Parity was created by User:imcute and is called this name due to its only 2 instruction list and its way of doing instructions
an even number means to add 1 to the place of the number divided by 2
an odd number means jump to the number in the place of the number divided by 2 without the 0.5
this language has 2 dialects:list-starts-at-0 dialect and list-starts-at-1-dialect due to technical restrictions
a count to infinity program in dialect 0 would be 4 7 0 0 while in dialect 1 it would be 6 9 0 1
the turing completeness of this is questionable due to it not having a conditional jump
LOOP_CHECK=1000 with open("code","r")as a: ram=list(map(int, i=0 try: while True: p=0+ram[i] if p%2==0: ram[p//2]+=1 i+=1 else: i=ram[p//2] print(" ".join(map(str,ram))) LOOP_CHECK-=1; if LOOP_CHECK<=0: raise ZeroDivisionError except IndexError: print("result:") print(" ".join(map(str,ram))) except ZeroDivisionError: print("Oops!Code too long to run.If this is intentional,make line one to something supra big")
snap (its called slate assembler cuz slate_technoligies wanted this in snap)