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Pikalang is a joke esoteric programming language created by Blake Grotewold. It is identical to Brainfuck, except that the instructions are changed into the sounds made by Pikachu from Pokémon. It is one of the many trivial Brainfuck command substitutions. As such, it is a member of the TrivialBrainfuckSubstitution family of programming languages.


Brainfuck Pikalang Description
> pipi Move the pointer to the right
< pichu Move the pointer to the left
+ pi Increment the memory cell under the pointer
- ka Decrement the memory cell under the pointer
. pikachu Output the character signified by the cell at the pointer
, pikapi Input a character and store it in the cell at the pointer
[ pika Jump past the matching chu if the cell under the pointer is 0
] chu Jump back to the matching pika

Hello, world! program

pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pika pipi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pipi pi pi
pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pipi pi pi pi pipi pi pichu pichu pichu pichu ka
chu pipi pi pi pikachu pipi pi pikachu pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pikachu
pikachu pi pi pi pikachu pipi pi pi pikachu pichu pichu pi pi pi pi pi
pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pikachu pipi pikachu pi pi pi pikachu ka
ka ka ka ka ka pikachu ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ka pikachu pipi pi pikachu
pipi pikachu

External resources