Numberwang (brainfuck derivative)

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Numberwang is a language based on Brainfuck. All commands consist of single numbers and is meant to produce code that appears extremely random and impossible to understand.


Numberwang's command set consists of the commands in Brainfuck, although as numbers, plus two additional commands to increase the apparent randomness of the finished code.

  • 0 - increment the pointer (to point to the next cell to the right)
  • 1 - decrement the pointer (to point to the next cell to the left)
  • 9 - increment (increase by one) the byte at the pointer
  • 2 - decrement (decrease by one) the byte at the pointer
  • 3 - output the value of the byte at the pointer
  • 8 - accept one byte of input, storing its value in the byte at the pointer.
  • 4 - start of loop, needs corresponding 7. Skips loop if active pointer equals 0
  • 7 - end of loop, needs corresponding 4. Exits when active pointer equals 0
  • 6 - directly increments the current pointer with the following number
  • 5 - directly decrements the current pointer with the following number

All other characters are considered comments.

Proof of Turing Completeness

Numberwang has a trivial mapping to Brainfuck:

Brainfuck command Numberwang equivalent
> 1
< 0
+ 9
- 2
. 3
, 8
[ 4
] 7

Hello world example


Alternative style: Hello, World!


External resources