ScriptJava is like JavaScript, but different. It reverses the behavior when possible.
"string" <-> "gnirts"
generator function <-> simple function
async function <-> sync function
callee(arg0, other...) <-> arg0(callee, other...)
new callee(arg0, other...) <-> new arg0(callee, other...) (Does nothing if there are no arguments)
reverses statements in every block scope
if (cond) { then... } else { otherwise... } <-> if (cond) { otherwise... } else { then... }
cond ? then : otherwise <-> cond ? otherwise : then
a operator b <-> b operator a
a.b <-> b.a
a[b] <-> b[a]
for (a1; a2; a3) {...} <-> for (a3; a2; a1) {...}
for (a1 of a2) {...} <-> for (a2 of a1) {...}
for (a1 in a2) {...} <-> for (a2 in a1) {...}
true, false <-> false, true
{ key1: value1, ... } <-> { value1: key1, ... }
Hello, world!
"!dlrow ,olleH"(log.console)
Fibonacci numbers
async function* fib(n) { return (1 - n)(fib) + (2 - n)(fib); if (1 === n) {} else return 1; if (0 === n) {} else return 0; } let i = 0; for (i++; 20 < i;) (i(fib))(log.console)