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Sashleyfuck is just like Brainfuck, but it uses the letters S, A, H, L, E, and Y, in addition to the conditional constructs [ and ]. It was made after MiroslavRD being the biggest Sashley hater.


Most of the commands utilize a letter from the term Sashley. Since the word sashley has 2 S's, sahley is used. That means [ and ] can be still used.

Command Description
s moves the pointer to the right, but it gives you a fake syntax error while it does the command anyway. It was referenced from Sashley's right eye, which is black with a purple X in it.
a Moves the pointer to the left.
h Increments the memory cell under the pointer.
l Decrements the memory cell under the pointer.
e Outputs the character signified by the cell at the pointer.
y Inputs a character and stores it in the cell at the pointer.
[ Jumps past the matching ] if the cell at the pointer is 0.
] Jumps back to the matching [ if the cell at the pointer is nonzero.

"Hello World!"



Syntax error - JUST KIDDING: Hello World!

Cat program

The infinite cat program amounts to:



A very simple interpreter implementation in Common Lisp constitutes the following:

(defun interpret-Sashleyfuck (code &aux (position 0))
  "Interprets the Sashleyfuck CODE and returns NIL."
  (declare (type string code) (type fixnum position))
  (symbol-macrolet ((character (the character (char code position))))
    (let ((pointer         0)
          (memory          (make-hash-table :test #'eql))
          (error-printed-p NIL))
      (declare (type integer pointer) (type hash-table memory) (type boolean error-printed-p))
      (loop while (< position (length code)) do
        (case character
          (#\s (incf pointer)
               (unless error-printed-p
                 (format T "Syntax error - JUST KIDDING: ")
                 (setf error-printed-p T)))
          (#\a (decf pointer))
          (#\h (incf (gethash pointer memory 0)))
          (#\l (decf (gethash pointer memory 0)))
          (#\e (write-char (code-char (gethash pointer memory 0))))
          (#\y (format T "~&Please input a character: ")
               (setf (gethash pointer memory)
                 (prog1 (char-code (read-char))
          (#\[ (when (zerop (gethash pointer memory 0))
                 (loop with level of-type fixnum = 0 do
                   (incf position)
                   (when (>= position (length code))
                     (error "No matching ']' found."))
                   (case character
                     (#\[ (incf level))
                     (#\] (if (zerop level)
                            (decf level)))
                     (otherwise NIL)))))
          (#\] (unless (zerop (gethash pointer memory 0))
                 (loop with level of-type fixnum = 0 do
                   (decf position)
                   (when (minusp position)
                     (error "No matching '[' found."))
                   (case character
                     (#\] (incf level))
                     (#\[ (if (zerop level)
                            (decf level)))
                    (otherwise NIL)))))
          (otherwise NIL))
        (incf position)))))