
Snakel is an alternative universe version of Python created in 1989 by Tolly Edd in the gammaline universe
Compatibility methods
Snakel can't suport EVERY operating system due to some issues by either with hardware or by something else. This page tells the ways to make Snakel compatible with your OS (Like Ultium)
Method | Disk system hardware | "New" hardware | Moddern hardware |
Official Snakel add-on | Yes, but in Ultium 2.0 to Ultium 3.0 | No, since thoss Ultium computers don't have add-on slots | |
Using a coding extension of Snakel | No | Yes | |
Using the "Beginner-Friendly Programming Tool" | No | Somewhat stable | Yes |
Using the website | Yes but only in Ultium 2.0 to 3.0 since they contain the internet feature | Yes |
Every program starts with a definition, to actually define a function, you can do this:
1: def name[arguments]; !Used for argumented functions
2: ignore !"ignore" will go to the end of the function
3: def name:none; !Used for argumentless functions
4: ignore
translated into python:
def name(arguments):... def name():...
I/O in Snakel also exist:
1: def main:none;
2: tell["anything here"] !Prints "anything here" in one line
3: user !Gets user input. No argument required
translated into python:
print("""anything here""") input()
By the way. The strings are actually multi-liners so:
1: def main:none;
2: tell["multi
3: line"] !Will print "multi\nline"
translated into python:
print("""multi line""")
Now let's talk about the "ignore" and "end".
1: !we already know that "ignore" goes to the end of the function, But did you know that you can also ignore errors with "ignore" and with "test"?
2: test:1/0 !Will rasie a zero devision error
3: ignore Error:tell["inf"] !will print "inf" (or infinity) instead of raising zero devision error
4: end !"end" just ends the program
translated into python:
try:1/0 except:print("""inf""") exit()
Also i think i kinda stole the logic of rust's case statements for Snakel conditional
1: num i=0
2: if i=0;tell[0] | i=1;end | tell[3]
translated into python:
i:int=0 if i==0:print(0) elif i==1:exit() else:print(3)
Snakel also has the feature of making multiple files in one file (just like in DreamBerd). You can also import that file to another file as a internal module
2: tell["executed"]
4: import mod
5: tell["executed"]
- This is still a work in progress. It may be changed in the future.
If you make an error in the code (for example putting an undefined variable into the code) in a Snakel interpreter. Then the terminal (or emiter as it's called in the gammaline universe) will emit an error and will explain and show where you made a mistake
Using a wrong type in a variable
1: !for example
2: num a="eso"
Current operation stopped
Error type:TypeError
At what line:line 2
2: num a="eso"
Wrong value type. num is used as a's type, str was used instead
Not specifying a type or specify a non-existent type to a variable
1: i=user
Current operation stopped
Error type:TypeError
At what line:line 1
1: i=user
Invalid type. "" is not a "Type"
Removing an entry that is not on the list
1: l=["H","I"]
2: entry.pop(l,"!")
Current operation stopped
Error type:TypeError
At what line:line 2
2: entry.pop(l,"!")
Pop non-related entry from list. "!" is not an element on list "l"
Using anything BUT a tab/4 spaces as indentation
1: def main:none;
2: ;tell["how"]
Current operation stopped
Error type:SyntaxError
At what line:line 2
2: ;tell["how"]
Invalid indentation. A tab or 4 spaces must be used as the indentation, ";" was used instead
Hello, world!
1: def main:none;tell["Hello, world!\n"]
translated into python:
print("Hello, world!")
Cat program
1: def main:none;tell[user]
translated into python:
1: def truth:none;
2: num i=user
3: if i>0;ignore | tell[0];end
4: def main:none;
5: truth[]
6: while 1:tell[1]
translated into python:
def truth(): i:int=input() if int(i)>0:return else:print(0);exit() truth() while 1:print(1,end="")
A+B Problem
1: def APB [num[a,b]];tell[a+b]
2: def main:none;APB[7,4]
translated into python:
def APB (a:int,b:int):print(a+b) APB(7,4)
See also
Bake - The language made before the first version of Snakel was uploaded