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Sembly is a cell-based esolang similar to brainfuck except the cells are binary - meaning they can only hold a single bit: 0 or 1, and only uses 7 parameter-less functions, it is likely turing complete.
- inp - inputs a single 1 or 0 bit to the cell at the pointer
- out - outputs the cell at the pointer
- left - shifts pointer left
- right - shifts pointer right
- flip - logical NOT on the cell at the pointer (0 becomes 1, or 1 becomes 0)
- loop - enters loop if cell at the pointer is 0, and continues looping until the cell at the pointer equals 1
- end - ends loop
Note: the loop function is used for both loops and conditionals/if-statements.
A Truth Machine
inp out flip loop flip out flip end
Nor Gate
inp right inp loop left loop right right flip left left flip end right flip end right out
And Gate
inp right inp flip loop left flip loop right right flip left left flip end right flip end right out
Interpreter made in Python (not strictly tested)
Note: Requires making a file in the same directory by default called 'program.txt'
import os def skip(i, program): depth=0 for x in range(i+1, len(program)): if 'end' in program[x]: if depth==0: return x+1 else: depth -= 1 if 'loop' in program[x]: depth += 1 def cont(i, program): depth=0 for x in range(i-1, -1, -1): if 'loop' in program[x]: if depth==0: return x else: depth-=1 if 'end' in program[x]: depth += 1 array = [0, 0, 0] clipboard = 0 pos = 0 program = open(f'program.txt', 'r').readlines() i = 0 while True: try: line = program[i] except: break if 'inp' in line: array[pos] = int(input('> ')) elif 'out' in line: print(array[pos]) elif 'left' in line: pos -= 1 elif 'right' in line: array.append(0) pos += 1 elif 'loop' in line: if array[pos] != 0: i = skip(i, program) continue elif 'flip' in line: array[pos] = 1-array[pos] elif 'end' in line: i = cont(i, program) continue i += 1
Any problems or queries with anything to do with this language please put here: