L TO THE LENGTH OF $TEXT (2) IF $I=$L (6) (3) SEND THE CHARACTER AT $I IN $TEXT TO $STREAM (4) INCREMENT $I (5) JUMP (2) (6) RETURN WITH SUCCESS </pre> |} ==[[Takeover]]== <pre> [>+>->[>]><>>>,>.[Hello, world!]]>++ </pre> ==[[Taktentus]]== <pre> %% Write "Hello, World!" h:=72 @wy := h h+=29 @wy := h h+=7 @wy := h @wy := h h:=111 @wy := h h:=44 @wy := h @wy := @spacja h:=87 @wy := h h+=24 @wy := h h+=3 @wy := h h+=-6 @wy := h h-=8 @wy := h h:=33 @wy := h </pre> ==[[TapeBagel]]== %% %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ @* ## %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ @* ## %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ @* @* ## %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ @* ## @* %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ @* ## %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ @* ## %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ @* ## %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ @* ## %++ %++ %++ %++ @* ## == [[The Amnesiac From Minsk]] == This program uses level 1 of the language. L1 + = - 0: -0; -1; +58; @1 1: -0; -2; +59; @2 2: -0; -3; +58; @3 3: -0; -4; +59; @2 4: -0; -5; +58; @5 5: -0; -6; +59; @3 6: -0; -7; +58; @3 7: -0; -8; +59; @2 8: -0; -9; +58; @2 9: -0; -10; +59; @2 10: -0; -11; +58; @2 11: -0; -12; +59; @3 12: -0; -13; +58; @2 13: -0; -14; +59; @3 14: -0; -15; +58; @4 15: -0; -16; +59; @3 16: -0; -17; +58; @2 17: -0; -18; +59; @3 18: -0; -19; +58; @4 19: -0; -20; +59; @3 20: -0; -21; +58; @2 21: -0; -22; +59; @5 22: -0; -23; +58; @3 23: -0; -24; +59; @2 24: -0; -25; +58; @2 25: -0; -26; +59; @3 26: -0; -27; +58; @5 27: -0; -28; +59; @2 28: -0; -29; +58; @7 29: -0; -30; +59; @4 30: -0; -31; +58; @2 31: -0; -32; +59; @4 32: -0; -33; +58; @2 33: -0; -34; +59; @3 34: -0; -35; +58; @2 35: -0; -36; +59; @5 36: -0; -37; +58; @2 37: -0; -38; +59; @4 38: -0; -39; +58; @3 39: -0; -40; +59; @2 40: -0; -41; +58; @3 41: -0; -42; +59; @3 42: -0; -43; +58; @2 43: -0; -44; +59; @3 44: -0; -45; +58; @4 45: -0; -46; +59; @3 46: -0; -47; +58; @3 47: -0; -48; +59; @2 48: -0; -49; +58; @5 49: -0; -50; +59; @2 50: -0; -51; +58; @5 51: -0; -52; +59; @2 52: -0; -53; +58; @5 53: -0; -54; +59; @2 54: -0; -55; +58; @2 55: -0; -56; +59; @2 56: -0; -57; +58; @2 57: +57; +57; +57; @2 58: -0; -0; -0; @2 59: -0; -0; -0; @2 ==[[TheSquare]]== <pre> v#############@ +:DDDDDDDDDDD:[ +#;;;;;;;;;;;# + + ;; + >v ; + JJ+ >v +>^-+ J- +/--+ -- v{>[<;; -- /- + >v; -- +\ +;JJ+>v -- ++ +>^++J- -- ++ +J++++-;-- ++ >^>^++->^- ++ ++-Jv< >^ >^-+ ; # v-<+>[ ^ # - ;+ # >-[^ </pre> == [[The Waterfall Model]] == [[27425257720895005854917070679642, 17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17], [ 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2], [ 3, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 0, 4, 2, 2], [ 3, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 2], [ 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 4, 0, 2, 2], [ 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2], [ 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 0, 2, 0, 4, 2, 0, 2, 2], [ 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 4, 7], [ 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 0, 2], [ 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2], [ 31, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [27425257720895005854917070679641, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [ 3, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9], [ 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 1], [239, 2, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1], [ 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1], [ 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1], [ 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3]] ==[[Thue]]== a::=~Hello World! ::= a ==[[Thutu]]== /^=1$/Hello, world!