MarkupLang is made by Mihai Popa.
MarkupLang is a simple markup language.
It's designed to be as simple as possible, while still having a lot of features.
Syntax is somewhat similar to AsciiDoc and Markdown.
Basic Formatting
To make some text bold, use 2 pluses at both ends, like this:
++Bolded text!++
Rendered as:
Bolded text!
To italicize some text, use 2 slashes at both ends, like this:
//Italicized text!//
Rendered as:
Italicized text!
To underline some text, use 2 underscores at both ends, like this:
__Underlined text!__
Rendered as:
Underlined text!
To cross out some text, use 2 minuses or tildes at both ends, like this:
--Mario Kart 11!-- ~~Oops, this is wrong!~~ Mario Kart 8!
Rendered as:
Mario Kart 11! Oops, this is wrong! Mario Kart 8!
Subscript and superscript
To put some text in superscript, use a star at both ends, like this:
*Superscript text! Text that is higher than normally done*
Rendered as:
Superscript text! Text that is higher than normally done
But to put some text in subscript, use a underscore instead, like this:
_Subscript text! Text that is lower than normally done_
Rendered as:
Subscript text! Text that is lower than normally done
Inline code
To put inline code in your text, put a backtick at both ends, like this:
To print "Hello, world!" in Python, use this: `print("Hello, world!")`
Rendered as:
To print "Hello, world!" in Python, use this: print("Hello, world!")
Standard Formatting
Code Blocks
To make a code block, wrap the second and last lines in 4 tildes. If you want syntax highlighting, put the language after the first set of tildes, like this:
To print "Hello, world!" in Batch, use this piece of code: ~~~~dos @echo off echo Hello, world! pause >nul ~~~~
Rendered as (without syntax highlighting):
To print "Hello, world!" in Batch, use this piece of code:
@echo off echo Hello, world! pause >nul
To make a link, put the URL, then wrap the link text in backticks, like this:
Wow, this link is so nice. Don't click on the link below! Why? It's a Rickroll! Here you go!`Rickroll`
Rendered as:
Wow, this link is so nice.
Don't click on the link below! Why?
It's a Rickroll!
Here you go! Rickroll
To put a image, put a colon, then "image", "photo" or "picture", then a colon, then the URL, then wrap the alt text in backticks, if you want, put a pipe, then the resolution by a number and "p" in the backticks, like this:
Here's a image: :image:`PIX's official logo|120p`
Rendered as:
Videos and audios are similarly defined, "audio", "music" or "sound" for audio files and "video" or "movie" for video files.
To make headers, put from 1 to 6 dollar signs then the text, like this:
$ Level 1 Header $$ Level 2 Header $$$ Level 3 Header $$$$ Level 4 Header $$$$$ Level 5 Header $$$$$$ Level 6 Header
To make blockquotes, put a double quote or a greater-than sign then the text, like this:
" Why? Of course, you can //format// and ++enhance++ your quotes! " > Markdown!
Rendered as:
Why? Of course, you can format and enhance your quotes!
More of this adjusts the nesting level.
" Oh wow, you're so nice! "" Bla bla bla... """ Another one. """ >>> Even another one. >> Wow! > Bye bye!
Rendered as:
Oh wow, you're so nice!
Bla bla bla...
Another one.
Even another one.
Bye bye!
Advanced Syntax
To make a paragraph, put a blank line to separate one or more lines of text, like this:
Hello and welcome back to this video! We show how to learn MarkupLang, a markup language. And another paragraph goes here. Put a paragraph in between those paragraphs.
Rendered as:
Hello and welcome back to this video!
We show how to learn MarkupLang, a markup language.
And another paragraph goes here.
Put a paragraph in between those paragraphs.
To make a unordered list, use a star, a plus or a minus sign, then the text, like this:
* Eggs * Flour * Cool thing
Rendered as:
- Eggs
- Flour
- Cool thing
But to make a ordered list, use a number and a dot or a hash sign, then the text, like this:
1. First thing 2. Second thing 3. Third thing
Rendered as:
- First thing
- Second thing
- Third thing
You can even nest lists by putting 2 spaces before the first sign for each nesting level:
1. First thing 2. Second thing 1. Nested thing * I got you * This is example 2. Second list 3. Third thing 4. Other thing
To make a table, make the header with a pipe for each column, including at start and end. Then still a pipe for each column, but all are composed of tildes for the text. Put the text in the cells. If you want, at the top, put a line with 2 brackets at start and end and write the caption text (this is optional), like this:
[ My First Table that good ] | Hello, | world! | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | My first | Bad Thing | | That is | Trash! | | How to do | This Table? |
Rendered as:
Hello, | world! |
My first | Bad Thing |
That is | Trash! |
How to do | This Table? |
More Syntax
I will post more syntax examples in MarkupLang/More Syntax but later.
Extra Options
Syntax Highlighting Languages
- This is still a work in progress. It may be changed in the future.
Use this | To get syntax highlighting in |
x86 , asm , assembly or x86asm |
x86 Assembly |
ada |
Ada |
bas or basic |
bat , batch , dos , win or windows |
Batch |
sh , bash or unix |
Bash |
c |
C |
c++ or cpp |
C++ |
c# or cs |
C# |
d |
D |
f# or fs |
F# |
go or golang |
Go |
htm or html |
java |
Java |
js or javascript |
JavaScript |
json |
julia |
Julia |
kotlin |
Kotlin |
lua |
Lua |
pl or perl |
Perl |
php |
py or python |
Python |
r |
R |
pl6 , perl6 or raku |
Raku |
rb or ruby |
Ruby |
scala |
Scala |
swift |
Swift |
xml |