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Markleft is designed by PSTF, made for help human easier to note more things.


Markleft is Markup-like language, can document like Wiki pages(because it is based on Wiki-Markdown).

In PsiLine Universe, it is designed by Dmitry Slavoicca.


This section is still a work in progress. It may be changed in the future.


There are no paragraph tags in Markleft. You can indicate a wide line break by leaving a blank line between two lines, or by adding two spaces at the end of a line to indicate a narrow line break.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...

Show as:

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.  
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...

Show as:

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...

Basic font style


Bold a paragraph of text requires two apostrophes at both ends of the text.

''This is a bold text.''

Translate to HTML:

<b>This is a bold text.</b>

Shown as:

This is a bold text.


Changing a piece of text to italicize requires two dollar signs before and after the text.

$$This is an italic text.$$

Shown as:

This is an italic text.


To underline a piece of text, you need to add two underscores at each end.

__This is an underlined text.__

Shown as:

This is an underlined text.


To cross out a piece of text, you need to add two diaphragms at each end.

~~This text is incorrect.~~

Shown as: This text is incorrect.


To render a piece of text in the style of code, you need to add a horizontally flipped apostrophe at both ends of the text, two or three, as long as they are on the same line.

This code will return 8 if C is 1: `++C += (C++ + ++C);`

Shown as:

This code will return 8 if C is 1: ++C += (C++ + ++C);

Code paragraph

Rendering a large block of text into code requires adding three horizontally flipped apostrophes to each of the first and second lines. To syntax highlight a piece of code, you need to add syntax to the first line of the corresponding programming language (such as, C++ is cpp, Python is python, JavaScript is js, and so on).

using namespace std;
int main()
	cout << "1234" << endl;
	return 0;

It needs shown as like code in Markdown, but here is not to display because it is too hard to display that.


The title text is usually rendered by a prefix hashtag. The number of pounds is the number of level titles.

Intersperse HTML segments in your document

To intersperse HTML segment, you needs htmlseg tag.

Intersperse JavaScript scripts in your document

To intersperse JS scripts, you needs js tag. This means Markleft is Turing-complete.

Categories and References