ReadWrite is an esoteric programming language written by User:Dominicentek. It only has 2 instructions. Reading from memory or writing to memory.
Instruction | Syntax | Description |
READ | <address> | Reads from a memory address and stores to the register |
WRITE | <address> | Writes register's value to a memory address |
WRITE | <address> <value> | Writes to a memory address directly without changing the register. |
If a line contains a number without any instruction, the number is given to the register.
Special Addresses
- When written to, it outputs to the console as an integer. When read from, it takes user's input as an integer.
- Control flow. It is written to normally, however, when it's read from and the value is 0, next instruction is skipped.
- Goto. When written to, it goes to a line number. Reading from gets the current line number.
- When written to, it outputs to the console as an ASCII character. When read from, it takes user's input as an ASCII character.
You can also do Math when changing the register or when writing to. Simply replace a number by a Math operation. #
represents the register's value. Any number will be used as an address pointer to a value in memory. It cannot do complex Math operations.
Valid Math operations are:
x + y
- Addx - y
- Subtractx * y
- Multiplyx / y
- Dividex % y
- Modulo (Division Remainder)x ** y
- Powerx & y
- Bitwise ANDx | y
- Bitwise ORx ^ y
- Bitwise XOR! x
- Bitwise NOT~ x
- Bitwise REVERSEx << y
- Bitshift to leftx >> y
- Bitshift to right
Example Programs
Hello World
WRITE -4 72 WRITE -4 101 WRITE -4 108 WRITE -4 108 WRITE -4 111 WRITE -4 44 WRITE -4 32 WRITE -4 87 WRITE -4 111 WRITE -4 114 WRITE -4 108 WRITE -4 100 WRITE -4 33
Truth Machine
READ -1 WRITE -2 READ -2 WRITE -3 6 WRITE -3 8 WRITE -1 1 WRITE -3 6 WRITE -1 0
1 WRITE 2 READ -1 WRITE 0 READ -1 WRITE 1 READ -1 # - 2 WRITE -2 READ -2 WRITE -3 13 WRITE -3 33 # - 2 WRITE -2 READ -2 WRITE -3 18 WRITE -3 35 # - 2 WRITE -2 READ -2 WRITE -3 23 WRITE -3 37 # - 2 WRITE -2 READ -2 WRITE -3 28 WRITE -3 39 # - 2 WRITE -2 READ -2 WRITE -3 42 WRITE -3 41 0 + 1 WRITE -3 42 0 - 1 WRITE -3 42 0 * 1 WRITE -3 42 0 / 1 WRITE -3 42 0 % 1 WRITE -1