MagiStack is a stack-based esoteric programming language created by Katrina Scialdone. It is based loosely on Unefunge (a one-dimensional offshoot of Befunge) and uses some similar or identical commands. It is no longer in development as of version 1.2.
In MagiStack, each character is a command. Any unrecognized characters are ignored. Line breaks and tabs are stripped from the program before execution.
Commands may be clarified in this table by parenthesized pseudocode; each value used from the stack used will be represented by a letter, starting from "a".
Command | Version Added | Description |
v1.0 | Pushes the number's value to the stack |
v1.0 | Pops the top two values from the stack and pushes the sum (a+b) |
v1.0 | Pops the top two values from the stack and pushes the difference (b-a) |
v1.0 | Pops the top two values from the stack and pushes the product (a*b) |
v1.0 | Pops the top two values from the stack and pushes the quotient (b/a) |
v1.0 | Pops the top two values from the stack and pushes the remainder (b%a) |
v1.0 | Pops the top value from the stack and pushes the inverse (!a>0) |
v1.0 | Pops the top two values from the stack and pushes whether (b>a) |
v1.0 | Duplicates the top value from the stack |
v1.0 | Swaps the top two values from the stack |
v1.0 | Pops the top value from the stack and discards it |
v1.0 | Pops the top value from the stack and outputs it as an integer |
v1.0 | Pops the top value from the stack and outputs it as the ASCII character its value represents (in range 0-127) |
v1.0 | Pops the top two values from the stack and skips the next character (Note: includes non-command characters! Be careful!) if they are not equal |
v1.0 | Skips forward to the next occurence of #, |, or ], or the end of the program |
v1.0 | Skips backward to the last occurence of @, |, or ], or the beginning of the program |
v1.0 | Terminates forward skipping (Note: # can be used, but it risks starting an unintended skip, especially with conditionals; | can be used, but is not direction-dependent) |
v1.0 | Terminates backward skipping (Note: @ can be used, but it risks starting an unintended skip, especially with conditionals; | can be used, but is not direction-dependent) |
v1.0 | Terminates skipping in either direction (Note: see #, @, [, and ] to see other options and direction-dependency) |
v1.1 | Pushes the size of the stack onto the stack (i.e. [3,2,1] -> [3,2,1,3]) |
v1.1 | Waits for input, then pushes it onto the stack as a signed integer (pushes 0 on invalid input) |
v1.1 | Waits for input, then pushes it onto the stack as ASCII values (pushes each character separately) |
v1.1 | Exits the program |
v1.2 | Enters string mode until the next occurrence of "; while in string mode, each character will be pushed as an ASCII value |
v1.2 | Pops an integer from the stack and pushes each digit in it as an ASCII value |
v1.2 | Skips to the final occurrence of |, or to the end of the program |
v1.2 | Skips to the first occurrence of |, or to the start of the program |
v1.2 | Reverses the stack (i.e. [3,2,1] -> [1,2,3]) |
v1.2 | Pops the bottom value off the stack and pushes it on top (i.e. [3,2,1] -> [2,1,3]) |
Computational class
As MagiStack's memory is only limited by its implementation (rather than by the language itself), it is possible that it is Turing-complete. However, versions up to v1.1 have been proven to almost certainly not be Turing-complete, and beyond that have not been definitively proven or disproven.
Note that these example programs may not be the most efficient implementation possible (and probably aren't).
Hello, world!
"Hello, world!"~|,?0=#@
99 bottles of beer
91+:*|1-:{" bottle"~:~;1=#"s"|" of beer on the wall,"91+~:~;{" bottle"~:~;1=#"s"|" of beer,"91+"Take one down, pass it around,"91+~:~;1-:0=#{#$"No more"|" bottle"~:~;1-1=#"s"|" of beer on the wall."91+:;~|,?1=#@|:1=#<
Raw version (no input prompt, number is hardcoded at beginning of program):
Cat program