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Movielength is a language where every command is a video (video includes sound). If a color channel of a pixel in one frame of a program is off, even by 1, the program wipes all memory from the computer other than the running Movielength and then bricks your computer. If it fails to do this, it will instead download all of the illegal content it can find and shares it with all your contacts. Despite this, Movielength isn't that dangerous, as any computer with any antivirus at all will stop it from gettting on your computer. Movielength, pronounced exactly the same & lowercased mid-sentence, does not have this threat and will instead crash, and thus is downloadable & safe.

Commands & workings

Movielength is similar to brainfuck, exept it takes place in infinite dimensions, each cell can hold any complex number, and each cell starts with 1:

Video Action Text notation
Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley Go foreward n
The Bee Movie from Dreamworks Animation Go backward b
A Couple of Tungsten Cube Reviews by Jeaney Collects Go up* a dimension t
Any Minecraft Let's-Play video Go down* a dimension m
10 Hours of Silence by anyone Increase by the cell from behind s
Baby Shark (the famous YT one) Multiply by i & subtract 1 from magnitude** f
Any video with multiple trampolines and sad music Jump to place in code corresponding with selected cell's rounded magnitude w
Any video with a single trampoline and sad music Get number from user if on real number, else print real component v

*More like rotation becuase of nonpositive dimensions, **Negative magnitudes can happen, in which case increase phase by pi & make magnitude positive.

The text notation is not legal code, but it has to be used in this text-based page to say anything.