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Most Programming languages are Plushie-complete, that means almost no Programming languages are Non-Plushie-complete.
- It Cannot be able to print the number 4.
- It Cannot be able to print the number 31.
- It Cannot be able to store 2 in a variable.
Those are the only 3 rules, the Opposite to Plushie-complete's Ruleset.
This means that It cannot support Perfect I/O and You cannot make a XKCD Random Number Program If The Programming language is Non-Plushie-complete, Either It stores values in non-variables, or It will break at least 1 Peano axiom, This also means that It Can't Have a quine, For example in HQ9+: 4Q
A possible designs
- When you try to print 4, it prints ④. When you try to print 3 then 1, the output will be 3.1, and if 31 together the output will be 3|. If you try to store 2, it will automatically push it into stack, instead of VARIABLEs.
- You can try by Not using Textual Output or no output at all and Not using any variables either, This is best way For constructing a Non-Plushie-complete esolang, If you don't care that you can't make Most Programs that you're Used to.
- You can try by using purely Ternary or Binary Output and you can Decode it into ASCII yourself and using non-variable storage.