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Not to be confused with 256.

Py256 is a golfing language by User:Makonede. It uses Base-256 compression to encode long hexadecimal numbers representing programs. Py256 uses 05AB1E's SBCS for Base-256.

Article syntax

Functions will have a number next to them in the documentation. This is the arity, or number of arguments the function takes.


Py256 programs start out as a long number. 0 is assigned End literal/argument list so that programs should never contain leading zeros and do not need a leading 1 to be compressed losslessly.

Commands and groups

Py256 uses prefix commands. Some commands come in groups. Commands in groups are used like so: GSC, where G is the group number, S is the subgroup number, and C is the command number. Here is the top-level command/group list:

0: End literal/argument list (for arbitrary arity functions)
1: Lambda (2)
2: Operators (simple math)
3: Builtins
4: Constants
5: ASCII-art
6: String literal (1)
7: Dictionary compression (1)
8: Numeric literal (1)
A: Python execution (1)
B: I/O
C: Statements and conditionals
D: Advanced operators
E: Elixir execution (1)
F: Shell execution and escape character (1)

Command syntax

C represents the command, and digits (excluding 0) represent arguments.

Arbitrary arity (e.g. print): C123...N0
Fixed arity (e.g. +): C120

Lambda syntax

Lambdas are a bit different from the rest. The first argument is the number of arguments the lambda should take, in the form of a numeric literal 8...0. Literal 0s in the arity should be escaped with a prefixed F, and literal Fs should be escaped with a prefixed F as well. The rest is not really arguments, but instead code to execute when running the lambda. When running the lambda, the first A lambda variables are set to the function arguments locally, where A is the arity of the lambda. Lambdas are ended using the regular 0.

Lambda variables

Lambda variables are reserved variables which can only be written to inside a lambda. Lambda variables are not overwritten after a lambda's execution, but instead before another lambda's execution, so it is possible to view arguments passed to a lambda in the global scope after the lambda has executed. Lambda variables not needed by further lambdas (because of lower arity) are not overwritten. Lambda variables have a prefixed E to their hexadecimal variable number. So the first lambda variable is E0, the second is E1, etc. Regular variables cannot have hexadecimal variable numbers starting with E, unless the hexadecimal number either is E or has leading zeros.


This code sets the variable 0 to a lambda taking three arguments (call them x, y, and z) which returns x+y*z.


Golfed and compressed


Comparing that to the corresponding Python code to see the golfage:

f=lambda x,y,z:x+y*z


0: Set variable (2)
1: Get/call variable (1)
2: Addition (2)
3: Subtraction (2)
4: Multiplication (2)
5: Division (2)
6: Integer division (2)
7: Modulo (2)
8: Exponentiation (2)
9: Floor (1)
A: Ceiling (1)
B: Equality (2)
C: Inequality (2)
D: Greater than (2)
E: Less than (2)
F: More

More operators

0: Negate (1)
1: List


0: First element (1)
1: Last element (1)
2: Index (2)
3: Index, swapped args (2)
4: First instance (2)
5: Remove first (1)
6: First instance, swapped args (2)
7: Remove last (1)
8: Reverse (1)
9: For each (2)
A: Replace (3)
B: Transliterate (3)
C: Split on spaces (1)
D: Split on newlines (1)
E: Split (2)
F: More

More builtins

0: Split characters (1)
1: Join (1)
2: Join by newlines (1)
3: Join by spaces (1)
4: Integer interval (0, x] (1)
5: Integer interval [0, x] (1)
6: Integer interval [0, x) (1)
7: Integer interval (0, x) (1)
8: Sum (1)
9: Product (1)
A: Reduce (2)
B: Length (1)
C: Binary (1)
D: Hexadecimal (1)
E: Base (2)
F: More

Even more builtins

0: Lowercase (1)
1: Uppercase (1)
2: Match case (2)
3: Mirror (1)
4: Palindromize (1)
5: To-slice (2)
6: From-slice (2)
7: Slice (3)
8: Sort (1)
9: Swap case (1)
A: Random case (1)
B: Random number in (0, 1] (0)
C: Random integer in (0, x] (1)
D: Random integer in [0, x] (1)
E: Random integer in [0, x) (1)
F: More

Even even more builtins

0: Random integer in (0, x) (1)
1: Random choice (1)
2: Count (2)
3: Rotate left (1)
4: Rotate right (1)
5: Arbitrary rotation (left) (2)
6: Arbitrary rotation (right) (2)
7: Append (2)
8: Prepend (2)
9: Append, swapped args (2)
A: Prepend, swapped args (2)
B: Merge (2)
C: Merge, swapped args (2)
D: To Unicode values (1)
E: From Unicode values (1)
F: More

Way too many builtins

0: Unique elements (1)
1: Remove (2)
2: Remove, swapped args (2)
3: Keep (2)
4: Keep, swapped args (2)
5: Trim (2)
6: Trim whitespace (1)
7: Trim, swapped args (2)
8: Trim leading (2)
9: Trim leading whitespace (1)
A: Trim leading, swapped args (2)
B: Trim trailing (2)
C: Trim trailing whitespace (1)
D: Trim trailing, swapped args (2)
E: Letters (1)
F: More

Builtins everywhere

0: Digits (1)
1: Pieces (2)
2: Pieces, swapped args (2)
3: Pieces of (2)
4: Pieces of, swapped args (2)
5: Powerset (1)
6: Permutations (1)
7: Zip (2)
8: Zipwith (3)
9: Prefixes (1)
A: Suffixes (1)
B: Levenshtein distance (2)
C: Shuffle (1)
D: Mode (1)
E: Unmode (1)
F: More

Builtin insanity

0: Wait 1 second (0)
1: Wait (1)
2: Wait ms (1)
3: Closest (2)
4: Closest, swapped args (2)
5: To Roman numerals (1)
6: From Roman numerals (1)
7: Surround (2)
8: Surround, swapped args (2)
9: Title case (1)
A: Sentence case (1)
B: Unzip (1)
C: Merge (3)
D: Merge (4)
E: Merge (5)
F: More

Builtin hell

0: Merge (6)
1: Combinations (1)
2: Permutations (1)
3: Last instance (2)
4: Last instance, swapped args (2)
5: In (2)


0: 0
1: 1
2: 2
3: 3
4: 4
5: 5
6: 6
7: 7
8: 8
9: 9
A: 10
B: 11
C: 12
D: 13
E: 14
F: More

More constants

0: 15
1: 16
2: 32
3: 64
4: 128
5: 256
6: 512
7: 1024
8: 2048
9: 4096
A: 8192
B: 16384
C: 32768
D: 65536
E: 2147483648
F: More

Even more constants

0: 4294967296
1: 100
2: 1000
3: 26
4: 96
5: 36
6: "0123456789"
7: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
9: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
A: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_"
B: "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
C: "zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA"
D: "zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA9876543210_"
E: "9876543210"
F: More

Even even more constants

0: "zxywvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba"
2: 3.14159265358979323846
3: 2.71828182845904523536
4: "aeiou"
5: "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz"
6: " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"
7: "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm"
8: "AEIOU"
A: "aeiouAEIOU"
B: "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzBCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ"


0: ASCII-art decompression (2)
1: Horizontal mirror (1)
2: Vertical mirror (1)
3: Dual mirror (1)
4: Clockwise (1)
5: Counterclockwise (1)
6: Rotational flip (1)

ASCII-art compression

Py256's ASCII-art compression uses a number and a string. The string contains the unique characters used in the ASCII-art, and the number stores the ASCII-art itself. The decompression process works by first converting the number to the base corresponding to the length of the string. Then, the digits of this new number are converted to a list of corresponding decimal values, so 123ABC becomes [1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12]. Next, those numbers are indexed into the string, turning it into a list of characters. Finally, this list is joined back together to form the ASCII-art.


Here is some code that outputs an ASCII-art caduceus (newlines added for clarity).


Golfed and compressed

››₄ĆÂ…äÅvÈ₂„•ðSð‰ÿ/“?ðã‘ïA‘ä™á¯Ajbðábîíçðÿƶñ—…ÿðç₂∊ØÖÏóÝè˜+¥pØ и‰ÿyÿ¡мΣJOð¿óÿðð¿
1ŒÇ;õ;EåððcYðª¦&Ô£ÿ&áŠNðQи$V1ð-εΣ@Z³ !ò´yðJÿǝÖš¥§Ƶ6 ζ¹k`á½h—î…Ó:ǝðgÿÿðć¤xëʒBðâ¸l
ð∊‡¢x³”ê+”?'¶ÿʒÿò>™ÿ∍áßüÆ;Að«мÿäð ßû]ð.OÒÅ;AœªV1ßÿö$|ïûßöPï5¶ÿå-¶%ðRð?K\™λ§ß2Ÿ4[
7fd›êÚËÿÊÿƵAeb¥•Ïõζð¥≠Ý\ð~ÿ¬ΛÔ³n¬Æ,ÿΓÿ;7ƶ3œj₄\ÄzP₂ƶ7ÜLjš ₁ÿƶDŸ3LθȽ∊∍©¶*%â)ÿÏ7ÿº


          __,.---"""-.          8888888          .-"""---.,__
      _.-' ._._._._,_ `"-.      8888888      .-"` _,_._._._. '-._
,__.-' _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_,_`'.    Y888P    .'`_,_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_'-.__,
 `'-._/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/,_`"._ dWb _."`_,_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_.-'`
      '-;-/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_.--. WWWWW .;;,_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\-;-'
          /_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_//  e \IIIII;;a;;;\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\
            '-/_/_/_/_/_/ /   ,-'IIIII'=;;;;; \_\_\_\_\_\-'
                /_/_/_/_ /   /   88888   ;;;;; _\_\_\_\
                    '-/_/|   |   88888   ;;;;;\_\-'
                          \   \  88888  ;;;;;
                           '.  '.'888'.;;;;'
                             '.  '888;;;;'
                               '. .;;;;'
                              .;;;;8.  '.
                            .;;;;'888'.  '.
                           .;;;;  888  \   \
                           ;;;;   888  |   |
                           ';;;;  888  /   /
                            ';;;;.888.'  .'
                              ';;;;8'  .'
                                ';'  .'
                               .'  .;;;.
                              /   /8\;;;;
                             /   /888;;;;,
                             |   |888 ;;;;
                             \   \888;;;;'
                              '.  '8;;;;'
                                ;;;;` \
                               ;;;;8|  |
                               ';;;8/  /

String literals

String literals are started by 6 and ended by 0. As usual, 0s and Fs are prepended with Fs. The hexadecimal digits in the literal correspond to UTF-8 bytes. An easy way of getting the literal you want is to simply enter the hex bytes visible from an xxd of the text (properly escaped, of course).


Here's a simple Hello, World! program.


Golfed and compressed


Python comparison:

print('Hello, World!')

Dictionary compression

Py256 comes with a built-in dictionary. This dictionary is identical to 05AB1E's. Similar to 05AB1E, elements in the dictionary are referred to by their index. Dictionary literals are started by 7 and ended by 0. Once again escaping applies. Each dictionary word is encoded as its 0-based index in the dictionary, with the number left-padded with zeros to length 4. Spaces are automatically added between words in a single dictionary string.


Once again a Hello, World! program, but this time using the dictionary.


...sadly much longer than pure compression.

Golfed and compressed


Numeric literals

String literals are started by 8. As usual, they are ended by 0 and escaping applies. Not much to say here, just a hexadecimal integer.


Output the answer to life, the universe, and everything.


