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Designed by Z. D. Smith
Appeared in 2021
Type system static, strong, explicit
Computational class Quadratic
Reference implementation [1]
File extension(s) .pant

Pantagruel is a specification language for specifications. A Pantagruel document specifies the vocabulary and structure of a system without detailing its semantics. Instead of execution, the reference implementation of Pantagruel checks that a document is well-formed and well-typed.

Pantagruel constrains the human thinker into some of the syntactic forms of first-order logic and computer programming. In doing so it is hoped that the thinker will encounter elements of their thought which require further precision. ~ Z. D. Smith


The following example specifies the wikipedia:haiku poetic form.

module HAIKU.
Poem = [Line].
Line = String.
scans? p:Poem => Bool.
// A haiku is a poem of exactly three lines.
scans? p -> #p = 3.
// Each line has a prescribed number of morae; the numbers of morae go 5, 7, 5.
scans? p -> morae (p 1) = 5
 and morae (p 2) = 7
 and morae (p 3) = 5.
// A mora is like a syllable, but shorter; it is known in Japanese as 音.
// To evaluate a line we count its morae.
morae l: Line => Nat.

Complexity Class

Types can be used before definition, allowing a linear number of type constraints to pile up prior to resolution. As such, even a linear-time type-checker can be forced to spend quadratic time reinterpreting each prior chapter's partially-resolved types in terms of the next chapter's not-yet-specified types, taking quadratic time in total. However, this is only a theoretical weakness at present.
