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The title of this article is not correct because of technical limitations. The correct title is actually S*n.

S*n is an Esoteric programming language created by User:Buckets in 2022.

Commands Instructions
This is where the Code starts at.
Page Go to that page.
Page Go to that page and Print it, Effectively Ending the program after Everything Printed.
#Page Which Page Comes out of, If not listed, It will start at the top right of the code.
<Page> "Text" Will set the Page to "Text" Inputted.
{Condition}(Code) If the Conditions are met, For example; If {Page = "Text"} is True then Execute The code (Page).
<Page> This will Set the Page as an Input.
Page1} This will Set the Page as Any Two other Pages Concatenated.
<Page>[m?n] This Command will Set the Page to the Answer of The two Numbers With Any Operation (Excluding v, Go see (( for the Extra Information, %, =>, =<, etc.)

"Hello, World!" Program:

|<S*n/HWP> "Hello, World!" S*n/HWP  

Cat program:


Quine Program:


A+B Problem:


Calculator Program:


Infinite Loop:


Factorial Program:


Duplication Program:
