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P→P' pronounced P to P prime is a esolang created by User:Yayimhere


P→P' is a subset of Underload based on its notation. it uses the P, L, R, Q, {}, and ' notation stuff converted to underload code, like this:

{x} = <x>
x' = x^
x = *x
Q = ;
L = %
R = .
(x) = [x]
where x must be in P, L, R, Q, {}, and ' notation stuff(with the transtitions). so x described in BNF:
x = [x] | *x | ; | ~ | . | % | x^ | <x>

and these are the commands(these are the only ones we have other than the P, L, R, Q, {}, ' stuff):

^ = `
* = +
: = @
! = ·

all programs for input to the notation is made up like this:

: = @ #still the same
(…) = ´…´
^ = %

they must be encased in |…| and will not be ran as a program nor is allowed to be in a program normally. theres also _x which will first run the underload program x(only with ()^:*) each with a different stack until it finds one that halts(just be running them) and pushes its stack then for every succsesfull stacl it pusehs some stacl elements that would make all of the stack elements be deleted