=n=x=9/ ==[[Tier]]== 0.tier "hello, world!"{# ==[[Tiny]]== 1 "Hello, world!\n" 2 . ==[[Toadskin]]== :V+++++;:XVV;:v-----;:xvv;XXXXXXX++.<XXXXXXXXXX+.V ++..+++.<XXX++.>>XV.XX++++.+++.v-.x++.<XXX+++.<X.> ==[[TOGA computer]] (Toga Enhanced)== .include lib.te start: .deref p X .testH X print -1 print: .out X .add p BASE p .goto start p:H X:0 H:72 101; 108 108; 111 44 32 87; 111 114; 108 100 33 EOL:10; -1 ==[[Tree]]== ^ ^^|^^ ^^\|/^^ H^ |/^^^ \| e |/ ol~| \| , 32| W \/ | / \ |/ l \| \ d | o \/ !|r / \/ |\/ \ |/ \| ==[[Tri]]== // Prints "Hello, world!" to the console. // inc inc psh psh psh mul sto nxt sto psh mul lst psh add sto prn nxt zro clr inc inc inc psh psh add inc nxt pop inc psh lst psh mul one psh add sto nxt sto lst lst psh nxt nxt nxt add sto prn zro inc inc inc psh inc psh add sto prn prn inc inc inc prn clr lst lst lst psh nxt psh sub nxt sto inc prn lst one clr inc psh psh inc psh mul nxt psh sub neg pop prn inc nxt psh nxt sto inc inc inc inc inc inc inc inc prn lst prn nxt dec dec dec dec dec prn dec dec dec dec dec dec prn lst dec dec dec dec dec dec dec dec dec dec dec prn lst prn lin // Also prints "Hello, world!" to the console. // (Hello, world!) ==[[Trigger]]== HHHeeelll lllooo wwwooorrrlllddd!!! ==[[Troll Online]]== hello world!!¨ç]a ↓ùp👌a ==[[Turth-machine]]== Output "Hello World" ==[[UClang*]]== <pre> A0 48 A1 A0 65 A1 A0 6C A1 A0 6C A1 A0 6F A1 A0 20 A1 A0 77 A1 A0 6F A1 A0 72 A1 A0 6C A1 A0 64 A1 AA </pre> ==[[Underload]]== (Hello, world!)S ==[[Unicat]]== <pre class="rectwrap">😻😹😸🙀🙀😹😹😸🙀🙀😽😼😸🙀🙀😻😹😸🙀🙀😹😼😽🙀🙀😽😼😸🙀🙀😻😹😸🙀🙀😹😽😼🙀🙀😽😼😸🙀🙀😻😹😸🙀🙀😹😽😼🙀🙀😽😼😸🙀🙀😻😹😸🙀🙀😹😽😿🙀🙀😽😼😸🙀🙀😻😹😸🙀🙀😽😼🙀🙀😽😼😸🙀🙀😻😹😸🙀🙀😼😸🙀🙀😽😼😸🙀🙀😻😹😸🙀🙀😹😺😿🙀🙀😽😼😸🙀🙀😻😹😸🙀🙀😹😽😿🙀🙀😽😼😸🙀🙀😻😹😸🙀🙀😹😾😺🙀🙀😽😼😸🙀🙀😻😹😸🙀🙀😹😽😼🙀🙀😽😼😸🙀🙀😻😹😸🙀🙀😹😼😼🙀🙀😽😼😸🙀🙀😻😹😸🙀🙀😼😹🙀🙀😽😼😸🙀🙀😻😹😸🙀🙀😹😺🙀🙀😽😼😸🙀🙀🙀🙀</pre> ==[[Unlambda]]== `r```````````.H.e.l.l.o. .w.o.r.l.di ==[[URSL]]== v072-w0v0101-w0v0108-w0w0v0111-w0v044-w0v032-w0v0119-w0v0111-w0v0114-w0v0108-w0v0100-w0v033-w0 ==[[V--]]== = Hello,World! ==[[var'aq]]== "Hello, world!" cha' ==[[Varsig]]== !72)!101)!108:))!111)!44)!32)!87)!111)!114)!108)!100)!33)# ==[[Velato]]== [[Image:Velato_HelloWorld.gif]] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fhni-6Q5z80 audio of the Hello World MIDI file] ==[[Verbose]]== <pre> PUT THE NUMBER LXXII ONTO THE TOP OF THE PROGRAM STACK GET THE TOP ELEMENT OF THE STACK AND CONVERT IT TO AN ASCII CHARACTER AND OUTPUT IT FOR THE CURRENT PERSON USING THIS PROGRAM TO SEE PUT THE NUMBER CI ONTO THE TOP OF THE PROGRAM STACK GET THE TOP ELEMENT OF THE STACK AND CONVERT IT TO AN ASCII CHARACTER AND OUTPUT IT FOR THE CURRENT PERSON USING THIS PROGRAM TO SEE PUT THE NUMBER CVIII ONTO THE TOP OF THE PROGRAM STACK GET THE TOP ELEMENT OF THE STACK AND CONVERT IT TO AN ASCII CHARACTER AND OUTPUT IT FOR THE CURRENT PERSON USING THIS PROGRAM TO SEE GET THE TOP ELEMENT OF THE STACK AND CONVERT IT TO AN ASCII CHARACTER AND OUTPUT IT FOR THE CURRENT PERSON USING THIS PROGRAM TO SEE PUT THE NUMBER CXI ONTO THE TOP OF THE PROGRAM STACK GET THE TOP ELEMENT OF THE STACK AND CONVERT IT TO AN ASCII CHARACTER AND OUTPUT IT FOR THE CURRENT PERSON USING THIS PROGRAM TO SEE PUT THE NUMBER XLIV ONTO THE TOP OF THE PROGRAM STACK GET THE TOP ELEMENT OF THE STACK AND CONVERT IT TO AN ASCII CHARACTER AND OUTPUT IT FOR THE CURRENT PERSON USING THIS PROGRAM TO SEE PUT THE NUMBER XXXII ONTO THE TOP OF THE PROGRAM STACK GET THE TOP ELEMENT OF THE STACK AND CONVERT IT TO AN ASCII CHARACTER AND OUTPUT IT FOR THE CURRENT PERSON USING THIS PROGRAM TO SEE PUT THE NUMBER CXIX ONTO THE TOP OF THE PROGRAM STACK GET THE TOP ELEMENT OF THE STACK AND CONVERT IT TO AN ASCII CHARACTER AND OUTPUT IT FOR THE CURRENT PERSON USING THIS PROGRAM TO