Pyline Classic
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Pyline Classic is an esoteric subset of Python 3.5 where the whole source file has to be a single expression. Unlike Pyline, which has a walrus operator, Pyline Classic does not have an ergonomic variable-assignment expression.
Python | Pyline Classic |
if 1 + 1 == 2: print("Hello, ") print("World! ") |
1 + 1 == 2 and ( print("Hello, "), print("World! ") ) ( print("Hello, "), print("World! "), ) if 1 + 1 == 2 else None ( print("Hello, ") and 0 or print("World! ") ) if 1 + 1 == 2 else None |
if i == 1: ... elif i == 2: ... else: ... |
( ... ) if i == 1 else ( ... ) if i == 2 else ( ... ) |
for i in range(10): print(1) |
[( print(i), ) for i in range(10)] next( None for i in range(10) if not ( print(i) and 0 or True ) ) |
while cond: print(1) |
[( print(1), ) for _ in iter(lambda: cond, False)] next( None for _ in __import__("itertools").count() if not ( print(1) and 0 or cond ) ) |
arr[0] += 1 |
arr.insert(0, arr.pop(0) + 1) arr.__setitem__(0, arr[0] + 1) |
obj.var = 5 |
setattr(obj, "var", 5) |
raise err |
(_ for _ in "_").throw(err) |
Hello World
print("hello world")
(lambda s:print(f'{s}({chr(34)}{s}{chr(34)})'))("(lambda s:print(f'{s}({chr(34)}{s}{chr(34)})'))")
A shorter one:
print((lambda s:s%s)('print((lambda s:s%%s)(%r))'))
Truth machine
[print("1", end="") for _ in __import__("itertools").count()] if input(":") == "1" else print("0")
A version that doesn't use __import__:
[print(1,end="")for _ in iter(lambda:0,1)]if input(":")=="1"else print(0)
A shorter one:
input()=="1"and{print(end="1")for _ in iter(set,0)}or print(0)
Brainfuck interpreter
(setattr(__builtins__,'i',input), setattr(__builtins__,'p',i()), setattr(__builtins__,'c',0), setattr(__builtins__,'l',[0]), setattr(__builtins__,'r',[0]), setattr(__builtins__,'s',lambda l,i,e:l.__setitem__(i,e)), setattr(__builtins__,'a',lambda l,e:l.append(e)), [(setattr(__builtins__,'o',p[c]), setattr(__builtins__,'ll',len(l)-1), setattr(__builtins__,'lr',len(r)-1), setattr(__builtins__,'lf',l[-1]), setattr(__builtins__,'rf',r[-1]), ( ( (o=='+')and s(l,ll,(lf+1)%256)), (o=='-')and s(l,ll,(lf-1)%256), (o=='<')and(a(r,lf),(ll>0)and l.pop()), (o=='>')and(a(l,rf),(lr>0)and r.pop()), (o=='.')and(print(chr(lf),end='',flush=1)), (o==',')and(l.pop(),a(l,ord(i()or chr(lf))%256)), setattr(__builtins__,'c',c+1) ) if not o in '[]'else (setattr(__builtins__,'b',c), setattr(__builtins__,'j',1), setattr(__builtins__,'m',[-1,1][o=='[']), [(setattr(__builtins__,'b',b+m),setattr(__builtins__,'n',p[b]), (n=='[')and setattr(__builtins__,'j',j+m), (n==']')and setattr(__builtins__,'j',j-m) ) for _ in iter(lambda:j,0)], setattr(__builtins__,'c',b)if [lf,lf==0][(m+1)//2] else setattr(__builtins__,'c',c+1) ) ) for _ in iter(lambda:len(p)>c,0)] )