Night Shift
Paradigm(s) | String-rewriting |
Designed by | User:Hakerh400 |
Appeared in | 2022 |
Computational class | Turing complete |
Major implementations | Implemented |
File extension(s) | .txt |
Night Shift is a string-rewriting esolang invented by User:Hakerh400 in 2022.
Source code consists of zero or more rules, one rule per line.
Each rule consists of two patterns separated by -
A pattern is a list of zero or more bits. Empty pattern is represented as /
Rewriting rules
Input is a list of bits. Before the program starts, prepend 000
to the input. That is the main list of bits.
Repeat this process until the program halts.
Find the first position in the main list, such that there is a rule whose first pattern is a prefix of the main list starting from that position. If there are no such rule, halt. If there are multiple rules, pick the first one that appears in the source code. Replace the prefix (the first pattern) in the main list (on that position) with the second pattern from the rule. If it was the last rule from the source code, halt.
After the program halts, the main list is the output.
We use string 1011
as the input in all examples to show step-by-step computation.
Cat program
000 - /
1011 0001011 1011
Extract first bit
0000 - 010010 0001 - 110010 00100 - 0010 00101 - 0010 0010 - 0011 010011 - 0 110011 - 1
1011 0001011 110010011 11001011 1100101 110010 110011 1
Extract last bit
00000 - 0000 00001 - 0001 00010 - 0000 00011 - 0001 0000 - 0 0001 - 1
1011 0001011 000011 00011 0001 1
Remove first bit
0000 - 001 0001 - 001 001 - /
1011 0001011 001011 011
Remove last bit
00000 - 010000 00001 - 010001 00010 - 110000 00011 - 110001 0000 - 001 0001 - 001 01001 - 0010 11001 - 0011 001 - /
1011 0001011 11000011 110100011 1101110001 110111001 11010011 1100101 001101 101
Invert bits
0000 - 01000 0001 - 11000 000 - 001 01001 - 0011 11001 - 0010 001 - /
1011 0001011 11000011 110100011 1101110001 11011111000 11011111001 1101110010 110100100 11001100 0010100 0100
Reverse bits
0000 - 0101000 0001 - 0111000 000 - 00100 0101010100100 - 0101001000101 0101011100100 - 0111001000101 0111010100100 - 0101001000111 0111011100100 - 0111001000111 010100100 - 110100101 011100100 - 111100101 0010101 - 0100101 0010111 - 1100101 00101 - 00100 00100 - 0011 11010011 - 00110 11110011 - 00111 0011 - /
1011 0001011 0111000011 0111010100011 0111010101110001 0111010101110111000 011101010111011100100 011101010111001000111 011101110010001010111 011100100011101010111 111100101011101010111 111101001011101010111 111101110010101010111 111101110100101010111 111101110101001010111 111101110101010010111 111101110101011100101 111101110101011100100 111101110111001000101 111101110010001110101 111111110010101110101 111111110100101110101 111111110111001010101 111111110111010010101 111111110111010100101 111111110111010100100 111111110101001000111 111111111101001010111 111111111101010010111 111111111101011100101 111111111101011100100 111111111101111100101 111111111101111100100 11111111110111110011 11111111110100111 11111111001101 11110011101 00111101 1101
Sort bits
0000 - 0101000 0001 - 0111000 000 - 00100 0101010100100 - 0101001000101 0111010100100 - 0101001000111 010100100 - 110100101 011100100 - 111100101 0010101 - 0100101 0010111 - 1100101 00101 - 001111 1101001111 - 0011111101 1111001111 - 0011111111 001111 - 00100 00100 - 00110 0011001 - 0100110 0011011 - 1100110 00110 - 001110 1101001110 - 0011100 1111001110 - 0011101 001110 - /
1011 0001011 0111000011 0111010100011 0111010101110001 0111010101110111000 011101010111011100100 011101010111111100101 0111010101111111001111 0111010101110011111111 011101010111001001111 011101011111001011111 011101011111110010111 011101011111111100101 0111010111111111001111 0111010111110011111111 0111010100111111111111 011101010010011111111 010100100011111111111 110100101011111111111 110101001011111111111 110101110010111111111 110101111100101111111 110101111111001011111 110101111111110010111 110101111111111100101 1101011111111111001111 1101011111110011111111 1101011100111111111111 110101110010011111111 110111110010111111111 110111111100101111111 110111111111001011111 110111111111110010111 110111111111111100101 1101111111111111001111 1101111111110011111111 1101111100111111111111 1101001111111111111111 0011111101111111111111 001001101111111111111 001101101111111111111 110011001111111111111 110100110111111111111 110111001101111111111 110111110011011111111 110111111100110111111 110111111111001101111 110111111111110011011 110111111111111100110 1101111111111111001110 1101111111110011101 1101111100111011 1101001110111 0011100111 0111
Xor bits
00000 - 0000 00001 - 0001 00010 - 0001 00011 - 0000 0000 - 0010 0001 - 0011 000 - 0010 001 - /
1011 0001011 000111 00001 0001 0011 1
Increment binary number
0000 - 01000 0001 - 11000 000 - 0010 010010 - 00111 110010 - 00100 0010 - 00111 010011 - 00110 110011 - 00111 0011 - /
1011 0001011 11000011 110100011 1101110001 11011111000 110111110010 11011100100 1101001000 110011100 00111100 1100
Decrement binary number
0000 - 01000 0001 - 11000 000 - 0010 110010 - 001100 010010 - 00101 0100110 - 001100 1100110 - 001101 00110 - 00111 001110 - 00111 00111 - /
1011 0001011 11000011 110100011 1101110001 11011111000 110111110010 110111001100 11010011010 1100110010 001101010 001111010 1010
Remove zeros
0000 - 01000 0001 - 11000 000 - 001 01001 - 001 11001 - 0011 001 - /
1011 0001011 11000011 110100011 1101110001 11011111000 11011111001 1101110011 110100111 1100111 001111 111
Remove ones
0000 - 01000 0001 - 11000 000 - 001 01001 - 0010 11001 - 001 001 - /
1011 0001011 11000011 110100011 1101110001 11011111000 11011111001 110111001 1101001 110010 0010 0
Add n zeros after n-th one
Also removes input zeros.
000 - 00101001001 0010010 - 001001 0010011 - 11001001 001001 - 001101 0010101 - 0100101 0010111 - 1101001010011101 00101001101 - 001111 001110101 - 010011101 001110111 - 11010011101 0011101001101 - 001101 01001111 - 0011110 11001111 - 0011111 001111 - /
1011 0001011 001010010011011 0010111001001011 1101001010011101001001011 110100101001110100100111 1101001010011101110010011 110100101110100111010010011 110111010010100111010100111010010011 110111010010101001110100111010010011 110111010100101001110100111010010011 1101110101001010011101001110111001001 110111010100101001110111010011101001001 11011101010010111010011101010011101001001 11011101011101001010011101010011101010011101001001 11011101011101001010100111010011101010011101001001 11011101011101010010100111010011101010011101001001 11011101011101010010100111010100111010011101001001 11011101011101010010101001110100111010011101001001 11011101011101010100101001110100111010011101001001 11011101011101010100101001110100111010011101001101 1101110101110101010010100111010011101001101 110111010111010101001010011101001101 11011101011101010100101001101 110111010111010101001111 11011101011101010011110 1101110101110100111100 110111010111001111000 11011101010011111000 1101110100111101000 110111001111001000 11010011111001000 1100111101001000 001111101001000 101001000
Check if there is the same number of zeros and ones
0000 - 01000 0001 - 11000 000 - 0010 01110010 - 00110 11010010 - 00110 01010010 - 01001001 11110010 - 11001011 010010 - 00111 110010 - 00111 0010 - 1 0011001 - 0100110 0011011 - 1100110 00110 - 0010 001110 - 00111 001111 - 00111 00111 - 0
1011 0001011 11000011 110100011 1101110001 11011111000 110111110010 110111001011 110011011 111100110 11110010 11001011 0011111 001111 00111 0
Check if the input is a palindrome
0000 - 01000 0001 - 11000 000 - 0010 01010010 - 01001001 01110010 - 11001001 11010010 - 01001011 11110010 - 11001011 01001001 - 00110 11001011 - 00110 01001011 - 00111 11001001 - 00111 010010 - 1 110010 - 1 0010 - 1 0011001 - 0100110 0011011 - 1100110 00110 - 0010 001110 - 00111 001111 - 00111 00111 - 0
1011 0001011 11000011 110100011 1101110001 11011111000 110111110010 110111001011 111100100111 110010110111 001100111 010011011 011100110 01110010 11001001 00111 0
Truth machine
0001 - 10001 0000 - 0