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This is still a work in progress. It may be changed in the future.

Queen is a WIP Language by User:Pro465, based on a call queue.

Command action description
_ (x) -> (x) does nothing
, (.., x) -> (.., x, <input char>) receives input and pushes to front of queue
. (.., y, x) -> (.., y) pops off the front of queue and prints its corresponding ascii character
: (.., x) -> (.., x, x) duplicates the front value
; (..,y,x) -> (<ip>, .., y) saves current ip on thee back of queue, then jumps to immediately after the x-th command
/ (x, .., y) -> (y, x, ..) pass the value at front of queue to the back
+ (.., y, x) -> (.., <x + y>) add
- (.., y, x) -> (.., <x - y>) subtract
# (.., x) -> (.., x, 1) push 1
$ (.., y, x) -> (.., y) discard value at front of queue




Hello, world!


Truth machine
