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Quasar is a esolang created by User:Yayimhere where code is just loops. the memory is stored in a queue bits

how it works

a loop is set up like this:

[loop body]

a loop is managed with a queue. a 1 is enqueued while the loop is being performed. a 0 is enqueued when a loop ends. on that a loop ends when there is more than 8 bits in the queue in which the queue queue is emptied or the loop is empty(in this case there will not be a 1 enqueued). when a 0 is before a 1 that 0 is dequeued. when something is dequeued the counter(yes there is an unbounded counter) is incremented. and also when the queue is emptied. also anything else is just a loop escape


to push 1 and 0:

  • [a] to push 1
  • [] to push 0