Near-Brainfuck is not an example of near turing machines, but instead user:tommyaweosmes take at trying to understand it.
+ - < > } face near-pointer to right | face near-pointer to middle { face near-pointer to left . , [ ]
the near-pointer follows the pointer.
in its right, position, all +-.,[] commands apply to the cell to the pointers direct right.
}+ on this case:
0156 ^
would result in this:
0157 ^ ^
the second row is the near-pointer, and it always stays in the same place relative to the regular pointer.
doing } will do it to the right, | will align it to the center, and { will do it to the left.
i believe you understand but here is a table anyways:
{ : 123 ^ ^ | : 123 ^ ^ } : 123 ^ ^
ascii loop
as with tradition, i will show an ascii loop using at least one of the new features:
this abuses the near-pointer to point at an always-1 value to loop, while pointing back to the always-increasing value to print.
therefore, unlike some of my other ascii loops, this prints infinitely.
this CAN be recreated in brainfuck by this:
but its really not that fun and also everyones sick and tired of seeing the same 8 god-damn symbols over and over