SEE PUT THE NUMBER CXI ONTO THE TOP OF THE PROGRAM STACK GET THE TOP ELEMENT OF THE STACK AND CONVERT IT TO AN ASCII CHARACTER AND OUTPUT IT FOR THE CURRENT PERSON USING THIS PROGRAM TO SEE PUT THE NUMBER CXIV ONTO THE TOP OF THE PROGRAM STACK GET THE TOP ELEMENT OF THE STACK AND CONVERT IT TO AN ASCII CHARACTER AND OUTPUT IT FOR THE CURRENT PERSON USING THIS PROGRAM TO SEE PUT THE NUMBER CVIII ONTO THE TOP OF THE PROGRAM STACK GET THE TOP ELEMENT OF THE STACK AND CONVERT IT TO AN ASCII CHARACTER AND OUTPUT IT FOR THE CURRENT PERSON USING THIS PROGRAM TO SEE PUT THE NUMBER C ONTO THE TOP OF THE PROGRAM STACK GET THE TOP ELEMENT OF THE STACK AND CONVERT IT TO AN ASCII CHARACTER AND OUTPUT IT FOR THE CURRENT PERSON USING THIS PROGRAM TO SEE PUT THE NUMBER XXXIII ONTO THE TOP OF THE PROGRAM STACK GET THE TOP ELEMENT OF THE STACK AND CONVERT IT TO AN ASCII CHARACTER AND OUTPUT IT FOR THE CURRENT PERSON USING THIS PROGRAM TO SEE </pre> ==[[VerboseFuck]]== ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ program.initialize(); math.equation(program.errors.handler.activated = boolean(false)); program.console.standardinput.openstream(); program.console.standardoutput.openstream(); define(defines.variable, variable(pointer)); implanttype(pointer, types.pointer(to:types.byte)); math.equation(pointer = void(0)); program.memory.allocate(pointer, void(math.infinity), program.memory.memorytype.bidirectional); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(pointer = pointer + void(1)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); define(defines.label, defines.label.createnew()); conditional(block.if, boolean.inequality(deref(pointer), byte(0))) { math.equation(pointer = pointer - void(1)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(pointer = pointer + void(1)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); }; conditional(block.if, boolean.inequality(deref(pointer), byte(0))) { program.flow.labeledjump(defines.label.last()); }; undefine(defines.label, defines.label.last()); math.equation(pointer = pointer - void(1)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ program.console.standardoutput.stream.writeunbufferedchars(array.create(1, conversion.changedatatype(deref(pointer), types.character, conversion.method.binary)), 0, 1); math.equation(pointer = pointer + void(1)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); define(defines.label, defines.label.createnew()); conditional(block.if, boolean.inequality(deref(pointer), byte(0))) { math.equation(pointer = pointer - void(1)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(pointer = pointer + void(1)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); }; conditional(block.if, boolean.inequality(deref(pointer), byte(0))) { program.flow.labeledjump(defines.label.last()); }; undefine(defines.label, defines.label.last()); math.equation(pointer = pointer - void(1)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ program.console.standardoutput.stream.writeunbufferedchars(array.create(1, conversion.changedatatype(deref(pointer), types.character, conversion.method.binary)), 0, 1); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ program.console.standardoutput.stream.writeunbufferedchars(array.create(1, conversion.changedatatype(deref(pointer), types.character, conversion.method.binary)), 0, 1); program.console.standardoutput.stream.writeunbufferedchars(array.create(1, conversion.changedatatype(deref(pointer), types.character, conversion.method.binary)), 0, 1); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); program.console.standardoutput.stream.writeunbufferedchars(array.create(1, conversion.changedatatype(deref(pointer), types.character, conversion.method.binary)), 0, 1); math.equation(pointer = pointer + void(1)); math.equation(pointer = pointer + void(1)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(pointer = pointer + void(1)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); define(defines.label, defines.label.createnew()); conditional(block.if, boolean.inequality(deref(pointer), byte(0))) { math.equation(pointer = pointer - void(1)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(pointer = pointer + void(1)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); }; conditional(block.if, boolean.inequality(deref(pointer), byte(0))) { program.flow.labeledjump(defines.label.last()); }; undefine(defines.label, defines.label.last()); math.equation(pointer = pointer - void(1)); program.console.standardoutput.stream.writeunbufferedchars(array.create(1, conversion.changedatatype(deref(pointer), types.character, conversion.method.binary)), 0, 1); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(pointer = pointer + void(1)); math.equation(pointer = pointer + void(1)); math.equation(pointer = pointer + void(1)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); define(defines.label, defines.label.createnew()); conditional(block.if, boolean.inequality(deref(pointer), byte(0))) { math.equation(pointer = pointer - void(1)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(pointer = pointer + void(1)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); }; conditional(block.if, boolean.inequality(deref(pointer), byte(0))) { program.flow.labeledjump(defines.label.last()); }; undefine(defines.label, defines.label.last()); math.equation(pointer = pointer - void(1)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); program.console.standardoutput.stream.writeunbufferedchars(array.create(1, conversion.changedatatype(deref(pointer), types.character, conversion.method.binary)), 0, 1); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(pointer = pointer - void(1)); math.equation(pointer = pointer - void(1)); math.equation(pointer = pointer - void(1)); math.equation(pointer = pointer - void(1)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ program.console.standardoutput.stream.writeunbufferedchars(array.create(1, conversion.changedatatype(deref(pointer), types.character, conversion.method.binary)), 0, 1); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ program.console.standardoutput.stream.writeunbufferedchars(array.create(1, conversion.changedatatype(deref(pointer), types.character, conversion.method.binary)), 0, 1); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); program.console.standardoutput.stream.writeunbufferedchars(array.create(1, conversion.changedatatype(deref(pointer), types.character, conversion.method.binary)), 0, 1); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) - byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ program.console.standardoutput.stream.writeunbufferedchars(array.create(1, conversion.changedatatype(deref(pointer), types.character, conversion.method.binary)), 0, 1); math.equation(pointer = pointer + void(1)); math.equation(pointer = pointer + void(1)); math.equation(deref(pointer) = (deref(pointer) + byte(1)):binaryand:byte(255)); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ program.console.standardoutput.stream.writeunbufferedchars(array.create(1, conversion.changedatatype(deref(pointer), types.character, conversion.method.binary)), 0, 1); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ program.memory.deallocate(pointer, void(math.infinity), program.memory.memorytype.bidirectional); undefine(defines.variable, variable(pointer)); program.console.standardoutput.closestream(); program.console.standardinput.closestream(); program.terminate(); ~!comment!~MANDITORY~!uncomment!