Outinp is an esolang created by User:Win7HE, not made for code golfing and probably turing complete.
Any # can be replaced by a diffrent character. Any $ can be a comment, or replaced by a space.
out##### - outputs the #'s.
inp##### - asks you for 5 character input with reason that is the #.
oui$$$$$ - outputs input
emp$$$$$ - a newline (new empty scratch list item)
1in##### - increases variable 1 by #####. (if negative number decreases variable)
2in##### - increases variable 2 by #####. (if negative number decreases variable)
iff###$$ - if variable 1 not ### skip next command
swp$$$$$ - swaps variable 1 and 2's values
ouv$$$$$ - outputs ascii value mapped variable 2
jmp##### - jumps to command #####
ini$$$$$ - increases variable 1 by input (input, not hashtags)
nop$$$$$ - a no operation command.
Example Programs
Truth Machine (please fix this code or interpreter)
out123 iouts 1, outelse outzero.inpinputini.....emp.....iff123..jmp00009jmp00012out11111jmp00009nop.....out00000jmp00012
Hello World
outHelloout, woroutld!..