Parigot numeral
A Parigot numeral is a natural number encoded into lambda calculus using Parigot encoding. One way to understand Parigot numerals is by relation with Church numerals, considering primitive recursion and recursion schemes; if Church numerals are like initial katamorphisms for the natural numbers, then Parigot numerals are like initial paramorphisms, with access to the numeral at each stage of recursion.
The Parigot numerals can be recursively defined by:
0 g h = h (succ n) g h = g n (n g h)
and letting R(g,h)
be a primitive recursive function with one parameter, then
R(g,h)(0) = h() R(g,h)(S(xn)) = g(xn,(R(g,h)(xn)))
It can be observed that R
is equivalent to the Parigot numeral λg.λh.λn.n g h
0 = λg.λh.h 1 = λg.λh.g 0 h 2 = λg.λh.g 1 (g 0 h) 3 = λg.λh.g 2 (g 1 (g 0 h)) (numbers require exponential space)
successor function and predecessor function
succ = λn.λg.λh.g n (n g h) pred = λn.n (λa.λb.a) 0
additive function
add = λx.λy.y (λa.λb.succ b) x
subtraction function
sub = λx.λy.y (λa.λb.pred b) x
multiplication function
mul = λx.λy.y (λa.λb.add x b) 0
division function
fix = (λx.x x)(λf.λx.x (f f x)) div = fix (λf.λx.λy.(succ (sub x y))(λa.λb.succ (f (sub x y) y)) 0)
(or use the minimalization)
Mu = (λx.x x 0)(λmu.λx.λf.(f x)(λa.λb.f f (succ x)) x) div = λx.λy.Mu (λn.(pred (sub (mul (succ n) y) x))(λa.λb.0) 1)
convert between Church numeral
First,we need church succ
cSucc = λn.λs.λz.s (n s z)
convert to church numeral
toChurch = λn.n (λa.λb.cSucc b)(λs.λz.z)
convert from church numeral
fromChurch = λn.n succ 0