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Nebulang is designed by PSTF and his ChatGPT.



In Nebulang, variables are represented as quantum states. Each variable can exist in a superposition of states, allowing for parallel computation and non-deterministic behavior.


Instead of traditional loops, Nebulang uses cosmic loops that can iterate in multiple dimensions simultaneously. This means that the flow of control can move not only forward and backward but also sideways, diagonally, and even through time.


Input and output operations in Nebulang involve communicating with celestial bodies. For example, to read user input, the programmer must send a signal to a specified star and interpret the cosmic response.


Functions in Nebulang are not defined in the conventional sense. Instead, they are conjured through a ritualistic process involving incantations and celestial alignments. The behavior of these functions can be influenced by cosmic phenomena.


Nebulang's syntax is deliberately obfuscated, using symbols and glyphs inspired by ancient scripts, constellations, and abstract art. This makes the code visually striking but challenging to comprehend.

Control structure

Nebulang features control structures that exploit quantum entanglement. This allows for interdependent branches of code that can influence each other's execution in non-intuitive ways.

Error Handle

Error handling in Nebulang involves invoking mystical rituals to appease the programming spirits. Unhandled errors might result in unforeseen cosmic consequences.


Despite its eccentricities, Nebulang is designed to be Turing-complete, allowing for the implementation of complex algorithms and computations. However, programming in Nebulang requires a deep understanding of quantum mechanics, celestial navigation, and a willingness to embrace the enigmatic nature of the universe.


Hello, world!

Source code

⨌∞:∇ↄ⊕☿⟡☽∴"Hello, world!"✧


In this representation:

  • The symbol ⨌∞ represents the cosmic invocation operator, which is used to initiate a communication with the cosmic realm.
  • The symbol ∇ↄ⊕☿⟡☽∴ represents the celestial transmission channel, through which the message "Hello, world!" is transmitted to the universe.
  • The symbol "Hello, world!"✧ signifies the message to be transmitted.

When this code is executed, the program initiates a cosmic invocation, establishes a connection with the specified celestial transmission channel, and transmits the message "Hello, world!" to the cosmos. The cosmic forces then echo this message back to the programmer, resulting in the desired output.(Is the ChatGPT means let all humans even all aliens hear the sound of "Hello, world!"?)

Please note that this is a symbolic representation, and the actual process of printing "Hello, world!" in Nebulang would involve a deep understanding of celestial mechanics, quantum communication, and the esoteric rituals specific to the language.