Opera Ghost Language

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[] means optional, () means can be modified according to the programmer

Variables and constants:

1. To declare a variable:

   let [(type)] (name) be (value), Ex: let num be 1

2. If you do not want to initialize the variable, you can do this:

   let [(type)] (name) be your freedom, Ex: let toinput be your freedom

3. To define constants:

   let [(type)] (name) as unchanging as the sea be (value), Ex: let c as unchanging as the sea be 299792458

4. Getting the address of a variable:

   where in the world has (variable) been hiding

5. Dereferencing pointer:

   what has (pointer) to hide
   angel or father friend or phantom who is it at (pointer)

1D Arrays:

1. Creating an array:

   let [(type)[(length)]] (array_name) be (value) and (value) and ... in one combined

2. Setting value at index:

   (value) shall watch the performance from its normal seat in (array) (index)

nD Arrays (Ex. 2D array):

1. Creating an array:

   let  [(type)[(length)][(length)]] (array_name) be ((value) and (value) and ... in one combined) and ((value) and (value) and ... in one combined) and ... in one combined

2. Setting value at index:

   (value) shall watch the performance from its normal seat in (array) (index) (index)


1. Creating a struct (the type is optional if the compiler can deduce the type of (default_value)):

   let the opera (struct_name) begin
   cast (default_value) as (type) (member1_name)
   cast (default_value) as (type) (member2_name)  
   it's over now the opera (struct_name)
   let (struct_name) (variable_name) be (value) and (value) and ... in one combined

2. Creating an anonymous struct:

   let [type1 and type2 and ...] (struct_name) be (name) is (value) and (name) is (value) and ... in one combined