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Pokecontest is esolang with Graphical Output to a 16×16 grid made by Maikeru51. It's code is supposed to look like a transcript for a Pokemon contest.

Pokemon and Moves

Each program starts with each contestant's pokemon and said pokemon's moves listed. Each move is also given 5 categories, those being Cool, Beautiful, Cute, Clever, and Tough.

  • If a move is "Cool", then the pointer moves backward one cell.
  • If a move is "Beautiful", then the cell under the pointer increases it's Selected Value.
  • If a move is "Cute", then the pointer moves foward one cell.
  • If a move is "Clever", then the pointer switches between facing down and facing right. It also rotates between modifying cell's Red, Green, and Blue values every other use.
  • If a move is "Tough", then the cell under the pointer decreases it's Selected Value.

Moves also have appeal levels. This determines how many times the action is done. Appeal levels must be a positive integer.

How to Use Moves

To use moves, type ***{Pokemon} used {Move}!*** If the pokemon does not know the move, or does not exist, the interpreter will throw an exception.