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Mutzerium also has standard libraries.

Math library

The Math standard library mainly supports some mathematical operations. Its module name is "math".

Trigonometric function

sin          | Get the sine value of a number. Measured in radian.
cos          | Get the cosine value of a number. Measured in radian.
tan          | Get the tangent value of a number. Measured in radian.
cot          | Get the cotangent value of a number. Measured in radian.
sec          | Get the secant value of a number. Measured in radian.
csc          | Get the cosecant value of a number. Measured in radian.
degree       | Convert to degree mode.
radian       | Convert to radian mode.
gradient     | Convert to gradient mode.

Inverse trigonometric functions

asin         | Get the arc-sine value of a number. Measured in radian. Value range: [-1, 1]
acos         | Get the arc-cosine value of a number. Measured in radian. Value range: [-1, 1]
atan         | Get the arc-tangent value of a number. Measured in radian. Value range: [-inf, inf]
acot         | Get the arc-cotangent value of a number. Measured in radian. Value range: [-inf, inf]
asec         | Get the arc-secant value of a number. Measured in radian. Value range: [-inf, -1]∪[1, inf]
acsc         | Get the arc-cosecant value of a number. Measured in radian. Value range: [-inf, -1]∪[1, inf]

Hyperbolic trigonometric functions

sinh         | Get the hyperbolic sine value of a number. Measured in radian.
cosh         | Get the hyperbolic cosine value of a number. Measured in radian.
tanh         | Get the hyperbolic tangent value of a number. Measured in radian.
coth         | Get the hyperbolic cotangent value of a number. Measured in radian.
sech         | Get the hyperbolic secant value of a number. Measured in radian.
csch         | Get the hyperbolic cosecant value of a number. Measured in radian.

Inversed hyperbolic trigonometric functions

asinh        | Get the arc hyperbolic sine value of a number. Measured in radian.
acosh        | Get the arc hyperbolic cosine value of a number. Measured in radian.
atanh        | Get the arc hyperbolic tangent value of a number. Measured in radian.
acoth        | Get the arc hyperbolic cotangent value of a number. Measured in radian.
asech        | Get the arc hyperbolic secant value of a number. Measured in radian.
acsch        | Get the arc hyperbolic cosecant value of a number. Measured in radian.

Arithmetical stuff

gcd          | Get the greatest common divisor of x and y.
lcm          | Get x×y/gcd(x, y).
gamma        | Get the gamma function at x.
factorial    | Get the factorial of x.
sgn          | Get the sign of x. Returns 1, 0, or -1.
abs          | Get the absolute value of x. If x is complex, then return its mod, 
             | that is, the distance of point (Re(x), Im(x)) and point (0, 0).
arrangement  | Return n!/(n-m)!.
combination  | Return n!/m!(n-m)!.

System control

Its module name is "sys".

This section is still a work in progress. It may be changed in the future.