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Welcome to the Robert's Super Romanian Proggraming Language wiki! Yes the wiki is in english,but the proggraming language is in romanian ;)

this is an esolang,dont get mad on me if you will use translate more than ever in your life XD NOTE THIS ONLY WORKS ON WINDOWS,macOS and Linux support in the next updates!

Running Code

You need to run it in a terminal and type python src and it will ask about the name of the file. Put the name of the file wihout the extension(.rspr) and it will run your code



There is just one variabile type:numerical RSRPL runs on Python,so it automaticly asigning the type of variabile.


x = 10


The print() equivalent in RSRPL is arata sau afiseaza is the same thing.


arata "so good"
arata x

Taking user input

Unfortunaty,user input can only be numerical.The equivalent of input() in RSRPL is intrare


intrare x


The RSRPL comments are the same as in python btw


# this is a verry bombastic comment :)


If else statement

If statements are replaced by the word daca and have currly braces.Same for else but else is replaced with altfel


daca x > y {
    # something
} altfel {
    # idk

While loop

While loops are replaced with cat.Unfortunatly,RSRPL BETA(current version) hasn't got boolean suport,but you can replace boolean values with statements:


x = 0 # true statement
cat x < 10 {
    # lol

Example code

x = 10
y = 11

intrare x
intrare y

daca x > y {
    afiseaza "x e mai mare"
} altfel {
    afiseaza "y e mai mare"

External resources