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Numberfuck is a esolang made by Mihai Popa. It's Brainfuck, but you only use numbers instead of symbols to make programs.


Command Brainfuck equivalent Description
1 > Move the pointer to the right
2 < Move the pointer to the left
3 + Increment the memory cell at the pointer
4 - Decrement the memory cell at the pointer
5 . Output the character signified by the cell at the pointer
6 , Input a character and store it in the cell at the pointer
7 [ Jump past the matching 8 if the cell at the pointer is 0
8 ] Jump back to the matching 7 if the cell at the pointer is nonzero

Everything other than these numbers is a comment and it's ignored. But if you comment with numbers, you should replace that with words or Roman numbers. Or else will not work. Except for 9 and 0!


Hello, World!


Rickrolling, by printing all the lyrics of "Never Gonna Give You Up"

Too long. See here: Numberfuck/Rickroll

99 Bottles Of Beer

Quite long. See here: Numberfuck/99 Bottles Of Beer



Note: coded by ChatGPT. Optimized for everything, including printing the full lyrics of the song Never Gonna Give You Up.

def interpret():
    code = input("Enter Numberfuck code: ")
    memory = [0] * 30000
    pointer = 0
    output_string = ""
    code_length = len(code)
    code_pointer = 0

    loop_stack = []

    commands = {
        '1': lambda: nonlocal_pointer('+'),
        '2': lambda: nonlocal_pointer('-'),
        '3': lambda: increment_memory(),
        '4': lambda: decrement_memory(),
        '5': lambda: output_to_string(),
        '6': lambda: take_input(),
        '7': lambda: start_loop(),
        '8': lambda: end_loop()

    def nonlocal_pointer(op):
        nonlocal pointer
        if op == '+':
            pointer += 1
            pointer -= 1

    def increment_memory():
        nonlocal memory, pointer
        memory[pointer] = (memory[pointer] + 1) % 256

    def decrement_memory():
        nonlocal memory, pointer
        memory[pointer] = (memory[pointer] - 1) % 256

    def output_to_string():
        nonlocal memory, pointer, output_string
        output_string += chr(memory[pointer])

    def take_input():
        nonlocal memory, pointer
        user_input = input("Enter input (1 character): ")
        memory[pointer] = ord(user_input[0])

    def start_loop():
        nonlocal memory, pointer, code_pointer, loop_stack
        if memory[pointer] == 0:
            count = 1
            while count != 0 and code_pointer < code_length - 1:
                code_pointer += 1
                if code[code_pointer] == '7':
                    count += 1
                elif code[code_pointer] == '8':
                    count -= 1

    def end_loop():
        nonlocal code_pointer, loop_stack
        if memory[pointer] != 0:
            code_pointer = loop_stack[-1]

    while code_pointer < code_length:
        command = code[code_pointer]
        if command in commands:
        code_pointer += 1

    print("Output:", output_string)


Computational class

Numberfuck is turing-complete because Brainfuck is also turing-complete!

See also