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Paradigm(s) randbow
Designed by User:Fox
Appeared in 2021
Computational class Turing complete
Major implementations RandBow interpreter
File extension(s) NONE

RandBow is a visual esoteric programing language. Its like a mix of brainfuck and piet.


There are 3 variables that the program can edit:

Cells = Array Of Ints, contains the cells

Cell = Int, The curent selected cell

Pointer = Int, The curent pixel being run


The Pointer starts at 0, 0(top left corner) and after runing each pixel the Pointer increases and it goes to the next pixel on the right. After Finishing each row it goes to the leftest pixel on the next row.

Each pixel does somthing other than black. Here is what they do:

Red = Adds 1 to the curent cell.

Blue = Subtracts 1 from the curent cell.

Yellow = Adds the amount in the curent cell to the Pointer.

Orange = Outputs the curent cell as a character.

Green = Outputs the curent cell as a int.

Purple = Waits for you to type an charicter and a newline and puts into curent cell.

White = Copys current cell into next cell.

Dark Brown = Moves to the last cell.

Light Brown = Moves to the next cell.