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smallfuck interpreter in Rhokell, by User:Pro465. the repo is more frequently updated so if you want the latest version, go there.
# smallfuck interpreter # if you are using it directly: # just input your smallfuck pprogram using standard input. # # or if you are using the REPL: # give it an expression of the syntax (smf prog mem) # where prog is the program mem is the initial memory # both are cons lists consisting of (Cons a l) and (Nil). # (memory is unbounded on the right). # # prog encoding | smallfuck instructions # (Left) | `<` # (Right) | `>` # (Flip) | `*` # (LBrace) | `[` # (RBrace) | `]` # # memory encoding: # (F) means 0 # (T) means 1 # # example for the program `>*>*>*[*<]` on zero-init memory: # (smf # (Cons (Right) # (Cons (Flip) # (Cons (Right) # (Cons (Flip) # (Cons (Right) # (Cons (Flip) # (Cons (LBrace) # (Cons (Flip) # (Cons (Left) # (Cons (RBrace) # (Nil) # )))))))))) # (Nil) # ) # (main) = (encode (smf (decode (input) (Nil)) (Nil))); (decode (Eof) res) = res; (decode (2 (A)) res) = (decode (input) (append res (Cons (Flip) (Nil)))); (decode (3 (C)) res) = (decode (input) (append res (Cons (Left) (Nil)))); (decode (3 (E)) res) = (decode (input) (append res (Cons (Right) (Nil)))); (decode (5 (B)) res) = (decode (input) (append res (Cons (LBrace) (Nil)))); (decode (5 (D)) res) = (decode (input) (append res (Cons (RBrace) (Nil)))); (decode x res) = (decode (input) res); (encode (Nil)) = (Nil); (encode (Cons (F) res)) = (then (output (3 (0))) (encode res)); (encode (Cons (T) res)) = (then (output (3 (1))) (encode res)); (then a b) = b; (smf prog mem) = (serialize_pair (eval (prep prog (Nil)) mem (Nil))); # change .. [<code>] .. to .. (While <code>) .. (prep (Nil) x) = x; (prep (Cons (LBrace) rem) before) = (expand before (prep rem (Nil))); (prep (Cons (RBrace) rem) before) = (Pair before (prep rem (Nil))); (prep (Cons x rem) before) = (prep rem (append before (Cons x (Nil)))); # before [inside_loop] after (expand before (Pair inside_loop after)) = (append before (Cons (While inside_loop) after)); # evaluate the instructions (eval (Nil) rmem lmem) = (Pair lmem rmem); (eval prog (Nil) lmem) = (eval prog (Cons (F) (Nil)) lmem); (eval (Cons (Flip) rem) (Cons (T) x) lmem) = (eval rem (Cons (F) x) lmem); (eval (Cons (Flip) rem) (Cons (F) x) lmem) = (eval rem (Cons (T) x) lmem); (eval (Cons (Right) rem) (Cons b x) lmem) = (eval rem x (Cons b lmem)); (eval (Cons (Left) rem) rmem (Cons b x)) = (eval rem (Cons b rmem) x); (eval (Cons (Left) rem) rmem (Nil)) = (eval rem (Cons (F) rmem) (Nil)); (eval (Cons (While body) rem) rmem lmem) = (loop body rmem lmem rem); ## helpers # looping behaviours (loop b (Cons (F) mem) lmem rem) = (eval rem (Cons (F) mem) lmem); (loop b (Cons (T) mem) lmem rem) = (destruct b (eval b (Cons (T) mem) lmem) rem); (destruct b (Pair lmem rmem) rem) = (loop b rmem lmem rem); (serialize_pair (Pair l r)) = (append (reverse l) r); # adds one list to the end of the other list (append (Nil) x) = x; (append (Cons x y) z) = (Cons x (append y z)); # reverses a list (reverse (Nil)) = (Nil); (reverse (Cons x y)) = (append (reverse y) (Cons x (Nil)));