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Ns2dL is a esolang made for the sake of making a 2d land that does NOT use a stack. Ns2dL uses a a list because yes. Oh also its made by Yayimhere


memory is stored in a list. There is also a buffer that stores indexes for the list.


Ns2dL has a few commands:

Caption text
Symbol Meaning
! append the following number onto the list
$ set the two buffer value to the two first value of the list
+ add whats at the index of first buffer value onto the value with the index of the second buffer value and append that to the list
- subtract the value at the index of the first buffer value from the index at the second value and append that to the list
| go down if the value at the first index is more than the one at the second index else go up
Y copy the code pointer into the cell above and to the right of this command and to the top left
Ø delete the value at the index of the first buffer value
, output the value at the first index as a ascii char
. append user input as a ascii char
* , But with output as a number

Ns2DdL uses befunge arrows to move around