Rhoam Ultimate

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Rhoam Ultimate is an esoteric programming language created by User:EvilMuffinHa in 2019 in which there is only 1 character. It is an extension of Wrapping Rhoam.


Rhoam Ultimate has a list of instructions and it consists of one character, :. Rhoam Ultimate first counts the number of colons in the code and converts it into a binary number. The binary number must start with 1, or the interpreter will throw an error. The first 1 farthest to the left is then removed, and the number left is stored. The 1's in the number are converted to ] and the 0's are converted to :. The string is then executed as a Wrapping Rhoam program. More information on the instructions can be found at this site.

Computational Class

Rhoam Ultimate can be proved to be Turing complete because it can perform all instructions of Wrapping Rhoam, and Wrapping Rhoam is proven to be Turing complete.

See also