Rivulet is a programming language of flowing strands, written in semigraphic characters. A strand is not pictographic: its flow does not simulate computation. There are four kinds of strands, each with their own symbolism and grammatical rules. Together, they form glyphs, tightly-packed blocks of code whose strands execute together.
Design Inspiration
Rivulet was influenced by mazes, space-filling algorithms, Anni Albers’s Meander series, and calligraphy-friendly conlangs and natlangs.
Rivulet allows for many ways to write the same code. The parser produces svg images of the source code, with color-coded strands. Here are three inscriptions of the same Fibonacci program. They produce equivalent computer instructions:
The top glyph of each produces a list with the numbers 0, 1, and 21. The way they calculate these constants varies in each of these programs.
Rivulet commands are written with these signs. Some re-use characters in a way that only context can disambiguate:
Name | Signs | Context | Interpretation |
Glyph Start and End | ╵ ╷ | Not be adjacent another sign with a vertical reading | Marks the glyph, the smallest block of code in Rivulet |
Location | ╵ ╷ ╴╶ | Leaves a gap, to punctuate the end of a strand e.g. from left: ──╶ | A reference pointer to a cell |
Continue | ─ │ | Continues the flows in the same direction e.g. ──── | Depending on the strand type, it can add or subtract the line number of its horizontal or vertical line number, or simply continue the strand |
Corner | ╯┘╰└ ╮┐╭┌ | Sharp or curved corners have the same meaning and can be used interchangeably | Turns direction of flow |
Hook | ╯┘╰╴└╴ ╮┐╭╴┌╴ | It's a character or characters that turn ninety degrees at the beginning of some strands. If it turns to the right or left, it is extended with a half-length line, the same character used to indicate Location, but flipped to extend the hook and not leave a gap. | |
Non-hook Begin Strand | ╷ above a │ | Strands with no hook begin with the half-length character to extend it | Marks the beginning of a Question Strand |
Strand Types
Type | Indicates | Starts With | Ends With | How it's read |
Value Strand | Constant Value | Hook facing up or left | full-width or -height line | Starts with cell to write to. Const written in movement to the right (to add value of its line number), or left (subtracts that value) |
Ref Strand | A List Element | Hook facing up or left | Small gap and half-size line | Ends on the line of its list, before the starting hook of its cell (if there is one) |
Action Strand: Cell | Command to execute | Hook facing down or right | Vertical full-length line | Movement down adds to value, up subtracts, then matched to list of commands |
Action Strand: List | Command to execute | Hook facing down or right | Horizontal full-length line | Movement down adds to value, up subtracts, then matched to list of commands |
Question Line (Top) | Cell or List to test | Vertical half-size line | Vertical full-length line | Ending to the right (vs its start) indicates repeat on fail, left indicates skip on fail |
Question Line (Bottom) | Cell or List to test | Vertical half-size line | Vertical or horizontal full-length line, directly below end of Question Line (Top) | Ending on horizontal indicates list, vertical indicates cell |
This example is the source for the first of the svg images in Design Inspiration. It calculates Fibonacci numbers up through 21:
╵──╮───╮╭─ ╵╵╭────────╮ ╰─╯╰──╯│ ╰─╶ ╶╮╶╮╶╯ ╰─────╮ │ ╭─────╯ ╰─────╮ ╰─╯ ╷ ╰─── ───╯╷ ╵╵─╮ ╭─╮ ╭── ╵╵╰─╮ ──╮──╮ ╰─╮│ ╰─╯ ╵╵╰─╯╶╮ ╴─╯ ╭─╯╭─╯ ╰─╯╰─ ╰──╯╰────╯ ╭╴ ╵╶╯ ╶╯╶╮ ╭─╮ ╭╴ │ ╰──────╯ │ │ │ ╰─╮ ╭─╮ │ │ ╰─╯ │ │ │ ╰─╯ ╷ ╰──── ╰───╯╷ ╵╵ ╭── ──╮ ╭─╮ ╵╰─╮ ╰─╮ ╭─╯╭─╯ │ ╴─╯ ╶╯╵╶╯ │ ╷╶╯ ╭─╮ ╭─╮ ╰────╯ │ ╭─╮ │ │ ╰────╮ ╭─╯ ╭╴│ │ ╭─╯ ╰────╮ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ╭────╯ │ │ ╰─╯ │ ╷ ╰─╷ ╰────╮ │ ╰─────╯ │ │ ╰─────────╯╷
- Interpreter in Python: https://github.com/rottytooth/Rivulet