Palindrome (language)

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Palindrome is an Esoteric programming language created by User:Buckets in 2020, Where there is A restriction that Everything in the code Has To Be palindromic.

Commands Instructions
+m+ Change the numbered variable of the o 1 below m times.
-n- +n of o.
dod o Change to another variable o named.
* If +m+ or -n- is used after Insead of altering o, It alters the Number stored in o.
tot p tot Come from line p.
pop q: :r pop If used before code q, It will ignore it r times.
pip "s" pip Prints s.
ono t ono It will ignore the next t amount of commands unless The current variable o is equal to 0, 1, 9 or 3006.
racecar This will set the current variable o to the input.
dud It will print The number of the current Variable o.

Cat program:

racecar dud racecar 

"Hello, World!" Program:

pip "Hello, World!" pip 
* -2- ono 3 ono -2- * 
pip "!dlroW ,olleH" pip 

Truth-machine Program:

racecar -1- ono 1 ono 

ono 1 ono 
ono 1 ono 
-3004- tot 10 tot dud 
tot 8 tot 
tot 5 tot 
tot 14 tot 

tot 2 tot +1+ dud tot 17 tot 

tot 71 tot dud +1+ tot 2 tot 

tot 41 tot 
tot 5 tot 
tot 8 tot 

dud tot 01 tot -4003- 

ono 1 ono 

ono 1 ono 

ono 1 ono -1- racecar