Rock paper scissors
Rock paper scissors or RPS is a 2d esolang where there are pointers that play rock paper scissors with each other. yea thats it. it was create by User:Yayimhere
RPS uses Befunge arrows:
>V ^<
and this is how it works. a pointer is created like this:
it will starts by moving down. this pointer will always lose when it plays. if a pointer lands on this command it will create a new pointer like this:
* ! -> *! -> ! -> !* ! here the ! is a pointer
if the pointer lands on a non command it will print it.
a pointer can be set to a thing to play with like this:
# rock : paper ` scissor
when to pointer land on the same space the play. even though im pretty sure you know the rules of Rock paper scissors but here they are:
rock vs paper -> paper rock vs scissors -> rock paper vs scissors -> scissors
when the game is over it will send the loser continuing in the winner's direction.
there are filters which will filter and delete what the filer, filters:
@ rock / paper \ scissors | rock paper [ rock scissors ] paper scissors _ all
the ?
will be replaced with user input from STDIN(single char) and that char will be deleted from STDIN.
if the below symbol is the same as the above symbol run the command to the right else move the pointer back one step and turn 90 degress
copy the symbol above to below
halt the program
skip the following command
* v?< >$* 01>1< -