Golfed and compressed


Python comparison:



0: Request (1)
1: Server (1)

HTTP server

The HTTP request is pretty simple; just send a request to the URL and return the response content. But the HTTP server is a bit more complicated. It first hosts an HTTP server on port 80. Next, it waits for a request. When it receives a request, it sets the lambda variable E0 to the request URL followed by a space and the requester's IP address. For example, if sent a request to, E0 would get set to /bush Next, the Py256 code passed as an argument is evaluated. If this evaluated text starts with HTTP, it will treat the result as a raw HTTP response. Otherwise, it will respond with an HTML file containing the evaluated content.


Return 418 I'm a teapot for each and every HTTP request made to your computer.


Golfed and compressed



0: Output (1)
1: Output, no newline (1)
2: Input all (0)
3: Input line (0)
4: Input char (0)

Statements and conditionals

0: If (2)
1: While (2)
2: Until (2)
3: Else (1)
4: For (2)
5: Break (0)
6: Terminate (0)

All loops automatically set the lambda variable E0 to the current 0-based index each iteration.

Advanced operators

0: Prime test (1)
1: Arbitrary prime (1)
2: Factorial (1)
3: AND (2)
4: OR (2)
5: XOR (2)
6: NAND (2)
7: NOR (2)
8: XNOR (2)
9: NOT (1)
A: Bitwise AND (2)
B: Bitwise OR (2)
C: Bitwise XOR (2)
D: Bitwise NAND (2)
E: Bitwise NOR (2)
F: More

More advanced operators

0: Bitwise XNOR (2)
1: One's complement (1)
2: Square (1)
3: Cube (1)
4: Hypercube (1)
5: Square root (1)
6: Cube root (1)
7: Hypercube root (1)
8: Reciprocal (1)
9: Increment (1)
A: Decrement (1)
B: Halve (1)
C: Double (1)
D: Third (1)
E: Triple (1)
F: More

Even more advanced operators

0: Quarter (1)
1: Quadruple (1)
2: Greater than or equal to (2)
3: Less than or equal to (2)
4: nCk (2)
5: nPk (2)
6: Power of 2 (1)
7: Power of 10 (1)
8: GCD (2)
9: LCM (2)
A: Even (1)
B: Odd (1)
C: Double increment (1)
D: Double decrement (2)
E: Divisible (2)
F: More

Even even more advanced operators

0: Divisors (1)
1: Proper divisors (1)
2: Cartesian product (1)
3: Cartesian product (2)
4: Cartesian product (3)
5: Unique prime factors (1)
6: Prime factors (1)
7: Prime factor powers (1)
8: Ln (1)
9: Log (1)
A: Log2 (1)
B: Arbitrary log (2)
C: Sign (1)
D: Reduce left (2)
E: Reduce right (2)
F: More

Way too many advanced operators

0: Cumulative reduce left (2)
1: Cumulative reduce right (2)
2: Enumerate (1)
3: Swapped enumerate (1)
4: Enumerate (2)
5: Swapped enumerate (2)
6: Enumerate, swapped args (2)
7: Swapped enumerate, swapped args (2)
8: Reversed enumerate (1)
9: Swapped reversed enumerate (1)
A: Reversed enumerate (2)
B: Swapped reversed enumerate (2)
C: Reversed enumerate, swapped args (2)
D: Swapped reversed enumerate, swapped args (2)
E: Greedy closest prime (1)
F: More

Advanced operators everywhere

0: Lazy closest prime (1)
1: Non-unique closest prime (1)
2: Previous prime (1)
3: Non-unique previous prime (1)
4: Next prime (1)
5: Non-unique next prime (1)
6: Pascal addition (1)
7: Pascal subtraction (1)
8: Reversed Pascal subtraction (1)
9: Pascal multiplication (1)
A: Pascal division (1)
B: Reversed Pascal division (1)
C: Pascal integer division (1)
D: Reversed Pascal integer division (1)
E: Pascal reduction (2)
F: Reversed Pascal reduction (2)


Hello, World!






Reverse cat




Primality tester


Infinite loop





No interpreter as of right now, if someone could make one that would be greatly appreciated :)


Only compressed Py256 programs are valid. An 05AB1E program to convert from hex Py256 (Py16?) to compressed Py256 can be found at Try it Online.