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Snakel is an alternative universe version of Python created in 1989 by Tolly Edd in the gammaline universe

Tour of the language

This section is still a work in progress. It may be changed in the future.

How to get Snakel (inside your Gammaline computer)

See Snakel/Compatibility methods


Every program starts with a definition, to actually define a function, you can do this:

­ 1: def name[arguments]; !Used for argumented functions
­ 2: ­ ­ ­ ­ ignore !"ignore" will go to the end of the function
­ 3: def name:none; !Used for argumentless functions
­ 4: ­ ­ ­ ­ ignore

translated into python:

def name(arguments):...
def name():...

I/O in Snakel also exist:

­ 1: def main:none;
­ 2: ­ ­ ­ ­ tell["anything here"] !Prints "anything here" in one line
­ 3: ­ ­ ­ ­ user !Gets user input. No argument required

translated into python:

print("anything here")

By the way. The strings are actually multi-liners so:

­ 1: def main:none;
­ 2: ­ ­ ­ ­ tell["multi
­ 3: line"] !Will print "multi\nline"

translated into python:


Now let's talk about the "ignore" and "end".

­ 1: !we already know that "ignore" goes to the end of the function, But did you know that you can also ignore errors with "ignore" and with "test"?
­ 2: test:1/0 !Will rasie a zero devision error
­ 3: ignore ZeroDevision:tell["inf"] !will print "inf" (or infinity) instead of raising zero devision error
­ 4: end !"end" just ends the program

translated into python:

except ZeroDivisionError:print("inf")

The test command is also a debug command, if you don't include the ignore statement

­ 1: test:tell["this won't be printed"] !"test" will print the debug information and won't run the code inside it
­ 2: !an example of debug information is if the program encountered an error and what kind of error it got

Also i think i kinda stole the logic of rust's case statements for Snakel conditional

­ 1: num i=0
­ 2: if i=0;tell[0] | i=1;end | tell[3]

translated into python:

if i==0:print(0)
elif i==1:exit()

Common mistakes

See Snakel/Errors


Hello, world!

­ 1: def main:none;tell["Hello, world!\n"]

translated into python:

print("Hello, world!")

Cat program

­ 1: def main:none;tell[user]

translated into python:



­ 1: def truth:none;
­ 2: ­ ­ ­ ­ num i=user
­ 3: ­ ­ ­ ­ if i>0;ignore | tell[0];end
­ 4: def main:none;
­ 5: ­ ­ ­ ­ truth[]
­ 6: ­ ­ ­ ­ while 1:tell[1]

translated into python:

def truth():
    if int(i)>0:return
while 1:print(1,end="")

A+B Problem

­ 1: def APB [num[a,b]];tell[a+b]
­ 2: def main:none;APB[7,4]

translated into python:

def APB (a:int,b:int):print(a+b)

See also

Bake - The language made before the first version of Snakel was uploaded