NDBall Extended

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NDBall Extended is an esoteric programming language by User:Xi-816. It is an extended version of NDBall, with more instructions.

N-Dimensional Grid

NDBall Extended uses N-Dimensional Grid like NDBall, and uses 5x5...x5x5 grid. But it is written like [0 1 0]. Also NDBall Extended uses Stack.


Command Description
n: Set the direction to the dimension n forward
n; Set the direction to the dimension n backward
? n a: b: Pop the value from the stack, if it's equal to n, go to dimension a, else to dimension b
+ Add two numbers
- Subtract two numbers
× Multiply two numbers
÷ Divide two numbers
v Print the value from the stack as integer
^ Print the value from the stack as a Unicode character
~ Number input
% Pop
* Duplicate
$ Swap
E End the program
! Get the ball's value, and push it to the stack
¡ Pop the value from the stack, and set the ball's value to it
& Increment ball's value
x Decrement ball's value


Print the letter "A"

[0] 1:
[1] &
[2] ? 65 1: 1;
[3] ^
[4] E


[0] ~
[1] ? 1 2: 1:
[2] !
[3] v
[4] E
[1 1] &
[1 2] $
[1 3] v
[1 4] 2;