Omnis Clocha Clochabilis in Clocherio Clochando Clochans Clochativo Clochare facit Clochabiliter Clochantes

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Omnis Clocha Clochabilis in Clocherio Clochando Clochans Clochativo Clochare facit Clochabiliter Clochantes
Paradigm(s) imperative
Designed by Nazalassa
Appeared in 2024
Memory system Cell-based
Dimensions one-dimensional
Computational class Turing complete
Reference implementation (here)
Influenced by Brainfuck
File extension(s) None

Omnis Clocha Clochabilis in Clocherio Clochando Clochans Clochativo Clochare facit Clochabiliter Clochantes (abbreviated as OC9) is a Brainfuck derivative, created by User:Nazalassa in 2024, which uses words from the following quote from Rabelais in Gargantua:

Omnis Clocha Clochabilis in Clocherio Clochando Clochans Clochativo Clochare facit Clochabiliter Clochantes

which means something like: Any bellable bell belling in a bell tower, by belling with the bellative, makes those who bell bell bellingly (don't trust my translation).

Apart from that, Omnis Clocha Clochabilis in Clocherio Clochando Clochans Clochativo Clochare facit Clochabiliter Clochantes is identical to Brainfuck, with the exception of the Clocha command. Programs are not case-sensitive and commands must be separated by whitespace. Punctuation and other words are ignored.


Brainfuck Omnis Clocha Clochabilis in Clocherio Clochando Clochans Clochativo Clochare facit Clochabiliter Clochantes
> Clochans
< Clochare
+ Clochando
- Clocherio
. Clochantes
, Clochativo
[ Clochabilis
] Clochabiliter

Additionnally, the Clocha command must be present at least once in every ten words (including any other occurences of Clocha. If it is not present enough, the interpreter rings the bell. (haha)

Words that are not commands do count for the Clocha command.


Hello world

Clochando clocha clochando, clochando clochando clochando, clochando clochando, clochando. Clochabilis clocha
clochans clochando, clochando clochando clochando. Clocha clochabilis clochans, clochando clocha clochando
clochans. Clochando clochando clochando: clocha clochans clochando clochando et clochando clochans, clochando
clocha et clochare clochare. Clochare clocha clochare in clocherio clochabiliter clochans, facit clochando
clochans clochando. Clocha clochans clocherio clochans, clocha clochans clochando clochabilis: clochare clocha
et clochabiliter clocha clochare in clocherio clochabiliter. Clocha clochans, clochans clochativo, clochans
clocherio et clocherio clocha. Clocherio clochativo clochando, clochando clochando clochando, clocha clochando
clochando, et clochando clochativo. Clocha clochativo clochando. Clochando clocha clochando clochativo clochans.
Clocha habet clochans, et clochativo clochare in clocherio clocha clochativo: clochare clochativo clocha,
clochando clochando clochando et clochativo in clocherio clocha. Clocherio in clocherio et clocherio et clocherio
in clocherio. Clocha clochativo in clocherio. Clocherio clocha et clocherio clocherio clocherio, clocherio
clocherio clocherio. Clocha clochativo clochans. Clochans clocha clochando et clochativo facit clocha clochans
clochando. Clochando clochativo.

Wow, these are long to write. The brainfuck_to_OC9() function in the reference interpreter can "translate" code from Brainfuck to Omnis Clocha Clochabilis in Clocherio Clochando Clochans Clochativo Clochare facit Clochabiliter Clochantes, but it doesn't add the Clocha commands, so you have to do it yourself.