~ ==[[Volatile]]== :<i>This example may randomly fail due to Volatile being non-deterministic. </i> <pre class="rectwrap"> ~:/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.~:/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.~:/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.~:/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.~:/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.~:/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.~:/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.~:/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.~:/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.~:/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.~:/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.~:/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.~:/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.~:/::::::::::++++++++++. </pre> ==[[VTL]]== The following is a hex dump of the program 1D C4 01 C4 01 C4 01 C4 01 C4 01 C4 01 C4 01 C4 01 C4 01 C4 01 C4 01 C4 01 C4 01 C4 E0 48 65 6C 6C 6F 2C 20 77 6F 72 6C 64 21 ==[[WARP]]== )"Hello, world!" ==[[Wheat]]== input h if h "H": output " world!" output N terminate output "Hello," (A simpler one is easy to make, but this showcases the language better.) ==[[Whirl]]== 110011100111000001111100000001000011111000011111100000000010000011001111100001 100010000010011111000100000000000001001111100000111110001000000000000000001000 111110010000001100001111100011000000000100111110011100111000111000001000111000 001111100000111110010000011111000110011111100001111000001111000001110011111100 001111000110011100000111000100011111000001111100100000110000000111000001110001 111100011111000111000001000001000011000111110001000001000000011100000111001000 111110001111000001111000011111100001111110000011110000000000000000011110000011 100111000011110011111000111110001111100000100000000000000000000000111110001110 000001110000011100011100111110001000100000000011100001111100110000000010011111 000111100000111100111100010011100000111110000011111001100111100010001111000000 000001000111110010000010011110011001110001000111110001100000100011111000011110 011100111111000111100000111100011111000000011110000011100100001111000100011111 001100011111000111100000111001110001100111100100000000000000011111000001111100 010010000011100001111100100000100011100000111000110011110001001111110001100000 111100011111000111100000111001000011110001001111100000111110000000011110000011 110000000000000000111000001110000011000001100000111000111000001100111110000111 111001001110000011111000001100011000001001111110000011100110011111000000000111 000001110000111100001100 ==[[Wierd]]== H ************************ ****************** ********** e * * * * * * * l * *** * ** * * * * * ! o * *** * * * * * * * * * , * * * ** * * * * * * * * W * * * * * * * * * * * ** * r * * * * * * ************ * * * * * * * d * * * * * * * * ****** * * * * * * * * * * ** ** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * ** ** * ** * * * * ******************** * * * ** * ** **** *** * * ** * * ** * ** * * ** * * * ** * ** * * ** * ** * ** ** * ** * ***** * ** * * ** ** ** * ** * * ** * * * * ************************************************************* * ***************************** * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** ****** * ********************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * ***** ** * * * * * * ** * ** ** * * * * * * ** * ** ** ***** * * * * * ** * * ** * * * * * ** ** * * ** * ** * * * * ** ***** ** ** * ** * * * * ** ** * * * * * ** ** * * * ** * ** * ** * * * * * * * * ************************************************************* * * * ** * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * ************************* ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * ************** * * * * * ** * * * * * ** ** * * * * * * * * *** * * * * ** ** ******* * ** * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * ** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ***** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * ***************************** * * * * *********************************************************************************************** * * * * * * ** * * ** ** * * ** * * * ** * * * ** * * * ** * * * ** * ****** * * **** ** * * * ****************** * * * ** ** ** * * * * * ** ** * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ***** * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * ******* * * ** ** * ** ** * * ** ** * ** ************************ ** ** * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * ** * * * * ** * * * ** * ** ** * * ** ****************************** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** ** ** *************** ** ** ==[[Word!CPU]]== The program is a binary file, this is the hexadecimal representation. 40 0A 88 02 40 01 68 02 E0 00 48 65 6C 6C 6F 2C 20 77 6F 72 6C 64 21 0A 00 ==[[x-D]]== <nowiki>;-~~~~~> ;P ;~~> ;P ;------> ;-P ;--> ;P ;D ;~~---> ;P ;| ;~~< ;----> ;P</nowiki> <nowiki>;~---------> ;P ;--> ;P ;-----< ;P ;-------< ;P ;D ;> ;P ;~< ;-------< ;P</nowiki> ==[[xEec]]== h#10 h$! h$d h$l h$r h$o h$W h#32 h$, h$o h$l h$l h$e h$H >o o$ p jno ==[[XENBLN]]== š ==[[XRF]]== 53374 54374 54374 545F4 54374 54374 54374 41345 546F4 54374 54374 54374 54374 54554 54554 545F4 54314 54554 54554 54554 545F4 54314 54314 54554 545F4 54314 33745 54664 54664 54664 54664 54314 54664 54664 54664 54664 54664 54664 54314 54934 54554 5454F 54374 5451F 54314 54554 545F4 54314 54664 54664 54664 54314 54664 54664 54664 54664 9151B ==[[X.so]]== Using the [[HELP (Preprocessor)|HELP]]. /** * Hello world in X.so. */ $HelloWorld ( $Main( !Include("X") !X.Show("Hello, world!\n") ) ) ==[[Zetaplex]]== "Hello, World!"SrOsDrFe or <eFrDoS"Hello, World" or \ / #111#87\ # # ###### 3 4 # # # # # 3 1 # # # # # # 1 # # # # # 1####### /44#23#/ # # # # 0 8 # # # # # 0 0 1 # # # # # 1 1 # # # # \ / \1#108sy 101#72Os DrFe#### ###### or "Hell"\ /d!"S\o "/rFer, l\DsO/" \"roW / ==[[Ziim]]== ↘↓ ↘ ↘ ← ↙ ⤢↘ ↘← ↑ ↘← ↑⤡↙ → ↙ ↓↙↙ ↙ → ↗ ↙ ↘ ← ↙↙↘ ↙↘ ↙ ↑ ↘← ↘ ↑↕ ← ↓↓↑ ↙ ← ↘ ← ↙ ↕← ↗ ↔↙ ↗↓ ↑↑ →↖ ↙← ↓ ↘ → ↘ ↘ ↓↘← ↗ ↙↙ ↙ ↖ ↘ ←↓↙← ↑ ↑↑ ↑ → ↘ → ↙ ↘ ↙ ←↙ ↘ ↕ ↔ ↙↙ ← ↙ ⤡ ↑ ↘ ←↓↓↓ ↓↓↓ ↙↘ ↘→ ↘ ↙ ← ↑ ↓ ↘ → ↘ ↙ ← →↘ ↓ ↓ ↙← ↕← ↗ →↘ ↙← →↗ ↓ ↖← ↖ ↕ ↔ ↙ ↗↔ ↖ ↑↓ ↙↑ ↖← ↑↘ ↙ ↓ →↗→↖↑ ↑ ↑ ↗↖ ↑→ ↙↓ ↙ ↑ ↗ ↔ ↖↙←↙↓↖ ↗↔ ↕ ↑ → ↙ ↘ ←↗ →↖ ↘ ↕ ← ↖ ⤡ ↗ ← ↙ ↑ ↙ ↖ ↓↖← ↖ ↑ ↓ ↓↑↙ → ↘↑↓↖ ↗ ↙← ↑ ↙→ ↕ → ↖ ⤡ ↖ →↗ ↓ ↖ ↑ ↑ ↗↖ == [[Zucchini]] == <pre class="rectwrap">=0,1.2./.0,1./.3.17. ` /.4.17.`../.5.17.`: /.6.17.`: /.7.17.`::/.8.17`: /.9.17` /.10.17.:.:/.11.17.`::/.12.17.: `/.13.17.`: /.14.17.`. /.15.17` ./.16.17``/.19.</pre> ==[[`]]== 1`+72 2`+101 3`+108 4`+108 5`+44 6`+70 7`+119 8`+111 9`+114 10`+108 11`+100 0`1 0`2 0`3 0`4 0`5 0`6 0`7 0`8 0`9 0`10 0`11 ==[[~-~!]]== @|H|:@|e|:@|l|:@|l|:@|o|:@|,|@| |:@|w|:@|o|:@|r|:@|l|:@|d|:@|!|: [[Category:Examples]]'
Unified diff of changes made by edit (edit_diff)
'@@ -595,4 +595,6 @@ This code is a [http://conwaylife.com/wiki/LifeViewer LifeViewer] display code. Please help convert it into a [[Hexdump]] code or a picture if possible. + +Click [http://conwaylife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2589&p=132234#p132234 here] for a LifeViewer display <pre>[code]x = 0, y = 0, rule = LifeColorful BQMDLROWFCO2LEHQJPNDIX! '
New page size (new_size)
Old page size (old_size)
Lines added in edit (added_lines)
[ 0 => '', 1 => 'Click [http://conwaylife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2589&p=132234#p132234 here] for a LifeViewer display' ]
Unix timestamp of change (timestamp)