Run On Off

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Run On Off is an meta-language and matrioshka language designed so it can be interpreted with just an interruptor that turn on/off a light, the human brain and a paper sheet for IO functions.


A Run On Off program consists of many statements with the syntax:

statement: value

Or, if it has substatements:

  substatement1: value1
  substatement2: value2
  substatement3: value3
  substatementN: valueN

There are three main statements: on, off and any. Each has substatements with the sintax:

numberOfRepetitions: instruction

Or, also:

any: instruction

Finally, there is an optional input statement, which transforms Run On Off into a matrioshka language, being the value of this statement the secuence of "ons" and "offs" to exec. The input statement syntax is:

input: on/off secuence

