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Designed by User:Z Z
Appeared in 2022
Computational class Unknown
Reference implementation Unimplemented
File extension(s) .of

Added here due to non trivial syntax.

work in progress (rewriting old stuff that was left from Array++)

Created by User:Z Z

Inspired by Table, Boxy and JSON

Reserved symbols

  ; ' ` { } ( ) [ ] " ~ $ , @ ^ : . \ # | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



  - force call
; - next (could be used for private variables)
' - nil
` - nil
{ - mutable object start
} - mutable object end
( - local object start
) - local object end
[ - non-mutable object start
" - string (switches to String grammar)
~ - size
, - add to return stack
@ - argument object
^ - self in parent function
: - name object
. - get (if no argument is provided, return all internals of that object)
\ - break
$ - continue ( break, but for local objects )
# - define directive (used to specify parameters for internal object creation, when compiler generates the binaries)
// - comment (switches to Comment grammar (line))
/* - comment (switches to Comment grammar (block))
| - operator


\ - special
" - end (switches to Main grammar)

Comment (line)

\n - end (switches to Main grammar)

Comment (block)

*/ - end (switches to Main grammar)

Symbols description/usage


any unknown symbol - name
(body) - same as arrow function in JS
{body} - mutable function
[body] - non-mutable function


. - access children box (box.data box) (just image as you open a box, and takes out the element using your hand. the hand is "." )
~ - split into array
 box~ - get size (index count)
 box~size - return splitted box into array
 box~:data - set index amount
" - copy (same box different pointer)
# - thread 
 # - get thread ID,
 #box - define each entry inside(useful for loading/generating things)(return node of results),
 data#box - define data amount threads doing box)
 if you need local ID: save count of running threads,
 and then substract from current ID.
 (there should be no collisions in thread IDs,
 becase IDs on loop start are reservered)
 Just imagine this as compute shader)
, - box end (mostly used to concat data)
' - nil (use to execute function with no args, since everything is a function)
| - is operator (declare that compiler should find argumant on both sides)
 ( {| ) - function is operator
 ( | ) - get 1st argument (if it returns [], then this got called as a function)
: - assign box to name / assign value to variable
 if no pointer provided, It'll just append with next index
 whenever box assigned to higher variable, its owner will change,
 and it wont unload when code box is finished
 variable owner will be closest one to the root of execution stack,
 so when it will be unloaded, there will be no actual pointers back to it.
  - calls argument first, then a function.
 If one of arguments missing, works as white space.
 Note that for built in operators this is optional.


\ - same as _ENV in lua, but here returns the stack with loaded variables (threads located inside, where they got called)


@ - label (places itself in stack of a block)
^ - back (it can be used to create loop)
 ^n - (goes to last "n" @ in stack, error if no found)
$ - execute during declaration(basically used to cache/precompute data inside node declaration)
 $box - replaces itself with the box, (usually used as node : {$cache_things'([0]);$cache_things'([1])})
; - end box and move to the next index
! - one line comment (final)
!~comment~! or !`comment`! - multiline comment (final) (with ` hurts to type so thats why there is ~)
` - data escape (used to end block)
 `` - `
 `] - end extcode block
enter, space, tab - ignored by compilator


Sorting check


#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int S = 0;
    std::cout << "size: ";
    std::cin >> S;
    int* A = new int[S];
    std::cout << "elements:\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < S; ++i)
        std::cin >> A[i];
    int E = 0;
    for (int i = S - 2; i >= 0; --i)
        if (A[i] >= A[i + 1])
    std::cout << "entropy: " << E;


estd_cfg : {operators : 1}

estdl : estd.init estd_cfg; !estd is standard library that provides math and etc
main : estdl,{ ! concat estdl and function, so you shouldnt access estdl every time directly
	print "size: ";
	input.end : "\n"; ! modify function's end symbol 
	array~ : atoi input'; ! pointer to recived data (atoi - ascii to integer)
	print "elements:\n";
	index : 0; ! name cell, where 0 located
	@'; ! loop start
	array. index' : atoi input; ! read input (because . cancel calling we should load index value first)
	index : index' + 1; ! but "index : { +'{ index'; [1] }};" returns function, not data!
	{^;}.( index' >= array~' )'; ! loop reset
	pthread : #'; ! get current thread ID
	entrop : +{ ! summ all entries in array
		( array~' - 1 ) # { ! new threaded function
			i : #' - pthread'; ! local variable that contains func
			array. i' >= array.( i' + 1 ) ! return
	print("entropy: ", i2s entrop'); ! write result (i2s - integer to string)
main' ! execute main

Array++ (same, but no comments)

estd_cfg : {operators : 1}

estdl : estd.init estd_cfg;
main : estdl , {
	print "size: ";
	input.end : "\n";
	array~ : atoi input';
		print "elements:\n";
		index : 0;
		array. index' : atoi input';
		index : index' + 1;
		{^;}.( index' >= array~' )';
	pthread : #';
	entrop : +{
		( array~' - 1 ) # {
			i : #' - pthread';
			array. i' >= array.( i' + 1 )
	print("entropy: ", i2s entrop');


Rebinding stuff

= : ":"; ! declare that = now does same as :
":" =; ! declare that : now does nothing
begin = "{"'; ! retrieve { safely
begin = ({); ! does same thing as above
"\n" = (;); ! "\n" parsed during compilation, so there is no problem with this